# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-09-02 19:15+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "Language: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" #: ../Changelog.md:1 msgid "# Changelog" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:3 msgid "## v0.0.1" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:5 msgid "- Initial release" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:7 msgid "## v0.0.2" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:9 msgid "- Fix: Fix rubygems description" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:11 msgid "## v0.0.3" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:13 msgid "- Fix: Fix no dependencies" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:15 msgid "## v0.0.4" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:17 msgid "- Fix: Fix NoMethodError by webhook message\n" "- Add: Add `#author` to webhook message\n" "- Fix: Add `#bot?` to webhook author" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:21 msgid "## v0.0.5" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:23 msgid "- Fix: Fix GitHub link\n" "- Change: Internet to HTTP" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:26 msgid "## v0.0.6" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:28 msgid "- Fix: Fix error in client without members intent\n" "- Add: Add ThreadChannel::News\n" "- Add: Add official discord link" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:32 msgid "## v0.0.7" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:34 msgid "- Fix: Fix `member_xxx` event" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:36 msgid "## 0.0.8" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:38 msgid "- Delete: Delete task parameter" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:40 msgid "## 0.1.0" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:42 msgid "- Add: Add `User#created_at`\n" "- Add: Add `Member#to_s_user`\n" "- Add: Add `DefaultAvatar`\n" "- Add: Support application commands\n" "- Add: Add `Client#ping`\n" "- Add: Allow `String` for `Embed#initialize`\n" "- Change: Change log format" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:50 msgid "## 0.2.0" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:52 msgid "- Fix: Fix unused dependency\n" "- Add: Add `Client#close!`\n" "- Add: Add discord-irb" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:56 msgid "## 0.2.1" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:58 msgid "- Fix: Fix NoMethodError in reaction event\n" "- Add: Add Changelog.md to document" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:61 msgid "## 0.2.2 (yanked)" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:63 msgid "- Add: Add `Snowflake#to_str`" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:65 msgid "## 0.2.3" msgstr "" #: ../Changelog.md:67 msgid "- Fix: Fix critical error" msgstr "" #: ../README.md:1 msgid "# discorb\n" "[![rubydoc](https://img.shields.io/badge/Document-rubydoc.info-blue.svg)](https://rubydoc.info/gems/discorb)\n" "[![Gem](https://img.shields.io/gem/dt/discorb?logo=rubygems&logoColor=fff)](https://rubygems.org/gems/discorb)\n" "[![Gem](https://img.shields.io/gem/v/discorb?logo=rubygems&logoColor=fff)](https://rubygems.org/gems/discorb)\n" "[![Discord](https://img.shields.io/discord/863581274916913193?logo=discord&logoColor=fff&color=5865f2&label=Discord)](https://discord.gg/hCP6zq8Vpj)\n" "[![Crowdin](https://badges.crowdin.net/discorb/localized.svg)](https://crowdin.com/project/discorb)" msgstr "" #: ../README.md:8 msgid "discorb is a Discord API wrapper for Ruby." msgstr "" #: ../README.md:10 msgid "## Installation" msgstr "" #: ../README.md:12 msgid "Add this line to your application's Gemfile:" msgstr "" #: ../README.md:14 msgid "```ruby\n" "gem 'discorb'\n" "```" msgstr "" #: ../README.md:18 msgid "And then execute:" msgstr "" #: ../README.md:20 msgid " $ bundle install" msgstr "" #: ../README.md:22 msgid "Or install it yourself as:" msgstr "" #: ../README.md:24 msgid " $ gem install discorb" msgstr "" #: ../README.md:26 #: ../docs/discord_irb.md:8 msgid "## Usage" msgstr "" #: ../README.md:28 msgid "### Simple ping-pong" msgstr "" #: ../README.md:30 #: ../docs/application_command.md:24 msgid "```ruby\n" "require \"discorb\"" msgstr "" #: ../README.md:33 #: ../docs/application_command.md:27 msgid "client = Discorb::Client.new" msgstr "" #: ../README.md:35 msgid "client.once :standby do\n" " puts \"Logged in as #{client.user}\"\n" "end" msgstr "" #: ../README.md:39 msgid "client.on :message do |message|\n" " next if message.author.bot?\n" " next unless message.content == \"ping\"" msgstr "" #: ../README.md:43 msgid " message.channel.post(\"Pong!\")\n" "end" msgstr "" #: ../README.md:46 #: ../docs/application_command.md:33 msgid "client.run(ENV[\"DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN\"])\n" "```" msgstr "" #: ../README.md:49 msgid "## Contributing" msgstr "" #: ../README.md:51 msgid "Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/discorb-lib/discorb." msgstr "" #: ../README.md:53 msgid "## License" msgstr "" #: ../README.md:55 msgid "The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)." msgstr "" # title #: ../docs/Examples.md:1 msgid "Examples" msgstr "" #: ../docs/Examples.md:3 msgid "# Examples" msgstr "" #: ../docs/Examples.md:5 msgid "## Simple ping pong" msgstr "" #: ../docs/Examples.md:7 msgid "{include:file:examples/simple/ping_pong.rb}" msgstr "" #: ../docs/Examples.md:9 msgid "## Wait for a message" msgstr "" #: ../docs/Examples.md:11 msgid "{include:file:examples/simple/wait_for_message.rb}" msgstr "" #: ../docs/Examples.md:13 msgid "## Use components" msgstr "" #: ../docs/Examples.md:15 msgid "### Authorization button" msgstr "" #: ../docs/Examples.md:17 msgid "{include:file:examples/components/authorization_button.rb}" msgstr "" #: ../docs/Examples.md:19 msgid "### Pagination with select menu" msgstr "" #: ../docs/Examples.md:21 msgid "{include:file:examples/components/select_menu.rb}" msgstr "" #: ../docs/Examples.md:23 #: ../docs/events.md:356 msgid "#### Note" msgstr "" #: ../docs/Examples.md:25 msgid "This example is not shown correctly in the docs.\n" "[Read this example on GitHub](https://github.com/discorb-lib/discorb/blob/main/examples/components/select_menu.rb)." msgstr "" # title #: ../docs/application_command.md:1 msgid "Application Commands" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:3 msgid "# Application Commands" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:5 msgid "## What is an application command?" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:7 msgid "> Application commands are commands that an application can register to Discord. They provide users a first-class way of interacting directly with your application that feels deeply integrated into Discord." msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:9 msgid "From: [Discord API docs](https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#application-commands)" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:11 msgid "## How do I register an application command?" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:13 msgid "Use {Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Handler#slash}, {Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Handler#group} for slash commands, {Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Handler#user_command} for user menu commands, and {Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Handler#message_command} for message menu commands." msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:15 msgid "### Note" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:17 msgid "To register a global command, it will take 1 hour to be registered.\n" "Guild commands will be registered immediately." msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:20 msgid "### Register Slash Commands" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:22 msgid "This example registers a slash command that says \"Hello, world!\" when the user types `/hello`." msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:29 msgid "client.slash(\"hello\", \"Greet for you\") do |interaction|\n" " interaction.post(\"Hello World!\", ephemeral: true)\n" "end" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:36 msgid "{Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Handler#slash} takes 5 arguments:" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:38 msgid "| Argument | Description |\n" "|---------|-------------|\n" "| `command_name` | The name of the command. |\n" "| `description` | The description of the command. |\n" "| `options` | A hash of options. |\n" "| `guild_ids` | The ID of the guild to register the command in. |\n" "| `block` | A block that will be called when the command is invoked. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:46 msgid "In `options`, hash should be like this:" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:48 msgid "```ruby\n" "{\n" " \"Name\" => {\n" " type: :string,\n" " required: true,\n" " description: \"The description of the command.\"\n" " }\n" "}\n" "```" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:58 msgid "| Key | Description |\n" "| --- | --- |\n" "| `type` | The type of the argument. |\n" "| `required` | Whether the argument is required. |\n" "| `description` | The description of the argument. |\n" "| `choices` | The choices of the argument. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:65 msgid "`choices` should be unspecified if you don't want to use it.\n" "`choices` is hash like this:" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:68 msgid "```ruby\n" "{\n" " \"vocaloid\" => {\n" " required: true,\n" " description: \"The vocaloid which you like.\"\n" " type: :string,\n" " choices: {\n" " \"Hatsune Miku\" => \"miku\",\n" " \"Kagamine Rin\" => \"rin\",\n" " \"Kagamine Len\" => \"len\",\n" " \"Megurine Luka\" => \"luka\",\n" " \"MEIKO\" => \"meiko\",\n" " \"KAITO\" => \"kaito\",\n" " }\n" " }\n" "}" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:85 msgid "# Note: This aritcle is written in 8/31.\n" "```" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:88 msgid "The key will be displayed in the user menu, and the value will be used as the argument." msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:90 msgid "In `type`, You must use one of the following:" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:92 msgid "| Name | Description | Aliases|\n" "| --- | --- | --- |\n" "| `:string` | String argument. | `:str` |\n" "| `:integer` | Integer argument. | `:int` |\n" "| `:float` | Float argument. | None |\n" "| `:boolean` | Boolean argument. | `:bool` |\n" "| `:user` | User argument. | `:member` |\n" "| `:channel` | Channel argument. | None |\n" "| `:role` | Role argument. | None |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:102 msgid "### Group Slash Commands" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:104 msgid "To register a group of slash commands, use {Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Handler#slash_group}." msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:106 msgid "```ruby\n" "group = client.slash_group(\"settings\", \"Set settings of bot.\")" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:109 msgid "group.slash(\"message_expand\", \"Whether bot should expand message.\", {\n" " \"enabled\" => {\n" " type: :boolean,\n" " description: \"Whether bot should expand message.\"\n" " }\n" "}) do |interaction|\n" " # ...\n" "end" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:118 msgid "group.slash(\"bump_alert\", \"Whether bot should notify DISBOARD bump.\", {\n" " \"enabled\" => {\n" " type: :boolean,\n" " description: \"Whether bot should notify DISBOARD bump.\"\n" " }\n" "}) do |interaction|\n" " # ...\n" "end\n" "```" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:128 msgid "You can make subcommand group by using {Discorb::ApplicationCommand::GroupCommand#group}." msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:130 msgid "```ruby\n" "group = client.slash_group(\"permission\", \"Set/Get command permissions.\")" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:133 #: ../docs/application_command.md:157 msgid "group_user = group.group(\"user\", \"Set/Get user's command permissions.\")" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:135 #: ../docs/application_command.md:159 msgid "group_user.slash(\"set\", \"Set user's command permissions.\", {\n" " \"user_id\" => {\n" " type: :user,\n" " description: \"The user.\"\n" " },\n" " \"value\" => {\n" " type: :boolean,\n" " description: \"Whether the user can use the command.\"\n" " }\n" "}) do |interaction, user|\n" " # ...\n" "end" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:148 #: ../docs/application_command.md:172 msgid "group_user.slash(\"get\", \"Set user's command permissions.\", {\n" " \"user_id\" => {\n" " type: :user,\n" " description: \"The user.\"\n" " },\n" "}) do |interaction, user|\n" " # ...\n" "end" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:181 msgid "group_role = group.group(\"role\", \"Set/Get role's command permissions.\")" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:183 msgid "group_role.slash(\"set\", \"Set role's command permissions.\", {\n" " \"role_id\" => {\n" " type: :role,\n" " description: \"The role.\"\n" " },\n" " \"value\" => {\n" " type: :boolean,\n" " description: \"Whether the role can use the command.\"\n" " }\n" "}) do |interaction, role|\n" " # ...\n" "end" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:196 msgid "group_role.slash(\"get\", \"Set role's command permissions.\", {\n" " \"role_id\" => {\n" " type: :role,\n" " description: \"The role.\"\n" " },\n" "}) do |interaction, role|\n" " # ...\n" "end" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:205 msgid "```" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:207 msgid "### Register User Context Menu Command" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:209 msgid "```ruby\n" "client.user_command(\"hello\") do |interaction, user|\n" " interaction.post(\"Hello, #{user.name}!\")\n" "end\n" "```\n" "{Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Handler#user_command} takes 3 arguments:" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:216 #: ../docs/application_command.md:240 msgid "| Parameter | Description |\n" "| --- | --- |\n" "| `command_name` | The name of the command. |\n" "| `guild_ids` | The ID of the guild to register the command in. |\n" "| `block` | A block that will be called when the command is invoked. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:222 #: ../docs/application_command.md:246 msgid "`block` will be called with two arguments:" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:224 msgid "| Parameter | Description |\n" "| --- | --- |\n" "| `interaction` | The interaction object. |\n" "| `user` | The user object. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:230 msgid "### Register Message Context Menu Command" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:232 msgid "```ruby\n" "client.message_command(\"Bookmark\") do |interaction, message|\n" " # ...\n" "end\n" "```" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:238 msgid "{Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Handler#message_command} takes 3 arguments:" msgstr "" #: ../docs/application_command.md:248 msgid "| Parameter | Description |\n" "| --- | --- |\n" "| `interaction` | The interaction object. |\n" "| `message` | The message object. |" msgstr "" # title #: ../docs/discord_irb.md:1 msgid "discord-irb" msgstr "" #: ../docs/discord_irb.md:3 msgid "# discord-irb" msgstr "" #: ../docs/discord_irb.md:5 msgid "discord-irb is a command line tool for interacting with the Discord API." msgstr "" #: ../docs/discord_irb.md:10 msgid "```\n" "$ bundle exec discord-irb\n" "```" msgstr "" #: ../docs/discord_irb.md:14 msgid "To start." msgstr "" #: ../docs/discord_irb.md:16 msgid "### Load a token" msgstr "" #: ../docs/discord_irb.md:18 msgid "discord-irb will load a token from...\n" "1. the `DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN` environment variable\n" "2. the `DISCORD_TOKEN` environment variable\n" "3. `token` file in the current directory(customizable with `-f` option)\n" "4. your input" msgstr "" #: ../docs/discord_irb.md:24 msgid "### Arguments" msgstr "" #: ../docs/discord_irb.md:26 msgid "#### `-i`, `--intents`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/discord_irb.md:28 msgid "Intents to use.\n" "Specify intents with integers." msgstr "" #: ../docs/discord_irb.md:31 msgid "#### `-t`, `--token-file`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/discord_irb.md:33 msgid "Token file to load." msgstr "" #: ../docs/discord_irb.md:35 msgid "### Variables" msgstr "" #: ../docs/discord_irb.md:37 msgid "#### `message`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/discord_irb.md:39 msgid "Last message received." msgstr "" # title #: ../docs/events.md:1 msgid "Events" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:3 msgid "# Events" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:5 msgid "## How to use events" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:7 msgid "discorb uses event driven programming.\n" "You can register event handlers with {Client#on}.\n" "Alternatively, you can use {Client#once} to register a one-time event handler." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:11 msgid "```ruby\n" "client.on :message do |event|\n" " puts event.message.content\n" "end\n" "```" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:17 msgid "This example will print the content of every message received." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:19 msgid "## Event reference" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:21 msgid "### Client events" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:23 msgid "#### `event_receive(event_name, data)`\n" "Fires when a event is received." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:26 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`event_name`| Symbol | The name of the event. |\n" "|`data` | Hash | The data of the event. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:31 msgid "#### `ready()`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:33 msgid "Fires when the client is ready." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:35 msgid "#### `resumed()`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:37 msgid "Fires when the client is resumed connection." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:39 msgid "### Guild events" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:41 msgid "#### `guild_join(guild)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:43 msgid "Fires when client joins a guild." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:45 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`guild` | {Discorb::Guild} | The guild that was joined. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:49 msgid "#### `guild_available(guild)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:51 msgid "Fires when a guild becomes available." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:53 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`guild` | {Discorb::Guild} | The guild that became available. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:57 msgid "#### `guild_update(before, after)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:59 msgid "Fires when client updates a guild." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:61 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`before` | {Discorb::Guild} | The guild before the update. |\n" "|`after` | {Discorb::Guild} | The guild after the update. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:66 msgid "#### `guild_leave(guild)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:68 msgid "Fires when client leaves a guild." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:70 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`guild` | {Discorb::Guild} | The guild that was left. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:74 msgid "#### `guild_destroy(guild)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:76 msgid "Fires when guild is destroyed." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:78 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`guild` | {Discorb::Guild} | The guild that was destroyed. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:82 msgid "#### `guild_integrations_update(guild)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:84 msgid "Fires when guild integrations are updated." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:86 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`guild` | {Discorb::Guild} | The guild that integrations were updated for. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:90 msgid "#### `guild_ban_add(guild, user)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:92 msgid "Fires when a user is banned from a guild." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:95 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`guild` | {Discorb::Guild} | The guild that the user was banned from. |\n" "|`user` | {Discorb::User} | The user that was banned. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:100 msgid "#### `guild_ban_remove(guild, user)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:102 msgid "Fires when a user is unbanned from a guild." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:104 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`guild` | {Discorb::Guild} | The guild that the user was unbanned from. |\n" "|`user` | {Discorb::User} | The user that was unbanned. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:109 msgid "### Channel events" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:111 msgid "#### `channel_create(channel)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:113 msgid "Fires when a channel is created." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:115 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`channel` | {Discorb::Channel} | The channel that was created. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:119 msgid "#### `channel_update(before, after)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:121 msgid "Fires when a channel is updated." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:123 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`before` | {Discorb::Channel} | The channel before the update. |\n" "|`after` | {Discorb::Channel} | The channel after the update. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:128 msgid "#### `channel_delete(channel)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:130 msgid "Fires when a channel is deleted." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:132 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`channel` | {Discorb::Channel} | The channel that was deleted. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:136 msgid "#### `webhooks_update(event)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:138 msgid "Fires when a webhook is updated." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:140 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`event` | {Discorb::WebhooksUpdateEvent} | The webhook update event. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:144 msgid "#### `thread_new(thread)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:146 msgid "Fires when a thread is created." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:148 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`thread` | {Discorb::ThreadChannel} | The thread that was created. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:152 msgid "#### `thread_join(thread)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:154 msgid "Fires when client joins a thread." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:156 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`thread` | {Discorb::ThreadChannel} | The thread that was joined. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:161 msgid "#### `thread_delete(thread)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:163 msgid "Fires when a thread is deleted." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:165 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`thread` | {Discorb::ThreadChannel} | The thread that was deleted. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:169 msgid "#### `thread_update(before, after)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:171 msgid "Fires when a thread is updated." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:173 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`before` | {Discorb::ThreadChannel} | The thread before the update. |\n" "|`after` | {Discorb::ThreadChannel} | The thread after the update. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:178 msgid "#### `thread_members_update(thread, added, removed)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:180 msgid "Fires when a thread's members are updated." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:182 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`thread` | {Discorb::ThreadChannel} | The thread that the members were updated for. |\n" "|`added` | Array<{ThreadChannel::Member}> | An array of {Discorb::ThreadChannel::Member} objects that were added to the thread. |\n" "|`removed` | Array<{ThreadChannel::Member}> | An array of {Discorb::ThreadChannel::Member} objects that were removed from the thread. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:188 msgid "#### `thread_member_update(before, after)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:190 msgid "Fires when a thread member is updated." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:192 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| --------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`thread` | {Discorb::ThreadChannel} | The thread that the member was updated for. |\n" "|`before` | {Discorb::ThreadChannel::Member} | The thread member before the update. |\n" "|`after` | {Discorb::ThreadChannel::Member} | The thread member after the update. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:198 msgid "### Integration events" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:200 msgid "#### `integration_create(integration)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:202 msgid "Fires when a guild integration is created." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:204 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`integration`| {Discorb::Integration}| The created integration. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:208 msgid "#### `integration_update(before, after)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:210 msgid "Fires when a guild integration is updated." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:213 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`before` | {Discorb::Integration}| The integration before the update. |\n" "|`after` | {Discorb::Integration}| The integration after the update. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:218 msgid "#### `integration_delete(integration)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:220 msgid "Fires when a guild integration is deleted." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:222 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`integration`| {Discorb::Integration}| The deleted integration. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:226 msgid "### Message events" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:228 msgid "#### `message(message)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:230 msgid "Fires when a message is created." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:232 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`message` | {Discorb::Message}| The created message. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:236 msgid "#### `message_update(event)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:238 msgid "Fires when a message is updated." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:240 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`event` | {Discorb::Gateway::MessageUpdateEvent}| The message after the update. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:244 msgid "#### `message_delete(message, channel, guild)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:246 msgid "Fires when a message is deleted." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:248 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`message` | {Discorb::Message}| The deleted message. |\n" "|`channel` | {Discorb::Channel}| The channel the message was deleted from. |\n" "|`guild` | ?{Discorb::Guild} | The guild the message was deleted from. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:254 msgid "##### Note" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:256 msgid "This will fire when cached messages are deleted." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:258 msgid "#### `message_delete_id(message_id, channel, guild)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:260 msgid "Fires when a message is deleted.\n" "Not like {#message_delete} this will fire even message is not cached." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:263 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`message_id`| {Discorb::Snowflake} | The deleted message ID. |\n" "|`channel` | {Discorb::Channel}| The channel the message was deleted from. |\n" "|`guild` | ?{Discorb::Guild} | The guild the message was deleted from. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:269 msgid "#### `message_delete_bulk(messages)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:271 msgid "Fires when a bulk of messages are deleted." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:273 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`messages` | Array<{Discorb::Message}, {Discorb::Gateway::UnknownDeleteBulkMessage}> | The deleted messages. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:277 msgid "#### `message_pin_update(event)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:279 msgid "Fires when a message is pinned or unpinned." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:281 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`event` | {Discorb::Gateway::MessagePinUpdateEvent}| The event object. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:285 msgid "#### `typing_start(event)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:287 msgid "Fires when a user starts typing." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:289 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| --------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`event` | {Discorb::Gateway::TypingStartEvent}| The event object. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:293 msgid "### Reaction events" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:295 msgid "#### `reaction_add(event)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:297 msgid "Fires when a reaction is added to a message." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:299 #: ../docs/events.md:307 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`event` | {Discorb::Gateway::ReactionEvent}| The event object. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:303 msgid "#### `reaction_remove(event)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:305 msgid "Fires when someone removes a reaction from a message." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:311 msgid "#### `reaction_remove_all(event)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:313 msgid "Fires when all reactions are removed from a message." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:315 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`event` | {Discorb::Gateway::ReactionRemoveAllEvent}| The event object. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:319 msgid "#### `reaction_remove_emoji(event)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:321 msgid "Fires when a reaction is removed from a message." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:323 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`event` | {Discorb::Gateway::ReactionRemoveEmojiEvent}| The event object. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:327 #: ../docs/events.md:385 msgid "### Role events" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:329 #: ../docs/events.md:387 msgid "#### `role_create(role)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:331 #: ../docs/events.md:389 msgid "Fires when a role is created." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:333 #: ../docs/events.md:391 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`role` | {Discorb::Role}| The created role. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:337 #: ../docs/events.md:395 msgid "#### `role_update(before, after)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:339 #: ../docs/events.md:397 msgid "Fires when a role is updated." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:341 #: ../docs/events.md:399 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`before` | {Discorb::Role}| The role before the update. |\n" "|`after` | {Discorb::Role}| The role after the update. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:346 #: ../docs/events.md:404 msgid "#### `role_remove(role)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:348 #: ../docs/events.md:406 msgid "Fires when a role is deleted." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:350 #: ../docs/events.md:408 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`role` | {Discorb::Role}| The deleted role. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:354 msgid "### Member events" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:358 msgid "These events requires the `guild_members` intent." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:360 msgid "#### `member_add(member)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:362 msgid "Fires when a member joins a guild." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:364 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`member` | {Discorb::Member}| The member that joined. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:368 msgid "#### `member_update(before, after)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:370 msgid "Fires when a member is updated." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:372 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`before` | {Discorb::Member}| The member before the update. |\n" "|`after` | {Discorb::Member}| The member after the update. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:377 msgid "#### `member_remove(member)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:379 msgid "Fires when a member is removed from a guild." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:381 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`member` | {Discorb::Member}| The member that left. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:412 msgid "### Invite events" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:414 msgid "#### `invite_create(invite)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:416 msgid "Fires when a invite is created." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:418 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`invite` | {Discorb::Invite}| The created invite. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:422 msgid "#### `invite_delete(invite)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:424 msgid "Fires when a invite is deleted." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:426 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`invite` | {Discorb::Invite}| The deleted invite. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:430 msgid "### Interaction events" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:432 msgid "#### `button_click(interaction)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:434 msgid "Fires when a button is clicked." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:436 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`interaction`| {Discorb::MessageComponentInteraction::Button}| The interaction object. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:440 msgid "#### `select_menu_select(interaction)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:442 msgid "Fires when a select menu is selected." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:444 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`interaction`| {Discorb::MessageComponentInteraction::SelectMenu}| The interaction object. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:448 msgid "### Voice events" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:450 msgid "It's too big, so they're documented in {file:docs/voice_events.md}" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:452 msgid "### Low-level events" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:454 msgid "#### `guild_create(guild)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:456 msgid "Fires when `GUILD_CREATE` is received." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:458 #: ../docs/events.md:466 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`guild` | {Discorb::Guild}| The guild of the event. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:462 msgid "#### `guild_delete(guild)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:464 msgid "Fires when `GUILD_DELETE` is received." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:470 msgid "#### `thread_create(thread)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:472 msgid "Fires when `THREAD_CREATE` is received." msgstr "" #: ../docs/events.md:474 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| ---------- | ----- | ----------- |\n" "|`thread` | {Discorb::ThreadChannel}| The thread of the event. |" msgstr "" # title #: ../docs/extension.md:1 msgid "Extension" msgstr "" #: ../docs/extension.md:3 msgid "# Extension" msgstr "" #: ../docs/extension.md:5 msgid "Extension allows you to split your code into multiple files." msgstr "" #: ../docs/extension.md:7 msgid "## Make a new extension" msgstr "" #: ../docs/extension.md:9 msgid "Make a new module, and extend {Discorb::Extension}." msgstr "" #: ../docs/extension.md:11 #: ../docs/extension.md:23 #: ../docs/extension.md:45 msgid "```ruby\n" "module MyExtension\n" " extend Discorb::Extension" msgstr "" #: ../docs/extension.md:15 msgid " # ...\n" "end\n" "```" msgstr "" #: ../docs/extension.md:19 msgid "## Register Event" msgstr "" #: ../docs/extension.md:21 msgid "Use {Extension#event} to register event, or {Extension#once_event} to register event only once." msgstr "" #: ../docs/extension.md:27 msgid " event :message do |message|\n" " # ...\n" " end" msgstr "" #: ../docs/extension.md:31 msgid " once_event :ready do |message|\n" " # ...\n" " end\n" "end\n" "```" msgstr "" #: ../docs/extension.md:37 msgid "## Load extension" msgstr "" #: ../docs/extension.md:39 msgid "Use {Client#extend} to load extension." msgstr "" #: ../docs/extension.md:41 msgid "## Access Client from extension" msgstr "" #: ../docs/extension.md:43 msgid "You can access {Client} from extension with `@client`." msgstr "" #: ../docs/extension.md:49 msgid " event :ready do |message|\n" " puts \"Logged in as #{client.user}\"\n" " end\n" "end\n" "```" msgstr "" # title #: ../docs/voice_events.md:1 msgid "Voice Events" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:3 msgid "# Voice Events" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:5 msgid "### Voice Channel Events" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:7 msgid "#### `voice_channel_connect(state)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:9 msgid "Fires when someone joins a voice channel." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:11 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| --- | --- | --- |\n" "| state | {Discorb::VoiceState} | The voice state of the user that joined. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:15 msgid "#### `voice_channel_disconnect(state)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:17 msgid "Fires when someone leaves a voice channel." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:19 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| --- | --- | --- |\n" "| state | {Discorb::VoiceState} | The voice state of the user that left. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:23 msgid "#### `voice_channel_move(before, after)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:25 msgid "Fires when someone moves to a different voice channel." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:27 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| --- | --- | --- |\n" "| before | {Discorb::VoiceState} | The voice state of the user before the move. |\n" "| after | {Discorb::VoiceState} | The voice state of the user after the move. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:32 msgid "#### `voice_channel_update(before, after)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:34 msgid "Fires when a voice channel is connected, disconnected, or updated." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:36 #: ../docs/voice_events.md:280 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| --- | --- | --- |\n" "| before | {Discorb::VoiceState} | The voice state before the update. |\n" "| after | {Discorb::VoiceState} | The voice state after the update. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:41 msgid "### Mute Events" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:43 msgid "#### `voice_mute_disable(state)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:45 msgid "Fires when a user's voice mute is disabled." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:47 #: ../docs/voice_events.md:55 #: ../docs/voice_events.md:72 #: ../docs/voice_events.md:80 #: ../docs/voice_events.md:97 #: ../docs/voice_events.md:105 #: ../docs/voice_events.md:124 #: ../docs/voice_events.md:132 #: ../docs/voice_events.md:149 #: ../docs/voice_events.md:157 #: ../docs/voice_events.md:174 #: ../docs/voice_events.md:182 #: ../docs/voice_events.md:199 #: ../docs/voice_events.md:207 #: ../docs/voice_events.md:226 #: ../docs/voice_events.md:234 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| --- | --- | --- |\n" "| `state` | {Discorb::VoiceState} | The voice state. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:51 msgid "#### `voice_mute_enable(state)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:53 msgid "Fires when a user's voice mute is enabled." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:59 msgid "#### `voice_mute_update(before, after)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:61 msgid "Fires when a user's voice mute is enabled or disabled." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:63 #: ../docs/voice_events.md:88 #: ../docs/voice_events.md:113 #: ../docs/voice_events.md:140 #: ../docs/voice_events.md:165 #: ../docs/voice_events.md:188 #: ../docs/voice_events.md:215 #: ../docs/voice_events.md:242 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| --- | --- | --- |\n" "| `before` | {Discorb::VoiceState} | The voice state before the update. |\n" "| `after` | {Discorb::VoiceState} | The voice state after the update. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:68 msgid "#### `voice_server_mute_enable(state)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:70 msgid "Fires when a user's server voice mute is enabled." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:76 msgid "#### `voice_server_mute_disable(state)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:78 msgid "Fires when a user's server voice mute is disabled." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:84 msgid "#### `voice_server_mute_update(before, after)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:86 msgid "Fires when a user's server voice mute is enabled or disabled." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:93 msgid "#### `voice_self_mute_enable(state)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:95 msgid "Fires when a user's self voice mute is enabled." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:101 msgid "#### `voice_self_mute_disable(state)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:103 msgid "Fires when a user's self voice mute is disabled." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:109 msgid "#### `voice_self_mute_update(before, after)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:111 msgid "Fires when a user's self voice mute is enabled or disabled." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:118 msgid "### Deaf Events" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:120 msgid "#### `voice_deaf_enable(state)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:122 msgid "Fires when a user's voice deaf is enabled." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:128 msgid "#### `voice_deaf_disable(state)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:130 msgid "Fires when a user's voice deaf is disabled." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:136 msgid "#### `voice_deaf_update(before, after)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:138 msgid "Fires when a user's voice deaf is enabled or disabled." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:145 msgid "#### `voice_server_deaf_enable(state)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:147 msgid "Fires when a user's server voice deaf is enabled." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:153 msgid "#### `voice_server_deaf_disable(state)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:155 msgid "Fires when a user's server voice deaf is disabled." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:161 msgid "#### `voice_server_deaf_update(before, after)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:163 msgid "Fires when a user's server voice deaf is enabled or disabled." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:170 msgid "#### `voice_self_deaf_enable(state)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:172 msgid "Fires when a user's self voice deaf is enabled." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:178 msgid "#### `voice_self_deaf_disable(state)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:180 msgid "Fires when a user's self voice deaf is disabled." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:186 msgid "#### `voice_self_deaf_update(before, after)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:193 msgid "### Stream Events" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:195 msgid "#### `voice_stream_start(state)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:197 msgid "Fires when a stream is started." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:203 msgid "#### `voice_stream_end(state)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:205 msgid "Fires when a stream is ended." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:211 msgid "#### `voice_stream_update(before, after)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:213 msgid "Fires when a stream is started or ended." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:220 msgid "### Video Events" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:222 msgid "#### `voice_video_start(state)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:224 msgid "Fires when a video is started." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:230 msgid "#### `voice_video_end(state)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:232 msgid "Fires when a video is ended." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:238 msgid "#### `voice_video_update(before, after)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:240 msgid "Fires when a video is started or ended." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:247 msgid "### Stage Instances Events" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:249 msgid "#### `stage_instance_create(instance)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:251 msgid "Fires when a new stage instance is created." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:253 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| --- | --- | --- |\n" "| `instance` | {Discorb::StageInstance} | The created instance. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:257 msgid "#### `stage_instance_delete(instance)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:259 msgid "Fires when a stage instance is deleted." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:261 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| --- | --- | --- |\n" "| `instance` | {Discorb::StageInstance} | The deleted instance. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:265 msgid "#### `stage_instance_update(before, after)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:267 msgid "Fires when a stage instance is updated." msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:269 msgid "| Parameter | Type | Description |\n" "| --- | --- | --- |\n" "| `before` | {Discorb::StageInstance} | The instance before the update. |\n" "| `after` | {Discorb::StageInstance} | The instance after the update. |" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:274 msgid "### Misc Events" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:276 msgid "#### `voice_state_update(before, after)`" msgstr "" #: ../docs/voice_events.md:278 msgid "Fired when a user changes voice state." msgstr "" # Discorb #: ../lib/discorb.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/asset.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji_table.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/error.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/event.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/file.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway_requests.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/image.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/invite.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/log.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/permission.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/reaction.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/utils.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:4 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:4 msgid "A new wrapper for the Discorb API." msgstr "" # @author #: ../lib/discorb.rb:6 #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/asset.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:5 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:9 #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:5 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji_table.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/error.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/event.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/file.rb:5 #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:5 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway_requests.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:5 #: ../lib/discorb/image.rb:6 #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/invite.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/log.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/permission.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/reaction.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/utils.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:3 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:3 msgid "sevenc-nanashi" msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:38 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:41 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:44 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:47 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:50 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:112 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:115 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:118 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:161 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:164 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:167 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:224 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:237 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:253 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:257 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:280 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:296 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:300 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:312 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:328 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:332 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:356 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:377 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:381 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:385 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:430 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:445 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:449 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:949 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:966 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1161 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1210 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:31 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:42 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:30 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:102 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:106 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:114 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:122 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:126 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:130 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:134 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:170 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:196 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:200 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:28 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:68 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:72 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:76 msgid "The object wasn't cached." msgstr "" # @note #: ../lib/discorb.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:45 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:512 msgid "You must enable `GUILD_MEMBERS` intent to use this method." msgstr "" # @note #: ../lib/discorb.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:38 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:41 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:44 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:47 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:50 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:112 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:115 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:118 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:161 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:164 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:167 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:224 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:237 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:253 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:257 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:280 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:296 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:300 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:312 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:328 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:332 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:356 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:377 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:381 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:385 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:430 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:445 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:449 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:949 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:966 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1161 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1210 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:31 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:42 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:30 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:102 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:106 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:114 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:122 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:126 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:130 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:134 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:170 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:196 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:200 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:28 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:68 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:72 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:76 msgid "This method returns an object from client cache. it will return `nil` if the object is not in cache." msgstr "" # @note #: ../lib/discorb.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:176 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:184 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:185 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:199 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:315 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:332 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:347 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:365 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:366 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:377 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:394 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:395 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:396 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:397 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:407 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:413 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:414 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:415 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:424 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:445 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:465 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:479 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:492 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:507 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:521 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:540 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:556 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:565 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:579 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:596 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:664 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:678 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:730 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:742 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:755 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:770 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:860 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:194 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:212 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:230 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:248 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:265 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:282 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:84 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:94 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:105 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:113 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:91 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:140 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:192 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:266 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:165 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:180 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:194 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:206 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:222 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:241 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:255 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:269 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:293 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:338 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:378 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:401 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:417 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:458 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:494 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:512 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:532 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:547 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:577 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:590 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:607 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:626 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:643 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:660 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:673 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:693 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:717 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:740 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:756 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:770 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:784 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:798 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:812 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:826 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:840 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:857 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:874 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:980 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:989 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1233 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:55 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:64 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:71 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:83 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:89 #: ../lib/discorb/invite.rb:105 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:150 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:164 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:183 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:195 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:270 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:281 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:294 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:300 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:309 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:315 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:325 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:331 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:344 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:374 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:385 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:84 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:130 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:136 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:148 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:167 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:193 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:89 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:108 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:120 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:70 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:80 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:89 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:95 #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:61 #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:74 #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:152 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:177 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:187 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:92 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:104 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:114 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:121 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:128 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:145 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:318 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:329 msgid "This method calls HTTP request." msgstr "" # @note #: ../lib/discorb.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:664 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:678 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:730 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:742 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:860 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:84 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:94 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:980 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:989 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1233 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:55 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:64 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:183 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:195 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:108 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:120 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:70 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:80 #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:152 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:177 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:187 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:104 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:114 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:145 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:318 msgid "The arguments of this method are defaultly set to `:unset`. Specify value to set the value, if not don't specify or specify `:unset`." msgstr "" # @raise [Discorb::HTTPError] #: ../lib/discorb.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:176 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:184 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:185 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:199 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:315 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:332 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:347 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:365 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:366 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:377 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:394 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:395 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:396 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:397 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:407 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:413 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:414 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:415 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:424 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:445 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:465 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:479 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:492 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:507 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:521 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:540 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:556 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:565 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:579 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:596 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:664 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:678 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:730 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:742 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:755 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:770 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:860 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:194 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:212 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:230 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:248 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:265 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:282 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:84 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:94 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:105 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:113 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:91 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:140 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:192 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:266 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:165 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:180 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:194 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:206 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:222 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:241 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:255 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:269 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:293 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:338 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:378 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:401 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:417 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:458 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:494 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:512 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:532 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:547 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:577 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:590 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:607 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:626 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:643 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:660 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:673 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:693 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:717 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:740 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:756 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:770 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:784 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:798 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:812 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:826 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:840 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:857 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:874 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:980 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:989 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1233 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:55 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:64 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:71 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:83 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:89 #: ../lib/discorb/invite.rb:105 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:150 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:164 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:183 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:195 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:270 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:281 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:294 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:300 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:309 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:315 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:325 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:331 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:344 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:374 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:385 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:84 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:130 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:136 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:148 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:167 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:193 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:89 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:108 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:120 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:70 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:80 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:89 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:95 #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:61 #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:74 #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:152 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:177 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:187 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:92 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:104 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:114 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:121 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:128 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:145 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:318 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:329 msgid "HTTP request failed." msgstr "" # @note #: ../lib/discorb.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:176 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:184 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:185 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:199 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:315 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:332 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:347 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:365 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:366 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:377 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:394 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:395 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:396 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:397 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:407 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:413 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:414 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:415 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:424 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:445 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:465 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:479 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:492 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:507 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:521 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:540 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:556 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:565 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:579 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:596 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:664 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:678 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:730 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:742 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:755 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:770 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:860 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:194 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:212 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:230 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:248 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:265 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:282 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:84 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:94 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:105 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:113 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:91 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:140 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:192 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:266 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:165 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:180 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:194 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:206 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:222 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:241 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:255 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:269 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:293 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:338 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:378 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:401 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:417 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:458 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:494 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:512 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:532 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:547 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:577 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:590 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:607 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:626 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:643 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:660 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:673 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:693 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:717 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:740 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:756 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:770 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:784 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:798 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:812 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:826 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:840 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:857 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:874 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:980 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:989 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1233 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:55 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:64 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:71 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:83 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:89 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:32 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:66 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:99 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:132 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:164 #: ../lib/discorb/invite.rb:105 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:150 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:164 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:183 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:195 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:270 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:281 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:294 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:300 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:309 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:315 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:325 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:331 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:344 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:374 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:385 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:84 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:130 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:136 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:148 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:167 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:193 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:89 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:108 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:120 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:70 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:80 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:89 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:95 #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:61 #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:74 #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:152 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:177 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:187 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:92 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:104 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:114 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:121 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:128 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:145 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:318 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:329 msgid "This is an asynchronous method, it will return a `Async::Task` object. Use `Async::Task#wait` to get the result." msgstr "" # Discorb::Application #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:5 msgid "Represents a Discord application." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:9 msgid "The application's ID." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:11 msgid "The application's name." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Asset] #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:13 msgid "The application's icon." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:15 msgid "The application's description." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:17 msgid "The application's summary." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:19 msgid "The application's public key." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::User] #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:21 msgid "The application's owner." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Application::Team] #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:23 msgid "The application's team." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:26 #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:51 msgid "Whether the application's bot is public." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:28 #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:29 #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:53 msgid "Whether the application's bot requires a code grant." msgstr "" # @return [Application] #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:32 msgid "a new instance of Application" msgstr "" # Discorb::Application::Team #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:56 msgid "Represents a team for an application." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:60 msgid "The team's ID." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Asset] #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:62 msgid "The team's icon." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:64 msgid "The team's name." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:66 msgid "The team's owner's ID." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Application::Team::Member] #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:68 msgid "The team's member." msgstr "" # @return [Team] #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:71 msgid "a new instance of Team" msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Application::Team::Member] # Discorb::Application::Team#owner #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:81 #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:85 msgid "The team's owner." msgstr "" # Discorb::Application::Team::Member #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:94 msgid "Represents a member of team." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::User] #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:98 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:194 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1017 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:568 msgid "The user." msgstr "" # @return [Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:100 msgid "The ID of member's team." msgstr "" # @return [:invited, :accepted] #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:102 #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:103 msgid "The member's membership state." msgstr "" # @return [Array] # @return [Discorb::Permission] #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:106 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:30 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:110 msgid "The permissions of the member." msgstr "" # @note #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:106 msgid "This always return `:*`." msgstr "" # @return [Member] #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:120 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:997 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:64 msgid "a new instance of Member" msgstr "" # Discorb::Application::Team::Member.membership_state #: ../lib/discorb/application.rb:153 msgid "Returns the value of attribute membership_state." msgstr "" # Discorb::Asset #: ../lib/discorb/asset.rb:5 msgid "Represents a single asset." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/asset.rb:9 msgid "The hash of asset." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/asset.rb:11 #: ../lib/discorb/asset.rb:21 msgid "Whether the asset is animated." msgstr "" # @return [Asset] #: ../lib/discorb/asset.rb:15 #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:189 msgid "a new instance of Asset" msgstr "" # @return [String] # Discorb::Asset#url #: ../lib/discorb/asset.rb:26 #: ../lib/discorb/asset.rb:33 msgid "URL of the asset." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] size #: ../lib/discorb/asset.rb:33 msgid "The size of the image." msgstr "" # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/asset.rb:33 #: ../lib/discorb/asset.rb:83 msgid "tag|param|image_format" msgstr "" # @param [String] image_format #: ../lib/discorb/asset.rb:33 msgid "The image format." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/asset.rb:33 #: ../lib/discorb/asset.rb:83 msgid "tag|param|size" msgstr "" # Discorb::DefaultAvatar #: ../lib/discorb/asset.rb:59 msgid "Represents a default avatar." msgstr "" # @return [false] #: ../lib/discorb/asset.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/asset.rb:71 msgid "For compatibility with {Asset}, always `false`." msgstr "" # @return [DefaultAvatar] #: ../lib/discorb/asset.rb:67 msgid "a new instance of DefaultAvatar" msgstr "" # Discorb::DefaultAvatar#url #: ../lib/discorb/asset.rb:76 msgid "Returns the URL of the avatar." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] size #: ../lib/discorb/asset.rb:83 msgid "The size of the image. This is compatible with {Asset#url}, will be ignored." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/asset.rb:83 msgid "URL of the avatar." msgstr "" # @param [String] image_format #: ../lib/discorb/asset.rb:83 msgid "The image format. This is compatible with {Asset#url}, will be ignored." msgstr "" # Discorb::AuditLog #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:5 msgid "Represents a Discord audit log." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:9 msgid "The webhooks in this audit log." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:11 msgid "The users in this audit log." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:13 msgid "The threads in this audit log." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:15 msgid "The entries in this audit log." msgstr "" # @return [AuditLog] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:18 msgid "a new instance of AuditLog" msgstr "" # Discorb::AuditLog#[] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:28 msgid "Gets an entry from entries." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] index #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:35 msgid "The index of the entry." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:35 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:67 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:112 msgid "tag|param|index" msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:35 msgid "If the index is out of range." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::AuditLog::Entry] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:35 msgid "The entry." msgstr "" # Discorb::AuditLog::Entry #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:40 msgid "Represents an entry in an audit log." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:44 msgid "The ID of the entry." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:46 msgid "The ID of the user who performed the action." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:48 msgid "The ID of the target of the action." msgstr "" # Discorb::AuditLog::Entry#type #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:50 msgid "These symbols will be used:" msgstr "" # Discorb::AuditLog::Entry#type #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:52 msgid "* `:guild_update`\n" "* `:channel_create`\n" "* `:channel_update`\n" "* `:channel_delete`\n" "* `:channel_overwrite_create`\n" "* `:channel_overwrite_update`\n" "* `:channel_overwrite_delete`\n" "* `:member_kick`\n" "* `:member_prune`\n" "* `:member_ban_add`\n" "* `:member_ban_remove`\n" "* `:member_update`\n" "* `:member_role_update`\n" "* `:member_move`\n" "* `:member_disconnect`\n" "* `:bot_add`\n" "* `:role_create`\n" "* `:role_update`\n" "* `:role_delete`\n" "* `:invite_create`\n" "* `:invite_update`\n" "* `:invite_delete`\n" "* `:webhook_create`\n" "* `:webhook_update`\n" "* `:webhook_delete`\n" "* `:emoji_create`\n" "* `:emoji_update`\n" "* `:emoji_delete`\n" "* `:message_delete`\n" "* `:message_bulk_delete`\n" "* `:message_pin`\n" "* `:message_unpin`\n" "* `:integration_create`\n" "* `:integration_update`\n" "* `:integration_delete`\n" "* `:stage_instance_create`\n" "* `:stage_instance_update`\n" "* `:stage_instance_delete`\n" "* `:sticker_create`\n" "* `:sticker_update`\n" "* `:sticker_delete`\n" "* `:thread_create`\n" "* `:thread_update`\n" "* `:thread_delete`" msgstr "" # @return [Symbol] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:96 msgid "The type of the entry." