require "aruba/generators/script_file" When(/^I run `([^`]*)`$/) do |cmd| cmd = sanitize_text(cmd) run_command_and_stop(cmd, fail_on_error: false) end ## I successfully run `echo -n "Hello"` ## I successfully run `sleep 29` for up to 30 seconds When(/^I successfully run `(.*?)`(?: for up to ([\d.]+) seconds)?$/) do |cmd, secs| cmd = sanitize_text(cmd) run_command_and_stop(cmd, fail_on_error: true, exit_timeout: secs && secs.to_f) end When(/^I run the following (?:commands|script)(?: (?:with|in) `([^`]+)`)?:$/) \ do |shell, commands| full_path = expand_path("bin/myscript") Aruba.platform.mkdir(expand_path("bin")) shell ||= Aruba.platform.default_shell shell, content: commands, path: full_path).call run_command_and_stop(Shellwords.escape(full_path), fail_on_error: false) end When(/^I run `([^`]*)` interactively$/) do |cmd| run_command(sanitize_text(cmd)) end # Merge interactive and background after refactoring with event queue When(/^I run `([^`]*)` in background$/) do |cmd| run_command(sanitize_text(cmd)) end When "I type {string}" do |input| type(unescape_text(input)) end When "I close the stdin stream" do close_input end When "I pipe in a/the file( named) {string}" do |file| pipe_in_file(file) close_input end When "I stop the command started last" do last_command_started.stop end When "I stop the command {string}" do |command| aruba.command_monitor.find(command).stop end When "I terminate the command started last" do last_command_started.terminate end When "I terminate the command {string}" do |command| aruba.command_monitor.find(command).terminate end When(/^I stop the command(?: started last)? if (output|stdout|stderr) contains:$/) \ do |channel, expected| Timeout.timeout(aruba.config.exit_timeout) do loop do output = last_command_started.public_send channel.to_sym, wait_for_io: 0 output = sanitize_text(output) expected = sanitize_text(expected) if output.include? expected last_command_started.terminate break end sleep 0.1 end end rescue Timeout::Error last_command_started.terminate end When "I wait for output/stdout to contain:" do |expected| Timeout.timeout(aruba.config.exit_timeout) do loop do output = last_command_started.public_send :stdout, wait_for_io: 0 output = sanitize_text(output) expected = sanitize_text(expected) break if output.include? expected sleep 0.1 end end end When "I wait for output/stdout to contain {string}" do |expected| Timeout.timeout(aruba.config.exit_timeout) do loop do output = last_command_started.public_send :stdout, wait_for_io: 0 output = sanitize_text(output) expected = sanitize_text(expected) break if output.include? expected sleep 0.1 end end end Then "the output should be {int} bytes long" do |size| expect(last_command_started.output).to have_output_size size.to_i end ## the stderr should contain "hello" Then "(the ){channel} should contain {string}" do |channel, expected| combined_output = send("all_#{channel}") expect(combined_output).to include_output_string expected end ## the stderr should not contain "hello" Then "(the ){channel} should not contain {string}" do |channel, expected| combined_output = send("all_#{channel}") expect(combined_output).not_to include_output_string expected end ## the stderr should contain exactly "hello" Then "(the ){channel} should contain exactly {string}" do |channel, expected| combined_output = send("all_#{channel}") expect(combined_output).to output_string_eq expected end ## the stderr should not contain exactly "hello" Then "(the ){channel} should not contain exactly {string}" do |channel, expected| combined_output = send("all_#{channel}") expect(combined_output).not_to output_string_eq expected end ## the stderr from "echo -n 'Hello'" should contain "hello" Then "(the ){channel} from {string} should contain {string}" do |channel, cmd, expected| matcher = case channel when "output"; then :have_output when "stderr"; then :have_output_on_stderr when "stdout"; then :have_output_on_stdout end command = aruba.command_monitor.find(Aruba.platform.detect_ruby(cmd)) output_string_matcher = :an_output_string_including expect(command).to send(matcher, send(output_string_matcher, expected)) end ## the stderr from "echo -n 'Hello'" should contain exactly "hello" Then "(the ){channel} from {string} should contain exactly {string}" \ do |channel, cmd, expected| matcher = case channel when "output"; then :have_output when "stderr"; then :have_output_on_stderr when "stdout"; then :have_output_on_stdout end command = aruba.command_monitor.find(Aruba.platform.detect_ruby(cmd)) output_string_matcher = :an_output_string_being_eq expect(command).to send(matcher, send(output_string_matcher, expected)) end ## the stderr from "echo -n 'Hello'" should not contain "hello" Then "(the ){channel} from {string} should not contain {string}" do |channel, cmd, expected| matcher = case channel when "output"; then :have_output when "stderr"; then :have_output_on_stderr when "stdout"; then :have_output_on_stdout end command = aruba.command_monitor.find(Aruba.platform.detect_ruby(cmd)) output_string_matcher = :an_output_string_including expect(command).not_to send(matcher, send(output_string_matcher, expected)) end ## the stderr from "echo -n 'Hello'" should not contain exactly "hello" Then "(the ){channel} from {string} should not contain exactly {string}" \ do |channel, cmd, expected| matcher = case channel when "output"; then :have_output when "stderr"; then :have_output_on_stderr when "stdout"; then :have_output_on_stdout end command = aruba.command_monitor.find(Aruba.platform.detect_ruby(cmd)) output_string_matcher = :an_output_string_being_eq expect(command).not_to send(matcher, send(output_string_matcher, expected)) end ## the stderr should contain: Then "(the ){channel} should contain:" do |channel, expected| combined_output = send("all_#{channel}") expect(combined_output).to include_output_string(expected) end ## the stderr should not contain: Then "(the ){channel} should not contain:" do |channel, expected| combined_output = send("all_#{channel}") expect(combined_output).not_to include_output_string(expected) end ## the stderr should contain exactly: Then "(the ){channel} should contain exactly:" do |channel, expected| combined_output = send("all_#{channel}") expect(combined_output).to output_string_eq(expected) end ## the stderr should not contain exactly: Then "(the ){channel} should not contain exactly:" do |channel, expected| combined_output = send("all_#{channel}") expect(combined_output).not_to output_string_eq(expected) end ## the stderr from "echo -n 'Hello'" should not contain: Then "(the ){channel} from {string} should not contain:" do |channel, cmd, expected| matcher = case channel when "output"; then :have_output when "stderr"; then :have_output_on_stderr when "stdout"; then :have_output_on_stdout end command = aruba.command_monitor.find(Aruba.platform.detect_ruby(cmd)) output_string_matcher = :an_output_string_including expect(command).not_to send(matcher, send(output_string_matcher, expected)) end ## the stderr from "echo -n 'Hello'" should not contain exactly: Then "(the ){channel} from {string} should not contain exactly:" do |channel, cmd, expected| matcher = case channel when "output"; then :have_output when "stderr"; then :have_output_on_stderr when "stdout"; then :have_output_on_stdout end command = aruba.command_monitor.find(Aruba.platform.detect_ruby(cmd)) output_string_matcher = :an_output_string_being_eq expect(command).not_to send(matcher, send(output_string_matcher, expected)) end ## the stderr from "echo -n 'Hello'" should contain: Then "(the ){channel} from {string} should contain:" do |channel, cmd, expected| matcher = case channel when "output"; then :have_output when "stderr"; then :have_output_on_stderr when "stdout"; then :have_output_on_stdout end command = aruba.command_monitor.find(Aruba.platform.detect_ruby(cmd)) output_string_matcher = :an_output_string_including expect(command).to send(matcher, send(output_string_matcher, expected)) end ## the stderr from "echo -n 'Hello'" should contain exactly: Then "(the ){channel} from {string} should contain exactly:" do |channel, cmd, expected| matcher = case channel when "output"; then :have_output when "stderr"; then :have_output_on_stderr when "stdout"; then :have_output_on_stdout end command = aruba.command_monitor.find(Aruba.platform.detect_ruby(cmd)) output_string_matcher = :an_output_string_being_eq expect(command).to send(matcher, send(output_string_matcher, expected)) end # "the output should match" allows regex in the partial_output, if # you don't need regex, use "the output should contain" instead since # that way, you don't have to escape regex characters that # appear naturally in the output Then(%r{^the output should( not)? match /([^/]*)/$}) do |negated, expected| if negated expect(all_commands) .not_to include have_output an_output_string_matching(expected) else expect(all_commands) .to include have_output an_output_string_matching(expected) end end Then(/^the output should( not)? match %r<([^>]*)>$/) do |negated, expected| if negated expect(all_commands) .not_to include have_output an_output_string_matching(expected) else expect(all_commands) .to include have_output an_output_string_matching(expected) end end Then(/^the output should( not)? match:$/) do |negated, expected| if negated expect(all_commands) .not_to include have_output an_output_string_matching(expected) else expect(all_commands) .to include have_output an_output_string_matching(expected) end end Then(/^the exit status should( not)? be (\d+)$/) do |negated, exit_status| last_command_started.stop if last_command_stopped.empty? if negated expect(last_command_stopped).not_to have_exit_status exit_status.to_i else expect(last_command_stopped).to have_exit_status exit_status.to_i end end Then(/^it should not (pass|fail) with "(.