# Spanish Language files for RwdTinker core :applet_installed => '"applet instalado!"', :application_version => '"Application Version"', :clear => "Clear", :cancel => "Cancelación", :clickfor_version => '"click para version"' , :clickbelowtoviewlistof_zip => '"click abajo a ver lista de zips"', :documents => '"Documentos"', :edit => "Editar" , :file_name => '"Fila Nombre:"', :fill_record => '"Fill Record"', :help => '"Ayuda"', :help_about => '"Ayuda sobre"', :install_applet => '"instale (rwdtinker) applet"', :jumptoapplication_location => '"Jump to Application Location"', :list_applets => '"List Applets"', :listappletsavailablefor_installation => "List applets available for installation", :listappletsinthegem_directory => '"List applets in the Gem Directory"', :list_files => '"Lista de Archivos"', :list_installed_gems => '"Lista de Instalado Gems"' , :list_photos => '"Lista de Photos"', :list_zips => '"List Zips"', :listzipdirappletsavailable => '"Lista (zip directory) applets available for installation"', :menu_panel => '"panel de herramientas"', :module_unknown => '"Module desconocido"', :next => "Siguiente", :open => "Abrir", :open_document => '"Abrir documento"', :openselectedhelp_about => '"Open selected help about"', :reload_variables => '"Reload Variables"' , :remove_applet => '"remove applet"', :return => "anterior", :rwdtinker_window_2 => '"RwdTinker Window 2"', :rwdtinker => "RwdTinker", :rwdtinker_back_window => '"RwdTinker Ventana Trasera"', :rwdtinker_help => '"RwdTinker Ayuda"', :rwdtinker_help_window => '"RwdTinker Ventana Ayuda"', :showdocument_list => '"Show Document List"', :showhelpabout_links => '"Show Help About Links"', :showjump_links => '"Mostrar enlace saltar"', :save => "Guardar" , :save_changes => '"Guardar los cambios"', :rwdtinker => "RwdTinker", :selection_panel => '"Panel de Selección"', :tinker_logo => '"Insignia de Tinker"', :selection_tab => '"Selection Tab"', :tinkerback_window => '"Tinker Back Window"', :viewapplet_contents => '"View Applet Contents"', :viewalreadyinstalled_applications => '"View already installed GEM applications"', :viewinstalled_text => '"View Install Text"', :view_platform => '"view platform"', :viewplatform_information => '"View Platform Information"', :viewlogger_information => '"View Logger Information"', :view_event => '"Ver evento"', :viewinstall_text => '"Ver Texto"' , :viewlistinstall_files => '"View List of Installed Files"', :view_photo => '"Ver Photo"' , :window => "Ventana" ,