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::AuditLog::Entry::Changes] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:98 msgid "The changes in this entry." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Channel, Discorb::Role, Discorb::Member, Discorb::Guild, Discorb::Message] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:100 msgid "The target of the entry." msgstr "" # @return [Hash{Symbol => Object}] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:103 msgid "The optional data for this entry." msgstr "" # @note #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:103 msgid "You can use dot notation to access the data." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::User] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:105 #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:189 msgid "The user who performed the action." msgstr "" # @return [Entry] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:167 msgid "a new instance of Entry" msgstr "" # Discorb::AuditLog::Entry#[] # Discorb::AuditLog::Entry::Changes#[] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:194 #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:243 msgid "Get a change with the given key." msgstr "" # @param [Symbol] key #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:201 #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:250 msgid "The key to get." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::AuditLog::Entry::Change] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:201 #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:250 msgid "The change with the given key." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:201 #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:250 msgid "The change with the given key does not exist." msgstr "" # @param [Symbol] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:201 #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:250 #: ../lib/discorb/permission.rb:215 msgid "tag|param|key" msgstr "" # Discorb::AuditLog::Entry.events #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:211 msgid "Returns the value of attribute events." msgstr "" # Discorb::AuditLog::Entry.converts #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:211 msgid "Returns the value of attribute converts." msgstr "" # Discorb::AuditLog::Entry::Changes #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:214 msgid "Represents the changes in an audit log entry." msgstr "" # Discorb::AuditLog::Entry::Changes#data #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:218 msgid "Returns the value of attribute data." msgstr "" # @return [Changes] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:222 msgid "a new instance of Changes" msgstr "" # Discorb::AuditLog::Entry::Changes#keys #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:234 msgid "Get keys of changes." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:238 msgid "The keys of the changes." msgstr "" # Discorb::AuditLog::Entry::Change #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:256 msgid "Represents a change in an audit log entry." msgstr "" # @note #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:259 msgid "This instance will try to call a method of {#new_value} if the method wasn't defined." msgstr "" # @return [Symbol] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:261 msgid "The key of the change." msgstr "" # @return [Object] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:263 msgid "The old value of the change." msgstr "" # @return [Object] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:265 msgid "The new value of the change." msgstr "" # @return [Change] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:268 msgid "a new instance of Change" msgstr "" # Discorb::AuditLog::Integration #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:297 msgid "Represents an integration in an audit log entry." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:301 #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:9 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:148 msgid "The ID of the integration." msgstr "" # @return [Symbol] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:303 msgid "The type of the integration." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:305 msgid "The name of the integration." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Integration::Account] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:307 msgid "The account of the integration." msgstr "" # @return [Integration] #: ../lib/discorb/audit_logs.rb:310 #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:47 msgid "a new instance of Integration" msgstr "" # Discorb::Channel #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:7 msgid "Represents a channel of Discord." msgstr "" # @param [#to_s] id # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:12 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:798 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:212 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:273 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:298 msgid "The ID of the channel." msgstr "" # @param [String] name # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:14 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:293 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:338 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:378 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:401 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:417 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:458 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:161 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:275 msgid "The name of the channel." msgstr "" # @return [Channel] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:23 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1174 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:178 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:278 msgid "a new instance of Channel" msgstr "" # Discorb::Channel#== #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:31 msgid "Checks if the channel is other channel." msgstr "" # @param [#to_s] # @param [Discorb::Channel] # @param [Discorb::Dictionary] # @param [Discorb::Flag] # @param [Discorb::GuildChannel] # @param [Discorb::PermissionOverwrite] # @param [Discorb::Role] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:37 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:119 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:132 #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:94 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:41 #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:47 #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:51 #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:60 #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:71 #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:82 #: ../lib/discorb/permission.rb:186 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:54 msgid "tag|param|other" msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Channel] other # @param [Discorb::GuildChannel] other #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:37 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:132 msgid "The channel to check." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:37 msgid "True if the channel is other channel." msgstr "" # Discorb::Channel.channel_type # Discorb::ThreadChannel.channel_type #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:64 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:992 msgid "Returns the value of attribute channel_type." msgstr "" # Discorb::GuildChannel #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:88 msgid "Represents a channel in guild." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:93 msgid "The position of the channel as integer." msgstr "" # @return [Hash{Discorb::Role, Discorb::Member => PermissionOverwrite}] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:95 msgid "The permission overwrites of the channel." msgstr "" # Discorb::GuildChannel#<=> #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:113 msgid "Compares position of two channels." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::GuildChannel] other #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:119 msgid "The channel to compare." msgstr "" # @return [-1, 1] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:119 msgid "-1 if the channel is at lower than the other, 1 if the channel is at highter than the other." msgstr "" # Discorb::GuildChannel#== #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:126 msgid "Checks if the channel is same as another." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:132 msgid "`true` if the channel is same as another." msgstr "" # Discorb::GuildChannel#to_s #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:139 msgid "Stringifies the channel." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:143 msgid "The name of the channel with `#`." msgstr "" # Discorb::GuildChannel#close! # Discorb::GuildChannel#delete! # Discorb::GuildChannel#destroy! #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:168 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:185 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:186 msgid "Deletes the channel." msgstr "" # @return [self] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:176 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:184 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:185 msgid "The deleted channel." msgstr "" # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:176 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:184 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:185 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:199 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:377 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:394 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:395 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:396 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:397 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:407 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:413 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:414 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:415 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:445 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:465 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:479 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:507 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:521 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:540 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:556 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:664 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:678 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:730 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:742 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:755 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:860 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:880 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:891 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:902 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:915 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:84 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:94 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:105 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:113 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:293 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:338 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:378 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:401 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:417 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:458 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:559 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:565 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:566 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:567 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:577 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:643 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:660 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:693 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:740 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:902 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:980 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:989 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1233 #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:64 #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:70 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:150 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:164 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:183 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:195 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:202 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:216 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:239 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:374 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:130 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:136 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:89 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:108 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:120 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:127 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:133 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:70 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:80 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:89 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:95 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:177 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:187 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:194 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:201 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:202 msgid "tag|param|reason" msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:176 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:184 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:185 msgid "The reason of deleting the channel." msgstr "" # Discorb::GuildChannel#move #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:188 msgid "Moves the channel to another position." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] position #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:199 msgid "The position to move the channel." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::CategoryChannel, nil] # @param [Discorb::CategoryChannel] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:199 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:293 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:338 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:378 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:401 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:417 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:458 msgid "tag|param|parent" msgstr "" # @param [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:199 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:664 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:678 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:730 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:742 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:293 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:338 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:378 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:401 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:417 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:458 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:89 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:108 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:120 msgid "tag|param|position" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] lock_permissions #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:199 msgid "Whether to lock the permissions of the channel." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::CategoryChannel] parent #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:199 msgid "The parent of channel." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:199 msgid "The reason of moving the channel." msgstr "" # @return [self] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:199 msgid "The moved channel." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:199 msgid "tag|param|lock_permissions" msgstr "" # Discorb::TextChannel #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:229 msgid "Represents a text channel." msgstr "" # @param [String] topic # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:233 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:293 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:458 msgid "The topic of the channel." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] nsfw # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:235 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:293 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:458 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:171 msgid "Whether the channel is nsfw." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:237 msgid "The id of the last message." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] rate_limit_per_user # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:239 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:240 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 msgid "The rate limit per user (Slowmode) in the channel." msgstr "" # @return [Time] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:242 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:243 msgid "The time when the last pinned message was pinned." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:245 msgid "The threads in the channel." msgstr "" # @return [TextChannel] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:252 msgid "a new instance of TextChannel" msgstr "" # Discorb::TextChannel#edit # Discorb::TextChannel#modify #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:258 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:304 msgid "Edits the channel." msgstr "" # @param [#to_s] # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:315 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:540 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:556 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:664 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:678 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:730 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:742 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:860 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:128 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:198 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:84 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:94 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway_requests.rb:23 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:222 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:293 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:338 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:378 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:401 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:417 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:458 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:532 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:693 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:902 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:55 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:64 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:108 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:120 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:70 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:80 #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:152 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:104 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:114 msgid "tag|param|name" msgstr "" # @param [Integer] archive_in #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 msgid "Alias of `default_auto_archive_duration`." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:293 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:458 msgid "tag|param|slowmode" msgstr "" # @param [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:860 msgid "tag|param|archive_in" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:293 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:458 msgid "tag|param|nsfw" msgstr "" # @param [Integer] position # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:293 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:338 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:378 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:401 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:417 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:458 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:163 msgid "The position of the channel." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::CategoryChannel, nil] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 msgid "tag|param|category" msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::CategoryChannel, nil] category #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 msgid "The parent of channel. Specify `nil` to remove the parent." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:293 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:458 msgid "tag|param|rate_limit_per_user" msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::CategoryChannel, nil] parent #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 msgid "Alias of `category`." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 msgid "tag|param|announce" msgstr "" # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:755 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:293 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:458 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:177 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:187 msgid "tag|param|topic" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] announce #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 msgid "Whether the channel is announce channel." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] slowmode #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 msgid "Alias of `rate_limit_per_user`." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 msgid "tag|param|default_auto_archive_duration" msgstr "" # @param [Integer] default_auto_archive_duration #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 msgid "The default auto archive duration of the channel." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 msgid "The reason of editing the channel." msgstr "" # @return [self] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:303 msgid "The edited channel." msgstr "" # Discorb::TextChannel#create_webhook #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:306 msgid "Create webhook in the channel." msgstr "" # @param [String] name # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:315 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:10 msgid "The name of the webhook." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Image] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:315 #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:152 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:104 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:114 msgid "tag|param|avatar" msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Image] avatar # @return [Discorb::Asset] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:315 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:18 msgid "The avatar of the webhook." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Webhook::IncomingWebhook] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:315 msgid "The created webhook." msgstr "" # Discorb::TextChannel#fetch_webhooks #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:326 msgid "Fetch webhooks in the channel." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:332 msgid "The webhooks in the channel." msgstr "" # Discorb::TextChannel#bulk_delete! # Discorb::TextChannel#delete_messages! # Discorb::TextChannel#destroy_messages! #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:340 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:366 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:367 msgid "Bulk delete messages in the channel." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] force #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:347 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:365 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:366 msgid "Whether to ignore the validation for message (14 days limit)." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:347 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:365 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:366 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:265 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:91 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:140 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:192 msgid "tag|param|force" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] # @param [Discorb::Message] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:347 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:365 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:366 #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "tag|param|messages" msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Message] messages #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:347 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:365 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:366 msgid "The messages to delete." msgstr "" # Discorb::TextChannel#edit_permission # Discorb::TextChannel#edit_permissions # Discorb::TextChannel#modify_permissions # Discorb::TextChannel#modify_permisssion # Discorb::TextChannel#set_permissions #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:369 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:395 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:396 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:397 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:398 msgid "Set the channel's permission overwrite." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::NewsChannel] # @param [Discorb::Role, Discorb::Member] # @param [Discorb::TextChannel] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:377 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:394 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:395 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:396 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:397 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:407 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:413 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:414 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:415 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:465 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:479 msgid "tag|param|target" msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Role, Discorb::Member] target #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:377 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:394 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:395 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:396 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:397 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:407 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:413 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:414 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:415 msgid "The target of the overwrite." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:377 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:394 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:395 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:396 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:397 msgid "The reason of setting the overwrite." msgstr "" # @param [Symbol => Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:377 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:394 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:395 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:396 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:397 msgid "tag|param|perms" msgstr "" # @param [Symbol => Boolean] perms #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:377 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:394 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:395 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:396 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:397 msgid "The permission overwrites to replace." msgstr "" # Discorb::TextChannel#delete_permission # Discorb::TextChannel#delete_permissions # Discorb::TextChannel#destroy_permission # Discorb::TextChannel#destroy_permissions #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:400 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:414 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:415 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:416 msgid "Delete the channel's permission overwrite." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:407 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:413 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:414 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:415 msgid "The reason of deleting the overwrite." msgstr "" # Discorb::TextChannel#fetch_invites #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:418 msgid "Fetch the channel's invites." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:424 msgid "The invites in the channel." msgstr "" # Discorb::TextChannel#create_invite #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:432 msgid "Create an invite in the channel." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:445 msgid "tag|param|max_age" msgstr "" # @param [Integer] max_age #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:445 msgid "The max age of the invite." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:445 msgid "tag|param|max_uses" msgstr "" # @param [Integer] max_uses #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:445 msgid "The max uses of the invite." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:445 msgid "tag|param|temporary" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] temporary #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:445 msgid "Whether the invite is temporary." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:445 msgid "tag|param|unique" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] unique #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:445 msgid "Whether the invite is unique.\n" "@note if it's `false` it may return existing invite." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:445 msgid "The reason of creating the invite." msgstr "" # @return [Invite] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:445 msgid "The created invite." msgstr "" # Discorb::TextChannel#follow_from #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:458 msgid "Follow the existing announcement channel." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::NewsChannel] target #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:465 msgid "The channel to follow." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:465 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:479 msgid "The reason of following the channel." msgstr "" # Discorb::TextChannel#follow_to #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:472 msgid "Follow the existing announcement channel from self." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::TextChannel] target #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:479 msgid "The channel to follow to." msgstr "" # Discorb::TextChannel#fetch_pins #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:486 msgid "Fetch the pinned messages in the channel." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:492 msgid "The pinned messages in the channel." msgstr "" # Discorb::TextChannel#pin_message #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:500 msgid "Pin a message in the channel." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Message] message #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:507 msgid "The message to pin." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:507 msgid "The reason of pinning the message." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Message] # @param [Discorb::Webhook::Message] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:507 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:521 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:540 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:556 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:145 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:179 msgid "tag|param|message" msgstr "" # Discorb::TextChannel#unpin_message #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:514 msgid "Unpin a message in the channel." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Message] message #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:521 msgid "The message to unpin." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:521 msgid "The reason of unpinning the message." msgstr "" # Discorb::TextChannel#create_thread # Discorb::TextChannel#start_thread #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:528 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:557 msgid "Start thread in the channel." msgstr "" # @param [String] name # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:540 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:556 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:800 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:860 msgid "The name of the thread." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Message] message #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:540 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:556 msgid "The message to start the thread." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:540 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:556 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:860 msgid "tag|param|auto_archive_duration" msgstr "" # @param [Integer] auto_archive_duration #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:540 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:556 msgid "The duration of auto-archiving." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:540 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:556 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:755 msgid "tag|param|public" msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:540 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:556 msgid "The reason of starting the thread." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::ThreadChannel] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:540 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:556 msgid "The started thread." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] public #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:540 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:556 msgid "Whether the thread is public." msgstr "" # Discorb::TextChannel#fetch_archived_public_threads #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:559 msgid "Fetch archived threads in the channel." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:565 msgid "The archived threads in the channel." msgstr "" # Discorb::TextChannel#fetch_archived_private_threads #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:573 msgid "Fetch archived private threads in the channel." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:579 msgid "The archived private threads in the channel." msgstr "" # Discorb::TextChannel#fetch_joined_archived_private_threads #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:587 msgid "Fetch joined archived private threads in the channel." msgstr "" # @param [Integer, nil] # @param [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:596 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:15 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:532 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:344 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:167 msgid "tag|param|limit" msgstr "" # @param [Integer] limit #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:596 msgid "The limit of threads to fetch." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Snowflake] # @param [Time] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:596 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:167 msgid "tag|param|before" msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:596 msgid "The joined archived private threads in the channel." msgstr "" # @param [#to_s] id # @param [Time] before # @return [] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:596 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:194 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:230 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:398 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:404 msgid "" msgstr "" # Discorb::NewsChannel #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:629 msgid "Represents a news channel (announcement channel)." msgstr "" # Discorb::VoiceChannel #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:638 msgid "Represents a voice channel." msgstr "" # @todo #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:641 msgid "Implement connecting to voice channel." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] bitrate # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:643 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:664 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:678 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:696 msgid "The bitrate of the voice channel." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:646 msgid "If the user limit is not set." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] user_limit # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:646 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:664 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:678 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:698 msgid "The user limit of the voice channel." msgstr "" # Discorb::VoiceChannel#edit # Discorb::VoiceChannel#modify #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:650 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:679 msgid "Edit the voice channel." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:664 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:678 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:338 msgid "tag|param|user_limit" msgstr "" # @param [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:664 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:678 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:730 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:742 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:338 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:417 msgid "tag|param|bitrate" msgstr "" # @param [Integer] position #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:664 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:678 msgid "The position of the voice channel." msgstr "" # @param [Symbol] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:664 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:678 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:730 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:742 msgid "tag|param|rtc_region" msgstr "" # @param [Symbol] rtc_region #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:664 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:678 msgid "The region of the voice channel." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:664 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:678 msgid "The reason of editing the voice channel." msgstr "" # @return [self] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:664 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:678 msgid "The edited voice channel." msgstr "" # @param [String] name #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:664 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:678 msgid "The name of the voice channel." msgstr "" # Discorb::StageChannel #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:692 msgid "Represents a stage channel." msgstr "" # Discorb::StageChannel#stage_instances #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:701 msgid "Returns the value of attribute stage_instances." msgstr "" # @return [StageChannel] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:707 msgid "a new instance of StageChannel" msgstr "" # Discorb::StageChannel#edit # Discorb::StageChannel#modify #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:717 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:743 msgid "Edit the stage channel." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] position #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:730 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:742 msgid "The position of the stage channel." msgstr "" # @param [String] name #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:730 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:742 msgid "The name of the stage channel." msgstr "" # @return [self] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:730 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:742 msgid "The edited stage channel." msgstr "" # @param [Symbol] rtc_region #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:730 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:742 msgid "The region of the stage channel." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:730 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:742 msgid "The reason of editing the stage channel." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] bitrate #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:730 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:742 msgid "The bitrate of the stage channel." msgstr "" # Discorb::StageChannel#start #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:745 msgid "Start a stage instance." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] public #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:755 msgid "Whether the stage instance is public or not." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:755 msgid "The reason of starting the stage instance." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::StageInstance] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:755 msgid "The started stage instance." msgstr "" # @param [String] topic # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:755 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:113 msgid "The topic of the stage instance." msgstr "" # Discorb::StageChannel#fetch_stage_instance #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:763 msgid "Fetch a current stage instance." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:770 msgid "If there is no current stage instance." msgstr "" # @return [StageInstance] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:770 msgid "The current stage instance." msgstr "" # Discorb::ThreadChannel #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:792 msgid "Represents a thread." msgstr "" # @note #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:798 msgid "This ID is same as the starter message's ID" msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:803 msgid "The number of messages in the thread." msgstr "" # @note #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:803 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:806 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:807 msgid "This will stop counting at 50." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:806 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:807 msgid "The number of recipients in the thread." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:809 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:810 msgid "The rate limit per user (slowmode) in the thread." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:812 msgid "The members of the thread." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:815 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:816 msgid "If the thread is not archived." msgstr "" # @return [Time] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:815 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:816 msgid "The time the thread was archived." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:818 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:819 msgid "Auto archive duration in seconds." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] archived # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:821 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:822 #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:860 msgid "Whether the thread is archived or not." msgstr "" # @return [ThreadChannel] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:832 msgid "a new instance of ThreadChannel" msgstr "" # Discorb::ThreadChannel#edit #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:841 msgid "Edit the thread." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:860 msgid "tag|param|archived" msgstr "" # @param [Integer] auto_archive_duration #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:860 msgid "The auto archive duration in seconds." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] archive_in #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:860 msgid "Alias of `auto_archive_duration`." msgstr "" # @see #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:860 msgid "tag|see|#unlock" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] locked #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:860 msgid "Whether the thread is locked or not." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:860 msgid "The reason of editing the thread." msgstr "" # @return [self] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:860 msgid "The edited thread." msgstr "" # @see #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:860 msgid "tag|see|#archive" msgstr "" # @see #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:860 msgid "tag|see|#lock" msgstr "" # @see #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:860 msgid "tag|see|#unarchive" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:860 msgid "tag|param|locked" msgstr "" # Discorb::ThreadChannel#archive #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:874 msgid "Helper method to archive the thread." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:880 msgid "The reason of archiving the thread." msgstr "" # @return [self] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:880 msgid "The archived thread." msgstr "" # Discorb::ThreadChannel#lock #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:885 msgid "Helper method to lock the thread." msgstr "" # @return [self] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:891 msgid "The locked thread." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:891 msgid "The reason of locking the thread." msgstr "" # Discorb::ThreadChannel#unarchive #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:896 msgid "Helper method to unarchive the thread." msgstr "" # @return [self] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:902 msgid "The unarchived thread." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:902 msgid "The reason of unarchiving the thread." msgstr "" # Discorb::ThreadChannel#unlock #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:907 msgid "Helper method to unlock the thread." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:915 msgid "The reason of unlocking the thread." msgstr "" # @return [self] #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:915 msgid "The unlocked thread." msgstr "" # @note #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:915 msgid "This method won't unarchive the thread. Use {#unarchive} instead." msgstr "" # Discorb::ThreadChannel::Member#joined_at #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:996 msgid "Returns the value of attribute joined_at." msgstr "" # Discorb::CategoryChannel#channels #: ../lib/discorb/channel.rb:1046 msgid "Returns the value of attribute channels." msgstr "" # Discorb::Client #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:11 msgid "Class for connecting to the Discord server." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Intents] intents # @return [Discorb::Intents] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:15 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:65 msgid "The intents that the client is currently using." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:18 msgid "If never fetched application by {#fetch_application}." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Application] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:18 msgid "The application that the client is using." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::HTTP] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:20 msgid "The http client." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:22 msgid "The heartbeat interval." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:49 msgid "If not connected to the gateway." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:25 msgid "The API version of the Discord gateway." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:27 msgid "The token of the client." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::AllowedMentions] allowed_mentions # @return [Discorb::AllowedMentions] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:29 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:65 msgid "The allowed mentions that the client is using." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::ClientUser] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:31 msgid "The client user." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Dictionary{Discorb::Snowflake => Discorb::Guild}] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:33 msgid "A dictionary of guilds." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Dictionary{Discorb::Snowflake => Discorb::User}] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:35 msgid "A dictionary of users." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Dictionary{Discorb::Snowflake => Discorb::Channel}] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:37 msgid "A dictionary of channels." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Dictionary{Discorb::Snowflake => Discorb::Emoji}] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:39 msgid "A dictionary of emojis." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Dictionary{Discorb::Snowflake => Discorb::Message}] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:41 msgid "A dictionary of messages." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Logger] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:43 msgid "The logger." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:45 msgid "The commands that the client is using." msgstr "" # @return [Float] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:49 msgid "The ping of the client.\n" "@note This will be calculated from heartbeat and heartbeat_ack." msgstr "" # @return [:initialized, :running, :closed] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:51 msgid "The status of the client." msgstr "" # Discorb::Client#initialize #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:54 msgid "Initializes a new client." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:65 msgid "tag|param|message_caches" msgstr "" # @param [Integer] message_caches #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:65 msgid "The number of messages to cache." msgstr "" # @param [#puts] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:65 msgid "tag|param|log" msgstr "" # @param [#puts] log #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:65 msgid "The IO object to use for logging." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] colorize_log #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:65 msgid "Whether to colorize the log." msgstr "" # @param [:debug, :info, :warn, :error, :critical] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:65 msgid "tag|param|log_level" msgstr "" # @param [:debug, :info, :warn, :error, :critical] log_level #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:65 msgid "The log level." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:65 msgid "tag|param|wait_until_ready" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] wait_until_ready #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:65 msgid "Whether to delay event dispatch until ready." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:65 msgid "tag|param|overwrite_application_commands" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] overwrite_application_commands #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:65 msgid "Whether to overwrite application commands on ready." msgstr "" # @return [Client] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:65 msgid "a new instance of Client" msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Intents] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:65 msgid "tag|param|intents" msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::AllowedMentions] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:65 #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:127 #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:201 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:226 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:84 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:92 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:145 msgid "tag|param|allowed_mentions" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:65 msgid "tag|param|colorize_log" msgstr "" # Discorb::Client#on #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:94 msgid "Registers an event handler." msgstr "" # @param [Hash] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:104 #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:24 #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:43 msgid "tag|param|discriminator" msgstr "" # @param [Symbol] id #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:104 msgid "Custom ID of the event." msgstr "" # @param [Proc] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:104 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:34 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:69 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:87 #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:24 #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:43 msgid "tag|param|block" msgstr "" # @param [Symbol] event # @param [Symbol] event_name #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:104 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:132 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:142 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:323 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:343 #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:24 #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:43 msgid "The name of the event." msgstr "" # @param [#to_s] # @param [Discorb::Snowflake] # @param [Symbol] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:104 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:132 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:194 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:212 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:230 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:29 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:50 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:67 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:92 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:112 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:113 #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:24 #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:43 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:206 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:512 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:857 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:148 msgid "tag|param|id" msgstr "" # @param [Hash] discriminator #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:104 msgid "The discriminator of the event." msgstr "" # @param [Symbol] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:104 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:132 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:142 #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:24 #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:43 msgid "tag|param|event_name" msgstr "" # @see #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:104 msgid "tag|see|file:docs/Events.md" msgstr "" # @param [Proc] block #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:104 #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:24 #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:43 msgid "The block to execute when the event is triggered." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Event] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:104 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:118 #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:24 #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:43 msgid "The event." msgstr "" # Discorb::Client#once #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:112 msgid "Almost same as {#on}, but only triggers the event once." msgstr "" # Discorb::Client#remove_event #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:127 msgid "Remove event by ID." msgstr "" # @param [Symbol] id #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:132 msgid "The ID of the event." msgstr "" # Discorb::Client#dispatch #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:137 msgid "Dispatch an event." msgstr "" # @param [Object] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:142 msgid "tag|param|args" msgstr "" # @param [Object] args #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:142 msgid "The arguments to pass to the event." msgstr "" # Discorb::Client#fetch_user #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:184 msgid "Fetch user from ID." msgstr "" # @raise [Discorb::NotFoundError] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:194 msgid "If the user doesn't exist." msgstr "" # Discorb::Client#fetch_channel #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:202 msgid "Fetch channel from ID." msgstr "" # @raise [Discorb::NotFoundError] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:212 msgid "If the channel doesn't exist." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::GuildChannel] channel # @return [Discorb::Channel] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:212 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:949 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:966 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:980 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:989 msgid "The channel." msgstr "" # Discorb::Client#fetch_guild #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:220 msgid "Fetch guild from ID." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Guild] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:230 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:949 msgid "The guild." msgstr "" # @raise [Discorb::NotFoundError] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:230 msgid "If the guild doesn't exist." msgstr "" # Discorb::Client#fetch_invite #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:238 msgid "Fetch invite from code." msgstr "" # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:248 msgid "tag|param|code" msgstr "" # @param [String] code #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:248 msgid "The code of the invite." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:248 msgid "tag|param|with_count" msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Invite] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:248 msgid "The invite." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:248 msgid "tag|param|with_expiration" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] with_expiration #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:248 msgid "Whether to include the expiration of the invite." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] with_count #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:248 msgid "Whether to include the count of the invite." msgstr "" # Discorb::Client#fetch_application #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:256 msgid "Fetch webhook from ID.\n" "If application was cached, it will be used." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Application] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:265 msgid "The application." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] force #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:265 msgid "Whether to force the fetch." msgstr "" # Discorb::Client#fetch_nitro_sticker_packs #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:276 msgid "Fetch nitro sticker pack from ID." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:282 msgid "The packs." msgstr "" # Discorb::Client#change_presence # Discorb::Client#update_presence #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:290 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:311 msgid "Update presence of the client." msgstr "" # @param [:online, :idle, :dnd, :invisible] status #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:295 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:310 msgid "The status to update." msgstr "" # @param [:online, :idle, :dnd, :invisible] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:295 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:310 msgid "tag|param|status" msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Activity] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:295 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:310 msgid "tag|param|activity" msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Activity] activity #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:295 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:310 msgid "The activity to update." msgstr "" # Discorb::Client#await # Discorb::Client#event_lock #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:313 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:344 msgid "Method to wait for a event." msgstr "" # @param [Proc] check #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:323 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:343 msgid "The check to use." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] timeout #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:323 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:343 msgid "The timeout in seconds." msgstr "" # @param [Proc] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:323 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:343 msgid "tag|param|check" msgstr "" # @param [Symbol] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:323 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:343 msgid "tag|param|event" msgstr "" # @param [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:323 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:343 msgid "tag|param|timeout" msgstr "" # @raise [Discorb::TimeoutError] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:323 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:343 msgid "If the event didn't occur in time." msgstr "" # @return [Object] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:323 #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:343 msgid "The result of the event." msgstr "" # Discorb::Client#extend #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:350 msgid "Load the extension." msgstr "" # @param [Module] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:354 msgid "tag|param|mod" msgstr "" # @param [Module] mod #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:354 msgid "The extension to load." msgstr "" # Discorb::Client#run #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:374 msgid "Starts the client." msgstr "" # @param [String] token #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:378 msgid "The token to use." msgstr "" # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:378 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:101 msgid "tag|param|token" msgstr "" # Discorb::Client#close! #: ../lib/discorb/client.rb:396 msgid "Stops the client." msgstr "" # Discorb::Color #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:5 msgid "Represents RGB color." msgstr "" # @param # @param [Integer] # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:8 #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:48 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:215 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:153 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:198 #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:51 #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:20 #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:111 msgid "tag|param|value" msgstr "" # @param value #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:8 msgid "the value to set the attribute value to." msgstr "" # Discorb::Color#value= #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:9 msgid "Sets the attribute value" msgstr "" # Discorb::Color#value #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:9 msgid "Returns the value of attribute value." msgstr "" # Discorb::Color#initialize #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:44 msgid "Create a color from a Integer." msgstr "" # @return [Color] #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:48 msgid "a new instance of Color" msgstr "" # @param [Integer] value # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:48 #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:57 msgid "A color value." msgstr "" # Discorb::Color#to_i #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:53 msgid "Integerize a color." msgstr "" # Discorb::Color#to_hex #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:62 msgid "Convert a color to a hexadecimal value." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:66 msgid "A hexadecimal value." msgstr "" # Discorb::Color#deconstruct # Discorb::Color#to_a # Discorb::Color#to_rgb #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:71 #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:80 #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:81 msgid "Convert a color to RGB array." msgstr "" # @return [Array(Integer, Integer, Integer)] #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:75 #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:79 #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:80 msgid "A RGB array." msgstr "" # Discorb::Color#deconstruct_keys # Discorb::Color#to_rgb_hash #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:83 #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:92 msgid "Convert a color to RGB hash." msgstr "" # @return [Hash{:r, :g, :b => Integer}] #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:87 #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:91 msgid "A RGB hash." msgstr "" # Discorb::Color#to_s #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:94 msgid "Converts a color to a `#000000` string." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:98 msgid "Converted string." msgstr "" # Discorb::Color.from_hex #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:107 msgid "Create a color from a hexadecimal string." msgstr "" # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:113 msgid "tag|param|hex" msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Color] #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:113 #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:126 #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:167 msgid "A color object." msgstr "" # @param [String] hex #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:113 msgid "A hexadecimal string." msgstr "" # Discorb::Color.from_rgb #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:118 msgid "Create a color from a RGB array." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:126 msgid "tag|param|red" msgstr "" # @param [Integer] red #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:126 msgid "A red value." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] blue #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:126 msgid "A blue value." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:126 msgid "tag|param|blue" msgstr "" # @param [Integer] green #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:126 msgid "A green value." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:126 msgid "tag|param|green" msgstr "" # Discorb::Color.[] #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:131 msgid "Create a color from a Discord's color.\n" "Currently these colors are supported:\n" " - teal (0x1abc9c)\n" " - dark_teal (0x11806a)\n" " - green (0x2ecc71)\n" " - dark_green (0x1f8b4c)\n" " - blue (0x3498db)\n" " - dark_blue (0x206694)\n" " - purple (0x9b59b6)\n" " - dark_purple (0x71368a)\n" " - magenta (0xe91e63)\n" " - dark_magenta (0xad1457)\n" " - gold (0xf1c40f)\n" " - dark_gold (0xc27c0e)\n" " - orange (0xe67e22)\n" " - dark_orange (0xa84300)\n" " - red (0xe74c3c)\n" " - dark_red (0x992d22)\n" " - lighter_grey (0x95a5a6)\n" " - lighter_gray (0x95a5a6)\n" " - dark_grey (0x607d8b)\n" " - dark_gray (0x607d8b)\n" " - light_grey (0x979c9f)\n" " - light_gray (0x979c9f)\n" " - darker_grey (0x546e7a)\n" " - darker_gray (0x546e7a)\n" " - og_blurple (0x7289da)\n" " - blurple (0x5865f2)\n" " - greyple (0x99aab5)\n" " - dark_theme (0x36393f)\n" " - fuchsia (0xeb459e)" msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Color] # @param [Symbol] #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:167 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:47 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:693 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:108 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:120 msgid "tag|param|color" msgstr "" # @param [Symbol] color #: ../lib/discorb/color.rb:167 msgid "A Discord color name." msgstr "" # Discorb::ApplicationCommand #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:5 msgid "Handles application commands." msgstr "" # Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Handler #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:9 msgid "Module to handle commands." msgstr "" # Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Handler#slash #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:13 msgid "Add new top-level command." msgstr "" # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:34 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:51 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:310 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:215 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:47 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:902 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1174 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1233 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:55 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:64 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:70 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:80 msgid "tag|param|description" msgstr "" # @param [Proc] block #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:34 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:69 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:87 msgid "Command block." msgstr "" # @param [Array<#to_s>] guild_ids #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:34 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:51 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:69 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:87 msgid "Guild IDs to restrict the command to." msgstr "" # @param [Array<#to_s>] #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:34 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:51 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:69 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:87 msgid "tag|param|guild_ids" msgstr "" # @param [Hash{String => Hash{:description => String, :optional => Boolean, :type => Object}}] options #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:34 msgid "Command options.\n" "The key is the option name, the value is a hash with the following keys:\n" "\n" "| Key | Type | Description |\n" "| --- | --- | --- |\n" "| `:description` | `String` | Description of the option. |\n" "| `:optional` | `Boolean` | Whether the option is optional or not. |\n" "| `:type` | `Object` | Type of the option. |\n" "| `:choice` | `Hash{String => String, Integer, Float}` | Type of the option. |" msgstr "" # @see #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:34 msgid "tag|see|file:docs/application_command.md#register-slash-command" msgstr "" # @param [String] description #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:34 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:51 msgid "Command description." msgstr "" # @param [String] command_name #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:34 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:51 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:69 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:87 msgid "Command name." msgstr "" # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:34 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:51 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:69 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:87 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:310 msgid "tag|param|command_name" msgstr "" # @param [Array] # @param [Hash{String => Hash{:description => String, :optional => Boolean, :type => Object}}] #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:34 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:167 msgid "tag|param|options" msgstr "" # Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Handler#slash_group #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:41 msgid "Add new command with group." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Command::GroupCommand] # @return [Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Command::SubcommandGroup] # @return [Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Command] #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:51 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:69 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:87 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:310 msgid "Command object." msgstr "" # @see #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:51 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:310 msgid "tag|see|file:docs/slash_command.md" msgstr "" # Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Handler#message_command #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:58 msgid "Add message context menu command." msgstr "" # @yield [interaction, message] # @yield [interaction, user] #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:69 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:87 msgid "Block to execute." msgstr "" # @yieldparam [Discorb::ApplicationCommandInteraction::UserMenuCommand] #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:69 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:87 msgid "tag|yieldparam|Interaction" msgstr "" # @yieldparam [Discorb::ApplicationCommandInteraction::UserMenuCommand] Interaction #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:69 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:87 msgid "object." msgstr "" # @yieldparam [Discorb::Message] # @yieldparam [Discorb::User] #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:69 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:87 msgid "tag|yieldparam|user" msgstr "" # @yieldparam [Discorb::Message] user #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:69 msgid "Message object." msgstr "" # Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Handler#user_command #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:76 msgid "Add user context menu command." msgstr "" # @yieldparam [Discorb::User] user #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:87 msgid "User object." msgstr "" # Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Handler#setup_commands #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:94 msgid "Setup commands." msgstr "" # @note #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:101 msgid "This method is called automatically if overwrite_application_commands is set to true." msgstr "" # @note #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:101 msgid "`token` parameter only required if you don't run client." msgstr "" # @param [String] token #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:101 msgid "Bot token." msgstr "" # @see #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:101 msgid "tag|see|Client#initialize" msgstr "" # Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Command #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:119 msgid "Represents a application command." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:124 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:189 msgid "The name of the command." msgstr "" # @return [Array<#to_s>] #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:126 msgid "The guild ids that the command is enabled in." msgstr "" # @return [Proc] #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:128 msgid "The block of the command." msgstr "" # @return [:chat_input, :user, :message] #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:130 msgid "The type of the command." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:132 msgid "The raw type of the command." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Dictionary{Discorb::Snowflake, :global => Discorb::Snowflake}] #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:134 msgid "The ID mapping." msgstr "" # @return [Command] #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:143 msgid "a new instance of Command" msgstr "" # Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Command::SlashCommand #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:163 msgid "Represents the slash command." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:167 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:242 msgid "The description of the command." msgstr "" # @return [Hash{String => Hash}] #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:169 msgid "The options of the command." msgstr "" # @return [SlashCommand] #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:172 msgid "a new instance of SlashCommand" msgstr "" # Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Command::SlashCommand#to_s #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:185 msgid "Returns the commands name." msgstr "" # Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Command::GroupCommand #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:236 msgid "Represents the command with subcommands." msgstr "" # @return [Array] # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:240 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:361 msgid "The subcommands of the command." msgstr "" # @return [GroupCommand] #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:245 msgid "a new instance of GroupCommand" msgstr "" # Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Command::GroupCommand#slash # Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Command::SubcommandGroup#slash #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:253 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:376 msgid "Add new subcommand." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Command::SlashCommand] #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:258 #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:380 msgid "The added subcommand." msgstr "" # Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Command::GroupCommand#group #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:301 msgid "Add new subcommand group." msgstr "" # @param [String] command_name #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:310 msgid "Group name." msgstr "" # @param [String] description #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:310 msgid "Group description." msgstr "" # Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Command::GroupCommand#to_s #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:317 msgid "Returns the command name." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:321 msgid "The command name." msgstr "" # Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Command::SubcommandGroup #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:357 msgid "Represents the subcommand group." msgstr "" # @return [SubcommandGroup] #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:364 msgid "a new instance of SubcommandGroup" msgstr "" # Discorb::Activity.types # Discorb::ApplicationCommand::Command.types #: ../lib/discorb/command.rb:390 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway_requests.rb:45 msgid "Returns the value of attribute types." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:5 msgid "The API base URL." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:7 msgid "The version of discorb." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:9 msgid "The user agent for the bot." msgstr "" # Discorb::DiscordModel #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:12 msgid "Represents Discord model." msgstr "" # Discorb::Snowflake #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:39 msgid "Represents Snowflake of Discord." msgstr "" # @see https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/message-components#button-object-button-structure # @see https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/message-components#select-menu-object-select-menu-structure # @see https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/message-components#select-menu-object-select-option-structure # @see https://discord.com/developers/docs/reference#snowflakes # @see https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild#guild-object-guild-features #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:42 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:95 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:181 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:229 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:28 msgid "Official Discord API docs" msgstr "" # @see #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:42 msgid "tag|see|https://discord.com/developers/docs/reference#snowflakes" msgstr "" # @return [Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:44 msgid "a new instance of Snowflake" msgstr "" # @return [Integer] # Discorb::Snowflake#increment #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:48 #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:49 #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:124 #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:125 msgid "Increment of snowflake." msgstr "" # @return [Time] # Discorb::Snowflake#timestamp #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:48 #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:49 #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:112 #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:113 msgid "Timestamp of snowflake." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] # Discorb::Snowflake#process_id #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:48 #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:49 #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:120 #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:121 msgid "Process ID of snowflake." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] # Discorb::Snowflake#worker_id #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:48 #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:49 #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:116 #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:117 msgid "Worker ID of snowflake." msgstr "" # Discorb::Snowflake#to_s # Discorb::Snowflake#to_str #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:68 #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:77 msgid "Stringify snowflake." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:72 #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:76 msgid "Stringified snowflake." msgstr "" # Discorb::Snowflake#to_i #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:79 msgid "Integerize snowflake." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:83 msgid "Integerized snowflake." msgstr "" # Discorb::Snowflake#== #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:88 msgid "Compares snowflake with other object." msgstr "" # @param [#to_s] other #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:94 msgid "Object to compare with." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:94 msgid "True if snowflake is equal to other object." msgstr "" # Discorb::Snowflake#eql? #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:101 msgid "Alias of {#==}." msgstr "" # Discorb::Snowflake#hash #: ../lib/discorb/common.rb:108 msgid "Return hash of snowflake." msgstr "" # Discorb::Component #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:5 msgid "Represents a Discord component." msgstr "" # Discorb::Component.from_hash #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:11 msgid "Create a new component from hash data." msgstr "" # @see #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:18 msgid "tag|see|https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/message-components" msgstr "" # @see https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/message-components #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:18 msgid "Official Discord API documentation" msgstr "" # @return [Component] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:18 msgid "A new component." msgstr "" # @param [Hash] data #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:18 msgid "Hash data." msgstr "" # @param [Hash] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:18 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:265 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:493 msgid "tag|param|data" msgstr "" # Discorb::Button #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:43 msgid "Represents a button component." msgstr "" # @param [String] label # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:47 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:80 msgid "The label of the button." msgstr "" # @param [:primary, :secondary, :success, :danger, :link] style # @return [:primary, :secondary, :success, :danger, :link] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:49 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:80 msgid "The style of the button." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Emoji] emoji # @return [Discorb::Emoji] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:51 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:80 msgid "The emoji of the button." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:54 msgid "The custom ID of the button.\n" "Won't be used if the style is `:link`." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:57 msgid "The URL of the button.\n" "Only used when the style is `:link`." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] disabled # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:59 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:60 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:80 msgid "Whether the button is disabled." msgstr "" # Discorb::Button#initialize #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:71 msgid "Initialize a new button." msgstr "" # @param [String] custom_id #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:80 msgid "The custom ID of the button." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Emoji] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:80 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:215 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1174 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:294 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:300 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:309 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:315 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:325 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:331 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:344 msgid "tag|param|emoji" msgstr "" # @param [String] url # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:80 #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:244 msgid "The URL of the button." msgstr "" # @param [:primary, :secondary, :success, :danger, :link] # @param [:shield, :banner1, :banner2, :banner3, :banner4] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:80 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1042 msgid "tag|param|style" msgstr "" # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:80 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:215 msgid "tag|param|label" msgstr "" # @param [String, Symbol] # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:80 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:167 msgid "tag|param|custom_id" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:80 msgid "tag|param|disabled" msgstr "" # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:80 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:47 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:128 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:240 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:284 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway_requests.rb:23 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:198 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:405 msgid "tag|param|url" msgstr "" # @return [Button] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:80 #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:248 msgid "a new instance of Button" msgstr "" # Discorb::Button#to_hash #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:90 msgid "Converts the button to a hash." msgstr "" # @return [Hash] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:95 msgid "A hash representation of the button." msgstr "" # @see #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:95 msgid "tag|see|https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/message-components#button-object-button-structure" msgstr "" # Discorb::Button.styles #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:120 msgid "Returns the value of attribute styles." msgstr "" # Discorb::SelectMenu #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:143 msgid "Represents a select menu component." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:147 msgid "The custom ID of the select menu." msgstr "" # @param [Array] options # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:149 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:167 msgid "The options of the select menu." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] min_values # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:151 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:167 msgid "The minimum number of values." