#-- # This file is part of the X12Parser library that provides tools to # manipulate X12 messages using Ruby native syntax. # # http://x12parser.rubyforge.org # # Copyright (C) 2008 APP Design, Inc. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA #++ require 'x12' # Read message definition and create an actual parser # by compiling .d12 file parser = X12::Parser.new('misc/997single.xml') # Make a new 997 message r = parser.factory('997') # # Set various fields as desired # # Set fields directly r.ST.TransactionSetIdentifierCode = 997 r.ST.TransactionSetControlNumber = '2878' # Set fields inside a segment (AK1 in this case) r.AK1 { |ak1| ak1.FunctionalIdentifierCode = 'HS' ak1.GroupControlNumber = 293328532 } # Set fields deeply inside a segment inside # nested loops (L1000/L1010/AK4 in this case) r.L1000.L1010.AK4.DataElementSyntaxErrorCode = 55 r.L1000.AK2.TransactionSetIdentifierCode = 270 # Set nested loops r.L1000.L1010 {|l| l.AK3 {|s| s.SegmentIdCode = 'NM1' s.LoopIdentifierCode = 'L1000D' } l.AK4 {|s| s.CopyOfBadDataElement = 'Bad element' } } # Add loop repeats r.L1000.repeat {|l1000| (0..1).each {|loop_repeat| # Two repeats of the loop L1010 l1000.L1010.repeat {|l1010| l1010.AK3 {|s| s.SegmentIdCode = 'DMG' s.SegmentPositionInTransactionSet = 0 s.LoopIdentifierCode = 'L1010' s.SegmentSyntaxErrorCode = 22 } if loop_repeat == 0 # AK3 only in the first repeat of L1010 (0..1).each {|ak4_repeat| # Two repeats of the segment AK4 l1010.AK4.repeat {|s| s.PositionInSegment = loop_repeat s.DataElementSyntaxErrorCode = ak4_repeat } # s } # ak4_repeat } # l1010 } # loop_repeat l1000.AK5{|a| a.TransactionSetAcknowledgmentCode = 666 a.TransactionSetSyntaxErrorCode4 = 999 } # a } # l1000 # Print the message as a string -> ST*997*2878~AK1*HS*293328532~ # AK2*270*~AK3*NM1**L1000D~AK4***55*Bad element~AK5*~AK3*DMG*0* # L1010*22~AK4*0**0~AK4*0**1~AK4*1**0~AK4*1**1~AK5*666****999~ # AK9****~SE**~ puts r.render