# encoding: UTF-8 ## Set working directory, load gems and create logs ## Using pathname extentions for setting public folder require 'pathname' ## Set up root object, it might be used by the environment and\or the plezi extension gems. Root ||= Pathname.new(File.dirname(__FILE__)).expand_path ## make sure all file access and file loading is relative to the application's root folder # Dir.chdir Root.to_s ## load code from a subfolder called 'code' # Dir[File.join "{code}", "**" , "*.rb"].each {|file| load File.expand_path(file)} ## OR load code from all the ruby files in the main forlder (subfolder inclussion will fail on PaaS) # Dir[File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "*.rb"].each {|file| load File.expand_path(file) unless file == __FILE__} ## If this app is independant, use bundler to load gems (including the plezi gem). ## Else, use the original app's Gemfile and start Plezi's Rack mode. require 'bundler' Bundler.require(:default, ENV['ENV'].to_s.to_sym) ## OR: # Plesi.start_rack # remember ## Uncomment to create a log file # GReactor.create_logger File.expand_path(Root.join('server.log').to_s) ## Options for Scaling the app (across processes or machines): ## uncomment to set up forking. # GReactor::Settings.set_forking 4 ## Redis scaling # Plezi::Settings.redis_channel_name = 'appsecret' # ENV['PL_REDIS_URL'] ||= ENV['REDIS_URL'] || ENV['REDISCLOUD_URL'] || ENV['REDISTOGO_URL'] || "redis://username:password@my.host:6389" # The basic appname controller, to get you started class MyController # HTTP def index # return response << "Hello World!" # for a hello world app render :welcome end # Websockets def on_message data data = "#{params[:id]}: #{data}" if params[:id] _print data broadcast :_print, data end def on_open _print 'Welcome!' broadcast :_print, "Somebody joind us :-)" end def on_close broadcast :_print, "Somebody left us :-(" end def _print data response << data end end # start a web service to listen on the first default port (3000 or the port set by the command-line). # you can change some of the default settings here. listen host: :default, assets: Root.join('assets').to_s, templates: Root.join('templates').to_s, # public: Root.join('public').to_s, ssl: false ## Optional stuff: ## I18n re-write, i.e.: `/en/home` will be rewriten as `/home`, while setting params[:locale] to "en" # route "/:locale{#{I18n.available_locales.join "|"}}/*" , false if defined? I18n # ## OAuth2 - Facebook / Google authentication # require 'plezi/oauth' # ENV["FB_APP_ID"] ||= "app id"; ENV["FB_APP_SECRET"] ||= "secret"; ENV['GOOGLE_APP_ID'] = "app id"; ENV['GOOGLE_APP_SECRET'] = "secret" # create_auth_shared_route do |service_name, auth_token, remote_user_id, remote_user_email, remote_response| # # ...callback for authentication. # # This callback should return the app user object or false # # This callback has access to the controller's methods (request, cookies, response, etc') # end # Add your routes and controllers by order of priority. route '/(:id)', MyController