require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper.rb' describe InThreads do before :each do srand 1 @a = (1..30).map{ |i| mock(:"e#{i}", :hello => nil, :value => i, :rand => rand * 0.01) } @sleepy_prock = proc{ |e| sleep(e.rand); e.hello; e.value } @sleepy_prock_a = proc{ |e| sleep(e.inject{ |sum, e| e.rand }); e.hash } end def measure start = yield - start end it "should execute block for each element" do @a.each{ |e| e.should_receive(:hello) } @a.in_threads.each(&:hello) end it "should not run simulanteously more threads" do @mutex = @threads = 0 (1..100).to_a.in_threads(10).each do |i| (0..10).include?(@threads).should be_true @mutex.synchronize{ @threads += 1 } (0..10).include?(@threads).should be_true sleep 1 + rand * 1 (0..10).include?(@threads).should be_true @mutex.synchronize{ @threads -= 1 } (0..10).include?(@threads).should be_true end end it "should run faster than without threads" do (measure{ @a.in_threads.each(&@sleepy_prock) } * 2).should be < measure{ @a.each(&@sleepy_prock) } end it "should run not much slower than max of block running times if ran simultaneously" do measure{ (1..95).in_threads(100).each{ |i| sleep(i * 0.01) } }.should be < 1.0 end it "should run faster when ran with more threads" do (measure{ @a.in_threads(20).each(&@sleepy_prock) } * 2).should be < measure{ @a.in_threads(2).each(&@sleepy_prock) } end %w(each map any? all? none?).each do |method| it "should return same as without thread for #{method}" do @a.in_threads.send(method, &@sleepy_prock).should == @a.send(method, &@sleepy_prock) end end it "should return same as without thread for .each_slice" do @a.in_threads.each_slice(2, &@sleepy_prock_a).should == @a.each_slice(2, &@sleepy_prock_a) end end