# TbpgrUtils TbpgrUtils is Utilities. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'tbpgr_utils' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install tbpgr_utils ## Usage ### List | class/module/method | mean | |:----------- |:------------ | |TbpgrUtils Array#together |loop all arrays by block | |TbpgrUtils Array#together_with_index |loop all arrays by block with index | |AttributesInitializable::ClassMethods.attr_accessor_init|generate attr_accessor + initializer | |AttributesInitializable::ClassMethods.attr_reader_init |generate attr_reader + initializer | |AttributesInitializable::ClassMethods.attr_writer init |generate attr_writer + initializer | |Ghostable module |help to create ghost method(dynamic method define by ussing method_missing + pattern-method-name)| |TbpgrUtils Kernel#bulk_define_methods |define methods to classes. methods have simple return value. | |TestToolbox Kernel#capture_stdout |capture STDOUT | |TestToolbox Kernel#dp_line |debug print line for print-debugging | |TbpgrUtils Kernel#print_eval |Print code + eval result | |TbpgrUtils Kernel#puts_eval |Puts code + eval result | |TbpgrUtils Kernel#bulk_puts_eval |Puts each-line-code + eval result | |TbpgrUtils Object#any_of? |if self match any one of items, return true | |TbpgrUtils Object#boolean? |data type check for boolean | |TbpgrUtils Object#my_methods |return public/protected/private self define methods | |TbpgrUtils Object#to_bool |syntax sugar of !!. convert [false, nil] => fasel, other => true. | |TbpgrUtils String#justify_table |justify pipe format table string | |Templatable module |get result from template + placeholder | |TemplateMethodable module |for Template Method Pattern | ### Array#together ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' alpha = %w{one two three} numbers = %w{1 2 3} [alpha, numbers].together do |first, second| print "#{first}:#{second}\n" # => output one:1, two:2, three:3 end ~~~ ### Array#together_with_index ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' alpha = %w{one two three} numbers = %w{1 2 3} [alpha, numbers].together_with_index do |first, second, index| print "#{index.to_s}:#{first}:#{second}\n" # => output 0:one:1, 1:two:2, 2:three:3 end ~~~ ### AttributesInitializable::ClassMethods.attr_accessor_init ~~~ruby require 'attributes_initializable' class AccessorSample include AttributesInitializable attr_accessor_init :atr1, :atr2 end atr_sample1 = AccessorSample.new :atr1 => 'atr1', :atr2 => 'atr2' p atr_sample1.atr1 # => atr1 p atr_sample1.atr2 # => atr2 atr_sample2 = AccessorSample.new do |a| a.atr1 = 'atr1' a.atr2 = 'atr2' end p atr_sample2.atr1 # => atr1 p atr_sample2.atr2 # => atr2 ~~~ same mean code is ~~~ruby class AccessorSample attr_accessor :atr1, :atr2 def initialize(values = nil, &block) return yield self if block @atr1 = values[:atr1] @atr2 = values[:atr2] end end atr_sample1 = AccessorSample.new :atr1 => 'atr1', :atr2 => 'atr2' p atr_sample1.atr1 # => atr1 p atr_sample1.atr2 # => atr2 atr_sample2 = AccessorSample.new do |a| a.atr1 = 'atr1' a.atr2 = 'atr2' end p atr_sample2.atr1 # => atr1 p atr_sample2.atr2 # => atr2 ~~~ ### AttributesInitializable::ClassMethods.attr_reader_init ~~~ruby require 'attributes_initializable' class AccessorSample include AttributesInitializable attr_reader_init :atr1, :atr2 end atr_sample1 = AccessorSample.new :atr1 => 'atr1', :atr2 => 'atr2' p atr_sample1.atr1 # => atr1 p atr_sample1.atr2 # => atr2 # can not use writer. # atr_sample2 = AccessorSample.new do |a| # a.atr1 = 'atr1' # a.atr2 = 'atr2' # end ~~~ same mean code is ~~~ruby class AccessorSample attr_reader :atr1, :atr2 def initialize(values = nil, &block) return yield self if block @atr1 = values[:atr1] @atr2 = values[:atr2] end end atr_sample1 = AccessorSample.new :atr1 => 'atr1', :atr2 => 'atr2' p atr_sample1.atr1 # => atr1 p atr_sample1.atr2 # => atr2 # can not use writer. # atr_sample2 = AccessorSample.new do |a| # a.atr1 = 'atr1' # a.atr2 = 'atr2' # end ~~~ ### AttributesInitializable::ClassMethods.attr_writer_init ~~~ruby require 'attributes_initializable' class AccessorSample include AttributesInitializable attr_writer_init :atr1, :atr2 end atr_sample1 = AccessorSample.new :atr1 => 'atr1', :atr2 => 'atr2' # can not use reader # p atr_sample1.atr1 # => atr1 # p atr_sample1.atr2 # => atr2 atr_sample1.instance_variable_get "@atr1" # => atr1 atr_sample1.instance_variable_get "@atr2" # => atr2 atr_sample2 = AccessorSample.new do |a| a.atr1 = 