*?)"$/) do |pass_fail, expected| last_command_started.stop if pass_fail == "pass" expect(last_command_stopped).to be_successfully_executed else expect(last_command_stopped).not_to be_successfully_executed end expect(last_command_stopped).not_to have_output an_output_string_including(expected) end Then(/^it should (pass|fail) with "(.*?)"$/) do |pass_fail, expected| last_command_started.stop if pass_fail == "pass" expect(last_command_stopped).to be_successfully_executed else expect(last_command_stopped).not_to be_successfully_executed end expect(last_command_stopped).to have_output an_output_string_including(expected) end Then(/^it should not (pass|fail) with:$/) do |pass_fail, expected| last_command_started.stop if pass_fail == "pass" expect(last_command_stopped).to be_successfully_executed else expect(last_command_stopped).not_to be_successfully_executed end expect(last_command_stopped).not_to have_output an_output_string_including(expected) end Then(/^it should (pass|fail) with:$/) do |pass_fail, expected| last_command_started.stop if pass_fail == "pass" expect(last_command_stopped).to be_successfully_executed else expect(last_command_stopped).not_to be_successfully_executed end expect(last_command_stopped).to have_output an_output_string_including(expected) end Then(/^it should not (pass|fail) with exactly:$/) do |pass_fail, expected| last_command_started.stop if pass_fail == "pass" expect(last_command_stopped).to be_successfully_executed else expect(last_command_stopped).not_to be_successfully_executed end expect(last_command_stopped).not_to have_output an_output_string_eq(expected) end Then(/^it should (pass|fail) with exactly:$/) do |pass_fail, expected| last_command_started.stop if pass_fail == "pass" expect(last_command_stopped).to be_successfully_executed else expect(last_command_stopped).not_to be_successfully_executed end expect(last_command_stopped).to have_output an_output_string_being_eq(expected) end Then(/^it should not (pass|fail) (?:with regexp?|matching):$/) do |pass_fail, expected| last_command_started.stop if pass_fail == "pass" expect(last_command_stopped).to be_successfully_executed else expect(last_command_stopped).not_to be_successfully_executed end expect(last_command_stopped).not_to have_output an_output_string_matching(expected) end Then(/^it should (pass|fail) (?:with regexp?|matching):$/) do |pass_fail, expected| last_command_started.stop if pass_fail == "pass" expect(last_command_stopped).to be_successfully_executed else expect(last_command_stopped).not_to be_successfully_executed end expect(last_command_stopped).to have_output an_output_string_matching(expected) end Then(/^(?:the )?(output|stderr|stdout) should not contain anything$/) do |channel| matcher = case channel when "output"; then :have_output when "stderr"; then :have_output_on_stderr when "stdout"; then :have_output_on_stdout end expect(all_commands).to include send(matcher, be_nil.or(be_empty)) end Then(/^(?:the )?(output|stdout|stderr) should( not)? contain all of these lines:$/) \ do |channel, negated, table| table.raw.flatten.each do |expected| _matcher = case channel when "output"; then :have_output when "stderr"; then :have_output_on_stderr when "stdout"; then :have_output_on_stdout end # TODO: This isn't actually using the above. It's hardcoded to use have_output only if negated expect(all_commands) .not_to include have_output an_output_string_including(expected) else expect(all_commands) .to include have_output an_output_string_including(expected) end end end Given(/^the (?:default )?aruba io wait timeout is ([\d.]+) seconds?$/) do |seconds| aruba.config.io_wait_timeout = seconds.to_f end Given(/^the (?:default )?aruba exit timeout is ([\d.]+) seconds?$/) do |seconds| aruba.config.exit_timeout = seconds.to_f end Given "the( default) aruba stop signal is {string}" do |signal| aruba.config.stop_signal = signal end Given(/^I wait ([\d.]+) seconds? for (?:a|the) command to start up$/) do |seconds| aruba.config.startup_wait_time = seconds.to_f end When "I send the signal {string} to the command {string}" do |signal, command| cmd = all_commands.find { |c| c.commandline == command } raise ArgumentError, %(No command "#{command}" found) if cmd.nil? cmd.send_signal signal end When "I send the signal {string} to the command started last" do |signal| last_command_started.send_signal signal end Given "I look for executables in {string} within the current directory" do |directory| prepend_environment_variable "PATH", expand_path(directory) + File::PATH_SEPARATOR end