# -*- rake -*- require 'uri' require 'tempfile' require 'rbconfig' require 'rake/clean' require 'rake/extensiontask' require 'rake/extensioncompiler' require 'ostruct' require_relative 'rakelib/task_extension' MISCDIR = BASEDIR + 'misc' NUM_CPUS = if File.exist?('/proc/cpuinfo') File.read('/proc/cpuinfo').scan('processor').length elsif RUBY_PLATFORM.include?( 'darwin' ) `system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep 'Cores' | awk '{print $5}'`.chomp else 1 end class CrossLibrary < OpenStruct include Rake::DSL prepend TaskExtension def initialize(for_platform, openssl_config, toolchain) super() self.for_platform = for_platform self.openssl_config = openssl_config self.host_platform = toolchain # Cross-compilation constants self.openssl_version = ENV['OPENSSL_VERSION'] || '3.0.8' self.postgresql_version = ENV['POSTGRESQL_VERSION'] || '15.2' # Check if symlinks work in the current working directory. # This fails, if rake-compiler-dock is running on a Windows box. begin FileUtils.rm_f '.test_symlink' FileUtils.ln_s '/', '.test_symlink' rescue NotImplementedError, SystemCallError # Symlinks don't work -> use home directory instead self.compile_home = Pathname( "~/.ruby-pg-build" ).expand_path else self.compile_home = Pathname( "./build" ).expand_path end self.static_sourcesdir = compile_home + 'sources' self.static_builddir = compile_home + 'builds' + for_platform CLOBBER.include( static_sourcesdir ) CLEAN.include( static_builddir ) # Static OpenSSL build vars self.static_openssl_builddir = static_builddir + "openssl-#{openssl_version}" self.openssl_source_uri = URI( "http://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-#{openssl_version}.tar.gz" ) self.openssl_tarball = static_sourcesdir + File.basename( openssl_source_uri.path ) self.openssl_makefile = static_openssl_builddir + 'Makefile' self.libssl = static_openssl_builddir + 'libssl.a' self.libcrypto = static_openssl_builddir + 'libcrypto.a' self.openssl_patches = Rake::FileList[ (MISCDIR + "openssl-#{openssl_version}.*.patch").to_s ] # Static PostgreSQL build vars self.static_postgresql_builddir = static_builddir + "postgresql-#{postgresql_version}" self.postgresql_source_uri = begin uristring = "http://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v%s/postgresql-%s.tar.bz2" % [ postgresql_version, postgresql_version ] URI( uristring ) end self.postgresql_tarball = static_sourcesdir + File.basename( postgresql_source_uri.path ) self.static_postgresql_srcdir = static_postgresql_builddir + 'src' self.static_postgresql_libdir = static_postgresql_srcdir + 'interfaces/libpq' self.static_postgresql_incdir = static_postgresql_srcdir + 'include' self.postgresql_global_makefile = static_postgresql_srcdir + 'Makefile.global' self.postgresql_shlib_makefile = static_postgresql_srcdir + 'Makefile.shlib' self.postgresql_shlib_mf_orig = static_postgresql_srcdir + 'Makefile.shlib.orig' self.postgresql_lib = static_postgresql_libdir + 'libpq.dll' self.postgresql_patches = Rake::FileList[ (MISCDIR + "postgresql-#{postgresql_version}.*.patch").to_s ] # clean intermediate files and folders CLEAN.include( static_builddir.to_s ) ##################################################################### ### C R O S S - C O M P I L A T I O N - T A S K S ##################################################################### directory static_sourcesdir.to_s # # Static OpenSSL build tasks # directory static_openssl_builddir.to_s # openssl source file should be stored there file openssl_tarball => static_sourcesdir do |t| download( openssl_source_uri, t.name ) end # Extract the openssl builds file static_openssl_builddir => openssl_tarball do |t| puts "extracting %s to %s" % [ openssl_tarball, static_openssl_builddir.parent ] static_openssl_builddir.mkpath run 'tar', '-xzf', openssl_tarball.to_s, '-C', static_openssl_builddir.parent.to_s openssl_makefile.unlink if openssl_makefile.exist? openssl_patches.each do |patchfile| puts " applying patch #{patchfile}..." run 'patch', '-Np1', '-d', static_openssl_builddir.to_s, '-i', File.expand_path( patchfile, BASEDIR ) end end self.cmd_prelude = [ "env", "CROSS_COMPILE=#{host_platform}-", "CFLAGS=-DDSO_WIN32", ] # generate the makefile in a clean build location file openssl_makefile => static_openssl_builddir do |t| chdir( static_openssl_builddir ) do cmd = cmd_prelude.dup cmd << "./Configure" << "-static" << openssl_config run( *cmd ) end end desc "compile static openssl libraries" task "openssl_libs:#{for_platform}" => [ libssl, libcrypto ] task "compile_static_openssl:#{for_platform}" => openssl_makefile do |t| chdir( static_openssl_builddir ) do cmd = cmd_prelude.dup cmd << 'make' << "-j#{NUM_CPUS}" << 'build_libs' run( *cmd ) end end desc "compile static #{libssl}" file libssl => "compile_static_openssl:#{for_platform}" desc "compile static #{libcrypto}" file libcrypto => "compile_static_openssl:#{for_platform}" # # Static PostgreSQL build tasks # directory static_postgresql_builddir.to_s # postgresql source file should be stored there file postgresql_tarball => static_sourcesdir do |t| download( postgresql_source_uri, t.name ) end # Extract the postgresql sources file static_postgresql_builddir => postgresql_tarball do |t| puts "extracting %s to %s" % [ postgresql_tarball, static_postgresql_builddir.parent ] static_postgresql_builddir.mkpath run 'tar', '-xjf', postgresql_tarball.to_s, '-C', static_postgresql_builddir.parent.to_s postgresql_patches.each do |patchfile| puts " applying patch #{patchfile}..." run 'patch', '-Np1', '-d', static_postgresql_builddir.to_s, '-i', File.expand_path( patchfile, BASEDIR ) end end # generate the makefile in a clean build location file postgresql_global_makefile => [ static_postgresql_builddir, "openssl_libs:#{for_platform}" ] do |t| options = [ "--target=#{host_platform}", "--host=#{host_platform}", '--with-openssl', '--without-zlib', ] chdir( static_postgresql_builddir ) do configure_path = static_postgresql_builddir + 'configure' cmd = [ configure_path.to_s, *options ] cmd << "CFLAGS=-L#{static_openssl_builddir}" cmd << "LDFLAGS=-L#{static_openssl_builddir}" cmd << "LDFLAGS_SL=-L#{static_openssl_builddir}" cmd << "LIBS=-lwsock32 -lgdi32 -lws2_32 -lcrypt32" cmd << "CPPFLAGS=-I#{static_openssl_builddir}/include" run( *cmd ) end end # make libpq.dll task postgresql_lib => [ postgresql_global_makefile ] do |t| # Work around missing dependency to libcommon in PostgreSQL-9.4.0 chdir( static_postgresql_srcdir + "common" ) do sh 'make', "-j#{NUM_CPUS}" end chdir( static_postgresql_srcdir + "port" ) do sh 'make', "-j#{NUM_CPUS}" end chdir( postgresql_lib.dirname ) do sh 'make', "-j#{NUM_CPUS}", postgresql_lib.basename.to_s, 'SHLIB_LINK=-lssl -lcrypto -lcrypt32 -lgdi32 -lsecur32 -lwsock32 -lws2_32' end end #desc 'compile libpg.a' task "native:#{for_platform}" => postgresql_lib # copy libpq.dll to lib dir dest_libpq = "lib/#{for_platform}/#{postgresql_lib.basename}" directory File.dirname(dest_libpq) file dest_libpq => [postgresql_lib, File.dirname(dest_libpq)] do cp postgresql_lib, dest_libpq end stage_libpq = "tmp/#{for_platform}/stage/#{dest_libpq}" directory File.dirname(stage_libpq) file stage_libpq => [postgresql_lib, File.dirname(stage_libpq)] do |t| cp postgresql_lib, stage_libpq end end def download(url, save_to) part = save_to+".part" sh "wget #{url.to_s.inspect} -O #{part.inspect} || curl #{url.to_s.inspect} -o #{part.inspect}" FileUtils.mv part, save_to end def run(*args) sh(*args) end end CrossLibraries = [ ['x64-mingw-ucrt', 'mingw64', 'x86_64-w64-mingw32'], ['x86-mingw32', 'mingw', 'i686-w64-mingw32'], ['x64-mingw32', 'mingw64', 'x86_64-w64-mingw32'], ].map do |platform, openssl_config, toolchain| CrossLibrary.new platform, openssl_config, toolchain end desc 'cross compile pg for win32' task :cross => [ :mingw32 ] task :mingw32 do # Use Rake::ExtensionCompiler helpers to find the proper host unless Rake::ExtensionCompiler.mingw_host then warn "You need to install mingw32 cross compile functionality to be able to continue." warn "Please refer to your distribution/package manager documentation about installation." fail end end task 'gem:windows:prepare' do require 'io/console' require 'rake_compiler_dock' # Copy gem signing key and certs to be accessible from the docker container mkdir_p 'build/gem' sh "cp ~/.gem/gem-*.pem build/gem/ || true" sh "bundle package" begin OpenSSL::PKey.read(File.read(File.expand_path("~/.gem/gem-private_key.pem")), ENV["GEM_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE"] || "") rescue OpenSSL::PKey::PKeyError ENV["GEM_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE"] = STDIN.getpass("Enter passphrase of gem signature key: ") retry end end CrossLibraries.each do |xlib| platform = xlib.for_platform desc "Build fat binary gem for platform #{platform}" task "gem:windows:#{platform}" => ['gem:windows:prepare', xlib.openssl_tarball, xlib.postgresql_tarball] do RakeCompilerDock.sh <<-EOT, platform: platform (cp build/gem/gem-*.pem ~/.gem/ || true) && bundle install --local && rake native:#{platform} pkg/#{$gem_spec.full_name}-#{platform}.gem MAKE="make -j`nproc`" RUBY_CC_VERSION=3.2.0:3.1.0:3.0.0:2.7.0:2.6.0:2.5.0 EOT end desc "Build the windows binary gems" multitask 'gem:windows' => "gem:windows:#{platform}" end