require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper.rb' require 'date' class TestCalendar < Test::Unit::TestCase include Icalendar # Generate a calendar using the raw api, and then spit it out # as a string. Parse the string and make sure everything matches up. def test_raw_generation # Create a fresh calendar cal = cal.calscale = "GREGORIAN" cal.version = "3.2" cal.prodid = "test-prodid" # Now generate the string and then parse it so we can verify # that everything was set, generated and parsed correctly. calString = cal.to_ical cals = cal2 = cals.first assert_equal("GREGORIAN", cal2.calscale) assert_equal("3.2", cal2.version) assert_equal("test-prodid", cal2.prodid) end def test_block_creation cal = cal.event do self.dtend = "19970903T190000Z" self.summary = "This is my summary" end event = cal.event event.dtend "19970903T190000Z", {:TZID => "Europe/Copenhagen"} event.summary "This is my summary" do |ev| assert_equal("19970903T190000Z", ev.dtend) assert_equal("This is my summary", ev.summary) end end def test_block_creation_with_timezone cal = event_start = 1997, 9, 3, 19, 0, 0 tz = TZInfo::Timezone.get "Europe/Copenhagen" timezone = tz.ical_timezone event_start cal.add timezone cal.event do dtstart event_start dtend "19970903T190000Z" summary "This is my summary" end do |ev| assert_equal(event_start, ev.dtstart) assert_equal("19970903T190000Z", ev.dtend) end end def test_create_multiple_event_calendar # Create a fresh calendar Timecop.freeze, 12, 26, 5, 0, 0, '+0000') cal = [1,2,3].each do |t| cal.event do self.dtend = "1997090#{t}T190000Z" self.summary = "This is summary #{t}" end end [1,2,3].each do |t| cal.todo do self.summary = "test #{t} todo" end end expected_no_uid = <<-EXPECTED.gsub("\n", "\r\n") BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:19970901T190000Z DTSTAMP:20131226T050000Z SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:This is summary 1 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:19970902T190000Z DTSTAMP:20131226T050000Z SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:This is summary 2 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:19970903T190000Z DTSTAMP:20131226T050000Z SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:This is summary 3 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VTODO DTSTAMP:20131226T050000Z SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:test 1 todo END:VTODO BEGIN:VTODO DTSTAMP:20131226T050000Z SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:test 2 todo END:VTODO BEGIN:VTODO DTSTAMP:20131226T050000Z SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:test 3 todo END:VTODO END:VCALENDAR EXPECTED actual_no_uid = cal.to_ical.gsub /^UID:.*\r\n(?: .*\r\n)*/, '' Timecop.return assert_equal expected_no_uid, actual_no_uid end def test_find cal = # add some events so we actually have to search 10.times do cal.event cal.todo cal.journal cal.freebusy end event =[5] assert_equal(event, cal.find_event(event.uid)) todo = cal.todos[5] assert_equal(todo, cal.find_todo(todo.uid)) journal = cal.journals[5] assert_equal(journal, cal.find_journal(journal.uid)) freebusy = cal.freebusys[5] assert_equal(freebusy, cal.find_freebusy(freebusy.uid)) end def test_set_and_get_proprietary_attributes cal = cal.x_wr_name = 'Icalendar Calendar' calString = cal.to_ical cals = cal2 = cals.first assert_equal(["Icalendar Calendar"], cal2.x_wr_name) end def test_respond_to_proprietary_attributes cal = assert_respond_to(cal, 'x_wr_name=') end end