=begin Copyright (C) 2007 Bill Paxton This file is part of Tioga. Tioga is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Library Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Tioga is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with Tioga; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA =end require 'Tioga/tioga.rb' require "rbconfig.rb" include RbConfig include Tioga include FigureConstants class TiogaUI def fm FigureMaker.default end def append_to_log(str) if @no_Tk puts str return end return if @logText == nil return unless str.kind_of?String @logText.insert('end', str + "\n") @logText.see('end') end def check_have_loaded return true if @have_loaded append_to_log "Must open a file first!" return false end def report_number_and_name(num,name) if num < 10 puts ' ' + num.to_s + ' ' + name elsif num < 100 puts ' ' + num.to_s + ' ' + name else puts num.to_s + ' ' + name end end def make_all_pdfs(view = true, fignums = nil) return unless check_have_loaded fm.make_all(fignums,false) if view == false if fignums == nil fm.figure_pdfs.each_with_index { |name,num| report_number_and_name(num,name) } else fignums.each { |num| report_number_and_name(num,fm.figure_pdfs[num]) } end return end if fignums == nil fm.num_figures.times { |i| view_pdf(fm.figure_pdfs[i]) } else fignums.each { |i| view_pdf(fm.figure_pdfs[i]) } end end def make_portfolio(view = true, fignums = nil) return unless check_have_loaded name = @title_name + '_portfolio' make_all_pdfs(false,fignums) portfolio_name = fm.make_portfolio(name,fignums) return unless view view_pdf(portfolio_name) return if @no_Tk return unless $mac_command_key append_to_log "\nNote: Preview fails to make updated thumbnails after a Revert for a portfolio," append_to_log "so for now you'll have to Close and redo Open as a workaround.\n" end def require_pdf(arg) # num is either figure number or name begin num = arg num = fm.figure_names.index(num) unless num == nil || num.kind_of?(Integer) if fm.num_figures == 0 puts "\nCan't build pdf because failed to define any figures." puts '' raise end if num == nil || num < 0 || num >= fm.num_figures puts "\n" + arg.to_s + ' is an invalid figure specification.' puts '' raise end result = fm.require_pdf(num) if result == nil puts "\nFailed during attempt to create pdf file." puts '' raise end #append_to_log result + "\n" return result end end def view_pdf(pdf_file) if pdf_file == nil || pdf_file == false puts "\nERROR: invalid pdf file." puts '' raise end system($pdf_viewer + ' ' + pdf_file + ' > /dev/null') append_to_log pdf_file end def loadfile(fname,reselect=true) @have_loaded = false fm.reset_state begin append_to_log "loading #{fname}\n" load(fname) # this should define the TiogaFigures class num_fig = fm.num_figures if num_fig == 0 raise "Failed to define any figures. ' + 'Remember to invoke 'new' for the class containing the figure definitions" end @title_name = fname.split('/')[-1] @title_name = @title_name[0..-4] if @title_name[-3..-1] == ".rb" fname = fname[0..-4] if fname[-3..-1] == ".rb" @pdf_name = fname + ".pdf" @have_loaded = true return if @no_Tk @root.title('Tioga:' + @title_name) @listBox.delete(0, 'end') fm.figure_names.each { |name| @listBox.insert('end', name) } set_selection(0) if reselect rescue Exception => er report_error(er, "ERROR: load failed for #{fname}\n") end end def set_working_dir(filename) return filename unless $change_working_directory if (filename.length > 2) && (filename[0..1] == '~/') filename = ENV['HOME'] + filename[1..-1] elsif filename[0..0] != '/' # if necessary, add the current directory to the front of the filename filename = Dir.getwd + '/' + filename end parts = filename.split('/') if parts[-1].length < 2 || parts[-1][-2..