shared_examples_for 'fulltext query' do it 'searches by keywords' do search do keywords 'keyword search' end connection.should have_last_search_with(:q => 'keyword search') end it 'ignores keywords if empty' do search do keywords '' end connection.should_not have_last_search_with(:defType => 'edismax') end it 'ignores keywords if nil' do search do keywords nil end connection.should_not have_last_search_with(:defType => 'edismax') end it 'ignores keywords with only whitespace' do search do keywords " \t" end connection.should_not have_last_search_with(:defType => 'edismax') end it 'gracefully ignores keywords block if keywords ignored' do search do keywords(nil) { fields(:title) } end end it 'sets default query parser to dismax when keywords used' do search do keywords 'keyword search' end connection.should have_last_search_with(:defType => 'edismax') end it 'searches types in filter query if keywords used' do search do keywords 'keyword search' end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['type:Post']) end describe 'with multiple keyword components' do before :each do Post do keywords 'first search', :fields => :title keywords 'second search' end end it 'puts specified keywords in subquery' do subqueries(:q).map { |subquery| subquery[:v] }.should == ['first search', 'second search'] end it 'puts specified dismax parameters in subquery' do subqueries(:q).first[:qf].should == 'title_text' end it 'puts default dismax parameters in subquery' do subqueries(:q).last[:qf].split(' ').sort.should == %w(backwards_title_text body_textsv tags_textv title_text) end it 'puts field list in main query' do connection.should have_last_search_with(:fl => '* score') end end it 'searches all text fields for searched class' do search = search do keywords 'keyword search' end connection.searches.last[:qf].split(' ').sort.should == %w(backwards_title_text body_textsv tags_textv title_text) end it 'searches both stored and unstored text fields' do search Post, Namespaced::Comment do keywords 'keyword search' end connection.searches.last[:qf].split(' ').sort.should == %w(author_name_text backwards_title_text body_text body_textsv tags_textv title_text) end it 'searches only specified text fields when specified' do search do keywords 'keyword search', :fields => [:title, :body] end connection.searches.last[:qf].split(' ').sort.should == %w(body_textsv title_text) end it 'excludes text fields when instructed' do search do keywords 'keyword search' do exclude_fields :backwards_title, :body_mlt end end connection.searches.last[:qf].split(' ').sort.should == %w(body_textsv tags_textv title_text) end it 'assigns boost to fields when specified' do search do keywords 'keyword search' do fields :title => 2.0, :body => 0.75 end end connection.searches.last[:qf].split(' ').sort.should == %w(body_textsv^0.75 title_text^2.0) end it 'allows assignment of boosted and unboosted fields' do search do keywords 'keyword search' do fields :body, :title => 2.0 end end end it 'searches both unstored and stored text field with same name when specified' do search Post, Namespaced::Comment do keywords 'keyword search', :fields => [:body] end connection.searches.last[:qf].split(' ').sort.should == %w(body_text body_textsv) end it 'requests score when keywords used' do search do keywords 'keyword search' end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fl => '* score') end it 'does not request score when keywords not used' do search Post connection.should_not have_last_search_with(:fl) end it 'sets phrase fields' do search do keywords 'great pizza' do phrase_fields :title => 2.0 end end connection.should have_last_search_with(:pf => 'title_text^2.0') end it 'sets phrase fields with boost' do search do keywords 'great pizza' do phrase_fields :title => 1.5 end end connection.should have_last_search_with(:pf => 'title_text^1.5') end it 'sets phrase slop from DSL' do search do keywords 'great pizza' do phrase_slop 2 end end connection.should have_last_search_with(:ps => 2) end it 'sets boost for certain fields without restricting fields' do search do keywords 'great pizza' do boost_fields :title => 1.5 end end connection.searches.last[:qf].split(' ').sort.should == %w(backwards_title_text body_textsv tags_textv title_text^1.5) end it 'ignores boost fields that do not apply' do search do keywords 'great pizza' do boost_fields :bogus => 1.2, :title => 1.5 end end connection.searches.last[:qf].split(' ').sort.should == %w(backwards_title_text body_textsv tags_textv title_text^1.5) end it 'sets default boost with default fields' do search Photo do keywords 'great pizza' end connection.should have_last_search_with(:qf => 'caption_text^1.5') end it 'sets default boost with fields specified in options' do search Photo do keywords 'great pizza', :fields => [:caption] end connection.should have_last_search_with(:qf => 'caption_text^1.5') end it 'sets default boost with fields specified in DSL' do search Photo do keywords 'great pizza' do fields :caption end end connection.should have_last_search_with(:qf => 'caption_text^1.5') end it 'overrides default boost when specified in DSL' do search Photo do keywords 'great pizza' do fields :caption => 2.0 end end connection.should have_last_search_with(:qf => 'caption_text^2.0') end it 'creates boost query' do search do keywords 'great pizza' do boost 2.0 do with(:average_rating).greater_than(2.0) end end end connection.should have_last_search_with(:bq => ['average_rating_ft:{2\.0 TO *}^2.0']) end it 'creates multiple boost queries' do search do keywords 'great pizza' do boost(2.0) do with(:average_rating).greater_than(2.0) end boost(1.5) do with(:featured, true) end end end connection.should have_last_search_with( :bq => [ 'average_rating_ft:{2\.0 TO *}^2.0', 'featured_bs:true^1.5' ] ) end it 'sends minimum match parameter from options' do search do keywords 'great pizza', :minimum_match => 2 end connection.should have_last_search_with(:mm => 2) end it 'sends minimum match parameter from DSL' do search do keywords('great pizza') { minimum_match(2) } end connection.should have_last_search_with(:mm => 2) end it 'sends tiebreaker parameter from options' do search do keywords 'great pizza', :tie => 0.1 end connection.should have_last_search_with(:tie => 0.1) end it 'sends tiebreaker parameter from DSL' do search do keywords('great pizza') { tie(0.1) } end connection.should have_last_search_with(:tie => 0.1) end it 'sends query phrase slop from options' do search do keywords 'great pizza', :query_phrase_slop => 2 end connection.should have_last_search_with(:qs => 2) end it 'sends query phrase slop from DSL' do search do keywords('great pizza') { query_phrase_slop(2) } end connection.should have_last_search_with(:qs => 2) end it 'allows specification of a text field that only exists in one type' do search Post, Namespaced::Comment do keywords 'keywords', :fields => :author_name end connection.searches.last[:qf].should == 'author_name_text' end it 'raises Sunspot::UnrecognizedFieldError for nonexistant fields in keywords' do lambda do search do keywords :text, :fields => :bogus end end.should raise_error(Sunspot::UnrecognizedFieldError) end it 'raises Sunspot::UnrecognizedFieldError if a text field that does not exist for any type is specified' do lambda do search Post, Namespaced::Comment do keywords 'fulltext', :fields => :bogus end end.should raise_error(Sunspot::UnrecognizedFieldError) end end