require "eth_watcher/version" require 'thread' require 'packetgen' require 'trollop' ARGV[0] = '-h' if ARGV.empty? opts = Trollop::options do opt :threads, "Use a given ammount of threads for parsing", default: 3, type: :int opt :interface, "Use a given interface for packet capturing", default: Pcap.lookupdev, type: :string opt :snap_length, "Use a given snapshot length for the capture", default: 65535, type: :int opt :promiscuous, "Use promiscuous for the capture", default: true, type: :bool end module EthWatcher @threads = @parsed = @semaphore = def self.start_capture(interface:, snaplen:, promisc:) @capture = Pcap.open_live(interface, snaplen, promisc, 0) end trap "SIGINT" do exit end def self.spawn_threads(count:) count.times do do loop do begin packet = PacketGen.parse(@capture.next_packet.to_s) next unless packet.headers.first.ethertype packet = packet.headers[0] @semaphore.synchronize { puts packet.src << " -> " << packet.dst } rescue # YOLO! end end end end end end EthWatcher.start_capture(interface: opts[:interface], snaplen: opts[:snap_length], promisc: opts[:promiscuous]) EthWatcher.spawn_threads(count: opts[:threads]) loop do # CTL+C to exit program end