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] max_values # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:153 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:167 msgid "The maximum number of values." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:155 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:156 msgid "Whether the select menu is disabled." msgstr "" # Discorb::SelectMenu#initialize #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:159 msgid "Initialize a new select menu." msgstr "" # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:167 msgid "tag|param|placeholder" msgstr "" # @param [String] placeholder #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:167 msgid "The placeholder of the select menu." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:167 msgid "tag|param|min_values" msgstr "" # @param [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:167 msgid "tag|param|max_values" msgstr "" # @return [SelectMenu] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:167 msgid "a new instance of SelectMenu" msgstr "" # @param [String, Symbol] custom_id #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:167 msgid "Custom ID of the select menu." msgstr "" # Discorb::SelectMenu#to_hash #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:176 msgid "Converts the select menu to a hash." msgstr "" # @return [Hash] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:181 msgid "A hash representation of the select menu." msgstr "" # @see #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:181 msgid "tag|see|https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/message-components#select-menu-object-select-menu-structure" msgstr "" # Discorb::SelectMenu::Option #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:193 msgid "Represents an option of a select menu." msgstr "" # @param [String] label # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:197 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:215 msgid "The label of the option." msgstr "" # @param [String] value # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:199 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:215 msgid "The value of the option." msgstr "" # @param [String] description # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:201 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:215 msgid "The description of the option." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Emoji] emoji # @return [Discorb::Emoji] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:203 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:215 msgid "The emoji of the option." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] default # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:205 #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:215 msgid "Whether the option is default." msgstr "" # Discorb::SelectMenu::Option#initialize #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:208 msgid "Initialize a new option." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:215 msgid "tag|param|default" msgstr "" # @return [Option] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:215 msgid "a new instance of Option" msgstr "" # Discorb::SelectMenu::Option#to_hash #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:224 msgid "Converts the option to a hash." msgstr "" # @return [Hash] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:229 msgid "Hash representation of the option." msgstr "" # @see #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:229 msgid "tag|see|https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/message-components#select-menu-object-select-option-structure" msgstr "" # Discorb::SelectMenu::Option.from_hash #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:259 msgid "Creates a new option from a hash." msgstr "" # @param [Hash] data #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:265 msgid "A hash representing the option." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::SelectMenu::Option] #: ../lib/discorb/components.rb:265 msgid "A new option." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] limit # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:6 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:15 msgid "The maximum number of items in the dictionary." msgstr "" # Discorb::Dictionary#initialize #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:9 msgid "Initialize a new Dictionary." msgstr "" # @return [Dictionary] #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:15 msgid "a new instance of Dictionary" msgstr "" # @param [Hash] #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:15 #: ../lib/discorb/permission.rb:255 msgid "tag|param|hash" msgstr "" # @param [Hash] hash #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:15 msgid "A hash of items to add to the dictionary." msgstr "" # @param [false, Proc] sort #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:15 msgid "Whether to sort the items in the dictionary." msgstr "" # @param [false, Proc] #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:15 msgid "tag|param|sort" msgstr "" # Discorb::Dictionary#[]= # Discorb::Dictionary#register #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:22 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:114 msgid "Registers a new item in the dictionary." msgstr "" # @param [Object] # @param [String, Hash] #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:29 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:113 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:66 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:99 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:132 msgid "tag|param|body" msgstr "" # @param [Object] body #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:29 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:113 msgid "The item to register." msgstr "" # @param [#to_s] id #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:29 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:67 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:112 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:113 msgid "The ID of the item." msgstr "" # @return [self] #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:29 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:113 msgid "The dictionary." msgstr "" # Discorb::Dictionary#merge #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:37 msgid "Merges another dictionary into this one." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Dictionary] other #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:41 msgid "The dictionary to merge." msgstr "" # Discorb::Dictionary#remove #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:46 msgid "Removes an item from the dictionary." msgstr "" # @param [#to_s] id #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:50 msgid "The ID of the item to remove." msgstr "" # Discorb::Dictionary#[] # Discorb::Dictionary#get #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:55 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:113 msgid "Get an item from the dictionary." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:67 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:112 msgid "if the item was not found." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:67 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:112 msgid "if the item is not found." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] index #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:67 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:112 msgid "The index of the item." msgstr "" # @overload #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:67 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:112 msgid "tag|overload|get" msgstr "" # @return [Object] #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:67 #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:112 msgid "The item." msgstr "" # Discorb::Dictionary#values #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:77 msgid "Returns the values of the dictionary." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:81 msgid "The values of the dictionary." msgstr "" # Discorb::Dictionary#has? #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:86 msgid "Checks if the dictionary has an ID." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:92 msgid "`true` if the dictionary has the ID, `false` otherwise." msgstr "" # @param [#to_s] id #: ../lib/discorb/dictionary.rb:92 msgid "The ID to check." msgstr "" # Discorb::Embed #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:5 msgid "Represents an embed of discord." msgstr "" # @param [String] title # @return [String, nil] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:9 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:47 msgid "The title of embed." msgstr "" # @param [String] description # @return [String, nil] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:11 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:47 msgid "The description of embed." msgstr "" # @param [String] url # @return [String, nil] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:13 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:47 msgid "The url of embed." msgstr "" # @param [Time] timestamp # @return [Time, nil] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:15 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:47 msgid "The timestamp of embed." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Color] color # @return [Discorb::Color, nil] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:17 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:47 msgid "The color of embed." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Embed::Author, nil] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:19 msgid "The author of embed." msgstr "" # @param [Array] fields # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:21 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:47 msgid "The fields of embed." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Embed::Footer] footer # @return [Discorb::Embed::Footer, nil] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:23 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:47 msgid "The footer of embed." msgstr "" # @return [Symbol] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:25 msgid "The type of embed." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Embed::Image, String] image # @return [Discorb::Embed::Image] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:26 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:28 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:47 msgid "The image of embed." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Embed::Thumbnail, String] thumbnail # @return [Discorb::Embed::Thumbnail] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:26 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:28 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:47 msgid "The thumbnail of embed." msgstr "" # Discorb::Embed#initialize #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:34 msgid "Initialize a new Embed object." msgstr "" # @param [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:47 msgid "tag|param|fields" msgstr "" # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:47 msgid "tag|param|title" msgstr "" # @param [Time] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:47 msgid "tag|param|timestamp" msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Embed::Author] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:47 msgid "tag|param|author" msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Embed::Author] author #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:47 msgid "The author field of embed." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Embed::Footer] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:47 msgid "tag|param|footer" msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Embed::Image, String] # @param [Discorb::Image] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:47 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:222 msgid "tag|param|image" msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Embed::Thumbnail, String] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:47 msgid "tag|param|thumbnail" msgstr "" # @return [Embed] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:47 msgid "a new instance of Embed" msgstr "" # Discorb::Embed#to_hash #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:90 msgid "Convert embed to hash." msgstr "" # @see #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:95 msgid "tag|see|https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object-embed-structure" msgstr "" # @see https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object-embed-author-structure # @see https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object-embed-field-structure # @see https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object-embed-footer-structure # @see https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object-embed-image-structure # @see https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object-embed-structure # @see https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object-embed-thumbnail-structure #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:95 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:140 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:172 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:210 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:258 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:302 msgid "Offical Discord API Docs" msgstr "" # @return [Hash] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:95 msgid "Converted embed." msgstr "" # Discorb::Embed::Author #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:111 msgid "Represents an author of embed." msgstr "" # @param [String] name # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:115 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:128 msgid "The name of author." msgstr "" # @param [String] url # @return [String, nil] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:117 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:128 msgid "The url of author." msgstr "" # @param [String] icon # @return [String, nil] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:119 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:128 msgid "The icon url of author." msgstr "" # Discorb::Embed::Author#initialize #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:122 msgid "Initialize a new Author object." msgstr "" # @return [Author] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:128 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:375 msgid "a new instance of Author" msgstr "" # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:128 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:161 msgid "tag|param|icon" msgstr "" # Discorb::Embed::Author#to_hash #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:135 msgid "Convert author to hash." msgstr "" # @see #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:140 msgid "tag|see|https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object-embed-author-structure" msgstr "" # @return [Hash] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:140 msgid "Converted author." msgstr "" # Discorb::Embed::Footer #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:150 msgid "Represemts a footer of embed." msgstr "" # @param value #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:153 msgid "the value to set the attribute icon to." msgstr "" # @param value #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:153 msgid "the value to set the attribute text to." msgstr "" # Discorb::Embed::Footer#icon #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:154 msgid "Returns the value of attribute icon." msgstr "" # Discorb::Embed::Footer#icon= #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:154 msgid "Sets the attribute icon" msgstr "" # Discorb::Embed::Footer#text #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:154 msgid "Returns the value of attribute text." msgstr "" # Discorb::Embed::Footer#text= #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:154 msgid "Sets the attribute text" msgstr "" # Discorb::Embed::Footer#initialize #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:156 msgid "Initialize a new Footer object." msgstr "" # @param [String] icon #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:161 msgid "The icon url of footer." msgstr "" # @return [Footer] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:161 msgid "a new instance of Footer" msgstr "" # @param [String] text #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:161 msgid "The text of footer." msgstr "" # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:161 msgid "tag|param|text" msgstr "" # Discorb::Embed::Footer#to_hash #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:167 msgid "Convert footer to hash." msgstr "" # @see #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:172 msgid "tag|see|https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object-embed-footer-structure" msgstr "" # @return [Hash] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:172 msgid "Converted footer." msgstr "" # Discorb::Embed::Field #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:181 msgid "Represents a field of embed." msgstr "" # @param [String] name # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:185 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:198 msgid "The name of field." msgstr "" # @param [String] value # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:187 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:198 msgid "The value of field." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] inline # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:189 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:198 msgid "Whether the field is inline." msgstr "" # Discorb::Embed::Field#initialize #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:192 msgid "Initialize a new Field object." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:198 msgid "tag|param|inline" msgstr "" # @return [Field] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:198 msgid "a new instance of Field" msgstr "" # Discorb::Embed::Field#to_hash #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:205 msgid "Convert field to hash." msgstr "" # @return [Hash] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:210 msgid "Converted field." msgstr "" # @see #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:210 msgid "tag|see|https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object-embed-field-structure" msgstr "" # Discorb::Embed::Image #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:220 msgid "Represents an image of embed." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:224 msgid "The url of image." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:227 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:230 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:233 msgid "The Image object wasn't created from gateway." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:227 msgid "The proxy url of image." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:230 msgid "The height of image." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:233 msgid "The width of image." msgstr "" # Discorb::Embed::Image#initialize #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:236 msgid "Initialize a new Image object." msgstr "" # @return [Image] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:240 #: ../lib/discorb/image.rb:20 msgid "a new instance of Image" msgstr "" # @param [String] url #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:240 msgid "URL of image." msgstr "" # Discorb::Embed::Image#to_hash #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:253 msgid "Convert image to hash for sending." msgstr "" # @see #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:258 msgid "tag|see|https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object-embed-image-structure" msgstr "" # @return [Hash] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:258 msgid "Converted image." msgstr "" # Discorb::Embed::Thumbnail #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:264 msgid "Represents a thumbnail of embed." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:268 msgid "The url of thumbnail." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:271 msgid "The proxy url of thumbnail." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:271 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:274 #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:277 msgid "The Thumbnail object wasn't created from gateway." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:274 msgid "The height of thumbnail." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:277 msgid "The width of thumbnail." msgstr "" # Discorb::Embed::Thumbnail#initialize #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:280 msgid "Initialize a new Thumbnail object." msgstr "" # @return [Thumbnail] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:284 msgid "a new instance of Thumbnail" msgstr "" # @param [String] url #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:284 msgid "URL of thumbnail." msgstr "" # Discorb::Embed::Thumbnail#to_hash #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:297 msgid "Convert thumbnail to hash for sending." msgstr "" # @see #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:302 msgid "tag|see|https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object-embed-thumbnail-structure" msgstr "" # @return [Hash] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:302 msgid "Converted thumbnail." msgstr "" # Discorb::Embed::Video #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:308 msgid "Represents a video of embed." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:312 msgid "The url of video." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:314 msgid "The proxy url of video." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:316 msgid "The height of video." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:318 msgid "The width of video." msgstr "" # @return [Video] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:321 msgid "a new instance of Video" msgstr "" # Discorb::Embed::Provider #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:330 msgid "Represents a provider of embed." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:334 msgid "The name of provider." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:336 msgid "The url of provider." msgstr "" # @return [Provider] #: ../lib/discorb/embed.rb:339 msgid "a new instance of Provider" msgstr "" # Discorb::Emoji #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:7 msgid "Represents a Discord emoji." msgstr "" # Discorb::CustomEmoji #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:12 msgid "Represents a custom emoji in discord." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:14 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:136 msgid "The ID of the emoji." msgstr "" # @param [#to_s] name # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:16 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:138 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:222 msgid "The name of the emoji." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:18 msgid "The roles that can use this emoji." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::User] #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:20 msgid "The user that created this emoji." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:22 msgid "Whether the emoji requires colons." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:24 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:25 msgid "whether the emoji is managed by integration (ex: Twitch)." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:27 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:28 msgid "whether the emoji requires colons." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:30 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:31 msgid "whether the emoji is available." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:33 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:62 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:66 msgid "whether or not this emoji is restricted to certain roles." msgstr "" # @return [CustomEmoji] #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:37 msgid "a new instance of CustomEmoji" msgstr "" # Discorb::CustomEmoji#to_s # Discorb::PartialEmoji#to_s #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:45 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:165 msgid "Format the emoji for sending." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:49 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:58 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:156 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:169 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:211 msgid "the formatted emoji." msgstr "" # Discorb::CustomEmoji#to_uri # Discorb::PartialEmoji#to_uri # Discorb::UnicodeEmoji#to_uri #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:54 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:152 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:207 msgid "Format the emoji for URI." msgstr "" # Discorb::CustomEmoji#edit # Discorb::CustomEmoji#modify #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:73 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:95 msgid "Edit the emoji." msgstr "" # @param [Array] # @param [Boolean, Array] #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:84 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:94 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:222 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:717 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:740 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:25 msgid "tag|param|roles" msgstr "" # @param [Array] roles #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:84 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:94 msgid "The new roles that can use this emoji." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:84 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:94 msgid "The reason for editing the emoji." msgstr "" # @return [self] #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:84 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:94 msgid "The edited emoji." msgstr "" # @param [String] name #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:84 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:94 msgid "The new name of the emoji." msgstr "" # Discorb::CustomEmoji#delete! # Discorb::CustomEmoji#destroy! #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:97 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:114 msgid "Delete the emoji." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:105 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:113 msgid "The reason for deleting the emoji." msgstr "" # @return [self] #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:105 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:113 msgid "The deleted emoji." msgstr "" # Discorb::PartialEmoji #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:132 msgid "Represents a partial custom emoji in discord." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:140 #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:141 msgid "Whether the emoji is deleted." msgstr "" # @return [PartialEmoji] #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:144 msgid "a new instance of PartialEmoji" msgstr "" # Discorb::UnicodeEmoji #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:175 msgid "Represents a unicode emoji (default emoji) in discord." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:179 msgid "The name of the emoji. (e.g. :grinning:)" msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:181 msgid "The unicode value of the emoji. (e.g. U+1F600)" msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:183 msgid "The skin tone of the emoji." msgstr "" # @return [UnicodeEmoji] #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:186 msgid "a new instance of UnicodeEmoji" msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/emoji.rb:202 msgid "The unicode string of the emoji." msgstr "" # Discorb::EmojiTable #: ../lib/discorb/emoji_table.rb:5 msgid "A table of emoji names and their unicode values." msgstr "" # Discorb::EmojiTable::DISCORD_TO_UNICODE #: ../lib/discorb/emoji_table.rb:9 msgid "A hash of Discord's emoji names to their unicode characters." msgstr "" # Discorb::EmojiTable::UNICODE_TO_DISCORD #: ../lib/discorb/emoji_table.rb:2000 msgid "A hash of unicode charcaters to their Discord's emoji names." msgstr "" # Discorb::DiscorbError #: ../lib/discorb/error.rb:5 msgid "Error class for Discorb." msgstr "" # Discorb::HTTPError #: ../lib/discorb/error.rb:37 msgid "Represents a HTTP error." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/error.rb:41 msgid "the HTTP response code." msgstr "" # @return [Net::HTTPResponse] #: ../lib/discorb/error.rb:43 msgid "the HTTP response." msgstr "" # @return [HTTPError] #: ../lib/discorb/error.rb:46 msgid "a new instance of HTTPError" msgstr "" # Discorb::BadRequestError #: ../lib/discorb/error.rb:54 msgid "Represents a 400 error." msgstr "" # @return [BadRequestError] #: ../lib/discorb/error.rb:58 msgid "a new instance of BadRequestError" msgstr "" # Discorb::ForbiddenError #: ../lib/discorb/error.rb:70 msgid "Represents a 403 error." msgstr "" # Discorb::NotFoundError #: ../lib/discorb/error.rb:76 msgid "Represents a 404 error." msgstr "" # Discorb::ClientError #: ../lib/discorb/error.rb:82 msgid "Represents a error in client-side." msgstr "" # Discorb::TimeoutError #: ../lib/discorb/error.rb:88 msgid "Represents a timeout error." msgstr "" # Discorb::NotSupportedWarning #: ../lib/discorb/error.rb:94 msgid "Represents a warning." msgstr "" # @return [NotSupportedWarning] #: ../lib/discorb/error.rb:97 msgid "a new instance of NotSupportedWarning" msgstr "" # Discorb::Event #: ../lib/discorb/event.rb:5 msgid "Represents a event.\n" "This class shouldn't be instantiated directly.\n" "Use {Client#on} instead." msgstr "" # @return [Proc] #: ../lib/discorb/event.rb:11 msgid "the block to be called." msgstr "" # @return [Symbol] #: ../lib/discorb/event.rb:13 msgid "the event id." msgstr "" # @return [Hash] #: ../lib/discorb/event.rb:15 msgid "the event discriminator." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/event.rb:17 #: ../lib/discorb/event.rb:18 msgid "whether the event is once or not." msgstr "" # @return [Event] #: ../lib/discorb/event.rb:20 msgid "a new instance of Event" msgstr "" # Discorb::Event#call #: ../lib/discorb/event.rb:29 msgid "Calls the block associated with the event." msgstr "" # Time#to_df #: ../lib/discorb/extend.rb:5 msgid "Format a time object to a Discord formatted string." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/extend.rb:11 msgid "The formatted time." msgstr "" # @param ["f", "F", "d", "D", "t", "T", "R"] # @param [:playing, :streaming, :listening, :watching, :competing] # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/extend.rb:11 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway_requests.rb:23 #: ../lib/discorb/image.rb:20 msgid "tag|param|type" msgstr "" # @param ["f", "F", "d", "D", "t", "T", "R"] type #: ../lib/discorb/extend.rb:11 msgid "The format to use." msgstr "" # Discorb::Extension #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:5 msgid "Module to make extension.\n" "extend this module to make your own extension." msgstr "" # @see #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:10 msgid "tag|see|file:docs/extension.md" msgstr "" # Discorb::Extension#event #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:15 msgid "Define a new event." msgstr "" # @param [Symbol] id #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:24 #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:43 msgid "The id of the event. Used to delete the event." msgstr "" # @param [Hash] discriminator #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:24 #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:43 msgid "Other discriminators." msgstr "" # Discorb::Extension#once_event #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:34 msgid "Define a new once event." msgstr "" # @return [Hash{Symbol => Array}] #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:48 msgid "The events of the extension." msgstr "" # @param value #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:51 msgid "the value to set the attribute client to." msgstr "" # Discorb::Extension#client= #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:52 msgid "Sets the attribute client" msgstr "" # Discorb::Extension#client #: ../lib/discorb/extension.rb:52 msgid "Returns the value of attribute client." msgstr "" # Discorb::Attachment #: ../lib/discorb/file.rb:7 msgid "Represents a attachment file." msgstr "" # @return [#read] #: ../lib/discorb/file.rb:11 msgid "The file content." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/file.rb:13 msgid "The attachment id." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/file.rb:15 msgid "The attachment filename." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/file.rb:17 msgid "The attachment content type." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/file.rb:19 msgid "The attachment size in bytes." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/file.rb:21 msgid "The attachment url." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/file.rb:23 msgid "The attachment proxy url." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/file.rb:26 #: ../lib/discorb/file.rb:29 msgid "If the attachment is not an image." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/file.rb:26 msgid "The image height." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/file.rb:29 msgid "The image width." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/file.rb:31 #: ../lib/discorb/file.rb:46 msgid "whether the file is an image." msgstr "" # @return [Attachment] #: ../lib/discorb/file.rb:35 msgid "a new instance of Attachment" msgstr "" # Discorb::File #: ../lib/discorb/file.rb:52 msgid "Represents a file to send as an attachment." msgstr "" # @return [#read] #: ../lib/discorb/file.rb:56 msgid "The IO of the file." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/file.rb:58 msgid "The filename of the file. If not set, path or object_id of the IO is used." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/file.rb:60 msgid "The content type of the file. If not set, it is guessed from the filename." msgstr "" # @return [File] #: ../lib/discorb/file.rb:62 msgid "a new instance of File" msgstr "" # Discorb::Flag #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:5 msgid "Represents a flag." msgstr "" # @return [Hash{Symbol => Boolean}] #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:10 msgid "the values of the flag." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:12 msgid "the value of the flag." msgstr "" # Discorb::Flag#initialize #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:17 msgid "Initialize the flag." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] value #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:20 msgid "The value of the flag." msgstr "" # @note #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:20 msgid "This is usually called by the subclass." msgstr "" # @return [Flag] #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:20 msgid "a new instance of Flag" msgstr "" # Discorb::Flag#+ # Discorb::Flag#| #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:41 #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:52 msgid "Union of two flags." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Flag] #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:47 #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:51 msgid "The union of the two flags." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Flag] other #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:47 #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:51 #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:60 #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:71 #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:82 msgid "The other flag." msgstr "" # Discorb::Flag#- #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:54 msgid "Subtraction of two flags." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Flag] #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:60 msgid "The subtraction of the two flags." msgstr "" # Discorb::Flag#& #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:65 msgid "Intersection of two flags." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Flag] #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:71 msgid "The intersection of the two flags." msgstr "" # Discorb::Flag#^ #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:76 msgid "XOR of two flags." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Flag] #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:82 msgid "The XOR of the two flags." msgstr "" # Discorb::Flag#~@ #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:87 msgid "Negation of the flag." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Flag] #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:91 msgid "The negation of the flag." msgstr "" # @return [Hash{Integer => Symbol}] #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:97 msgid "the bits of the flag." msgstr "" # Discorb::Flag.max_value #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:100 msgid "Max value of the flag." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/flag.rb:104 msgid "the max value of the flag." msgstr "" # Discorb::Gateway #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:7 msgid "A module for Discord Gateway.\n" "This module is internal use only." msgstr "" # Discorb::Gateway::GatewayEvent #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:12 msgid "Represents an event." msgstr "" # @return [GatewayEvent] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:16 msgid "a new instance of GatewayEvent" msgstr "" # Discorb::Gateway::ReactionEvent #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:22 msgid "Represents a reaction event." msgstr "" # @return [Hash] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:26 msgid "The raw data of the event." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:28 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:29 msgid "The ID of the user who reacted." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:31 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:105 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:154 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:213 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:89 msgid "The ID of the channel the message was sent in." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Snowflake] id # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:33 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:107 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:156 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:211 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:278 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:67 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:148 msgid "The ID of the message." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:35 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:109 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:158 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:215 msgid "The ID of the guild the message was sent in." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::User] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:38 msgid "The user who reacted." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Channel] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:41 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:112 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:161 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:237 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:253 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:280 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:296 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:312 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:328 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:170 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:196 msgid "The channel the message was sent in." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Guild] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:44 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:115 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:164 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:237 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:257 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:280 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:300 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:312 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:332 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:170 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:200 msgid "The guild the message was sent in." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Message] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:47 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:118 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:167 msgid "The message the reaction was sent in." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Member] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:50 msgid "The member who reacted." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Emoji] # @return [Discorb::UnicodeEmoji, Discorb::PartialEmoji] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:52 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:169 #: ../lib/discorb/reaction.rb:11 msgid "The emoji that was reacted with." msgstr "" # @return [ReactionEvent] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:55 msgid "a new instance of ReactionEvent" msgstr "" # Discorb::Gateway::ReactionEvent#fetch_message # Discorb::Gateway::ReactionRemoveAllEvent#fetch_message # Discorb::Gateway::ReactionRemoveEmojiEvent#fetch_message #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:84 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:133 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:185 msgid "Fetch the message.\n" "If message is cached, it will be returned." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Message] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:91 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:140 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:192 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:266 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:270 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:148 msgid "The message." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] force #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:91 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:140 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:192 msgid "Whether to force fetching the message." msgstr "" # Discorb::Gateway::ReactionRemoveAllEvent #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:101 msgid "Represents a `MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_ALL` event." msgstr "" # @return [ReactionRemoveAllEvent] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:121 msgid "a new instance of ReactionRemoveAllEvent" msgstr "" # Discorb::Gateway::ReactionRemoveEmojiEvent #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:150 msgid "Represents a `MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_EMOJI` event." msgstr "" # @return [ReactionRemoveEmojiEvent] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:172 msgid "a new instance of ReactionRemoveEmojiEvent" msgstr "" # Discorb::Gateway::MessageUpdateEvent #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:202 msgid "Represents a `MESSAGE_UPDATE` event." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Message] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:207 msgid "The message before update." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Message] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:209 msgid "The message after update." msgstr "" # @param [String] content # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:217 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:145 msgid "The new content of the message." msgstr "" # @return [Time] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:219 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:79 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:80 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:81 msgid "The time the message was edited." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:221 msgid "Whether the message pings @everyone." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:224 msgid "The roles mentioned in the message." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:226 msgid "The attachments in the message." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:228 msgid "The embeds in the message." msgstr "" # @return [MessageUpdateEvent] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:237 msgid "a new instance of MessageUpdateEvent" msgstr "" # Discorb::Gateway::MessageUpdateEvent#fetch_message #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:262 msgid "Fetch the message." msgstr "" # Discorb::Gateway::UnknownDeleteBulkMessage #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:274 msgid "Represents a message but it has only ID." msgstr "" # @return [UnknownDeleteBulkMessage] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:288 msgid "a new instance of UnknownDeleteBulkMessage" msgstr "" # Discorb::Gateway::InviteDeleteEvent #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:306 msgid "Represents a `INVITE_DELETE` event." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:310 msgid "The invite code." msgstr "" # @return [InviteDeleteEvent] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:320 msgid "a new instance of InviteDeleteEvent" msgstr "" # @return [GuildIntegrationsUpdateEvent] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:338 msgid "a new instance of GuildIntegrationsUpdateEvent" msgstr "" # Discorb::Gateway::TypingStartEvent #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:350 msgid "Represents a `TYPING_START` event." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:354 msgid "The ID of the channel the user is typing in." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::User] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:356 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:377 msgid "The user that is typing." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Guild] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:356 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:385 msgid "The guild the user is typing in." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Channel] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:356 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:381 msgid "The channel the user is typing in." msgstr "" # @return [TypingStartEvent] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:367 msgid "a new instance of TypingStartEvent" msgstr "" # Discorb::Gateway::MessagePinEvent #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:391 msgid "Represents a message pin event." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Message] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:395 msgid "The message that was pinned." msgstr "" # @return [:pinned, :unpinned] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:397 msgid "The type of event." msgstr "" # @return [MessagePinEvent] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:404 msgid "a new instance of MessagePinEvent" msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:404 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:421 msgid "Whether the message was unpinned." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:404 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:417 msgid "Whether the message was pinned." msgstr "" # Discorb::Gateway::WebhooksUpdateEvent #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:427 msgid "Represents a `WEBHOOKS_UPDATE` event." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Guild] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:430 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:445 msgid "The guild where the webhook was updated." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Channel] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:430 #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:449 msgid "The channel where the webhook was updated." msgstr "" # @return [WebhooksUpdateEvent] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:438 msgid "a new instance of WebhooksUpdateEvent" msgstr "" # Discorb::Gateway::Handler #: ../lib/discorb/gateway.rb:455 msgid "A module to handle gateway events." msgstr "" # Discorb::Activity #: ../lib/discorb/gateway_requests.rb:5 msgid "Represents an activity for Gateway Command." msgstr "" # Discorb::Activity#initialize #: ../lib/discorb/gateway_requests.rb:17 msgid "Initializes a new Activity." msgstr "" # @param [:playing, :streaming, :listening, :watching, :competing] type # @return [Symbol] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway_requests.rb:23 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:586 msgid "The type of activity." msgstr "" # @return [Activity] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway_requests.rb:23 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:596 #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:93 msgid "a new instance of Activity" msgstr "" # @param [String] name # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway_requests.rb:23 #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:50 msgid "The name of the activity." msgstr "" # @param [String] url #: ../lib/discorb/gateway_requests.rb:23 msgid "The URL of the activity." msgstr "" # Discorb::Activity#to_hash #: ../lib/discorb/gateway_requests.rb:30 msgid "Converts the activity to a hash." msgstr "" # @return [Hash] #: ../lib/discorb/gateway_requests.rb:34 msgid "A hash representation of the activity." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:5 msgid "Represents a guild in the Discord." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:9 msgid "ID of the guild." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:11 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:96 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:256 msgid "The name of the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Asset] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:13 msgid "The splash of the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Asset] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:15 msgid "The discovery splash of the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:17 msgid "ID of the guild owner." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Permission] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:19 msgid "The bot's permission in the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:21 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:98 msgid "The AFK timeout of the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Dictionary{Discorb::Snowflake => Discorb::Role}] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:23 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:100 msgid "A dictionary of roles in the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Dictionary{Discorb::Snowflake => Discorb::CustomEmoji}] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:25 msgid "A dictionary of custom emojis in the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:28 msgid "features that are enabled in the guild." msgstr "" # @see #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:28 msgid "tag|see|https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild#guild-object-guild-features" msgstr "" # @return [:none, :elevated] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:30 msgid "The MFA level of the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Guild::SystemChannelFlag] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:32 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:102 msgid "The flag for the system channel." msgstr "" # @return [Time] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:34 msgid "Time that representing when bot has joined the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:36 msgid "Whether the guild is unavailable." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:38 msgid "The amount of members in the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Asset] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:40 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:258 msgid "The icon of the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Dictionary{Discorb::User => Discorb::VoiceState}] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:42 msgid "A dictionary of voice states in the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Dictionary{Discorb::Snowflake => Discorb::Member}] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:45 msgid "A dictionary of members in the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Dictionary{Discorb::Snowflake => Discorb::GuildChannel}] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:47 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:104 msgid "A dictionary of channels in the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Dictionary{Discorb::Snowflake => Discorb::ThreadChannel}] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:49 msgid "A dictionary of threads in the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Dictionary{Discorb::User => Discorb::Presence}] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:51 msgid "A dictionary of presence in the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:53 msgid "Number of online members in the guild." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:56 msgid "If the guild does not have a vanity invite URL." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:56 msgid "The vanity invite URL for the guild." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:58 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:106 msgid "The description of the guild." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:61 msgid "If the guild does not have a banner." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Asset] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:61 msgid "The banner of the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:63 msgid "The premium tier (Boost Level) of the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:65 msgid "The amount of premium subscriptions (Server Boosts) the guild has." msgstr "" # @return [Symbol] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:68 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:109 msgid "The preffered language of the guild." msgstr "" # @note #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:68 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:109 msgid "This modifies the language code, `-` will be replaced with `_`." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:70 msgid "The maximum amount of users in a video channel." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:72 msgid "The approxmate amount of members in the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:74 msgid "The approxmate amount of non-offline members in the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::WelcomeScreen] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:76 msgid "The welcome screen of the guild." msgstr "" # @return [:default, :explicit, :safe, :age_restricted] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:78 msgid "The nsfw level of the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Dictionary{Discorb::Snowflake => Discorb::StageInstance}] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:80 msgid "A dictionary of stage instances in the guild." msgstr "" # @return [:none, :low, :medium, :high, :very_high] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:82 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:111 msgid "The verification level of the guild." msgstr "" # @return [:all_messages, :only_mentions] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:84 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:113 msgid "The default message notification level of the guild." msgstr "" # @return [:disabled_in_text, :members_without_roles, :all_members] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:86 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:115 msgid "The explict content filter level of the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:88 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:89 msgid "Whether the client is the owner of the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:91 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:92 msgid "Whether the guild is large." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:94 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:95 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:117 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:118 msgid "Whether the guild enabled the widget." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:97 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:98 msgid "Whether the guild is available." msgstr "" # @return [Guild] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:122 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:261 msgid "a new instance of Guild" msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#leave! #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:161 msgid "Leave the guild." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#fetch_emoji_list # Discorb::Guild#fetch_emojis #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:173 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:195 msgid "Fetch emoji list of the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Dictionary{Discorb::Snowflake => Discorb::CustomEmoji}] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:180 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:194 msgid "A dictionary of emoji in the guild." msgstr "" # @note #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:180 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:194 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:206 msgid "This querys the API every time. We recommend using {#emojis} instead." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#fetch_emoji #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:197 msgid "Fetch emoji id of the guild." msgstr "" # @param [#to_s] id #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:206 msgid "The emoji id." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::CustomEmoji] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:206 msgid "The emoji with the given id." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#create_emoji #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:212 msgid "Create a custom emoji." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::CustomEmoji] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:222 msgid "The created emoji." msgstr "" # @param [Array] roles #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:222 msgid "A list of roles to give the emoji." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Image] image #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:222 msgid "The image of the emoji." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#fetch_webhooks #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:235 msgid "Fetch webhooks of the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:241 msgid "A list of webhooks in the guild." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#fetch_audit_log #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:249 msgid "Fetch audit log of the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::AuditLog] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:255 msgid "The audit log of the guild." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#fetch_channels #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:263 msgid "Fetch channels of the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:269 msgid "A list of channels in the guild." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#create_text_channel #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:277 msgid "Create a new text channel." msgstr "" # @param [Hash{Discorb::Role, Discorb::Member => Discorb::PermissionOverwrite}] permission_overwrites #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:293 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:338 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:378 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:401 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:417 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:458 msgid "A list of permission overwrites." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::CategoryChannel] parent #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:293 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:338 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:378 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:401 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:417 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:458 msgid "The parent of the channel." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:293 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:338 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:378 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:401 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:417 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:458 msgid "The reason for creating the channel." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::TextChannel] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:293 msgid "The created text channel." msgstr "" # @param [Hash{Discorb::Role, Discorb::Member => Discorb::PermissionOverwrite}] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:293 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:338 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:378 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:401 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:417 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:458 msgid "tag|param|permission_overwrites" msgstr "" # @param [Integer] rate_limit_per_user #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:293 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:458 msgid "The rate limit per user in the channel." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] slowmode #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:293 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:458 msgid "Alias for `rate_limit_per_user`." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#create_voice_channel #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:324 msgid "Create a new voice channel." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] user_limit # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:338 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:169 msgid "The user limit of the channel." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] bitrate # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:338 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:417 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:167 msgid "The bitrate of the channel." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::VoiceChannel] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:338 msgid "The created voice channel." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#create_category # Discorb::Guild#create_category_channel #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:367 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:402 msgid "Create a new category channel." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::CategoryChannel] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:378 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:401 msgid "The created category channel." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#create_stage_channel #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:404 msgid "Create a new stage channel." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::StageChannel] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:417 msgid "The created stage channel." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#create_news_channel #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:442 msgid "Create a new news channel." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::NewsChannel] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:458 msgid "The created news channel." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#fetch_active_threads #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:488 msgid "Fetch a list of active threads in the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:494 msgid "The list of threads." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#fetch_member #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:502 msgid "Fetch a member in the guild." msgstr "" # @param [#to_s] id #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:512 msgid "The ID of the member to fetch." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:512 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:547 msgid "If the member is not found." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Member] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:512 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:547 msgid "The member." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#fetch_members_named #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:523 msgid "Search for members by name in the guild." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] limit #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:532 msgid "The maximum number of members to return." msgstr "" # @param [String] name #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:532 msgid "The name of the member to search for." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:532 msgid "The list of members." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#fetch_member_named #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:540 msgid "Almost the same as {#fetch_members_named}, but returns a single member." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#edit_nick # Discorb::Guild#edit_nickname # Discorb::Guild#modify_nick # Discorb::Guild#modify_nickname #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:554 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:566 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:567 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:568 msgid "Change nickname of client member." msgstr "" # @param [String] nickname #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:559 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:565 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:566 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:567 msgid "The nickname to set." msgstr "" # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:559 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:565 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:566 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:567 msgid "tag|param|nickname" msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:559 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:565 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:566 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:567 msgid "The reason for changing the nickname." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#kick_member #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:570 msgid "Kick a member from the guild." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Member] member #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:577 msgid "The member to kick." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:577 msgid "The reason for kicking the member." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Member] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:577 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:643 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:325 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:331 msgid "tag|param|member" msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#fetch_bans #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:584 msgid "Fetch a list of bans in the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:590 msgid "The list of bans." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#fetch_ban #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:598 msgid "Fetch a ban in the guild." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::User] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:607 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:626 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:660 msgid "tag|param|user" msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::User] user #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:607 msgid "The user to fetch." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Guild::Ban] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:607 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:643 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:216 msgid "The ban." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:607 msgid "If the ban is not found." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#banned? #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:618 msgid "Checks the user was banned from the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:626 msgid "Whether the user was banned." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::User] user #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:626 msgid "The user to check." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#ban_member #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:633 msgid "Ban a member from the guild." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Member] member #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:643 msgid "The member to ban." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:643 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:216 msgid "tag|param|delete_message_days" msgstr "" # @param [Integer] delete_message_days #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:643 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:216 msgid "The number of days to delete messages." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:643 msgid "The reason for banning the member." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#unban_user #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:653 msgid "Unban a user from the guild." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:660 msgid "The reason for unbanning the user." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::User] user #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:660 msgid "The user to unban." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#fetch_roles #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:667 msgid "Fetch a list of roles in the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:673 msgid "The list of roles." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#create_role #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:681 msgid "Create a role in the guild." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] hoist #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:693 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:108 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:120 msgid "Whether the role should be hoisted." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:693 msgid "The reason for creating the role." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:693 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:108 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:120 msgid "tag|param|mentionable" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] mentionable #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:693 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:108 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:120 msgid "Whether the role should be mentionable." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:693 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:108 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:120 msgid "tag|param|hoist" msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Role] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:693 msgid "The role." msgstr "" # @param [String] name # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:693 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:140 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:11 msgid "The name of the role." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Color] color # @return [Discorb::Color] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:693 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:144 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:13 msgid "The color of the role." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#fetch_prune #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:708 msgid "Fetch how many members will be pruned." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:717 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:740 msgid "tag|param|days" msgstr "" # @param [Array] roles #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:717 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:740 msgid "The roles that include for pruning." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:717 msgid "The number of members that will be pruned." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] days #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:717 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:740 msgid "The number of days to prune." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#prune #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:730 msgid "Prune members from the guild." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:740 msgid "The reason for pruning." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:740 msgid "The number of members that were pruned." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#fetch_voice_regions #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:750 msgid "Fetch voice regions that are available in the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:756 msgid "The available voice regions." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#fetch_invites #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:764 msgid "Fetch invites in the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:770 msgid "The invites." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#fetch_integrations #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:778 msgid "Fetch integrations in the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:784 msgid "The integrations." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#fetch_widget #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:792 msgid "Fetch the widget of the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Guild::Widget] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:798 msgid "The widget." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#fetch_vanity_invite #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:806 msgid "Fetch the vanity URL of the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Guild::VanityInvite] # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:812 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:920 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:931 msgid "The vanity URL." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#fetch_welcome_screen #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:820 msgid "Fetch the welcome screen of the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Guild::WelcomeScreen] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:826 msgid "The welcome screen." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#fetch_stickers #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:834 msgid "Fetch stickers in the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:840 msgid "The stickers." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#fetch_sticker #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:848 msgid "Fetch the sticker by ID." msgstr "" # @param [#to_s] id # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:857 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:9 msgid "The ID of the sticker." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Sticker::GuildSticker] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:857 msgid "The sticker." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:857 msgid "If the sticker does not exist." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#fetch_templates #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:868 msgid "Fetch templates in the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::GuildTemplate] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:874 msgid "The templates." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#fetch_template #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:882 msgid "Almost the same as {#fetch_templates}, but returns a single template." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:887 msgid "If the template does not exist." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::GuildTemplate] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:887 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:902 msgid "The template." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild#create_template #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:894 msgid "Create a new template in the guild." msgstr "" # @param [String] description # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:902 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:13 msgid "The description of the template." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:902 msgid "The reason for creating the template." msgstr "" # @param [String] name # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:902 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:11 msgid "The name of the template." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild::VanityInvite #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:912 msgid "Represents a vanity invite." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:916 msgid "The vanity invite code." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:918 msgid "The number of uses." msgstr "" # @return [VanityInvite] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:924 msgid "a new instance of VanityInvite" msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild::Widget #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:937 msgid "Represents a guild widget." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Snowflake] guild_id # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:941 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:444 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:462 msgid "The guild ID." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Snowflake] channel_id # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:943 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:446 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:462 msgid "The channel ID." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] enabled # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:945 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:946 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:947 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:980 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:989 msgid "Whether the widget is enabled." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:949 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:991 msgid "The JSON URL." msgstr "" # @return [Widget] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:959 msgid "a new instance of Widget" msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild::Widget#edit # Discorb::Guild::Widget#modify #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:971 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:990 msgid "Edit the widget." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:980 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:989 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1233 msgid "tag|param|enabled" msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:980 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:989 msgid "The reason for editing the widget." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::GuildChannel] # @param [Discorb::StageChannel] # @param [Discorb::TextChannel] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:980 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:989 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1174 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:183 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:195 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:104 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:114 msgid "tag|param|channel" msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild::Widget#iframe #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:996 msgid "Return iframe HTML of the widget." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] height #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1004 msgid "The height of the widget." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1004 msgid "tag|param|width" msgstr "" # @param [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1004 msgid "tag|param|height" msgstr "" # @param ["dark", "light"] theme #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1004 msgid "The theme of the widget." msgstr "" # @param ["dark", "light"] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1004 msgid "tag|param|theme" msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1004 msgid "The iframe HTML." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] width #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1004 msgid "The width of the widget." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild::Ban #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1013 msgid "Represents a ban." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1019 msgid "The reason for the ban." msgstr "" # @return [Ban] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1022 msgid "a new instance of Ban" msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild.nsfw_levels #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1033 msgid "Returns the value of attribute nsfw_levels." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild.explicit_content_filter #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1033 msgid "Returns the value of attribute explicit_content_filter." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild.default_message_notifications #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1033 msgid "Returns the value of attribute default_message_notifications." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild.mfa_levels #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1033 msgid "Returns the value of attribute mfa_levels." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild.verification_levels #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1033 msgid "Returns the value of attribute verification_levels." msgstr "" # Discorb::Guild.banner #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1035 msgid "Returns a banner url from the guild's ID." msgstr "" # @param [#to_s] # @param [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1042 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:462 msgid "tag|param|guild_id" msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1042 msgid "The url of the banner." msgstr "" # @param [#to_s] guild_id # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1042 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:254 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:300 msgid "The ID of the guild." msgstr "" # @param [:shield, :banner1, :banner2, :banner3, :banner4] style #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1042 msgid "The style of the banner." msgstr "" # Discorb::SystemChannelFlag #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1119 msgid "Represents a system channel flag.\n" "## Flag fields\n" "|Field|Value|\n" "|-|-|\n" "|`1 << 0`|`:member_join`|\n" "|`1 << 1`|`:server_boost`|\n" "|`1 << 2`|`:setup_tips`|" msgstr "" # Discorb::WelcomeScreen #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1136 msgid "Represents a welcome screen." msgstr "" # @param [String] description # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1140 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1233 msgid "The description of the welcome screen." msgstr "" # @param [Array] channels # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1142 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1233 msgid "The channels to display the welcome screen." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Guild] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1144 msgid "The guild the welcome screen belongs to." msgstr "" # @return [WelcomeScreen] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1147 msgid "a new instance of WelcomeScreen" msgstr "" # Discorb::WelcomeScreen::Channel #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1155 msgid "Represents a channel to display the welcome screen." msgstr "" # @param [String] description # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1159 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1174 msgid "The channel's name." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Emoji] emoji # @return [Discorb::Emoji] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1161 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1174 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1214 msgid "The emoji to display." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::TextChannel] channel # @return [Discorb::Channel] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1161 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1174 #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1210 msgid "The channel to display the welcome screen." msgstr "" # Discorb::WelcomeScreen::Channel#initialize #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1168 msgid "Initialize a new welcome screen channel." msgstr "" # Discorb::WelcomeScreen::Channel#to_hash #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1196 msgid "Converts the channel to a hash." msgstr "" # @see #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1201 msgid "tag|see|https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild#welcome-screen-object" msgstr "" # @param [Hash] data # @return [Hash] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1201 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:474 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:483 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:493 msgid "The hash." msgstr "" # Discorb::WelcomeScreen::Channel#edit #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1223 msgid "Edits the welcome screen." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] enabled #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1233 msgid "Whether the welcome screen is enabled." msgstr "" # @param [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1233 msgid "tag|param|channels" msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/guild.rb:1233 msgid "The reason for editing the welcome screen." msgstr "" # Discorb::GuildTemplate #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:5 msgid "Represents a guild template." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:9 msgid "The code of the template." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:15 msgid "The number of times this template has been used." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::User] #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:17 msgid "The user who created this template." msgstr "" # @return [Time] #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:19 msgid "The time this template was created." msgstr "" # @return [Time] #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:21 msgid "The time this template was last updated." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::GuildTemplate::TemplateGuild] # @return [Discorb::Guild] #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:23 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:26 msgid "The guild where the template was created." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:28 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:29 msgid "Whether this template is dirty." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Guild] #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:31 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:42 msgid "The guild this template is based on." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:31 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:42 msgid "Client wasn't able to find the guild this template is based on." msgstr "" # @return [GuildTemplate] #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:37 msgid "a new instance of GuildTemplate" msgstr "" # Discorb::GuildTemplate#edit # Discorb::GuildTemplate#modify #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:47 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:65 msgid "Edit the template." msgstr "" # @param [String] description #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:55 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:64 msgid "The new description of the template." msgstr "" # @param [String] name #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:55 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:64 msgid "The new name of the template." msgstr "" # Discorb::GuildTemplate#update #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:67 msgid "Update the template." msgstr "" # Discorb::GuildTemplate#delete! # Discorb::GuildTemplate#destroy! #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:79 #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:90 msgid "Delete the template." msgstr "" # Discorb::GuildTemplate::TemplateGuild #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:92 msgid "Represents a guild in guild template." msgstr "" # @return [TemplateGuild] #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:121 msgid "a new instance of TemplateGuild" msgstr "" # Discorb::GuildTemplate::TemplateGuild::Role #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:136 msgid "Represents a role in guild template." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Permission] #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:142 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:15 msgid "The permissions of the role." msgstr "" # @return [Role] #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:147 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:40 msgid "a new instance of Role" msgstr "" # Discorb::GuildTemplate::TemplateGuild::Channel #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:157 msgid "Represents a channel in guild template." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:165 msgid "The type of the channel." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:173 msgid "The rate limit of the channel." msgstr "" # @return [Class] #: ../lib/discorb/guild_template.rb:175 msgid "The class of the channel." msgstr "" # Discorb::HTTP #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:7 msgid "A class to handle http requests.\n" "This class is internal use only." msgstr "" # @return [HTTP] #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:14 msgid "a new instance of HTTP" msgstr "" # Discorb::HTTP#get #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:19 msgid "Execute a GET request." msgstr "" # @param [Hash] kwargs #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:32 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:66 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:99 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:132 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:164 msgid "The keyword arguments." msgstr "" # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:32 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:66 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:99 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:132 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:164 msgid "tag|param|audit_log_reason" msgstr "" # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:32 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:66 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:99 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:132 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:164 msgid "tag|param|path" msgstr "" # @param [Hash] headers #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:32 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:66 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:99 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:132 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:164 msgid "The headers to send with the request." msgstr "" # @param [Hash] #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:32 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:66 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:99 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:132 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:164 msgid "tag|param|headers" msgstr "" # @param [String] path #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:32 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:66 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:99 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:132 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:164 msgid "The path to the resource." msgstr "" # @param [String] audit_log_reason #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:32 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:66 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:99 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:132 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:164 msgid "The audit log reason to send with the request." msgstr "" # @raise [Discorb::HTTPError] #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:32 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:66 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:99 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:132 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:164 msgid "The request was failed." msgstr "" # @return [Array[Net::HTTPResponse, Hash]] #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:32 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:66 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:99 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:132 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:164 msgid "The response and as JSON." msgstr "" # @return [Array[Net::HTTPResponse, nil]] #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:32 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:66 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:99 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:132 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:164 msgid "The response was 204." msgstr "" # @param [Hash] #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:32 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:66 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:99 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:132 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:164 msgid "tag|param|kwargs" msgstr "" # Discorb::HTTP#post #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:52 msgid "Execute a POST request." msgstr "" # @param [String, Hash] body #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:66 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:99 #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:132 msgid "The body of the request." msgstr "" # Discorb::HTTP#patch #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:85 msgid "Execute a PATCH request." msgstr "" # Discorb::HTTP#put #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:118 msgid "Execute a PUT request." msgstr "" # Discorb::HTTP#delete #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:151 msgid "Execute a DELETE request." msgstr "" # Discorb::HTTP.multipart #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:187 msgid "A helper method to send multipart/form-data requests." msgstr "" # @param [Hash] payload #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:194 msgid "The payload to send." msgstr "" # @param [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:194 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:92 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:145 msgid "tag|param|files" msgstr "" # @param [Array] files #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:194 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:92 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:145 msgid "The files to send." msgstr "" # @return [Array[String, String]] #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:194 msgid "The boundary and body." msgstr "" # @param [Hash] #: ../lib/discorb/http.rb:194 msgid "tag|param|payload" msgstr "" # Discorb::Image #: ../lib/discorb/image.rb:8 msgid "Represents an image." msgstr "" # Discorb::Image#initialize #: ../lib/discorb/image.rb:12 msgid "Initializes a new Image." msgstr "" # @param [String] type #: ../lib/discorb/image.rb:20 msgid "The MIME type of the image." msgstr "" # @param [#read] source #: ../lib/discorb/image.rb:20 msgid "The source of the image." msgstr "" # @param [String] source #: ../lib/discorb/image.rb:20 msgid "The file path of the source." msgstr "" # @param [#read] # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/image.rb:20 msgid "tag|param|source" msgstr "" # Discorb::Image#to_s #: ../lib/discorb/image.rb:35 msgid "Formats the image as a Discord style." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/image.rb:39 msgid "The image as a Discord style." msgstr "" # Discorb::Integration #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:5 msgid "Represents a integration." msgstr "" # @return [Symbol] #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:11 msgid "The type of integration." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:13 #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:14 msgid "Whether the integration is enabled." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:16 #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:17 msgid "Whether the integration is syncing." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:19 #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:20 msgid "Whether the integration is enabled emoticons." msgstr "" # @return [:remove_role, :kick] #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:22 msgid "The behavior of the integration when it expires." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:24 msgid "The grace period of the integration." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::User] #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:26 msgid "The user for the integration." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Integration::Account] #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:28 msgid "The account for the integration." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:30 msgid "The number of subscribers for the integration." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:32 #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:33 msgid "Whether the integration is revoked." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Application] #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:35 msgid "The application for the integration." msgstr "" # Discorb::Integration#delete! # Discorb::Integration#destroy! #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:60 #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:71 msgid "Delete the integration." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:64 #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:70 msgid "The reason for deleting the integration." msgstr "" # Discorb::Integration.expire_behavior #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:93 msgid "Returns the value of attribute expire_behavior." msgstr "" # Discorb::Integration::Account #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:96 msgid "Represents an account for an integration." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:100 msgid "The ID of the account." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:102 msgid "The name of the account." msgstr "" # @return [Account] #: ../lib/discorb/integration.rb:105 msgid "a new instance of Account" msgstr "" # Discorb::Intents #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:5 msgid "Represents intents." msgstr "" # Discorb::Intents#initialize #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:25 msgid "Create new intents object with default (no members and presence) intents." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "tag|param|voice_states" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] invites #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "Whether guild invite related events are enabled." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "tag|param|invites" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] webhooks #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "Whether guild webhooks related events are enabled." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "tag|param|webhooks" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] dm_typing #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "Whether dm typing related events are enabled." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] integrations #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "Whether guild integration related events are enabled." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] voice_states #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "Whether guild voice state related events are enabled." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] presences #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "Whether guild presences related events are enabled.\n" "@note You must enable members intent on developers portal." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "tag|param|emojis" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] bans #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "Whether guild ban related events are enabled." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "tag|param|bans" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] members #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "Whether guild members related events are enabled.\n" "@note You must enable members intent on developers portal." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "tag|param|members" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] guilds #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "Whether guild related events are enabled." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "tag|param|guilds" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "tag|param|integrations" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "tag|param|presences" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "tag|param|dm_typing" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] messages #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "Whether guild messages related events are enabled." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "tag|param|reactions" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] reactions #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "Whether guild reaction related events are enabled." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "tag|param|dm_messages" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] dm_messages #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "Whether dm messages related events are enabled." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "tag|param|dm_reactions" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] dm_reactions #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "Whether dm reactions related events are enabled." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] emojis #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "Whether guild emojis related events are enabled." msgstr "" # @return [Intents] #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:44 msgid "a new instance of Intents" msgstr "" # Discorb::Intents#value #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:95 msgid "Returns value of the intent." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] value # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:96 #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:111 msgid "The value of the intent." msgstr "" # Discorb::Intents.from_value #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:110 msgid "Create new intent object from raw value." msgstr "" # Discorb::Intents.default #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:120 msgid "Create new intent object with default values." msgstr "" # Discorb::Intents.all #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:125 msgid "Create new intent object with all intents." msgstr "" # Discorb::Intents.none #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:130 msgid "Create new intent object with no intents." msgstr "" # Discorb::Intents.intent_bits #: ../lib/discorb/intents.rb:135 msgid "Returns the value of attribute intent_bits." msgstr "" # Discorb::Interaction #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:5 msgid "Represents a user interaction with the bot." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:9 msgid "The ID of the interaction." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:11 msgid "The ID of the application that created the interaction." msgstr "" # @return [Class] # @return [Integer] # @return [Symbol] #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:13 #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:20 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:566 msgid "The type of interaction." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Member] #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:15 msgid "The member that created the interaction." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::User] #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:17 msgid "The user that created the interaction." msgstr "" # @note #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:20 msgid "This is always `1` for now." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:22 msgid "The token for the interaction." msgstr "" # @return [Interaction] #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:37 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:571 msgid "a new instance of Interaction" msgstr "" # Discorb::Interaction.event_name #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:75 msgid "Returns the value of attribute event_name." msgstr "" # Discorb::Interaction.interaction_name #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:75 msgid "Returns the value of attribute interaction_name." msgstr "" # Discorb::Interaction.interaction_type #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:75 msgid "Returns the value of attribute interaction_type." msgstr "" # Discorb::Interaction::SourceResponse #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:96 msgid "A module for response with source." msgstr "" # Discorb::Interaction::SourceResponse#defer_source #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:100 msgid "Response with `DEFERRED_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_WITH_SOURCE`(`5`)." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] ephemeral #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:104 #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:127 #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:179 #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:201 msgid "Whether to make the response ephemeral." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:104 #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:127 #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:179 #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:201 msgid "tag|param|ephemeral" msgstr "" # Discorb::Interaction::SourceResponse#post #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:117 msgid "Response with `CHANNEL_MESSAGE_WITH_SOURCE`(`4`)." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:127 #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:201 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:92 msgid "tag|param|tts" msgstr "" # @param [Array, Array>] # @param [Array, Array>] #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:127 #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:201 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:226 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:84 msgid "tag|param|components" msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Embed] embed #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:127 #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:201 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:226 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:84 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:92 msgid "The embed to send." msgstr "" # @param [String] content # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:127 #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:201 #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:373 msgid "The content of the response." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] tts #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:127 #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:201 msgid "Whether to send the message as text-to-speech." msgstr "" # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:127 #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:201 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:226 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:84 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:92 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:145 msgid "tag|param|content" msgstr "" # @param [Array] embeds #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:127 #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:201 msgid "The embeds to send. (max: 10)" msgstr "" # @param [Array] # @param [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:127 #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:201 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:226 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:84 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:92 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:145 msgid "tag|param|embeds" msgstr "" # @param [Array, Array>] components # @param [Array, Array>] components #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:127 #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:201 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:226 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:84 msgid "The components to send." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::AllowedMentions] allowed_mentions #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:127 #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:201 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:92 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:145 msgid "The allowed mentions to send." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Embed] #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:127 #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:201 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:226 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:84 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:92 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:145 msgid "tag|param|embed" msgstr "" # Discorb::Interaction::UpdateResponse #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:171 msgid "A module for response with update." msgstr "" # Discorb::Interaction::UpdateResponse#defer_update #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:175 msgid "Response with `DEFERRED_UPDATE_MESSAGE`(`6`)." msgstr "" # Discorb::Interaction::UpdateResponse#edit #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:191 msgid "Response with `UPDATE_MESSAGE`(`7`)." msgstr "" # Discorb::ApplicationCommandInteraction #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:245 msgid "Represents a command interaction." msgstr "" # @todo #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:248 msgid "Implement this." msgstr "" # Discorb::ApplicationCommandInteraction::SlashCommand #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:254 msgid "Represents a slash command interaction." msgstr "" # Discorb::ApplicationCommandInteraction::UserMenuCommand #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:310 msgid "Represents a user context menu interaction." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Member, Discorb::User] #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:316 msgid "The target user." msgstr "" # Discorb::ApplicationCommandInteraction::MessageMenuCommand #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:325 msgid "Represents a message context menu interaction." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Message] #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:331 msgid "The target message." msgstr "" # Discorb::ApplicationCommandInteraction.command_type #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:348 msgid "Returns the value of attribute command_type." msgstr "" # Discorb::MessageComponentInteraction #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:366 msgid "Represents a message component interaction." msgstr "" # @return [MessageComponentInteraction] #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:379 msgid "a new instance of MessageComponentInteraction" msgstr "" # Discorb::MessageComponentInteraction.component_type #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:387 msgid "Returns the value of attribute component_type." msgstr "" # Discorb::MessageComponentInteraction::Button #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:404 msgid "Represents a button interaction." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:410 msgid "The custom id of the button." msgstr "" # Discorb::MessageComponentInteraction::SelectMenu #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:420 msgid "Represents a select menu interaction." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:426 msgid "The custom id of the select menu." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/interaction.rb:428 msgid "The selected options." msgstr "" # Discorb::Invite #: ../lib/discorb/invite.rb:5 msgid "Represents invite of discord." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/invite.rb:9 msgid "The code of invite." msgstr "" # @return [:voice, :stream, :guild] #: ../lib/discorb/invite.rb:12 msgid "The type of invite." msgstr "" # @return [User] #: ../lib/discorb/invite.rb:15 msgid "The user of invite." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/invite.rb:18 msgid "The approximate number of online users of invite." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/invite.rb:21 msgid "The approximate number of members of invite." msgstr "" # @return [Time] #: ../lib/discorb/invite.rb:27 msgid "The time when invite expires." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/invite.rb:27 msgid "The invite never expires." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/invite.rb:27 #: ../lib/discorb/invite.rb:31 #: ../lib/discorb/invite.rb:35 #: ../lib/discorb/invite.rb:39 #: ../lib/discorb/invite.rb:43 msgid "The invite doesn't have metadata." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/invite.rb:31 msgid "The number of uses of invite." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/invite.rb:35 msgid "The maximum number of uses of invite." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/invite.rb:39 msgid "Duration of invite in seconds." msgstr "" # @return [Time] #: ../lib/discorb/invite.rb:43 msgid "The time when invite was created." msgstr "" # @return [Invite] #: ../lib/discorb/invite.rb:76 msgid "a new instance of Invite" msgstr "" # Discorb::Invite#delete! #: ../lib/discorb/invite.rb:103 msgid "Delete the invite." msgstr "" # Discorb::Invite.target_types #: ../lib/discorb/invite.rb:143 msgid "Returns the value of attribute target_types." msgstr "" # Discorb::Logger#out #: ../lib/discorb/log.rb:7 msgid "Returns the value of attribute out." msgstr "" # Discorb::Logger#colorize_log #: ../lib/discorb/log.rb:7 msgid "Returns the value of attribute colorize_log." msgstr "" # @return [Logger] #: ../lib/discorb/log.rb:10 msgid "a new instance of Logger" msgstr "" # Discorb::Logger.levels #: ../lib/discorb/log.rb:56 msgid "Returns the value of attribute levels." msgstr "" # Discorb::Member #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:5 msgid "Represents a member of a guild." msgstr "" # @return [Time] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:9 msgid "The time the member boosted the guild." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:12 msgid "If the member has no nickname." msgstr "" # @param [String] nick # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:12 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:183 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:195 msgid "The nickname of the member." msgstr "" # @return [Time] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:14 msgid "The time the member joined the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Asset] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:17 msgid "The custom avatar of the member." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:17 msgid "If the member has no custom avatar." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Asset] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:19 msgid "The display avatar of the member." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] mute # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:21 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:22 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:183 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:195 msgid "Whether the member is muted." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] deaf # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:24 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:183 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:195 msgid "Whether the member is deafened." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:27 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:28 msgid "Whether the member is pending (Not passed member screening)." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:30 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:118 msgid "Whether the member has a hoisted role." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:30 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:90 msgid "The display name of the member." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:30 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:94 msgid "The mention of the member." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::VoiceState] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:30 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:98 msgid "The voice state of the member." msgstr "" # @return [Symbol] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:30 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:134 msgid "The status of the member. It's from the {#presence}." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:30 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:130 msgid "The activities of the member. It's from the {#presence}." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Activity] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:30 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:126 msgid "The activity of the member. It's from the {#presence}." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Presence] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:30 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:122 msgid "The presence of the member." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Guild] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:30 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:102 msgid "The guild the member is in." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:30 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:114 msgid "If the member has no hoisted role." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Role] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:30 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:114 msgid "The hoisted role of the member." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Role] role # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:30 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:106 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:183 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:195 msgid "The roles of the member." msgstr "" # Discorb::Member#to_s #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:73 msgid "Format the member to `@name` style." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:77 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:86 msgid "The formatted member." msgstr "" # Discorb::Member#to_s_user #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:82 msgid "Format the member to `Username#Discriminator` style." msgstr "" # Discorb::Member#add_role #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:143 msgid "Add a role to the member." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Role] role #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:150 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:164 msgid "The role to add." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:150 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:164 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:183 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:195 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:202 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:216 msgid "The reason for the action." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Role] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:150 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:164 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:183 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:195 msgid "tag|param|role" msgstr "" # Discorb::Member#remove_role #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:157 msgid "Remove a role to the member." msgstr "" # Discorb::Member#edit # Discorb::Member#modify #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:171 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:196 msgid "Edit the member." msgstr "" # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:183 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:195 msgid "tag|param|nick" msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::StageChannel] channel #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:183 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:195 msgid "The channel the member is moved to." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:183 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:195 msgid "tag|param|mute" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:183 #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:195 msgid "tag|param|deaf" msgstr "" # Discorb::Member#kick #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:198 msgid "Kick the member." msgstr "" # Discorb::Member#ban #: ../lib/discorb/member.rb:209 msgid "Ban the member." msgstr "" # Discorb::AllowedMentions #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:5 msgid "Represents a allowed mentions in a message." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] everyone # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:9 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:25 msgid "Whether to allow @everyone or @here." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean, Array] roles # @return [Boolean, Array] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:11 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:25 msgid "The roles to allow, or false to disable." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean, Array] users # @return [Boolean, Array] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:13 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:25 msgid "The users to allow, or false to disable." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] replied_user # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:15 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:25 msgid "Whether to ping the user that sent the message to reply." msgstr "" # Discorb::AllowedMentions#initialize #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:18 msgid "Initializes a new instance of the AllowedMentions class." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:25 msgid "tag|param|everyone" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean, Array] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:25 msgid "tag|param|users" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:25 msgid "tag|param|replied_user" msgstr "" # @return [AllowedMentions] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:25 msgid "a new instance of AllowedMentions" msgstr "" # Discorb::Message #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:63 msgid "Represents a message." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::User, Discorb::Member] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:69 msgid "The user that sent the message." msgstr "" # @param [String] content # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:71 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:72 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:92 msgid "The content of the message." msgstr "" # @return [Time] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:74 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:75 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:76 msgid "The time the message was created." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:79 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:80 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:81 msgid "If the message was not edited." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:83 msgid "The attachments of the message." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:85 msgid "The embeds of the message." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:87 msgid "The reactions of the message." msgstr "" # Discorb::Message#type #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:91 msgid "Currently, this will be one of:" msgstr "" # Discorb::Message#type #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:93 msgid "* `:default`\n" "* `:recipient_add`\n" "* `:recipient_remove`\n" "* `:call`\n" "* `:channel_name_change`\n" "* `:channel_icon_change`\n" "* `:channel_pinned_message`\n" "* `:guild_member_join`\n" "* `:user_premium_guild_subscription`\n" "* `:user_premium_guild_subscription_tier_1`\n" "* `:user_premium_guild_subscription_tier_2`\n" "* `:user_premium_guild_subscription_tier_3`\n" "* `:channel_follow_add`\n" "* `:guild_discovery_disqualified`\n" "* `:guild_discovery_requalified`\n" "* `:guild_discovery_grace_period_initial_warning`\n" "* `:guild_discovery_grace_period_final_warning`\n" "* `:thread_created`\n" "* `:reply`\n" "* `:application_command`\n" "* `:thread_starter_message`\n" "* `:guild_invite_reminder`" msgstr "" # @return [Symbol] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:115 msgid "The type of the message." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Message::Activity] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:117 msgid "The activity of the message." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Application] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:119 msgid "The application of the message." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Message::Reference] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:121 msgid "The reference of the message." msgstr "" # @see #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:124 msgid "tag|see|Discorb::Message::Flag" msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Message::Flag] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:124 msgid "The flag of the message." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Message::Sticker] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:126 msgid "The sticker of the message." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Message::Interaction] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:128 msgid "The interaction of the message." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::ThreadChannel] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:130 msgid "The thread channel of the message." msgstr "" # @return [Array>] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:132 msgid "The components of the message." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:134 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:135 msgid "Whether the message is deleted." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] tts # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:137 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:138 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:25 msgid "Whether the message is tts." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:140 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:141 msgid "Whether the message mentions everyone." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:143 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:144 msgid "Whether the message is pinned." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:170 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:204 msgid "Whether the message was sent by a webhook." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:170 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:212 msgid "Whether the message was edited." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Embed] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:170 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:261 msgid "The embed of the message." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:170 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:261 msgid "If the message has no embed." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:170 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:200 msgid "If the message was not sent in a guild." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:170 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:208 msgid "The URL to jump to the message." msgstr "" # @return [Message] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:188 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:303 msgid "a new instance of Message" msgstr "" # Discorb::Message#edit #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:217 msgid "Edit the message." msgstr "" # @param [String] content #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:226 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:84 msgid "The message content." msgstr "" # @param [Array] embeds # @param [Array] embeds #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:226 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:84 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:92 msgid "The embeds to send." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::AllowedMentions] allowed_mentions #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:226 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:84 msgid "The allowed mentions." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] supress #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:226 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:84 msgid "Whether to supress embeds." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:226 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:84 msgid "tag|param|supress" msgstr "" # Discorb::Message#delete! #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:235 msgid "Delete the message." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:239 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:130 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:136 msgid "The reason for deleting the message." msgstr "" # Discorb::Message#to_reference #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:246 msgid "Convert the message to reference object." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:252 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:462 msgid "tag|param|fail_if_not_exists" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] fail_if_not_exists #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:252 msgid "Whether to raise an error if the message does not exist." msgstr "" # @return [Hash] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:252 msgid "The reference object." msgstr "" # Discorb::Message#reply #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:266 msgid "Reply to the message." msgstr "" # Discorb::Message#publish #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:277 msgid "Publish the message." msgstr "" # Discorb::Message#add_reaction # Discorb::Message#react_with #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:288 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:301 msgid "Add a reaction to the message." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Emoji] emoji #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:294 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:300 msgid "The emoji to react with." msgstr "" # Discorb::Message#delete_reaction # Discorb::Message#remove_reaction #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:303 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:316 msgid "Remove a reaction from the message." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Emoji] emoji #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:309 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:315 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:325 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:331 msgid "The emoji to remove." msgstr "" # Discorb::Message#delete_reaction_of # Discorb::Message#remove_reaction_of #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:318 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:332 msgid "Remove other member's reaction from the message." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Member] member #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:325 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:331 msgid "The member to remove the reaction from." msgstr "" # Discorb::Message#fetch_reacted_users #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:334 msgid "Fetch reacted users of reaction." msgstr "" # @param [Integer, nil] limit #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:344 msgid "The maximum number of users to fetch. `nil` for no limit." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Snowflake, nil] after #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:344 msgid "The ID of the user to start fetching from." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:344 msgid "The users." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Emoji] emoji #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:344 msgid "The emoji to fetch." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Snowflake, nil] # @param [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:344 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:167 msgid "tag|param|after" msgstr "" # Discorb::Message#pin #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:368 msgid "Pin the message." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:374 msgid "The reason for pinning the message." msgstr "" # Discorb::Message#unpin #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:381 msgid "Unpin the message." msgstr "" # Discorb::Message#create_thread # Discorb::Message#start_thread #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:392 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:405 msgid "Start thread from the message." msgstr "" # Discorb::Message#inspect #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:407 msgid "Meta" msgstr "" # Discorb::Message::Flag #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:413 msgid "Represents message flag.\n" "## Flag fields\n" "|Field|Value|\n" "|-|-|\n" "|`1 << 0`|`:crossposted`|\n" "|`1 << 1`|`:crosspost`|\n" "|`1 << 2`|`:supress_embeds`|\n" "|`1 << 3`|`:source_message_deleted`|\n" "|`1 << 4`|`:urgent`|\n" "|`1 << 5`|`:has_thread`|\n" "|`1 << 6`|`:ephemeral`|\n" "|`1 << 7`|`:loading`|" msgstr "" # Discorb::Message::Reference #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:440 msgid "Represents reference of message." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Snowflake] message_id # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:448 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:462 msgid "The message ID." