#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w
# = faster_csv.rb -- Faster CSV Reading and Writing
# Created by James Edward Gray II on 2005-10-31.
# Copyright 2005 Gray Productions. All rights reserved.
# See FasterCSV for documentation.
require "forwardable"
require "english"
require "enumerator"
require "date"
require "stringio"
# This class provides a complete interface to CSV files and data. It offers
# tools to enable you to read and write to and from Strings or IO objects, as
# needed.
# == Reading
# === From a File
# ==== A Line at a Time
# FasterCSV.foreach("path/to/file.csv") do |row|
# # use row here...
# end
# ==== All at Once
# arr_of_arrs = FasterCSV.read("path/to/file.csv")
# === From a String
# ==== A Line at a Time
# FasterCSV.parse("CSV,data,String") do |row|
# # use row here...
# end
# ==== All at Once
# arr_of_arrs = FasterCSV.parse("CSV,data,String")
# == Writing
# === To a File
# FasterCSV.open("path/to/file.csv", "w") do |csv|
# csv << ["row", "of", "CSV", "data"]
# csv << ["another", "row"]
# # ...
# end
# === To a String
# csv_string = FasterCSV.generate do |csv|
# csv << ["row", "of", "CSV", "data"]
# csv << ["another", "row"]
# # ...
# end
# == Convert a Single Line
# csv_string = ["CSV", "data"].to_csv # to CSV
# csv_array = "CSV,String".parse_csv # from CSV
class FasterCSV
# A FasterCSV::Row is part Array and part Hash. It retains an order for the
# fields and allows duplicates just as an Array would, but also allows you to
# access fields by name just as you could if they were in a Hash.
# All rows returned by FasterCSV will be constructed from this class, if
# header row processing is activated.
class Row
# Construct a new FasterCSV::Row from +headers+ and +fields+, which are
# expected to be Arrays. If one Array is shorter than the other, it will be
# padded with +nil+ objects.
# The optional +header_row+ parameter can be set to +true+ to indicate, via
# FasterCSV::Row.header_row?() and FasterCSV::Row.field_row?(), that this is
# a header row. Otherwise, the row is assumes to be a field row.
def initialize( headers, fields, header_row = false )
@header_row = header_row
# handle extra headers or fields
@row = if headers.size > fields.size
fields.zip(headers).map { |pair| pair.reverse }
# Returns +true+ if this is a header row.
def header_row?
# Returns +true+ if this is a field row.
def field_row?
not header_row?
# Returns the headers of this row.
def headers
@row.map { |pair| pair.first }
# :call-seq:
# field( header )
# field( header, offset )
# field( index )
# This method will fetch the field value by +header+ or +index+. If a field
# is not found, +nil+ is returned.
# When provided, +offset+ ensures that a header match occurrs on or later
# than the +offset+ index. You can use this to find duplicate headers,
# without resorting to hard-coding exact indices.
def field( header_or_index, minimum_index = 0 )
# locate the pair
finder = header_or_index.is_a?(Integer) ? :[] : :assoc
pair = @row[minimum_index..-1].send(finder, header_or_index)
# return the field if we have a pair
pair.nil? ? nil : pair.last
alias_method :[], :field
# :call-seq:
# []=( header, value )
# []=( header, offset, value )
# []=( index, value )
# Looks up the field by the semantics described in FasterCSV::Row.field()
# and assigns the +value+.
# Assigning past the end of the row with an index will set all pairs between
# to [nil, nil]. Assigning to an unused header appends the new
# pair.
def []=( *args )
value = args.pop
if args.first.is_a? Integer
if @row[args.first].nil? # extending past the end with index
@row[args.first] = [nil, value]
@row.map! { |pair| pair.nil? ? [nil, nil] : pair }
else # normal index assignment
@row[args.first][1] = value
index = index(*args)
if index.nil? # appending a field
self << [args.first, value]
