# frozen_string_literal: true require "base64" source "https://rubygems.org" ruby "3.2.2" source "https://O6Ts9-SVDaUZpHMRs2CpJp22RwbETDE@gems.neeto.com" do # Permanent deletion of organization and all its related models gem "neeto-org-incineration-engine" # Adds prefix to subject in emails gem "neeto-email-prefixer" # Configure SSO with neetoAuth gem "neeto-sso" # neeto_emails gem for email templating gem "neeto-emails" # neeto_commons_backend gem for methods and modules that are used across all neeto products. gem "neeto-commons-backend" # A light gem for superadmin interface gem "neeto-area51-engine" # Rails engine that serves team-members module for all Neeto apps gem "neeto-team-members-engine" # Rails engine that serves payments module for all Neeto apps gem "neeto-payments-engine" # For notifications gem "neeto-notifications-engine" # Rails engine that generates migrations, provide models and helpers for adding tags gem "neeto-tags-engine" # Rails engine that provides helpers to filter records. gem "neeto-filters-engine" # Rails engine that generates migrations, provide models and helpers for managing custom domains gem "neeto-custom-domains-engine" # Intercepts outgoing emails in non-production environment gem "neeto-mail-interceptor" end gem "autoprefixer-rails" gem "rails", "" gem "dotenv-rails" # Related to AssetPipeline gem "uglifier" gem "shakapacker", "6.5.2" # To use AWS S3 as backend for ActiveStorage gem "aws-sdk-s3", require: false # database gem "pg" # JSON builder gem "jbuilder" # Authentication gem "devise" # Google Authentication gem "omniauth-google-oauth2", "0.8.1" # Background jobs gem "sidekiq", "7.0.8" # For periodic jobs on sidekiq gem "sidekiq-cron" # For seeing failed jobs in sidekiq gem "sidekiq-failures" # Error tracking gem "honeybadger" # Application server gem "puma" # Authorization gem "pundit" # convert email css to inline gem "premailer-rails" # Rails request timeout, needed if running on Heroku- # https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/request-timeout gem "rack-timeout", require: "rack/timeout/base" # Rack attack gem for DDOS attacks gem "rack-attack" # Faster env load times gem "bootsnap" # For cache store # Upgrade once Sidekiq has been upgraded from 6.5.5 and deprecation warnings are gone. https://snipboard.io/PuDU4G.jpg gem "redis", "4.7.1" # Memcached store adapter gem "dalli" # Generate fake data gem "faker" # I18n Internationalization gem "rails-i18n" # To inject React components in views and pass props from server gem "react-rails" # To add soft delete option to ActiveRecord gem "paranoia" # Pagination gem "kaminari", "~> 1.2" # Application Perfomance Monitoring gem "newrelic_rpm" # Image processing gem "mini_magick" # Email previews for Actionmailer gem "rails_email_preview" # Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for Rack compatible web applications # Locked to this version to fix the double headers issue. Ref: https://github.com/bigbinary/neeto-auth-web/pull/2759 gem "rack-cors", "1.1.1", require: "rack/cors" # ActiveRecord Session Store gem "activerecord-session_store" # To fix uninitialized constant Mail::TestMailer with ruby 3.1.2 gem "net-smtp" # to send email gem "net-imap" # for rspec gem "net-pop" # for rspec # Catch unsafe migrations in development gem "strong_migrations" group :development do # Access an IRB console on exception pages or by using <%= console %> anywhere in the code. gem "web-console" # A Ruby static code analyzer, based on the community Ruby style guide gem "rubocop", require: false gem "rubocop-minitest" # A RuboCop extension focused on enforcing Rails best practices and coding conventions. gem "rubocop-rails", require: false # For linting ERB files gem "erb_lint", require: false, git: "https://github.com/Shopify/erb-lint.git", branch: "main" # Patch-level verification for Bundler. gem "bundler-audit", require: false # vulnerabity checker for Ruby itself. gem "ruby_audit", require: false gem "rack-mini-profiler" # For checkking security vulnerabilities gem "brakeman" end group :development, :heroku do # For testing the mail locally gem "letter_opener" # For testing the emails in the browser, works with `letter_opener` gem "letter_opener_web", "~> 2.0" end group :development, :test do # To replace using fixures gem "factory_bot_rails" # reports N+1 queries gem "bullet" gem "awesome_print" # Adds step-by-step debugging and stack navigation capabilities to pry using byebug. # supports both syntax - pry and byebug gem "pry-byebug" source "https://O6Ts9-SVDaUZpHMRs2CpJp22RwbETDE@gems.neeto.com" do gem "neeto-compliance" end gem "wkhtmltopdf-binary" # Complete suite of testing facilities gem "minitest" end group :test do # Test coverage gem "simplecov", require: false # for stubbing and setting expectations on HTTP requests gem "webmock" # To mock and stub objects in tests gem "mocha" gem "minitest-reporters" # Records test results and generates XML files. gem "minitest-ci" # helps you isolate and debug random test failures. gem "minitest-bisect" end group :development, :staging, :heroku, :test do gem "database_cleaner" end group :production do # This gem works together with the Judoscale Heroku add-on # to automatically scale web and worker dynos gem "judoscale-rails", "1.3.1" gem "judoscale-sidekiq" end