-1] != "rb" append_to_log "ERROR: filename must have extension 'rb' instead has <" + parts[-1][-2..-1] + ">" return nil end dir = "" parts[0..-2].each {|part| dir << '/' + part unless part.length == 0 } if dir != Dir.getwd append_to_log "changing working directory to " + dir Dir.chdir(dir) # change current working directory end return filename end def show_help(filename,opt1) unless opt1 == '-help' || filename == '-help' || filename == nil puts 'Sorry: ' + opt1 + ' is not a recognized option.' end puts "\nThis program is a command line interface for the open-source tioga kernel." puts "The tioga kernel is for creating figures and plots using Ruby, PDF, and TeX." puts "Following is a brief description of the tioga command line options." puts "For more information, visit http://www.kitp.ucsb.edu/~paxton/tioga.html." puts "\nBefore any command line information is processed, tioga runs ~/.tiogainit if it exists." puts " The primary use of this file is to set your default pdf viewer command (see below)." puts "\nIf there are no command line arguments, or the argument is -h, this help info is output." puts "\nOtherwise, the command line should start with a tioga file name (with extension .rb)." puts " Since the extension is known, you can skip typing it if you like." puts "\nThe remainder of the command line should consist of an optional series of control commands" puts " followed by a figure command." puts "\nAny control commands are done after ~/.tiogainit and before the figure file is loaded." puts " -r file runs the file (using Ruby's require method)." puts ' -C dir changes the working directory.' puts ' If there is no -C command, tioga changes the working directory to the' puts ' location of the figure file .' puts ' -v prints version information.' puts "\nThe figure command comes last and should be one of these:" puts " -l output a list of the defined figures by number and name." puts " -<num> make and show figure with index equal <num> (0 <= num < num_figures)." puts " -m <figs> make PDFs without showing them in the viewer." puts " -s <figs> make and show PDFs, each in a separate viewer window." puts " -p <figs> make PDFs and show the portfolio as a multi-page document." puts "\nIf the figure command is omitted, then it defaults to -0." puts "\nIf <figs> is omitted, then tioga does all the figures defined in the file" puts " ordered by their definition index numbers." puts "\nOtherwise, <figs> must be either" puts " a defined figure name (as supplied to def_figure in the tioga file), or" puts " a valid ruby array index number for a figure (can be negative), or" puts " a valid ruby range specification selecting a sequence of figures, or" puts " a space-less, comma-separated list of figure indices and ranges." puts '' puts " For example, -s Plot1 makes and shows the pdf for the figure named Plot1," puts " and -p 5,0..3,-1 makes a portfolio with the figure having index 5 on page 1," puts " followed by pages showing the figures with indices 0, 1, 2, 3, and -1." puts "\nThe viewer for showing PDFs is specified by the $pdf_viewer variable in tioga." puts " The default value can be set by creating a .tiogainit file in your home directory." puts " The .tiogainit file is run before any command line options are processed." puts " Your current setting for $pdf_viewer is " + $pdf_viewer + '.' puts " To change it, edit ~/.tiogainit to add the line $pdf_viewer = 'my viewer command'." puts " The command tioga uses to show a pdf is $pdf_viewer + ' ' + full_PDF_filename." puts " You can use the -e control command to try a different viewer setting" puts " by doing the $pdf_viewer assignment from the command line." puts '' end def report_error(er, msg) if msg != nil append_to_log msg append_to_log "" end append_to_log " " + "#{er.message}" + " [version: " + FigureMaker.version + "]" line_count = 0 show_count = 0 past_callers_routines = false in_callers_routines = false er.backtrace.each do |line| if (line.include?