else # normal header assignment
@row[index][1] = value
# :call-seq:
# <<( field )
# <<( header_and_field_array )
# <<( header_and_field_hash )
# If a two-element Array is provided, it is assumed to be a header and field
# and the pair is appended. A Hash works the same way with the key being
# the header and the value being the field. Anything else is assumed to be
# a lone field which is appended with a +nil+ header.
# This method returns the row for chaining.
def <<( arg )
if arg.is_a?(Array) and arg.size == 2 # appending a header and name
@row << arg
elsif arg.is_a?(Hash) # append header and name pairs
arg.each { |pair| @row << pair }
else # append field value
@row << [nil, arg]
self # for chaining
# A shortcut for appending multiple fields. Equivalent to:
# args.each { |arg| faster_csv_row << arg }
# This method returns the row for chaining.
def push( *args )
args.each { |arg| self << arg }
self # for chaining
# :call-seq:
# delete( header )
# delete( header, offset )
# delete( index )
# Used to remove a pair from the row by +header+ or +index+. The pair is
# located as described in FasterCSV::Row.field(). The deleted pair is
# returned, or +nil+ if a pair could not be found.
def delete( header_or_index, minimum_index = 0 )
if header_or_index.is_a? Integer # by index
else # by header
@row.delete_at(index(header_or_index, minimum_index))
# The provided +block+ is passed a header and field for each pair in the row
# and expected to return +true+ or +false+, depending on whether the pair
# should be deleted.
# This method returns the row for chaining.
def delete_if( &block )
self # for chaining
# This method accepts any number of arguments which can be headers, indices,
# or two-element Arrays containing a header and offset. Each argument will
# be replaced with a field lookup as described in FasterCSV::Row.field().
# If called with no arguments, all fields are returned.
def fields( *headers_and_or_indices )
if headers_and_or_indices.empty? # return all fields--no arguments
@row.map { |pair| pair.last }
else # or work like values_at()
headers_and_or_indices.map { |h_or_i| field(*Array(h_or_i)) }
alias_method :values_at, :fields
# :call-seq:
# index( header )
# index( header, offset )
# This method will return the index of a field with the provided +header+.
# The +offset+ can be used to locate duplicate header names, as described in
# FasterCSV::Row.field().
def index( header, minimum_index = 0 )
# find the pair
index = headers[minimum_index..-1].index(header)
# return the index at the right offset, if we found one
index.nil? ? nil : index + minimum_index
# Returns +true+ if +name+ is a header for this row, and +false+ otherwise.
def header?( name )
headers.include? name
alias_method :include?, :header?
# Returns +true+ if +data+ matches a field in this row, and +false+
# otherwise.
def field?( data )
fields.include? data
include Enumerable
# Yields each pair of the row as header and field tuples (much like
# iterating over a Hash).
# Support for Enumerable.
# This method returns the row for chaining.
def each( &block )
self # for chaining
# Collapses the row into a simple Hash. Be warning that this discards field
# order and clobbers duplicate fields.
def to_hash
# flatten just one level of the internal Array
Hash[*@row.inject(Array.new) { |ary, pair| ary.push(*pair) }]
# Returns the row as a CSV String. Headers are not used. Equivalent to:
# faster_csv_row.fields.to_csv( options )
def to_csv( options = Hash.new )
alias_method :to_s, :to_csv
# The error thrown when the parser encounters illegal CSV formatting.
class MalformedCSVError < RuntimeError; end
# A FieldInfo Struct contains details about a field's position in the data
# source it was read from. FasterCSV will pass this Struct to some blocks
# that make decisions based on field structure. See
# FasterCSV.convert_fields() for an example.
# index:: The zero-based index of the field in its row.
# line:: The line of the data source this row is from.
FieldInfo = Struct.new(:index, :line)
