# shorturl.rb
# Created by Vincent Foley on 2005-06-02
require "net/http"
require "cgi"
require "uri"
class InvalidService < Exception
class Service
attr_accessor :port, :code, :method, :action, :field, :block
# Intialize the service with a hostname (required parameter) and you
# can override the default values for the HTTP port, expected HTTP
# return code, the form method to use, the form action, the form
# field which contains the long URL, and the block of what to do
# with the HTML code you get.
def initialize(hostname) # :yield: service
@hostname = hostname
@port = 80
@code = 200
@method = :post
@action = "/"
@field = "url"
@block = lambda { |body| }
if block_given?
yield self
# Now that our service is set up, call it with all the parameters to
# (hopefully) return only the shortened URL.
def call(url)
Net::HTTP.start(@hostname, @port) { |http|
response = case @method
when :post: http.post(@action, "#{@field}=#{url}")
when :get: http.get("#{@action}?#{@field}=#{CGI.escape(url)}")
if response.code == @code.to_s
class ShortURL
# Hash table of all the supported services. The key is a symbol
# representing the service (usually the hostname minus the .com,
# .net, etc.) The value is an instance of Service with all the
# parameters set so that when +instance+.call is invoked, the
# shortened URL is returned.
@@services = {
:rubyurl => Service.new("rubyurl.com") { |s|
s.code = 302
s.method = :get
s.action = "/rubyurl/create"
s.field = "rubyurl[website_url]"
s.block = lambda { |body| URI.extract(body)[0].gsub("rubyurl/show/", "") }
:tinyurl => Service.new("tinyurl.com") { |s|
s.action = "/create.php"
s.block = lambda { |body| URI.extract(body).grep(/tinyurl/)[-1] }
:shorl => Service.new("shorl.com") { |s|
s.action = "/create.php"
s.block = lambda { |body| URI.extract(body)[2] }
:snipurl => Service.new("snipurl.com") { |s|
s.action = "/index.php"
s.field = "link"
s.block = lambda { |body|
line = body.split("\n").grep(/txt/)[0]
short_url = URI.extract(line)[1][0..-2] # Remove trailing '
:metamark => Service.new("metamark.net") { |s|
s.action = "/add"
s.field = "long_url"
s.block = lambda { |body| URI.extract(body).grep(/xrl.us/)[0] }
:makeashorterlink => Service.new("makeashorterlink.com") { |s|
s.action = "/index.php"
s.block = lambda { |body| URI.extract(body).grep(/makeashorterlink/)[0] }
:skinnylink => Service.new("skinnylink.com") { |s|
s.block = lambda { |body| URI.extract(body).grep(/skinnylink/)[0] }
:linktrim => Service.new("linktrim.com") { |s|
s.method = :get
s.action = "/lt/generate"
s.block = lambda { |body| URI.extract(body).grep(/\/linktrim/)[1] }
:shorterlink => Service.new("shorterlink.com") { |s|
s.method = :get
s.action = "/add_url.html"
s.block = lambda { |body| URI.extract(body).grep(/shorterlink/)[0] }
:minilink => Service.new("minilink.org") { |s|
s.method = :get
s.block = lambda { |body| URI.extract(body)[-1] }
:lns => Service.new("ln-s.net") { |s|
s.method = :get
s.action = "/home/api.jsp"
s.block = lambda { |body| URI.extract(body)[0] }
:fyad => Service.new("fyad.org") { |s|
s.method = :get
s.block = lambda { |body| URI.extract(body).grep(/fyad.org/)[2] }
:d62 => Service.new("d62.net") { |s|
s.method = :get
s.block = lambda { |body| URI.extract(body)[0] }
:shiturl => Service.new("shiturl.com") { |s|
s.method = :get
s.action = "/make.php"
s.block = lambda { |body| URI.extract(body).grep(/shiturl/)[0] }
:littlink => Service.new("littlink.com") { |s|
s.block = lambda { |body| URI.extract(body).grep(/littlink/)[0] }
:clipurl => Service.new("clipurl.com") { |s|
s.action = "/create.asp"
s.block = lambda { |body| URI.extract(body).grep(/clipurl/)[0] }
:shortify => Service.new("shortify.com") { |s|
s.method = :get
s.action = "/shorten.php"
s.block = lambda { |body| URI.extract(body).grep(/shortify/)[0] }
:orz => Service.new("0rz.net") { |s|
s.action = "/create.php"
s.block = lambda { |body| URI.extract(body).grep(/0rz/)[0] }
# Array containing symbols representing all the implemented URL
# shortening services
@@valid_services = @@services.keys
# Returns @@valid_services
def self.valid_services
# Main method of ShortURL, its usage is quite simple, just give an
# url to shorten and an optional service. If no service is
# selected, RubyURL.com will be used. An invalid service symbol
# will raise an ArgumentError exception
# Valid +service+ values:
# * :rubyurl
# * :tinyurl
# * :shorl
# * :snipurl
# * :metamark
# * :makeashorterlink
# * :skinnylink
# * :linktrim
# * :shorterlink
# * :minlink
# * :lns
# * :fyad
# * :d62
# * :shiturl
# * :littlink
# * :clipurl
# * :shortify
# * :orz
# call-seq:
# ShortURL.shorten("http://mypage.com") => Uses RubyURL
# ShortURL.shorten("http://mypage.com", :tinyurl)
def self.shorten(url, service = :rubyurl)
if valid_services.include? service
raise InvalidService