# PgHero for Rails Add this line to your application’s Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'pghero' ``` And mount the dashboard in your `config/routes.rb`: ```ruby mount PgHero::Engine, at: "pghero" ``` Be sure to [secure the dashboard](#security) in production. ### Suggested Indexes PgHero can suggest indexes to add. To enable, add to your Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'pg_query', '>= 0.9.0' ``` and make sure [query stats](#query-stats) are enabled. Read about how it works [here](Suggested-Indexes.md). ## Security #### Basic Authentication Set the following variables in your environment or an initializer. ```ruby ENV["PGHERO_USERNAME"] = "link" ENV["PGHERO_PASSWORD"] = "hyrule" ``` #### Devise ```ruby authenticate :user, -> (user) { user.admin? } do mount PgHero::Engine, at: "pghero" end ``` ## Query Stats Query stats can be enabled from the dashboard. If you run into issues, [view the guide](Query-Stats.md). ## Historical Query Stats To track query stats over time, run: ```sh rails generate pghero:query_stats rake db:migrate ``` And schedule the task below to run every 5 minutes. ```sh rake pghero:capture_query_stats ``` Or with a scheduler like Clockwork, use: ```ruby PgHero.capture_query_stats ``` After this, a time range slider will appear on the Queries tab. By default, query stats are stored in your app’s database. Change this with: ```ruby ENV["PGHERO_STATS_DATABASE_URL"] ``` ## Historical Space Stats To track space stats over time, run: ```sh rails generate pghero:space_stats rake db:migrate ``` And schedule the task below to run once a day. ```sh rake pghero:capture_space_stats ``` Or with a scheduler like Clockwork, use: ```ruby PgHero.capture_space_stats ``` ## System Stats CPU usage, IOPS, and other stats are available for Amazon RDS. Add these lines to your application’s Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'aws-sdk' ``` And add these variables to your environment: ```sh PGHERO_ACCESS_KEY_ID=accesskey123 PGHERO_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret123 PGHERO_DB_INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER=epona ``` ## Multiple Databases Create `config/pghero.yml` with: ```yml databases: primary: url: <%= ENV["PGHERO_DATABASE_URL"] %> replica: url: <%= ENV["REPLICA_DATABASE_URL"] %> ``` ## Customize Minimum time for long running queries ```ruby PgHero.long_running_query_sec = 60 # default ``` Minimum average time for slow queries ```ruby PgHero.slow_query_ms = 20 # default ``` Minimum calls for slow queries ```ruby PgHero.slow_query_calls = 100 # default ``` Minimum connections for high connections warning ```ruby PgHero.total_connections_threshold = 100 # default ``` ## Methods Insights ```ruby PgHero.running_queries PgHero.long_running_queries PgHero.index_usage PgHero.invalid_indexes PgHero.missing_indexes PgHero.unused_indexes PgHero.unused_tables PgHero.database_size PgHero.relation_sizes PgHero.index_hit_rate PgHero.table_hit_rate PgHero.total_connections PgHero.locks ``` Kill queries ```ruby PgHero.kill(pid) PgHero.kill_long_running_queries PgHero.kill_all ``` Query stats ```ruby PgHero.query_stats_enabled? PgHero.enable_query_stats PgHero.disable_query_stats PgHero.reset_query_stats PgHero.query_stats PgHero.slow_queries ``` Suggested indexes ```ruby PgHero.suggested_indexes PgHero.best_index(query) ``` Security ```ruby PgHero.ssl_used? ``` Replication ```ruby PgHero.replica? PgHero.replication_lag ``` If you have multiple databases, specify a database with: ```ruby PgHero.databases["db2"].running_queries ``` ## Users **Note:** It’s unsafe to pass user input to these commands. Create a user ```ruby PgHero.create_user("link") # {password: "zbTrNHk2tvMgNabFgCo0ws7T"} ``` This generates and returns a secure password. The user has full access to the `public` schema. Read-only access ```ruby PgHero.create_user("epona", readonly: true) ``` Set the password ```ruby PgHero.create_user("zelda", password: "hyrule") ``` Grant access to only certain tables ```ruby PgHero.create_user("navi", tables: ["triforce"]) ``` Drop a user ```ruby PgHero.drop_user("ganondorf") ``` ## Upgrading ### 2.0.0 New features - Query details page Breaking changes - Methods now return symbols for keys instead of strings - Methods raise `PgHero::NotEnabled` error when a feature isn’t enabled - Requires pg_query 0.9.0+ for suggested indexes - Historical query stats require the `pghero_query_stats` table to have `query_hash` and `user` columns - Removed `with` option - use: ```ruby PgHero.databases[:database2].running_queries ``` instead of ```ruby PgHero.with(:database2) { PgHero.running_queries } ``` - Removed options from `connection_sources` method - Removed `locks` method ### 1.5.0 For query stats grouping by user, create a migration with: ```ruby add_column :pghero_query_stats, :user, :text ``` ### 1.3.0 For better query stats grouping with Postgres 9.4+, create a migration with: ```ruby add_column :pghero_query_stats, :query_hash, :integer, limit: 8 ``` If you get an error with `queryid`, recreate the `pg_stat_statements` extension. ```sql DROP EXTENSION pg_stat_statements; CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements; ``` ## Bonus - See where queries come from with [Marginalia](https://github.com/basecamp/marginalia) - comments appear on the Live Queries tab. - Get weekly news and articles with [Postgres Weekly](http://postgresweekly.com) - Optimize your configuration with [PgTune](http://pgtune.leopard.in.ua) and [pgBench](http://www.postgresql.org/docs/devel/static/pgbench.html)