# This Hash holds the built-in converters of FasterCSV that can be accessed by
# name. You can select Converters with FasterCSV.convert() or through the
# +options+ Hash passed to FasterCSV::new().
# :integer:: Converts any field Integer() accepts.
# :float:: Converts any field Float() accepts.
# :numeric:: A combination of :integer
# and :float.
# :date:: Converts any field Date::parse() accepts.
# :date_time:: Converts any field DateTime::parse() accepts.
# :all:: All built-in converters. A combination of
# :date_time and :numeric.
# This Hash is intetionally left unfrozen and users should feel free to add
# values to it that can be accessed by all FasterCSV objects.
# To add a combo field, the value should be an Array of names. Combo fields
# can be nested with other combo fields.
Converters = { :integer => lambda { |f| Integer(f) rescue f },
:float => lambda { |f| Float(f) rescue f },
:numeric => [:integer, :float],
:date => lambda { |f| Date.parse(f) rescue f },
:date_time => lambda { |f| DateTime.parse(f) rescue f },
:all => [:date_time, :numeric] }
# This Hash holds the built-in header converters of FasterCSV that can be
# accessed by name. You can select HeaderConverters with
# FasterCSV.header_convert() or through the +options+ Hash passed to
# FasterCSV::new().
# :downcase:: Calls downcase() on the header String.
# :symbol:: The header String is downcased, spaces are
# replaced with underscores, non-word characters
# are dropped, and finally to_sym() is called.
# This Hash is intetionally left unfrozen and users should feel free to add
# values to it that can be accessed by all FasterCSV objects.
# To add a combo field, the value should be an Array of names. Combo fields
# can be nested with other combo fields.
HeaderConverters = {
:downcase => lambda { |h| h.downcase },
:symbol => lambda { |h|
h.downcase.tr(" ", "_").delete("^a-z0-9_").to_sym
# The options used when no overrides are given by calling code. They are:
# :col_sep:: ","
# :row_sep:: :auto
# :converters:: +nil+
# :headers:: +false+
# :return_headers:: +false+
# :header_converters:: +nil+
DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :col_sep => ",",
:row_sep => :auto,
:converters => nil,
:headers => false,
:return_headers => false,
:header_converters => nil }.freeze
# :call-seq:
# filter( options = Hash.new ) { |row| ... }
# filter( input, options = Hash.new ) { |row| ... }
# filter( input, output, options = Hash.new ) { |row| ... }
# This method is a convenience for building Unix-like filters for CSV data.
# Each row is yielded to the provided block which can alter it as needed.
# After the block returns, the row is appended to +output+ altered or not.
# The +input+ and +output+ arguments can be anything FasterCSV::new() accepts
# (generally String or IO objects). If not given, they default to
# The +options+ parameter is also filtered down to FasterCSV::new() after some
# clever key parsing. Any key beginning with :in_ or
# :input_ will have that leading identifier stripped and will only
# be used in the +options+ Hash for the +input+ object. Keys starting with
# :out_ or :output_ affect only +output+. All other keys
# are assigned to both objects.
# The :output_row_sep +option+ defaults to
def self.filter( *args )
# parse options for input, output, or both
in_options, out_options = Hash.new, {:row_sep => $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}
if args.last.is_a? Hash
args.pop.each do |key, value|
case key.to_s
when /\Ain(?:put)?_(.+)\Z/
in_options[$1.to_sym] = value
when /\Aout(?:put)?_(.+)\Z/
out_options[$1.to_sym] = value
in_options[key] = value
out_options[key] = value
# build input and output wrappers
input = FasterCSV.new(args.shift || ARGF, in_options)
output = FasterCSV.new(args.shift || STDOUT, out_options)
# read, yield, write
input.each do |row|
yield row
output << row
# This method is intended as the primary interface for reading CSV files. You
# pass a +path+ and any +options+ you wish to set for the read. Each row of
# file will be passed to the provided +block+ in turn.
# The +options+ parameter can be anthing FasterCSV::new() understands.
def self.foreach( path, options = Hash.new, &block )
open(path, options) do |csv|
# :call-seq:
# generate( str, options = Hash.new ) { |faster_csv| ... }
# generate( options = Hash.new ) { |faster_csv| ... }
# This method wraps a String you provide, or an empty default String, in a
# FasterCSV object which is passed to the provided block. You can use the
# block to append CSV rows to the String and when the block exits, the
# final String will be returned.
# Note that a passed String *is* modfied by this method. Call dup() before
# passing if you need a new String.
# The +options+ parameter can be anthing FasterCSV::new() understands.
def self.generate( *args )
# add a default empty String, if none was given
if args.first.is_a? String
io = StringIO.new(args.shift)
io.seek(0, IO::SEEK_END)
faster_csv = new(*args) # wrap
yield faster_csv # yield for appending
faster_csv.string # return final String
# This method is a shortcut for converting a single row (Array) into a CSV
# String.
# The +options+ parameter can be anthing FasterCSV::new() understands.
# The :row_sep +option+ defaults to $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR
# ($/) when calling this method.
def self.generate_line( row, options = Hash.new )
options = {:row_sep => $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}.merge(options)
