require 'rbcurse/experimental/widgets/rscrollform' require 'fileutils' # See tabbed pane, and add_cols nad add_rows, on_entr and set_form_row to see cursor issue # remove main form # don't make a widget just an object # let it create own form. # NOTE: experimental, not yet firmed up # If you use in application, please copy to some application folder in case i change this. # Can be used for print_help_page # SUGGESTIONS WELCOME. # @since 1.4.1 module RubyCurses class ResultsetBrowser #< Widget #include EventHandler include ConfigSetup include RubyCurses::Utils #dsl_property :xxx # I don't think width is actually used, windows width matters. What of height ? # THATS WRONG , i cannot eat up window. I should use object dimentsion for pad, # not window dimensions dsl_accessor :row, :col, :height, :width dsl_accessor :should_print_border def initialize win, config={}, &block @should_print_border = true @v_window = win #form.window @window = @v_window @focusable = true @editable = true @old_index = @current_index = 0 @fields = nil config_setup config instance_eval &block if block_given? init_vars end def map_keys @v_form.bind_key(?\C-n) { @current_index += 1 if @current_index < @rows.count-1 } @v_form.bind_key(?\C-p) { @current_index -= 1 if @current_index > 0 } @mapped = true end def init_vars @row ||= 0 @col ||= 0 @height ||= 15 @width ||= 50 @field_offset = 14 # where actual Field should start (leaving space for label) @row_offset ||= 0 @col_offset ||= 1 @border_offset = 0 if @should_print_border @border_offset = 1 end @v_form = @v_window @v_form.display_h(@height-1-@border_offset*2) if @height @v_form.display_w(@width-1-@border_offset*2) if @width end def data=(rows) @rows = rows end def columns=(columns) @columns = columns h = @columns.count + 2 w = 150 #row = 1 #col = 1 row = @row + @border_offset col = @col + @border_offset @v_form.set_pad_dimensions(row, col, h, w) @v_form.should_print_border(false) # this should use dimensions of object not window. # 2011-10-12 15:48:14 # currently I don't have space for any buttons or anything. The form takes all space of the window # not of the object defined. # I should be able to tell Scrollform to use only thismuch of window. end def set_form_row f = @v_form.get_current_field f.set_form_row end def handle_key ch map_keys unless @mapped $log.debug "XXX: RB HK got ch " ret = @v_form.handle_key ch #set_form_row if ret == :UNHANDLED @v_form.process_key ch, self end repaint @v_window.wrefresh end def repaint @fields ||= _create_fields #alert "old #{@old_index} , #{@current_index} " if @old_index != @current_index #alert "index change" row = @rows[@current_index] @columns.each_with_index { |e, i| value = row[i] len = value.to_s.length type=@rows[0].types[i] if type == "TEXT" value = value.gsub(/\n/," ") if value end f = @fields[i] @fields[i].set_buffer(value) if f.display_length < len && len < (@width - @field_offset) @fields[i].display_length len end } @v_form.repaint @window.wrefresh Ncurses::Panel.update_panels @old_index = @current_index end end # maybe not required since we don't have 2 forms now def unused_on_enter if $current_key == KEY_BTAB c = @v_form.widgets.count-1 @v_form.select_field c else @v_form.select_field 0 end end private def _create_fields color = $datacolor if @should_print_border @v_window.print_border @row, @col, @height-1, @width, color #, Ncurses::A_REVERSE @row_offset += 1 @col_offset += 1 end $log.debug "XXX: ROWS#{@rows}" $log.debug "XXX: COLS#{@columns}" $log.debug "XXX: row#{@rows[@current_index]}" fields = [] r = @row + @row_offset # row was for where to print the total object, not this c = @col + @col_offset + @field_offset # 14 is to leave space for labels v_form = @v_form @columns.each_with_index { |e, index| #break if index >= @height-1 # create only as much space we have, SUCKS but just trying till be scroll #$log.debug "XXX: #{r} #{c} EACH #{e}, #{index}, #{@rows[@current_index][index]}" value=@rows[@current_index][index] type=@rows[0].types[index] if type == "TEXT" value = value.gsub(/\n/," ") if value end len = [value.to_s.length, (@width - @field_offset)].min f = v_form do name