use super::{ convert::{ToRubyValue, ToWasmVal, WrapWasmtimeType}, externals::Extern, func_type::FuncType, params::Params, root, store::{Store, StoreContextValue, StoreData}, }; use crate::{error, helpers::WrappedStruct}; use magnus::{ block::Proc, function, memoize, method, r_typed_data::DataTypeBuilder, scan_args::scan_args, value::BoxValue, DataTypeFunctions, Error, Exception, Module as _, Object, RArray, RClass, RString, TryConvert, TypedData, Value, QNIL, }; use std::cell::UnsafeCell; use wasmtime::{ AsContext, AsContextMut, Caller as CallerImpl, Func as FuncImpl, StoreContext, StoreContextMut, Val, }; /// @yard /// @rename Wasmtime::Func /// Represents a WebAssembly Function /// @see Wasmtime's Rust doc #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Func<'a> { store: StoreContextValue<'a>, inner: FuncImpl, } unsafe impl<'a> TypedData for Func<'a> { fn class() -> magnus::RClass { *memoize!(RClass: root().define_class("Func", Default::default()).unwrap()) } fn data_type() -> &'static magnus::DataType { memoize!(magnus::DataType: { let mut builder = DataTypeBuilder::>::new("Wasmtime::Func"); builder.size(); builder.mark(); builder.free_immediately(); }) } } impl DataTypeFunctions for Func<'_> { fn mark(&self) { } } // Wraps a Proc to satisfy wasmtime::Func's Send+Sync requirements. This is safe // to do as long as (1) we hold the GVL when whe execute the proc and (2) we do // not have multiple threads running at once (e.g. with Wasm thread proposal). #[repr(transparent)] struct ShareableProc(Proc); unsafe impl Send for ShareableProc {} unsafe impl Sync for ShareableProc {} unsafe impl Send for Func<'_> {} impl<'a> Func<'a> { /// @yard /// @def new(store, type, callable, &block) /// @param store [Store] /// @param type [FuncType] /// @param block [Block] The funcs's implementation /// /// @yield [caller, *args] The function's body /// @yieldparam caller [Caller] Caller which can be used to interact with the {Store}. /// @yieldparam *args [Object] Splat of Ruby objects matching the {FuncType}’s params arity. /// @yieldreturn [nil, Object, Array] The return type depends on {FuncType}’s results arity: /// * 0 => +nil+ /// * 1 => +Object+ /// * > 1 => +Array+ /// /// @return [Func] /// /// @example Function that increments an i32: /// store = /// type =[:i32], [:i32]) ///, type) do |_caller, arg1| /// arg1.succ /// end pub fn new(args: &[Value]) -> Result { let args = scan_args::<(Value, &FuncType), (), (), (), (), Proc>(args)?; let (s, functype) = args.required; let callable = args.block; let wrapped_store: WrappedStruct = s.try_convert()?; let store = wrapped_store.get()?; store.retain(callable.into()); let context = store.context_mut(); let ty = functype.get(); let inner = wasmtime::Func::new(context, ty.clone(), make_func_closure(ty, callable)); Ok(Self { store: wrapped_store.into(), inner, }) } pub fn from_inner(store: StoreContextValue<'a>, inner: FuncImpl) -> Self { Self { store, inner } } pub fn get(&self) -> FuncImpl { // Makes a copy (wasmtime::Func implements Copy) self.inner } /// @yard /// Calls a Wasm function. /// /// @def call(*args) /// @param args [Object] /// The arguments to send to the Wasm function. Raises if the arguments do /// not conform to the Wasm function's parameters. /// /// @return [nil, Object, Array] The return type depends on {FuncType}’s results arity: /// * 0 => +nil+ /// * 1 => +Object+ /// * > 1 => +Array+ pub fn call(&self, args: &[Value]) -> Result { Self::invoke(&, &self.inner, args).map_err(|e| e.into()) } pub fn inner(&self) -> &FuncImpl { &self.inner } pub fn invoke( store: &StoreContextValue, func: &wasmtime::Func, args: &[Value], ) -> Result { let func_ty = func.ty(store.context_mut()?); let param_types = func_ty.params().collect::>(); let params = Params::new(args, param_types)?.to_vec()?; let mut results = vec![Val::null(); func_ty.results().len()];, ¶ms, &mut results) .map_err(|e| store.handle_wasm_error(e))?; match results.as_slice() { [] => Ok(QNIL.into()), [result] => result.to_ruby_value(store).map_err(|e| e.into()), _ => { let array = RArray::with_capacity(results.len()); for result in results { array.push(result.to_ruby_value(store)?)?; } Ok(array.into()) } } } } impl From<&Func<'_>> for wasmtime::Extern { fn from(func: &Func) -> Self { Self::Func(func.get()) } } pub fn make_func_closure( ty: &wasmtime::FuncType, callable: Proc, ) -> impl Fn(CallerImpl<'_, StoreData>, &[Val], &mut [Val]) -> anyhow::Result<()> + Send + Sync + 'static { let ty = ty.to_owned(); let callable = ShareableProc(callable); move |caller_impl: CallerImpl<'_, StoreData>, params: &[Val], results: &mut [Val]| { let wrapped_caller: WrappedStruct = Caller::new(caller_impl).into(); let caller = wrapped_caller.get().unwrap(); let store_context = StoreContextValue::from(wrapped_caller); let rparams = RArray::with_capacity(params.len() + 1); rparams.push(Value::from(wrapped_caller)).unwrap(); for (i, param) in params.iter().enumerate() { let rparam = param .to_ruby_value(&store_context) .map_err(|e| anyhow::anyhow!