require 'uri' require 'net/https' require 'active_support/core_ext/module/attribute_accessors.rb' require 'yajl' module Love VERSION = "0.0.4" # Create a custom exception class. class Exception < StandardError; end # Class for unauthorized exceptions class Unauthorized < Love::Exception; end def self.connect(account, api_key, options = {}), api_key, options) end mattr_accessor :logger module ResourceURI def collection_uri(input) case input.to_s when /^[\w-]+$/ ::URI.parse("{account}/#{input}") when %r[^https?://api\.tenderapp\.com/#{account}/[\w-]+] ::URI.parse(input.to_s) else raise Love::Exception, "This does not appear to be a valid Tender category URI!" end end def singleton_uri(input, kind) case input.to_s when /^\d+/ ::URI.parse("{account}/#{kind}/#{input}") when %r[^https?://api\.tenderapp\.com/#{account}/#{kind}/\d+] ::URI.parse(input.to_s) else raise Love::Exception, "This does not appear to be a Tender #{kind} URI or ID!" end end def request_uri(base_uri, added_params = {}) base_params = base_uri.query ? CGI.parse(base_uri.query) : {} get_params = base_params.merge(added_params || {}) base_uri.dup.tap do |uri| uri.query = { |k, v| "#{CGI.escape(k.to_s)}=#{CGI.escape(v.to_s)}"}.join('&') end end end class Client include Love::ResourceURI attr_reader :account attr_reader :api_key attr_accessor :sleep_between_requests def initialize(account, api_key, options = {}) @account, @api_key = account, api_key # Handle options @sleep_between_requests = options[:sleep_between_requests] || 0.5 end def get_user(id_or_href, options = {}) get(singleton_uri(id_or_href, 'users')) end def get_discussion(id_or_href, options = {}) get(singleton_uri(id_or_href, 'discussions')) end def get_category(id_or_href, options = {}) get(singleton_uri(id_or_href, 'categories')) end def get_queue(id_or_href, options = {}) get(singleton_uri(id_or_href, 'queues'), options) end def each_category(options = {}, &block) buffered_each(collection_uri('categories'), 'categories', options, &block) end def each_queue(options = {}, &block) buffered_each(collection_uri('queues'), 'named_queues', options, &block) end def each_user(options = {}, &block) buffered_each(collection_uri('users'), 'users', options, &block) end def each_discussion(options = {}, &block) buffered_each(collection_uri('discussions'), 'discussions', options, &block) end protected def get(uri) Love.logger.debug "GET #{uri}" if Love.logger http =, uri.port) if uri.scheme = 'https' http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end req =, { "Accept" => "application/vnd.tender-v1+json", "X-Tender-Auth" => api_key }) response = http.request(req) case response.code when /^2\d\d/ converter ='binary', 'utf-8', :invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace) when '401' raise Love::Unauthorized, "Invalid credentials used!" else raise Love::Exception, "#{response.code}: #{response.body}" end end def buffered_each(uri, list_key, options = {}, &block) query_params = {} query_params[:since] = options[:since].to_date.to_s(:db) if options[:since] query_params[:page] = [options[:start_page].to_i, 1].max rescue 1 initial_result = get(request_uri(uri, query_params)) # Determine the amount of pages that is going to be requested. max_page = (initial_result['total'].to_f / initial_result['per_page'].to_f).ceil end_page = options[:end_page].nil? ? max_page : [options[:end_page].to_i, max_page].min # Print out some initial debugging information Love.logger.debug "Paged requests to #{uri}: #{max_page} total pages, importing #{query_params[:page]} upto #{end_page}." if Love.logger # Handle first page of results if initial_result[list_key].kind_of?(Array) initial_result[list_key].each { |record| yield(record) } sleep(sleep_between_requests) if sleep_between_requests end start_page = query_params[:page].to_i + 1 start_page.upto(end_page) do |page| query_params[:page] = page result = get(request_uri(uri, query_params)) if result[list_key].kind_of?(Array) result[list_key].each { |record| yield(record) } sleep(sleep_between_requests) if sleep_between_requests end end end end end