(new("", options) << row).string
# :call-seq:
# open( filename, mode="r", options = Hash.new ) { |faster_csv| ... }
# open( filename, mode="r", options = Hash.new )
# This method opens an IO object, and wraps that with FasterCSV. This is
# intended as the primary interface for writing a CSV file.
# You may pass any +args+ Ruby's open() understands followed by an optional
# Hash containing any +options+ FasterCSV::new() understands.
# This method works like Ruby's open() call, in that it will pass a FasterCSV
# object to a provided block and close it when the block termminates, or it
# will return the FasterCSV object when no block is provided. (*Note*: This
# is different from the standard CSV library which passes rows to the block.
# Use FasterCSV::foreach() for that behavior.)
# An opened FasterCSV object will delegate to many IO methods, for
# convenience. You may call:
# * binmode()
# * close()
# * close_read()
# * close_write()
# * closed?()
# * eof()
# * eof?()
# * fcntl()
# * fileno()
# * flush()
# * fsync()
# * ioctl()
# * isatty()
# * lineno()
# * pid()
# * pos()
# * reopen()
# * rewind()
# * seek()
# * stat()
# * sync()
# * sync=()
# * tell()
# * to_i()
# * to_io()
# * tty?()
def self.open( *args )
# find the +options+ Hash
options = if args.last.is_a? Hash then args.pop else Hash.new end
# wrap a File opened with the remaining +args+
csv = new(File.open(*args), options)
# handle blocks like Ruby's open(), not like the CSV library
if block_given?
yield csv
# :call-seq:
# parse( str, options = Hash.new ) { |row| ... }
# parse( str, options = Hash.new )
# This method can be used to easily parse CSV out of a String. You may either
# provide a +block+ which will be called with each row of the String in turn,
# or just use the returned Array of Arrays (when no +block+ is given).
# You pass your +str+ to read from, and an optional +options+ Hash containing
# anything FasterCSV::new() understands.
def self.parse( *args, &block )
csv = new(*args)
if block.nil? # slurp contents, if no block is given
else # or pass each row to a provided block
# This method is a shortcut for converting a single line of a CSV String into
# a into an Array. Note that if +line+ contains multiple rows, anything
# beyond the first row is ignored.
# The +options+ parameter can be anthing FasterCSV::new() understands.
def self.parse_line( line, options = Hash.new )
new(line, options).shift
# Use to slurp a CSV file into an Array of Arrays. Pass the +path+ to the
# file and any +options+ FasterCSV::new() understands.
def self.read( path, options = Hash.new )
open(path, options) { |csv| csv.read }
# Alias for FasterCSV::read().
def self.readlines( *args )
# This constructor will wrap either a String or IO object passed in +data+ for
# reading and/or writing. In addition to the FasterCSV instance methods,
# several IO methods are delegated. (See FasterCSV::open() for a complete
# list.) If you pass a String for +data+, you can later retrieve it (after
# writing to it, for example) with FasterCSV.string().
# Note that a wrapped String will be positioned at at the beginning (for
# reading). If you want it at the end (for writing), use
# FasterCSV::generate(). If you want any other positioning, pass a preset
# StringIO object instead.
# You may set any reading and/or writing preferences in the +options+ Hash.
# Available options are:
# :col_sep:: The String placed between each field.
# :row_sep:: The String appended to the end of each
# row. This can be set to the special
# :auto setting, which requests
# that FasterCSV automatically discover
# this from the data. Auto-discovery
# reads ahead in the data looking for
# the next "\r\n",
# "\n", or "\r"
# sequence. A sequence will be selected
# even if it occurs in a quoted field,
# assuming that you would have the same
# line endings there. If none of those
# sequences is found, +data+ is
# or the stream is only available for
# output, the default
# ($/) is used. Obviously,
# discovery takes a little time. Set
# manually if speed is important.
# :converters:: An Array of names from the Converters
# Hash and/or lambdas that handle custom
# conversion. A single converter
# doesn't have to be in an Array.
# :headers:: If set to :first_row or
# +true+, the initial row of the CSV
# file will be treated as a row of
# headers. This setting causes
# FasterCSV.shift() to return rows as
# FasterCSV::Row objects instead of
# Arrays.
# :return_headers:: When +false+, header rows are silently
# swallowed. If set to +true+, header
# rows are returned in a FasterCSV::Row
# object with identical headers and
# fields (save that the fields do not go
# through the converters).
# :header_converters:: Identical in functionality to
# :converters save that the
# conversions are only made to header
# rows.
# See FasterCSV::DEFAULT_OPTIONS for the default settings.
# Options cannot be overriden in the instance methods for performance reasons,
# so be sure to set what you want here.
def initialize( data, options = Hash.new )
# build the options for this read/write
options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(options)
# create the IO object we will read from
@io = if data.is_a? String then StringIO.new(data) else data end
unless options.empty?
raise ArgumentError, "Unknown options: #{options.keys.join(', ')}."