('Tioga/FigMkr.rb')) || (line.include?('Tioga/tioga_ui.rb')) if in_callers_routines past_callers_routines = true in_callers_routines = false end else in_callers_routines = true end if (show_count < fm.num_error_lines) and in_callers_routines append_to_log " " + line show_count = show_count + 1 end line_count = line_count + 1 end end def setdir_and_load(filename) filename = set_working_dir(filename) return nil if filename == nil loadfile(filename) return filename end def parse_figs(figs) return [0] if (figs == nil) || (figs.length == 0) return figs unless (/^\d/ === figs) || (/^-\d/ === figs) ranges = figs.split(',') fignums = Array.new(fm.num_figures) {|i| i} result = [] ranges.each do |r| nums = eval('fignums[' + r + ']') # do it this way in case r is negative if nums.kind_of?Integer result << nums else nums.each {|n| result << n} end end return result end def show_version puts FigureMaker.version end def setup(args) # set the standard defaults $tioga_args = Array.new(args.length) {|i| args[i]} # copy the args $change_working_directory = true if RbConfig::CONFIG["target"] =~ /darwin/i $pdf_viewer = "repreview" #$mac_command_key = true else $pdf_viewer = "xpdf" #$mac_command_key = false end =begin # Ruby/Tk defaults $geometry = '600x250+700+50' $background = 'WhiteSmoke' $mac_command_key = false $log_font = 'system 12' $figures_font = 'system 12' =end tiogainit_names = %w[ .tiogarc .tiogainit ].map do |f| File.join(ENV['HOME'], f) end tiogainit_name = tiogainit_names.find {|f| test ?e, f} load(tiogainit_name) unless tiogainit_name.nil? @pdf_name = nil @have_loaded = false @no_Tk = true end def fix_filename(filename) if filename != nil && filename[-3..-1] != '.rb' && filename[-3..-1] != '.RB' && filename != '-help' && filename != '-v' filename += '.rb' end return filename end def do_fignums(fignums,view) fignums.each do |n| pdf_name = require_pdf(n) if view view_pdf(pdf_name) else report_number_and_name(n,pdf_name) end end end def list_figures fm.figure_names.each_with_index do |name,i| puts sprintf("%3i %s\n",i,name) end end def initialize(args, just_setup=false) setup(args) return if just_setup if ($tioga_args.length == 0) || ($tioga_args[0] == '-h') || ($tioga_args[0] == '-help') show_help(nil,nil) return end if ($tioga_args[0] == '-v') || ($tioga_args[0] == '-version') || ($tioga_args[0] == '-V') show_version return end if $tioga_args.length > 0 filename = fix_filename($tioga_args[0]) end begin # currently, we are only supporting command line interface. # the code for making a Ruby/Tk interface can be enabled if you want to play with it. argnum = 1 # the filename is in $tioga_args[0] # do control commands while argnum < $tioga_args.length cmd = $tioga_args[argnum] argnum = argnum + 1 if cmd == '-r' puts 'require ' + $tioga_args[argnum] require $tioga_args[argnum] argnum = argnum + 1 elsif cmd == '-C' puts 'chdir to ' + $tioga_args[argnum] Dir.chdir($tioga_args[argnum]) $change_working_directory = false argnum = argnum + 1 elsif cmd == '-v' show_version else argnum = argnum - 1 # backup break end end setdir_and_load(filename) # do the figure command if argnum == $tioga_args.length view_pdf(require_pdf(0)) return end cmd = $tioga_args[argnum] argnum = argnum + 1 if /^-\d+$/ === cmd view_pdf(require_pdf(cmd[1..-1].to_i)) elsif cmd == '-l' list_figures elsif cmd == '-h' || cmd == '-help' show_help(nil,nil) elsif (cmd == '-s' || cmd == '-m') if argnum == $tioga_args.length make_all_pdfs(cmd != '-m') return end do_fignums(parse_figs($tioga_args[argnum]),cmd == '-s') elsif cmd == '-p' if argnum == $tioga_args.length make_portfolio(true) return end make_portfolio(true, parse_figs($tioga_args[argnum])) #else # unrecognized command # show_help(filename,cmd) end rescue end end =begin def start_Tk # Ruby/Tk @no_Tk = false @history = [ ] resetHistory @accel_key = ($mac_command_key)? 