e row r col c bgcolor 'blue' highlight_background 'cyan' set_buffer value display_length len set_label v_form, {'text' => e, 'color'=>'cyan'} end fields << f r += 1 } @v_form.repaint @window.wrefresh Ncurses::Panel.update_panels #$log.debug "XXX: created fields " return fields end # ADD HERE end # class end # module module RubyCurses # a data viewer for viewing some text or filecontents # view filename, :close_key => KEY_RETURN # send data in an array # view Array, :close_key => KEY_RETURN, :layout => [0,0,23,80] # when passing layout reserve 4 rows for window and border. So for 2 lines of text # give 6 rows. class Browser def self.browse_sql dbname, tablename, sql, config={} #:yield: ??? raise "file not found" unless File.exist? dbname require 'sqlite3' db = columns, *rows = db.execute2(sql) #$log.debug "XXX COLUMNS #{sql} " content = rows return nil if content.nil? or content[0].nil? datatypes = content[0].types self.browse db, tablename, columns, rows, config end # @param filename as string or content as array # @yield textview object for further configuration before display # NOTE: i am experimentally yielding textview object so i could supress borders # just for kicks, but on can also bind_keys or events if one wanted. #def self.view what, config={} #:yield: textview def self.browse dbconn, tablename, columns, rows, config={} #:yield: ??? wt = 0 # top margin wl = 0 # left margin wh = Ncurses.LINES-wt-3 # height, goes to bottom of screen ww = Ncurses.COLS-wl-3 # width, goes to right end wt, wl, wh, ww = config[:layout] if config.has_key? :layout fp = config[:title] || "" pf = config.fetch(:print_footer, true) ta = config.fetch(:title_attrib, 'bold') fa = config.fetch(:footer_attrib, 'bold') wh = Ncurses.LINES-0 ww = Ncurses.COLS-0 layout = { :height => wh, :width => ww, :top => wt, :left => wl } #v_window = config[:window] # using previous window cause crash seg fault #v_window ||= # copywin gives -1 and prints nothing v_window = VER::Window.root_window v_window.printstring 0, 30, "Database Browser Demo", $datacolor @form = v_window # only for some widgets that are not editable header = app_header "rbcurse ", :text_center => "ResultsetBrowser Demo", :text_right =>"New Improved!", :color => :black, :bgcolor => :white, :attr => :bold sl = status_line :row => v_window.height == 0 ? Ncurses.LINES-1 : v.window.height-1 sl.command { "Record Navigation: C-n C-p. Scrolling M-n, M-p, M-l, M-h" } @form.repaint #rb = v_form, :row => 2, :col => 2 rb = v_window, :row => 2, :col => 2, :height => 20, :width => 95 rb.columns = columns = rows rb.repaint # yielding textview so you may further configure or bind keys or events begin #v_form.repaint v_window.wrefresh Ncurses::Panel.update_panels # allow closing using q and Ctrl-q in addition to any key specified # user should not need to specify key, since that becomes inconsistent across usages while((ch = v_window.getchar()) != ?\C-q.getbyte(0) ) break if ch == config[:close_key] rb.handle_key ch #v_form.handle_key ch end rescue => err $log.error err.to_s $log.error err.backtrace.join("\n") alert err.to_s ensure v_window.destroy if !v_window.nil? end end end # class end # module if __FILE__ == $PROGRAM_NAME require 'rbcurse/core/util/app' do header = app_header "rbcurse ", :text_center => "ResultsetBrowser Demo", :text_right =>"New Improved!", :color => :black, :bgcolor => :white, :attr => :bold message "Press F10 to exit from here" columns = ["Name","Age","City", "Country"] data = [ [ "Rahul",31, "Delhi","India"], [ "Dev",35, "Mumbai","India"], [ "Jobs",56, "L.A","U.S.A"], [ "Matz",40, "Tokyo","Nippon"] ] #RubyCurses::Browser.browse("dummy", "atable", columns, data, :close_key => FFI::NCurses::KEY_F10, :title => "Enter to close") do |t| sql = "select id, type, priority, title from bugs" sql = "select * from bugs" RubyCurses::Browser.browse_sql("../../../bugzy.sqlite", "bugs", sql, :close_key => FFI::NCurses::KEY_F10, :title => "Enter to close", :window => @window) do |t| # you may configure textview further here. #t.suppress_borders true #t.color = :black #t.bgcolor = :white # or #t.attr = :reverse end end # app end