### IO and StringIO Delegation ###
extend Forwardable
def_delegators :@io, :binmode, :close, :close_read, :close_write, :closed?,
:eof, :eof?, :fcntl, :fileno, :flush, :fsync, :ioctl,
:isatty, :lineno, :pid, :pos, :reopen, :rewind, :seek,
:stat, :string, :sync, :sync=, :tell, :to_i, :to_io,
### End Delegation ###
# The primary write method for wrapped Strings and IOs, +row+ (an Array or
# FasterCSV::Row) is converted to CSV and appended to the data source. When a
# FasterCSV::Row is passed, only the row's fields() are appended to the
# output.
# The data source must be open for writing.
def <<( row )
# handle FasterCSV::Row objects
row = row.fields if row.is_a? self.class::Row
@io << row.map do |field|
if field.nil? # reverse +nil+ fields as empty unquoted fields
field = String(field) # Stringify fields
# reverse empty fields as empty quoted fields
if field.empty? or field.count(%Q{\r\n#{@col_sep}"}).nonzero?
%Q{"#{field.gsub('"', '""')}"} # escape quoted fields
field # unquoted field
end.join(@col_sep) + @row_sep # add separators
self # for chaining
alias_method :add_row, :<<
alias_method :puts, :<<
# :call-seq:
# convert( name )
# convert { |field| ... }
# convert { |field, field_info| ... }
# You can use this method to install a FasterCSV::Converters built-in, or
# provide a block that handles a custom conversion.
# If you provide a block that takes one argument, it will be passed the field
# and is expected to return the converted value or the field itself. If your
# block takes two arguments, it will also be passed a FieldInfo Struct,
# containing details about the field. Again, the block should return a
# converted field or the field itself.
def convert( name = nil, &converter )
add_converter(:converters, self.class::Converters, name, &converter)
# :call-seq:
# header_convert( name )
# header_convert { |field| ... }
# header_convert { |field, field_info| ... }
# Identical to FasterCSV.convert(), but for header rows.
# Note that this method must be called before header rows are read to have any
# effect.
def header_convert( name = nil, &converter )
add_converter( :header_converters,
&converter )
include Enumerable
# Yields each row of the data source in turn.
# Support for Enumerable.
# The data source must be open for reading.
def each
while row = shift
yield row
# Slurps the remaining rows and returns an Array of Arrays.
# The data source must be open for reading.
def read
alias_method :readlines, :read
# Returns +true+ if the next row read will be a header row.
def header_row?
@use_headers and @headers.nil?
# The primary read method for wrapped Strings and IOs, a single row is pulled
# from the data source, parsed and returned as an Array of fields (if header
# rows are not used) or a FasterCSV::Row (when header rows are used).
# The data source must be open for reading.
def shift
# begin with a blank line, so we can always add to it
line = ""
# it can take multiple calls to @io.gets() to get a full line,
# because of \r and/or \n characters embedded in quoted fields
loop do
# add another read to the line
line += @io.gets(@row_sep) rescue return nil
# copy the line so we can chop it up in parsing
parse = line.dup
parse.sub!(@parsers[:line_end], "")
# I believe a blank line should be an Array.new, not
# CSV's [nil]
return Array.new if parse.empty?
# shave leading empty fields if needed, because the main parser chokes
# on these
csv = if parse.sub!(@parsers[:leading_fields], "")
[nil] * $&.length
# then parse the main fields with a hyper-tuned Regexp from
# Mastering Regular Expressions, Second Edition
parse.gsub!(@parsers[:csv_row]) do
csv << if $1.nil? # we found an unquoted field
if $2.empty? # switch empty unquoted fields to +nil+...
nil # for CSV compatibility
# I decided to take a strict approach to CSV parsing...
if $2.count("\r\n").zero? # verify correctness of field...
# or throw an Exception
raise MalformedCSVError, 'Unquoted fields do not allow \r or \n.'
else # we found a quoted field...
$1.gsub('""', '"') # unescape contents
"" # gsub!'s replacement, clear the field
# if parse is empty?(), we found all the fields on the line...
if parse.empty?
# convert fields if needed...
csv = convert_fields(csv) unless header_row? or @converters.empty?
# parse out header rows and handle FasterCSV::Row conversions...
csv = parse_headers(csv) if @use_headers
# return the results
break csv
# if we're not empty?() but at eof?(), a quoted field wasn't closed...
raise MalformedCSVError, "Unclosed quoted field." if @io.eof?