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] fail_if_not_exists # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:450 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:452 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:462 msgid "Whether fail the request if the message is not found." msgstr "" # Discorb::Message::Reference#initialize #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:455 msgid "Initialize a new reference." msgstr "" # @param [#to_s] # @param [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:462 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:84 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:130 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:136 msgid "tag|param|message_id" msgstr "" # @return [Reference] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:462 msgid "a new instance of Reference" msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:462 msgid "tag|param|channel_id" msgstr "" # Discorb::Message::Reference#to_hash # Discorb::Message::Reference#to_reference #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:470 #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:484 msgid "Convert the reference to a hash." msgstr "" # Discorb::Message::Reference.from_hash #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:486 msgid "Initialize a new reference from a hash." msgstr "" # @see #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:493 msgid "tag|see|https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#message-reference-object" msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Message::Reference] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:493 msgid "The reference." msgstr "" # Discorb::Message::Sticker#format #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:500 msgid "Returns the value of attribute format." msgstr "" # Discorb::Message::Sticker#id #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:500 msgid "Returns the value of attribute id." msgstr "" # Discorb::Message::Sticker#name #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:500 msgid "Returns the value of attribute name." msgstr "" # @return [Sticker] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:501 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:42 msgid "a new instance of Sticker" msgstr "" # Discorb::Message::Interaction #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:557 msgid "Represents a interaction of message." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:561 msgid "The user ID." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:564 msgid "The name of command." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:564 msgid "If the message is not a command." msgstr "" # Discorb::Message::Activity #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:580 msgid "Represents a activity of message." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:584 msgid "The name of activity." msgstr "" # Discorb::Message::Activity.type #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:604 msgid "Returns the value of attribute type." msgstr "" # Discorb::Message.message_type #: ../lib/discorb/message.rb:610 msgid "Returns the value of attribute message_type." msgstr "" # Discorb::Messageable #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:5 msgid "Module for sending and reading messages." msgstr "" # Discorb::Messageable#post #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:9 msgid "Post a message to the channel." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Message, Discorb::Message::Reference] #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:25 msgid "tag|param|reference" msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Message, Discorb::Message::Reference] reference #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:25 msgid "The message to reply to." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::File] file #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:92 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:145 msgid "The file to send." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::File] #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:92 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:145 msgid "tag|param|file" msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Message] #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:25 msgid "The message sent." msgstr "" # Discorb::Messageable#edit_message #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:72 msgid "Edit a message." msgstr "" # @param [#to_s] message_id #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:84 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:130 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:136 msgid "The message id." msgstr "" # Discorb::Messageable#delete_message! # Discorb::Messageable#destroy_message! #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:123 #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:137 msgid "Delete a message." msgstr "" # Discorb::Messageable#fetch_message #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:139 msgid "Fetch a message from ID." msgstr "" # @raise [Discorb::NotFoundError] #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:148 msgid "If the message is not found." msgstr "" # Discorb::Messageable#fetch_messages #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:156 msgid "Fetch a message history." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:167 msgid "tag|param|around" msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Snowflake] after #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:167 msgid "The ID of the message to fetch after." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:167 msgid "The messages." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] limit #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:167 msgid "The number of messages to fetch." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Snowflake] before #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:167 msgid "The ID of the message to fetch before." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Snowflake] around #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:167 msgid "The ID of the message to fetch around." msgstr "" # Discorb::Messageable#typing #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:181 msgid "Trigger the typing indicator in the channel.\n" "If block is given, trigger typing indicator during executing block." msgstr "" # @example #: ../lib/discorb/modules.rb:193 msgid "channel.typing do\n" " channel.post(\"Waiting for 60 seconds...\")\n" " sleep 60\n" " channel.post(\"Done!\")\n" "end" msgstr "" # Discorb::Permission #: ../lib/discorb/permission.rb:5 msgid "Represents a permission per guild.\n" "## Flag fields\n" "|`1 << 0`|`:create_instant_invite`|\n" "|`1 << 1`|`:kick_members`|\n" "|`1 << 2`|`:ban_members`|\n" "|`1 << 3`|`:administrator`|\n" "|`1 << 4`|`:manage_channels`|\n" "|`1 << 5`|`:manage_guild`|\n" "|`1 << 6`|`:add_reactions`|\n" "|`1 << 7`|`:view_audit_log`|\n" "|`1 << 8`|`:priority_speaker`|\n" "|`1 << 9`|`:stream`|\n" "|`1 << 10`|`:view_channel`|\n" "|`1 << 11`|`:send_messages`|\n" "|`1 << 12`|`:send_tts_messages`|\n" "|`1 << 13`|`:manage_messages`|\n" "|`1 << 14`|`:embed_links`|\n" "|`1 << 15`|`:attach_files`|\n" "|`1 << 16`|`:read_message_history`|\n" "|`1 << 17`|`:mention_everyone`|\n" "|`1 << 18`|`:use_external_emojis`|\n" "|`1 << 19`|`:view_guild_insights`|\n" "|`1 << 20`|`:connect`|\n" "|`1 << 21`|`:speak`|\n" "|`1 << 22`|`:mute_members`|\n" "|`1 << 23`|`:deafen_members`|\n" "|`1 << 24`|`:move_members`|\n" "|`1 << 25`|`:use_vad`|\n" "|`1 << 26`|`:change_nickname`|\n" "|`1 << 27`|`:manage_nicknames`|\n" "|`1 << 28`|`:manage_roles`|\n" "|`1 << 29`|`:manage_webhooks`|\n" "|`1 << 30`|`:manage_emojis`|\n" "|`1 << 31`|`:use_slash_commands`|\n" "|`1 << 32`|`:request_to_speak`|\n" "|`1 << 34`|`:manage_threads`|\n" "|`1 << 35`|`:use_public_threads`|\n" "|`1 << 36`|`:use_private_threads`|" msgstr "" # Discorb::PermissionOverwrite #: ../lib/discorb/permission.rb:86 msgid "Represents a permission per channel." msgstr "" # @return [PermissionOverwrite] #: ../lib/discorb/permission.rb:139 msgid "a new instance of PermissionOverwrite" msgstr "" # Discorb::PermissionOverwrite#to_hash #: ../lib/discorb/permission.rb:165 msgid "Converts the permission overwrite to a hash." msgstr "" # @return [Hash] #: ../lib/discorb/permission.rb:169 msgid "The permission overwrite as a hash." msgstr "" # Discorb::PermissionOverwrite#+ #: ../lib/discorb/permission.rb:180 msgid "Union of the permission overwrites." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::PermissionOverwrite] other #: ../lib/discorb/permission.rb:186 msgid "The other permission overwrite." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::PermissionOverwrite] #: ../lib/discorb/permission.rb:186 msgid "The union of the permission overwrites." msgstr "" # Discorb::PermissionOverwrite#[] #: ../lib/discorb/permission.rb:195 msgid "Returns whether overwrite of the given field." msgstr "" # @return [true, false, nil] #: ../lib/discorb/permission.rb:201 msgid "Whether the field is allowed, denied or not set." msgstr "" # @param [Symbol] field #: ../lib/discorb/permission.rb:201 msgid "The field to check." msgstr "" # @param [Symbol] #: ../lib/discorb/permission.rb:201 msgid "tag|param|field" msgstr "" # Discorb::PermissionOverwrite#[]= #: ../lib/discorb/permission.rb:210 msgid "Sets the given field to the given value." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/permission.rb:215 msgid "tag|param|bool" msgstr "" # @param [Symbol] key #: ../lib/discorb/permission.rb:215 msgid "The field to set." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] bool #: ../lib/discorb/permission.rb:215 msgid "The value to set." msgstr "" # Discorb::PermissionOverwrite.bits #: ../lib/discorb/permission.rb:247 msgid "Returns the value of attribute bits." msgstr "" # Discorb::PermissionOverwrite.from_hash #: ../lib/discorb/permission.rb:249 msgid "Initializes a permission overwrite from a hash." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::PermissionOverwrite] #: ../lib/discorb/permission.rb:255 msgid "The permission overwrite." msgstr "" # @param [Hash] hash #: ../lib/discorb/permission.rb:255 msgid "The hash to initialize the permission overwrite from." msgstr "" # Discorb::Presence #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:5 msgid "Represents a presence of user." msgstr "" # @return [:online, :idle, :dnd, :offline] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:9 msgid "The status of the user." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:11 msgid "The activities of the user." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Presence::ClientStatus] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:13 msgid "The client status of the user." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::User] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:15 #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:29 msgid "The user of the presence." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Guild] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:15 #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:33 msgid "The guild of the presence." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Presence::Activity] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:15 #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:37 msgid "The activity of the presence." msgstr "" # @return [Presence] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:23 msgid "a new instance of Presence" msgstr "" # Discorb::Presence::Activity #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:46 msgid "Represents an activity of a user." msgstr "" # @return [:game, :streaming, :listening, :watching, :custom, :competing] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:52 msgid "The type of the activity." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:54 msgid "The url of the activity." msgstr "" # @return [Time] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:56 #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:57 msgid "The time the activity was created." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Presence::Activity::Timestamps] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:59 msgid "The timestamps of the activity." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:61 msgid "The application id of the activity." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:63 msgid "The details of the activity." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:65 msgid "The state of party." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Emoji] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:67 msgid "The emoji of the activity." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:70 msgid "If the activity is not a party activity." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Presence::Activity::Party] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:70 msgid "The party of the activity." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Presence::Activity::Asset] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:73 msgid "The assets of the activity." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:73 msgid "If the activity has no assets." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:76 msgid "If the activity is not a stage activity." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::StageInstance] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:76 msgid "The instance of the activity." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:79 msgid "If the activity has no buttons." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:79 msgid "The buttons of the activity." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Presence::Activity::Flag] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:81 msgid "The flags of the activity." msgstr "" # Discorb::Presence::Activity#to_s #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:113 msgid "Convert the activity to a string." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:117 msgid "The string representation of the activity." msgstr "" # Discorb::Presence::Activity::Timestamps #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:135 msgid "Represents the timestamps of an activity." msgstr "" # @return [Time] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:139 msgid "The start time of the activity." msgstr "" # @return [Time] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:141 msgid "The end time of the activity." msgstr "" # @return [Timestamps] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:144 msgid "a new instance of Timestamps" msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:152 msgid "The id of the party." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:154 #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:169 msgid "The max size of the party." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:154 #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:165 msgid "The current size of the party." msgstr "" # @return [Party] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:160 msgid "a new instance of Party" msgstr "" # Discorb::Presence::Activity::Asset #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:175 msgid "Represents the assets of an activity." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:179 #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:180 msgid "The large image ID of the asset." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:182 msgid "The large text of the activity." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:184 #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:185 msgid "The small image ID of the activity." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:187 msgid "The small text of the activity." msgstr "" # Discorb::Presence::Activity::Flag #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:198 msgid "Represents the flags of an activity.\n" "## Flag fields\n" "|`1 << 0`|`:instance`|\n" "|`1 << 1`|`:join`|\n" "|`1 << 2`|`:spectate`|\n" "|`1 << 3`|`:join_request`|\n" "|`1 << 4`|`:sync`|\n" "|`1 << 5`|`:play`|" msgstr "" # Discorb::Presence::Activity::Secrets #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:219 msgid "Represents a secrets of an activity." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:223 msgid "The join secret of the activity." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:225 msgid "The spectate secret of the activity." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:227 msgid "The match secret of the activity." msgstr "" # @return [Secrets] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:230 msgid "a new instance of Secrets" msgstr "" # Discorb::Presence::Activity::Button #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:238 msgid "Represents a button of an activity." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:242 #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:245 msgid "The text of the button." msgstr "" # Discorb::Presence::Activity.activity_types #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:257 msgid "Returns the value of attribute activity_types." msgstr "" # Discorb::Presence::ClientStatus #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:261 msgid "Represents a user's client status." msgstr "" # @return [Symbol] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:265 msgid "The desktop status of the user." msgstr "" # @return [Symbol] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:267 msgid "The mobile status of the user." msgstr "" # @return [Symbol] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:269 msgid "The web status of the user." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:271 #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:289 msgid "Whether the user is not offline on mobile." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:271 #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:293 msgid "Whether the user is not offline on web." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:271 #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:285 msgid "Whether the user is not offline on desktop." msgstr "" # @return [ClientStatus] #: ../lib/discorb/presence.rb:279 msgid "a new instance of ClientStatus" msgstr "" # Discorb::Reaction #: ../lib/discorb/reaction.rb:5 msgid "Represents a reaction to a message." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/reaction.rb:9 msgid "The number of users that have reacted with this emoji." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Message] #: ../lib/discorb/reaction.rb:13 msgid "The message that this reaction is on." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/reaction.rb:15 #: ../lib/discorb/reaction.rb:16 #: ../lib/discorb/reaction.rb:17 msgid "Whether client user reacted with this emoji." msgstr "" # @return [Reaction] #: ../lib/discorb/reaction.rb:20 msgid "a new instance of Reaction" msgstr "" # Discorb::Reaction#fetch_users #: ../lib/discorb/reaction.rb:26 msgid "Fetch the user that reacted with this emoji." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/reaction.rb:32 msgid "The users that reacted with this emoji." msgstr "" # Discorb::Role #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:5 msgid "Represents a role in the guild." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:9 msgid "The ID of the role." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:17 msgid "The position of the role." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Guild] #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:19 msgid "The guild this role belongs to." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:21 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:22 msgid "Whether the role is hoisted." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:24 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:25 msgid "Whether the role is managed." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:27 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:28 msgid "Whether the role is a default role." msgstr "" # Discorb::Role#<=> #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:48 msgid "Compares two roles by their position." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:54 msgid "-1 if the other role is higher, 0 if they are equal, 1 if the other role is lower." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Role] other #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:54 msgid "The role to compare to." msgstr "" # Discorb::Role#to_s #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:61 msgid "Formats the role as a string." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:65 msgid "The formatted string." msgstr "" # Discorb::Role#move #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:82 msgid "Moves the role to a new position." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:89 msgid "The reason for moving the role." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] position #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:89 msgid "The new position." msgstr "" # Discorb::Role#edit # Discorb::Role#modify #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:96 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:121 msgid "Edits the role." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Color] color #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:108 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:120 msgid "The new color of the role." msgstr "" # @param [Integer] position #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:108 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:120 msgid "The new position of the role." msgstr "" # @param [String] name #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:108 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:120 msgid "The new name of the role." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:108 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:120 msgid "The reason for editing the role." msgstr "" # Discorb::Role#delete! # Discorb::Role#destroy! #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:123 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:134 msgid "Deletes the role." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:127 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:133 msgid "The reason for deleting the role." msgstr "" # Discorb::Role::Tag #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:142 msgid "Represents a tag of a role." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:146 msgid "The ID of the bot that owns the role." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:150 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:151 msgid "Whether the tag is a premium subscriber role." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:152 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:164 msgid "Whether the role is a bot role." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:152 #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:168 msgid "Whether the role is an integration role." msgstr "" # @return [Tag] #: ../lib/discorb/role.rb:158 msgid "a new instance of Tag" msgstr "" # Discorb::Sticker #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:5 msgid "Represents a sticker." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:11 msgid "The name of the sticker." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:13 msgid "The tags of the sticker." msgstr "" # @return [:official, :guild] #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:15 msgid "The type of sticker." msgstr "" # @return [:png, :apng, :lottie] #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:17 msgid "The format of the sticker." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:19 msgid "The URL of the sticker." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] # @return [Discorb::Sticker] #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:21 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:103 msgid "The ID of the sticker pack." msgstr "" # @return [Integer] #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:23 msgid "The sort value of the sticker." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:25 msgid "The ID of the guild the sticker is in." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::User] #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:27 msgid "The user who created the sticker." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:29 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:30 msgid "Whether the sticker is available." msgstr "" # Discorb::Sticker::GuildSticker #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:48 msgid "Represents a sticker of guilds." msgstr "" # Discorb::Sticker::GuildSticker#edit # Discorb::Sticker::GuildSticker#modify #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:60 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:81 msgid "Edits the sticker." msgstr "" # @param [String] name #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:70 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:80 msgid "The new name of the sticker." msgstr "" # @param [String] description #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:70 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:80 msgid "The new description of the sticker." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:70 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:80 msgid "The reason for the edit." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Emoji] #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:70 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:80 msgid "tag|param|tag" msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Emoji] tag #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:70 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:80 msgid "The new tags of the sticker." msgstr "" # Discorb::Sticker::GuildSticker#delete! # Discorb::Sticker::GuildSticker#destroy! #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:83 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:96 msgid "Deletes the sticker." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:89 #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:95 msgid "The reason for the deletion." msgstr "" # Discorb::Sticker::Pack #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:99 msgid "Represents a sticker pack." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:105 msgid "The name of the sticker pack." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:107 msgid "The ID of the SKU." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:109 msgid "The cover sticker of the pack." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:111 msgid "The description of the pack." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Store::SKU] #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:113 msgid "The banner asset ID of the pack." msgstr "" # @return [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:115 msgid "The stickers in the pack." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Asset] #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:117 msgid "The banner of the pack." msgstr "" # @return [Pack] #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:120 msgid "a new instance of Pack" msgstr "" # Discorb::Sticker.sticker_type #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:155 msgid "Returns the value of attribute sticker_type." msgstr "" # Discorb::Sticker.sticker_format #: ../lib/discorb/sticker.rb:155 msgid "Returns the value of attribute sticker_format." msgstr "" # Discorb::User #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:5 msgid "Represents a user of discord." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:9 msgid "Whether the user is verified." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:11 #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:12 msgid "The user's username." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:14 msgid "The user's ID." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::User::Flag] #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:16 msgid "The user's flags." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:18 msgid "The user's discriminator." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Asset] #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:20 msgid "The user's avatar." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:22 #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:23 msgid "Whether the user is a bot." msgstr "" # @return [Time] #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:25 msgid "The time the user was created." msgstr "" # @return [User] #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:30 msgid "a new instance of User" msgstr "" # Discorb::User#to_s # Discorb::User#to_s_user #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:38 #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:47 msgid "Format the user as `Username#Discriminator` style." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:42 #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:46 msgid "The formatted username." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] # Discorb::User#app_owner? # Discorb::User#bot_owner? #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:53 #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:61 #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:74 #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:75 msgid "Whether the user is a owner of the client." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] strict #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:61 #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:74 msgid "Whether don't allow if the user is a member of the team." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:61 #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:74 msgid "tag|param|strict" msgstr "" # Discorb::User::Flag #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:88 msgid "Represents the user's flags.\n" "## Flag fields\n" "|`1 << 0`|`:discord_employee`|\n" "|`1 << 1`|`:partnered_server_owner`|\n" "|`1 << 2`|`:hypesquad_events`|\n" "|`1 << 3`|`:bug_hunter_level_1`|\n" "|`1 << 6`|`:house_bravery`|\n" "|`1 << 7`|`:house_brilliance`|\n" "|`1 << 8`|`:house_balance`|\n" "|`1 << 9`|`:early_supporter`|\n" "|`1 << 10`|`:team_user`|\n" "|`1 << 14`|`:bug_hunter_level_2`|\n" "|`1 << 16`|`:verified_bot`|\n" "|`1 << 17`|`:early_verified_bot_developer`|\n" "|`1 << 18`|`:discord_certified_moderator`|" msgstr "" # Discorb::ClientUser #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:140 msgid "Represents a client user." msgstr "" # Discorb::ClientUser#edit #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:144 msgid "Edit the client user." msgstr "" # @param [String] name #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:152 msgid "The new username." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Image] avatar #: ../lib/discorb/user.rb:152 msgid "The new avatar." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Member] #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:6 msgid "The member associated with this voice state." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:8 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:111 msgid "The ID of the guild this voice state is for." msgstr "" # @return [Time] #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:10 msgid "The time at which the user requested to speak." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:12 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:13 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:28 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:52 msgid "Whether the user is deafened." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:15 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:16 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:28 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:56 msgid "Whether the user is muted." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:18 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:19 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:20 msgid "Whether the user is streaming." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:22 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:23 msgid "Whether the user is video-enabled." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:25 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:26 msgid "Whether the user is suppressed. (Is at audience)" msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:28 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:64 msgid "Whether the user is muted on the server." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:28 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:60 msgid "Whether the user is deafened on the server." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Guild] #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:28 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:68 msgid "The guild this voice state is for." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Channel] #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:28 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:72 msgid "The channel this voice state is for." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::User] #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:28 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:76 msgid "The user this voice state is for." msgstr "" # @return [VoiceState] #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:47 msgid "a new instance of VoiceState" msgstr "" # Discorb::StageInstance #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:107 msgid "Represents a stage instance of a voice state." msgstr "" # @return [:public, :guild_only] #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:115 msgid "The privacy level of the stage instance." msgstr "" # @return [StageInstance] #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:136 msgid "a new instance of StageInstance" msgstr "" # Discorb::StageInstance#edit # Discorb::StageInstance#modify #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:168 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:188 msgid "Edits the stage instance." msgstr "" # @param [:public, :guild_only] privacy_level #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:177 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:187 msgid "The new privacy level of the stage instance." msgstr "" # @param [String] topic #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:177 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:187 msgid "The new topic of the stage instance." msgstr "" # @param [:public, :guild_only] #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:177 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:187 msgid "tag|param|privacy_level" msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:177 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:187 msgid "The reason for editing the stage instance." msgstr "" # Discorb::StageInstance#delete! # Discorb::StageInstance#destroy! # Discorb::StageInstance#end! #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:190 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:202 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:203 msgid "Deletes the stage instance." msgstr "" # @param [String] reason #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:194 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:201 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:202 msgid "The reason for deleting the stage instance." msgstr "" # Discorb::StageInstance.privacy_level #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:217 msgid "Returns the value of attribute privacy_level." msgstr "" # Discorb::VoiceRegion #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:221 msgid "Represents a voice region." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:225 msgid "The ID of the voice region." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:227 msgid "The name of the voice region." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:229 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:230 msgid "Whether the voice region is VIP." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:232 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:233 msgid "Whether the voice region is optimal." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:235 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:236 msgid "Whether the voice region is deprecated." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:238 #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:239 msgid "Whether the voice region is custom." msgstr "" # @return [VoiceRegion] #: ../lib/discorb/voice_state.rb:242 msgid "a new instance of VoiceRegion" msgstr "" # Discorb::Webhook #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:5 msgid "Represents a webhook." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:12 msgid "The ID of the guild this webhook belongs to." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:14 msgid "The ID of the channel this webhook belongs to." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::User] #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:16 msgid "The user that created this webhook." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:21 msgid "If the webhook is not an application webhook." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:21 msgid "The application ID of the webhook." msgstr "" # @param [String] url # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:23 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:191 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:198 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:209 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:218 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:405 msgid "The URL of the webhook." msgstr "" # @return [Webhook] #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:26 msgid "a new instance of Webhook" msgstr "" # Discorb::Webhook#execute # Discorb::Webhook#post #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:45 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:93 msgid "Posts a message to the webhook." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Webhook::Message] #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:92 msgid "The message that was sent." msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:92 msgid "tag|param|wait" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] wait #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:92 msgid "Whether to wait for the message to be sent." msgstr "" # @param [String] avatar_url #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:92 msgid "The avatar URL of the message." msgstr "" # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:92 msgid "tag|param|avatar_url" msgstr "" # @param [String] username #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:92 msgid "The username of the message." msgstr "" # @param [String] #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:92 msgid "tag|param|username" msgstr "" # @param [Boolean] tts #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:92 msgid "Whether the message should be sent as text-to-speech." msgstr "" # @return [nil] #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:63 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:92 msgid "If `wait` is false." msgstr "" # Discorb::Webhook#edit # Discorb::Webhook#modify #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:95 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:115 msgid "Edits the webhook." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Image] avatar #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:104 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:114 msgid "The new avatar of the webhook." msgstr "" # @param [String] name #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:104 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:114 msgid "The new name of the webhook." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::GuildChannel] channel #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:104 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:114 msgid "The new channel of the webhook." msgstr "" # Discorb::Webhook#delete! # Discorb::Webhook#destroy! #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:117 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:129 msgid "Deletes the webhook." msgstr "" # Discorb::Webhook#edit_message #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:131 msgid "Edits the webhook's message." msgstr "" # @param [Array] attachments #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:145 msgid "The attachments to remain." msgstr "" # @param [Array] embeds #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:145 msgid "The new embeds of the message." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Webhook::Message] message #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:145 msgid "The message to edit." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Embed] embed #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:145 msgid "The new embed of the message." msgstr "" # @param [Array] #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:145 msgid "tag|param|attachments" msgstr "" # Discorb::Webhook#delete_message! #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:175 msgid "Deletes the webhook's message." msgstr "" # @param [Discorb::Webhook::Message] message #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:179 msgid "The message to delete." msgstr "" # Discorb::Webhook::URLWebhook #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:187 msgid "Represents a webhook from URL." msgstr "" # Discorb::Webhook::URLWebhook#initialize #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:194 msgid "Initializes the webhook from URL." msgstr "" # @return [URLWebhook] #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:198 msgid "a new instance of URLWebhook" msgstr "" # Discorb::Webhook::IncomingWebhook #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:206 msgid "Represents a bot created webhook." msgstr "" # @return [IncomingWebhook] #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:213 msgid "a new instance of IncomingWebhook" msgstr "" # Discorb::Webhook::FollowerWebhook #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:224 msgid "Represents a webhook of channel following." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Guild, Discorb::Webhook::FollowerWebhook::Guild] #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:227 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:241 msgid "The source guild of follower webhook." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Channel, Discorb::Webhook::FollowerWebhook::Channel] #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:227 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:245 msgid "The source channel of follower webhook." msgstr "" # Discorb::Webhook::FollowerWebhook#source_guild #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:228 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:242 msgid "Represents a source guild of follower webhook." msgstr "" # Discorb::Webhook::FollowerWebhook#source_channel #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:228 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:246 msgid "Represents a source channel of follower webhook." msgstr "" # @return [FollowerWebhook] #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:235 msgid "a new instance of FollowerWebhook" msgstr "" # Discorb::Webhook::FollowerWebhook::Guild #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:250 msgid "Represents a guild of follower webhook." msgstr "" # Discorb::Webhook::FollowerWebhook::Channel #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:269 msgid "Represents a channel of follower webhook." msgstr "" # Discorb::Webhook::ApplicationWebhook #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:286 msgid "Represents a webhook from oauth2." msgstr "" # Discorb::Webhook::Message #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:294 msgid "Represents a webhook message." msgstr "" # Discorb::Webhook::Message#edit #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:311 msgid "Edits the message." msgstr "" # Discorb::Webhook::Message#delete! #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:325 msgid "Deletes the message." msgstr "" # Discorb::Webhook::Message::Author #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:357 msgid "Represents an author of webhook message." msgstr "" # @note #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:362 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:363 msgid "This will be always `true`." msgstr "" # @return [Boolean] #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:362 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:363 msgid "Whether the author is a bot." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:365 msgid "The ID of the author." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:367 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:368 msgid "The name of the author." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Asset] #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:370 msgid "The avatar of the author." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:372 msgid "The discriminator of the author." msgstr "" # Discorb::Webhook::Message::Author#to_s # Discorb::Webhook::Message::Author#to_s_user #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:385 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:394 msgid "Format author with `Name#Discriminator` style." msgstr "" # @return [String] #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:389 #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:393 msgid "Formatted author." msgstr "" # Discorb::Webhook.new #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:399 msgid "Creates URLWebhook." msgstr "" # @return [Discorb::Webhook::URLWebhook] #: ../lib/discorb/webhook.rb:405 msgid "The URLWebhook." msgstr ""