'Cmd' : 'Ctrl' @bind_key = ($mac_command_key)? 'Command' : 'Control' require 'tk' @root = TkRoot.new { geometry $geometry background $background pady 2 } createMenubar(@root) contentFrame = TkFrame.new(@root) { background 'WhiteSmoke' } createFigureList(contentFrame) createLogText(contentFrame) contentFrame.pack('side' => 'top', 'fill' => 'both', 'expand' => true) createEvalField(@root) @root.bind('Key-Up', proc { prev_in_list }) @root.bind('Key-Down', proc { next_in_list }) @root.bind('Key-Left', proc { back }) @root.bind('Key-Right', proc { forward }) loadfile unless filename == nil Tk.mainloop(false) end def figureSelected preview(@listBox.curselection[0]) end def preview(num) result = require_pdf(num) return result if $pdf_viewer == nil syscmd = "cp " + result + " " + @pdf_name system(syscmd) saveInHistory(num) return view_pdf(@pdf_name) end def show_in_own_window view_pdf(fm.figure_pdfs[@listBox.curselection[0]]) end def set_selection(num) @listBox.see(num) @listBox.selection_clear(0,'end') @listBox.selection_set(num) figureSelected end def reload return unless check_have_loaded selection = @listBox.curselection[0] name = (selection.kind_of?(Integer))? fm.figure_names[selection] : nil loadfile(false) num = fm.figure_names.index(name) unless num.kind_of?(Integer) reset_history num = 0 end set_selection(num) end def next_in_list return unless check_have_loaded num = @listBox.curselection[0] + 1 num = 0 if num >= @listBox.size set_selection(num) end def prev_in_list return unless check_have_loaded num = @listBox.curselection[0] - 1 num = @listBox.size - 1 if num < 0 set_selection(num) end def resetHistory @history_loc = -1 @history_len = 0 @forward_back = false end def saveInHistory(num) if @forward_back forward_back = false return end return if (@history_len > 0 && @history_loc >= 0 && @history[@history_loc] == num) @history_len = @history_loc + 2 @history_loc = @history_len - 1 @history[@history_loc] = num end def back return if (@history_loc <= 0 || @history_len == 0) @history_loc = @history_loc - 1 @forward_back = true set_selection(@history[@history_loc]) end def forward return if (@history_loc + 1 >= @history_len) @history_loc = @history_loc + 1 @forward_back = true set_selection(@history[@history_loc]) end def eval begin str = @evalEntry.get append_to_log "eval " + str result = fm.eval_function(str) append_to_log result.to_s + "\n" rescue Exception => er report_error(er, "ERROR: eval failed for #{str}\n") end end def openDocument filetypes = [["Ruby Files", "*.rb"]] filename = Tk.getOpenFile('filetypes' => filetypes, 'parent' => @root) return unless (filename.kind_of?String) && (filename.length > 0) set_working_dir(filename) loadfile end def addFileMenu(menubar) fileMenuButton = TkMenubutton.new(menubar, 'text' => 'File', 'background' => 'WhiteSmoke', 'underline' => 0) fileMenu = TkMenu.new(fileMenuButton, 'tearoff' => false) fileMenu.add('command', 'label' => 'Open', 'command' => proc { openDocument }, 'underline' => 0, 'accel' => @accel_key + '+O') @root.bind(@bind_key + '-o', proc { openDocument }) fileMenu.add('command', 'label' => 'Reload', 'command' => proc { reload }, 'underline' => 0, 'accel' => @accel_key + '+R') @root.bind(@bind_key + '-r', proc { reload }) fileMenuButton.menu(fileMenu) fileMenuButton.pack('side' => 'left') end def addToolsMenu(menubar) toolsMenuButton = TkMenubutton.new(menubar, 'text' => 'Tools', 'background' => 'WhiteSmoke', 'underline' => 0) toolsMenu = TkMenu.new(toolsMenuButton, 'tearoff' => false) acc = ($mac_osx) toolsMenu.add('command', 'label' => 'Portfolio PDF', 'command' => proc { make_portfolio }, 'underline' => 0, 'accel' => @accel_key + '+P') @root.bind(@bind_key + '-p', proc { make_portfolio }) toolsMenu.add('command', 'label' => 'Make All PDFs', 'command' => proc { make_all_pdfs }, 'underline' => 0, 'accel' => @accel_key + '+M') @root.bind(@bind_key + '-m', proc { make_all_pdfs }) toolsMenu.add('command', 'label' => 'Show in Own Window', 'command' => proc { show_in_own_window }, 'underline' => 0, 'accel' => @accel_key + '+S') @root.bind(@bind_key + '-s', proc { show_in_own_window }) toolsMenuButton.menu(toolsMenu) toolsMenuButton.pack('side' => 'left') end def addTiogaMenu(menubar) tiogaMenuButton = TkMenubutton.new(menubar, 'text' => 'Tioga', 'background' => 'WhiteSmoke', 'underline' => 0) tiogaMenu = TkMenu.new(tiogaMenuButton, 'tearoff' => false) tiogaMenu.add('command', 'label' => 'About Tioga', 'command' => proc { showAboutBox }, 'underline' => 0) tiogaMenu.add('separator') tiogaMenu.add('command', 'label' => 'Quit', 'command' => proc { exit }, 'underline' => 0, 'accel' => @accel_key + '+Q') @root.bind(@bind_key + '-q', proc { exit }) tiogaMenuButton.menu(tiogaMenu) tiogaMenuButton.pack('side' => 'left') end def showAboutBox Tk.messageBox('icon' => 'info', 'type' => 'ok', 'title' => 'About Tioga-Point-and-Click', 'parent' => @root, 'message' => "Tioga-Point-and-Click is a Ruby/Tk Application.\n" + "It uses the Tioga kernel to create PDFs and then calls your favorite viewer to show them.\n\n" + "Version 0.1 -- January, 2007\n\n" + "Visit http://www.kitp.ucsb.edu/~paxton/tioga.html") end def createMenubar(parent) menubar = TkFrame.new(parent) { background 'WhiteSmoke' } addTiogaMenu(menubar) addFileMenu(menubar) addToolsMenu(menubar) menubar.pack('side' => 'top', 'fill' => 'x', 'padx' => 8, 'pady' => 8) end def createLogText(parent) logFrame = TkFrame.new(parent) { background 'WhiteSmoke' } logText = TkText.new(logFrame) { borderwidth 0 selectborderwidth 0 height 6 font $log_font } scrollBar = TkScrollbar.new(logFrame) { command proc { |*args| logText.yview(*args) } } logText.yscrollcommand(proc { |first, last| scrollBar.set(first, last) }) scrollBar.pack('side' => 'right', 'fill' => 'y', 'pady' => 3) logText.pack('side' => 'right', 'fill' => 'both', 'expand' => true, 'pady' => 2) logFrame.pack('side' => 'right', 'fill' => 'both', 'expand' => true) @logText = logText end def createFigureList(parent) listFrame = TkFrame.new(parent) { background 'WhiteSmoke' } listBox = TkListbox.new(listFrame) { selectmode 'single' background 'white' borderwidth 0 height 6 font $figures_font } scrollBar = TkScrollbar.new(listFrame) { command proc { |*args| listBox.yview(*args) } } listBox.yscrollcommand(proc { |first, last| scrollBar.set(first, last) }) listBox.bind('ButtonRelease-1') { figureSelected } spacer = TkFrame.new(listFrame) { background 'WhiteSmoke' } spacer.pack('side' => 'left', 'padx' => 4) listBox.pack('side' => 'left', 'fill' => 'both', 'expand' => true, 'pady' => 2) scrollBar.pack('side' => 'right', 'fill' => 'y', 'pady' => 3) listFrame.pack('side' => 'left', 'fill' => 'both', 'expand' => true) @listBox = listBox end def createEvalField(parent) evalFrame = TkFrame.new(parent, 'background' => 'WhiteSmoke') do pack('side' => 'bottom', 'fill' => 'x', 'pady' => 4) end evalLabel = TkLabel.new(evalFrame, 'background' => 'WhiteSmoke') do text ' eval' font 'courier 12' pack('side' => 'left') end evalEntry = TkEntry.new(evalFrame) do borderwidth 0 pack('side' => 'left', 'fill' => 'x', 'expand' => true) end TkLabel.new(evalFrame, 'background' => 'WhiteSmoke') do text ' ' font 'courier 12' pack('side' => 'right') end evalEntry.bind('Key-Return', proc { eval }) @evalEntry = evalEntry end =end end