# otherwise, we need to loop and pull some more data to complete the row
alias_method :gets, :shift
alias_method :readline, :shift
# Stores the indicated separators for later use.
# If auto-discovery was requested for @row_sep, this method will read
# ahead in the @io and try to find one. ARGF,
# STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR and any stream open for
# output only with a default @row_sep of
def init_separators( options )
# store the selected separators
@col_sep = options.delete(:col_sep)
@row_sep = options.delete(:row_sep)
# automatically discover row separator when requested
if @row_sep == :auto
if [ARGF, STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR].include? @io
saved_pos = @io.pos # remember where we were
while @row_sep == :auto
# if we run out of data, it's probably a single line
# (use a sensible default)
if @io.eof?
# read ahead a bit
sample = @io.read(1024)
sample += @io.read(1) if sample[-1..-1] == "\r" and not @io.eof?
# try to find a standard separator
if sample =~ /\r\n?|\n/
@row_sep = $&
@io.seek(saved_pos) # reset back to the remembered position
rescue IOError # stream not opened for reading
# Pre-compiles parsers and stores them by name for access during reads.
def init_parsers( options )
# prebuild Regexps for faster parsing
@parsers = {
:leading_fields =>
/\A#{Regexp.escape(@col_sep)}+/, # for empty leading fields
:csv_row =>
### The Primary Parser ###
/ \G(?:^|#{Regexp.escape(@col_sep)}) # anchor the match
(?: "((?>[^"]*)(?>""[^"]*)*)" # find quoted fields
| # ... or ...
([^"#{Regexp.escape(@col_sep)}]*) # unquoted fields
### End Primary Parser ###
:line_end =>
/#{Regexp.escape(@row_sep)}\Z/ # safer than chomp!()
# Loads any converters requested during construction.
# If +field_name+ is set :converters (the default) field converters
# are set. When +field_name+ is :header_converters header converters
# are added instead.
def init_converters( options, field_name = :converters )
instance_variable_set("@#{field_name}", Array.new)
# find the correct method to add the coverters
convert = method(field_name.to_s.sub(/ers\Z/, ""))
# load converters
unless options[field_name].nil?
# allow a single converter not wrapped in an Array
unless options[field_name].is_a? Array
options[field_name] = [options[field_name]]
# load each converter...
options[field_name].each do |converter|
if converter.is_a? Proc # custom code block
else # by name
# Stores header row settings and loads header converters, if needed.
def init_headers( options )
@use_headers = options.delete(:headers)
@return_headers = options.delete(:return_headers)
@headers = nil
init_converters(options, :header_converters)
# The actual work method for adding converters, used by both
# FasterCSV.convert() and FasterCSV.header_convert().
# This method requires the +var_name+ of the instance variable to place the
# converters in, the +const+ Hash to lookup named converters in, and the
# normal parameters of the FasterCSV.convert() and FasterCSV.header_convert()
# methods.
def add_converter( var_name, const, name = nil, &converter )
if name.nil? # custom converter
instance_variable_get("@#{var_name}") << converter
else # named converter
combo = const[name]
case combo
when Array # combo converter
combo.each do |converter_name|
add_converter(var_name, const, converter_name)
else # individual named converter
instance_variable_get("@#{var_name}") << combo
# Processes +fields+ with @converters, or @header_converters
# if this is a header_row?(), returning the converted field set. Any
# converter that changes the field into something other than a String halts
# the pipeline of conversion for that field. This is primarily an efficiency
# shortcut.
def convert_fields( fields )
converters = if header_row? # see if we are converting headers or fields
fields.enum_for(:each_with_index).map do |field, index| # map_with_index
converters.each do |converter|
field = if converter.arity == 1 # straight field converter
else # FieldInfo converter
converter[field, FieldInfo.new(index, @io.lineno)]
break unless field.is_a? String # short-curcuit pipeline for speed
field # return final state of each field, converted or original
# This methods is used to turn a finished +row+ into a FasterCSV::Row. Header
# rows are also dealt with here, either by returning a FasterCSV::Row with
# identical headers and fields (save that the fields do not go through the
# converters) or by reading past them to return a field row. Headers are also
# saved in @headers for use in future rows.
def parse_headers( row )
if @headers.nil? # header row
@headers = convert_fields(row) # save
if @return_headers # return the headers
FasterCSV::Row.new(@headers, row, true)
else # skip to next field row
else # field row
FasterCSV::Row.new(@headers, row)
class Array
# Equivalent to FasterCSV::generate_line(self, options).
def to_csv( options = Hash.new )
FasterCSV.generate_line(self, options)
class String
# Equivalent to FasterCSV::parse_line(self, options).
def parse_csv( options = Hash.new )
FasterCSV.parse_line(self, options)