'atr1' a.atr2 = 'atr2' end # can not use reader # p atr_sample2.atr1 # => atr1 # p atr_sample2.atr2 # => atr2 atr_sample2.instance_variable_get "@atr1" # => atr1 atr_sample2.instance_variable_get "@atr2" # => atr2 ~~~ same mean code is ~~~ruby class AccessorSample attr_writer :atr1, :atr2 def initialize(values = nil, &block) return yield self if block @atr1 = values[:atr1] @atr2 = values[:atr2] end end atr_sample1 = AccessorSample.new :atr1 => 'atr1', :atr2 => 'atr2' # can not use reader # p atr_sample1.atr1 # => atr1 # p atr_sample1.atr2 # => atr2 atr_sample1.instance_variable_get "@atr1" # => atr1 atr_sample1.instance_variable_get "@atr2" # => atr2 atr_sample2 = AccessorSample.new do |a| a.atr1 = 'atr1' a.atr2 = 'atr2' end # can not use reader # p atr_sample2.atr1 # => atr1 # p atr_sample2.atr2 # => atr2 atr_sample2.instance_variable_get "@atr1" # => atr1 atr_sample2.instance_variable_get "@atr2" # => atr2 ~~~ ### Ghostable * include Ghostable * create ghost method by using Ghostable::ghost_method * ghost_method first_args = method_name_pattern * ghost_method second_args = method_base_name Symbol(using in Ghostable internal logic) * ghost_method third = block. this block is main logic. block can use args[method_name, *args, &block] sample ghost method define module. ~~~ruby require 'ghostable' module Checkable include Ghostable ghost_method /check_range_.*\?$/, :check_range do |method_name, *args, &block| method_name.to_s =~ /(check_range_)(\d+)(_to_)(\d*)/ from = $2.to_i to = $4.to_i value = args.first (from..to).include? value end ghost_method /^contain_.*\?$/, :check_contain do |method_name, *args, &block| method_name.to_s =~ /^(contain_)(.*)(\?)/ word = $2 value = args.first value.include? word end end ~~~ * use ghost method sample ghost method use class ~~~ruby class SampleChecker include Checkable end sample = SampleChecker.new sample.check_range_3_to_5?(4) # => return true sample.check_range_3_to_5?(6) # => return false sample.check_range_3_to_6?(6) # => return true sample.contain_hoge? "test_hoge_test" # => return true sample.contain_hoge? "test_hige_test" # => return false sample.contain_hige? "test_hige_test" # => return true ~~~ ### Kernel#capture_stdout capture STDOUT to String. This method can use in STDOUT contents test. ~~~ruby require 'test_toolbox' result = capture_stdout {puts "test"} # => "test" # no stdout case. return empty. result = capture_stdout {sleep 0.1} # => ""(empty) ~~~ ### Kernel#dp_line debug print line for print-debugging. ~~~ruby require 'test_toolbox' # default usage dp_line __LINE__ # output is following. yy = line no. # => --------------------|filename=|line=yy|--------------------\n # output with filename dp_line __LINE__, filename: __FILE__ # output is following. xx=filenamem, yy = line no. # => --------------------|filename=xx|line=yy|--------------------\n # output with specific line charactor. dp_line __LINE__, filename: __FILE__, char: '@' # output is following. xx=filenamem, yy = line no. # => @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|filename=xx|line=yy$|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n ~~~ ### Kernel#bulk_define_methods Define methods to classes. Methods have simple return value. ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' bulk_define_methods [NilClass, FalseClass], :blank?, true bulk_define_methods [TrueClass, Numeric], "blank?", false puts nil.blank? # => true puts false.blank? # => true puts true.blank? # => false puts 1.blank? # => false bulk_define_methods [NilClass, FalseClass], [:blank?, :present?], [true, false] bulk_define_methods [TrueClass, Numeric], [:blank?, :present?], [false, true] puts nil.blank? # => true puts nil.present? # => false puts false.blank? # => true puts false.present? # => false puts true.blank? # => false puts true.present? # => true puts 1.blank? # => false puts 1.present? # => true ~~~ if you don't use bulk_define_methods, followinng code is same mean. ~~~ruby class NilClass def blank? true end def present? false end end class FalseClass def blank? true end def present? false end end ~~~ ### Kernel#print_eval This method for sample code. for manual, for blog-entry's-snippet ...etc. ~~~ruby print_eval 8/4, binding # => 8/4 # => 2 message = 'msg' print_eval "hoge-#{message}", binding # => "hoge-#{message}" # => "hoge-msg" ~~~ output ~~~ 8/4 # => 2"hoge-#{message}" # => "hoge-msg" ~~~ ### Kernel#puts_eval This method for sample code. for manual, for blog-entry's-snippet ...etc. ~~~ruby puts_eval 8/4, binding message = 'msg' puts_eval "hoge-#{message}", binding # => "hoge-#{message}" # => "hoge-msg" ~~~ output ~~~ 8/4 # => 2 "hoge-#{message}" # => "hoge-msg" ~~~ ### Kernel#bulk_puts_eval multi line version of puts_eval. ~~~ruby message = "msg" bulk_puts_eval binding, <<-EOS "hoge-hige1" + "add" + message "hoge-hige2" + "add" + message EOS ~~~ output ~~~ "hoge-hige1" + "add" + message # => "hoge-hige1addmsg" "hoge-hige2" + "add" + message # => "hoge-hige2addmsg" ~~~ ### Object#any_of? ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' p 'hoge'.any_of? 'hoge', 'hige' # =>true p 'hoge'.any_of?(*%w{hoge hige}) # =>true p 'hige'.any_of? 'hoge', 'hige' # =>true p 'hege'.any_of? 'hoge', 'hige' # =>false p 1.any_of? 1, 2, 3 # =>true p 4.any_of? 1, 2, 3 # =>false ~~~ ### Object#boolean? ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' p true.boolean? # =>true p false.boolean? # =>true p nil.boolean? # =>false p "".boolean? # =>false p "true".boolean? # =>false ~~~ ### Object#my_methods ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' class Hoge def hgoe end protected def hige end private def hege end end p Hoge.new.my_methods # =>[:hoge, :hige, :hege] ~~~ ### Object#to_bool ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' p true.to_bool # => true p false.to_bool # => false p 'true'.to_bool # => true p 'false'.to_bool # => true p nil.to_bool # => false p 0.to_bool # => true ~~~ ### String#justify_table ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' str =<<-EOS |* hogehogehoge|* hege|* hige| |test|tester|testest| |test|tester|aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatestest| EOS puts str.justify_table ~~~ output ~~~ |* hogehogehoge|* hage|* hige | |test |tester|testest | |test |tester|aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatestest| ~~~ ### Templatable * include Templatable * set template by here-document * in template, parameter must name 'placeholders[:xxxxx]'. xxxxx is your favorite name. * when create instance, you must set materials to create template. after, you can get this value from @materials. * you must create manufactured_xxx methods. xxx is each-placeholder name. * you can get result by 'result' method. ~~~ruby require 'templatable' class TemplateUser include Templatable template <<-EOS line1:<%=placeholders[:hoge]%> line2:<%=placeholders[:hige]%> EOS def manufactured_hoge "hoge-#{@materials}" end def manufactured_hige "hige-#{@materials}" end end p TemplateUser.new('sample').result ~~~ output ~~~ line1:hoge-sample line2:hige-sample ~~~ ## TemplateMethodable sample usage ~~~ruby require "template_methodable" # sample BaseClass class BaseDeveloper include TemplateMethodable must_impl :easy_coding, :difficult_coding, :normal_coding module DIFFICILTY EASY = 1 NORMAL = 2 DIFFICILT = 3 end def coding(difficulty) ret = [] ret << "start coding" case difficulty when DIFFICILTY::EASY ret << easy_coding when DIFFICILTY::NORMAL ret << normal_coding when DIFFICILTY::DIFFICILT ret << difficult_coding else fail 'error' end ret << "finish coding" ret.join("\n") end end # sample valid Concrete Class. it raises NotImplementedError. class StarDeveloper < BaseDeveloper def easy_coding "complete 1 minutes" end def normal_coding "complete 10 minutes" end def difficult_coding "complete 59 minutes" end end # sample invalid Concrete Class. if call NormalDeveloper#difficult_coding, it raises NotImplementedError. class NormalDeveloper < BaseDeveloper def easy_coding "complete 10 minutes" end def normal_coding "complete 100 minutes" end end ~~~ ## Relation if you are Sublime Text2 user, you can use snippet for TbpgrUtils. https://github.com/tbpgr/tbpgr_utils_snippets ## History * version 0.0.13 : add Array#together_with_index, Kernel#bulk_puts_eval * version 0.0.12 : AttributesInitializable::ClassMethods.attr_reader_init,attr_writer_init * version 0.0.11 : add Object#to_bool. * version 0.0.10 : add TemplateMethodable module. * version 0.0.9 : add TestToolbox module. add Kernel#capture_stdout, Kernel#dp_line * version 0.0.8 : add Kernel#bulk_define_methods * version 0.0.7 : add Kernel#print_eval, Kernel#puts_eval * version 0.0.6 : add Ghostable * version 0.0.5 : add Templatable * version 0.0.4 : AttributesInitializable::ClassMethods.attr_accessor_init * version 0.0.3 : add Object#any_of? * version 0.0.2 : loop all arrays by block. * version 0.0.1 : first release. ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request