(format!("invalid argument at index {}: {}", i, e)))?; rparams.push(rparam).unwrap(); } let callable = callable.0; let result = callable .call(unsafe { rparams.as_slice() }) .map_err(|e| { if let Error::Exception(exception) = e { caller.hold_exception(exception); } e }) .and_then(|proc_result| { match results.len() { 0 => Ok(()), // Ignore return value n => { // For len=1, accept both `val` and `[val]` let proc_result = RArray::try_convert(proc_result)?; if proc_result.len() != n { return Result::Err(error!( "wrong number of results (given {}, expected {})", proc_result.len(), n )); } for ((rb_val, wasm_val), ty) in unsafe { proc_result.as_slice() } .iter() .zip(results.iter_mut()) .zip(ty.results()) { *wasm_val = rb_val.to_wasm_val(&ty)?; } Ok(()) } } }) .map_err(|e| { anyhow::anyhow!(format!( "Error when calling Func {}\n Error: {}", callable.inspect(), e )) }); // Drop the wasmtime::Caller so it does not outlive the Func call, if e.g. the user // assigned the Ruby Wasmtime::Caller instance to a global. caller.expire(); result } } pub enum InvokeError { BoxedException(BoxValue), Error(Error), } impl From for magnus::Error { fn from(e: InvokeError) -> Self { match e { InvokeError::Error(e) => e, InvokeError::BoxedException(e) => Error::from(e.to_owned()), } } } impl From for InvokeError { fn from(e: magnus::Error) -> Self { InvokeError::Error(e) } } impl From> for InvokeError { fn from(e: BoxValue) -> Self { InvokeError::BoxedException(e) } } /// A handle to a [`wasmtime::Caller`] that's only valid during a Func execution. /// [`UnsafeCell`] wraps the wasmtime::Caller because the Value's lifetime can't /// be tied to the Caller: the Value is handed back to Ruby and we can't control /// whether the user keeps a handle to it or not. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct CallerHandle<'a> { caller: UnsafeCell>>, } impl<'a> CallerHandle<'a> { pub fn new(caller: CallerImpl<'a, StoreData>) -> Self { Self { caller: UnsafeCell::new(Some(caller)), } } pub fn get_mut(&self) -> Result<&mut CallerImpl<'a, StoreData>, Error> { unsafe { &mut *self.caller.get() } .as_mut() .ok_or_else(|| error!("Caller outlived its Func execution")) } pub fn get(&self) -> Result<&CallerImpl<'a, StoreData>, Error> { unsafe { (*self.caller.get()).as_ref() } .ok_or_else(|| error!("Caller outlived its Func execution")) } pub fn expire(&self) { unsafe { *self.caller.get() = None } } } /// @yard /// @rename Wasmtime::Caller /// Represents the Caller's context within a Func execution. An instance of /// Caller is sent as the first parameter to Func's implementation (the /// block argument in {}). /// @see Wasmtime's Rust doc #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Caller<'a> { handle: CallerHandle<'a>, } impl<'a> Caller<'a> { pub fn new(caller: CallerImpl<'a, StoreData>) -> Self { Self { handle: CallerHandle::new(caller), } } /// @yard /// Returns the store's data. Akin to {Store#data}. /// @return [Object] The store's data (the object passed to {}). pub fn store_data(&self) -> Result { self.context().map(|ctx| } /// @yard /// @def export(name) /// @see Instance#export pub fn export( rb_self: WrappedStruct>, name: RString, ) -> Result>, Error> { let caller = rb_self.try_convert::<&Self>()?; let inner = caller.handle.get_mut()?; if let Some(export) = inner.get_export(unsafe { name.as_str() }?) { export.wrap_wasmtime_type(rb_self.into()).map(Some) } else { Ok(None) } } pub fn context(&self) -> Result, Error> { self.handle.get().map(|c| c.as_context()) } pub fn context_mut(&self) -> Result, Error> { self.handle.get_mut().map(|c| c.as_context_mut()) } pub fn expire(&self) { self.handle.expire(); } fn hold_exception(&self, exception: Exception) { self.context_mut() .unwrap() .data_mut() .exception() .hold(exception); } } unsafe impl<'a> TypedData for Caller<'a> { fn class() -> magnus::RClass { *memoize!(RClass: root().define_class("Caller", Default::default()).unwrap()) } fn data_type() -> &'static magnus::DataType { memoize!(magnus::DataType: { let mut builder = DataTypeBuilder::>::new("Wasmtime::Caller"); builder.free_immediately(); }) } } impl DataTypeFunctions for Caller<'_> {} unsafe impl Send for Caller<'_> {} pub fn init() -> Result<(), Error> { let func = root().define_class("Func", Default::default())?; func.define_singleton_method("new", function!(Func::new, -1))?; func.define_method("call", method!(Func::call, -1))?; let caller = root().define_class("Caller", Default::default())?; caller.define_method("store_data", method!(Caller::store_data, 0))?; caller.define_method("export", method!(Caller::export, 1))?; Ok(()) }