// FOUNDATION MOTION UI // Table of Contents // // 0. Variables // 1. Base Transitions // a. Slide // b. Fade // c. Hinge // d. Scale // e. Spin // 2. Base Animations // a. Shake // b. Spinners // c. Wiggle // 3. HTML Attributes // 0. Variables // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /// @Foundation.settings // Motion UI // Classes to use when triggering in/out animations $motion-class: ( in: "ng-enter", out: "ng-leave", ) !default; $motion-class-active: ( in: "ng-enter-active", out: "ng-leave-active", ) !default; $motion-class-stagger: ( in: "ng-enter-stagger", out: "ng-leave-stagger", ) !default; $motion-class-showhide: ( in: "ng-hide-remove", out: "ng-hide-add", ); $motion-class-showhide-active: ( in: "ng-hide-remove-active", out: "ng-hide-add-active", ); // Set if movement-based transitions should also fade the element in and out $motion-slide-and-fade: false !default; $motion-hinge-and-fade: true !default; $motion-scale-and-fade: true !default; $motion-spin-and-fade: true !default; // Default speed for transitions and animations $motion-duration-default: 500ms !default; // Slow and fast modifiders $motion-duration-slow: 750ms !default; $motion-duration-fast: 250ms !default; $motion-stagger-duration-default: 150ms !default; $motion-stagger-duration-short: 50ms !default; $motion-stagger-duration-long: 300ms !default; // Default timing function for transitions and animations $motion-timing-default: ease !default; // Built-in and custom easing functions // Every item in this map becomes a CSS class $motion-timings: ( linear: linear, ease: ease, easeIn: ease-in, easeOut: ease-out, easeInOut: ease-in-out, bounceIn: cubic-bezier(0.485, 0.155, 0.240, 1.245), bounceOut: cubic-bezier(0.485, 0.155, 0.515, 0.845), bounceInOut: cubic-bezier(0.760, -0.245, 0.240, 1.245), ) !default; // Default delay for all transitions and animations $motion-delay-default: 0 !default; // Short and long delay modifiers $motion-delay-short: 300ms !default; $motion-delay-long: 700ms !default; /// // Looks for a timing function in the list of presets // If none are found, returns the value as-is. @function get-timing($timing) { @if map-has-key($motion-timings, $timing) { @return map-get($motion-timings, $timing); } @else { @return $timing; } } // Applies transition settings common to all mixins @mixin transition-basics( $duration: $motion-duration-default, $timing: $motion-timing-default, $delay: $motion-delay-default ) { transition-duration: $duration; transition-timing-function: get-timing($timing); transition-delay: $delay; } // Wraps content in an enter/leave class, chained to the parent selector // Define the initial state of a transition here @mixin transition-start($dir) { $sel1: map-get($motion-class, $dir); $sel2: map-get($motion-class-showhide, $dir); &.#{$sel1}, &.#{$sel2} { @content; } } // Wraps content in an enter/leave active class, chained to the matching // enter/leave class, chained to the parent selector // Define the end state of a transition here @mixin transition-end($dir) { $sel1: map-get($motion-class, $dir); $sel1A: map-get($motion-class-active, $dir); $sel2: map-get($motion-class-showhide, $dir); $sel2A: map-get($motion-class-showhide-active, $dir); &.#{$sel1}.#{$sel1A}, &.#{$sel2}.#{$sel2A} { @content; } } @mixin stagger($delay-amount) { transition-delay: $delay-amount; // this is to avoid accidental CSS inheritance transition-duration:0; } // 1. Base Transitions // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // SLIDE @mixin slide ( $dir: in, $from: left, $fade: $motion-slide-and-fade, $duration: $motion-duration-default, $timing: $motion-timing-default, $delay: $motion-delay-default ) { $slideDirections: ( top: translateY(-100%), right: translateX(100%), bottom: translateY(100%), left: translateX(-100%), ); $start: ''; $end: ''; @if $dir == in { $start: map-get($slideDirections, $from); $end: translateX(0) translateY(0); } @else { $start: translateX(0) translateY(0); $end: map-get($slideDirections, $from); } // CSS Output @include transition-start($dir) { @include transition-basics($duration, $timing, $delay); transition-property: transform, opacity; backface-visibility: hidden; transform: $start; @if $fade { opacity: if($dir == in, 0, 1); } } @include transition-end($dir) { transform: $end; @if $fade { opacity: if($dir == in, 1, 0); } } } // FADE @mixin fade( $dir: in, $from: 0, $to: 1, $duration: $motion-duration-default, $timing: $motion-timing-default, $delay: $motion-delay-default ) { @include transition-start($dir) { @include transition-basics($duration, $timing, $delay); transition-property: opacity; opacity: $from; } @include transition-end($dir) { opacity: $to; } } // HINGE @mixin hinge ( $dir: in, $from: left, $axis: edge, $perspective: 2000px, $turn-origin: from-back, $fade: $motion-hinge-and-fade, $duration: $motion-duration-default, $timing: $motion-timing-default, $delay: $motion-delay-default ) { // Rotation directions when hinging from back vs. front $rotationAmount: 90deg; $rotationsBack: ( top: rotateX($rotationAmount * -1), right: rotateY($rotationAmount * -1), bottom: rotateX($rotationAmount), left: rotateY($rotationAmount), ); $rotationsFrom: ( top: rotateX($rotationAmount), right: rotateY($rotationAmount), bottom: rotateX($rotationAmount * -1), left: rotateY($rotationAmount * -1), ); // Rotation origin $rotation: ''; @if $turn-origin == from-front { $rotation: map-get($rotationsFrom, $from); } @else if $turn-origin == from-back { $rotation: map-get($rotationsBack, $from); } @else { @warn "`$turn-origin` must be either `from-back` or `from-front`"; } // Start and end state $start: ''; $end: ''; @if $dir == in { $start: perspective($perspective) $rotation; $end: rotate(0deg); } @else { $start: rotate(0deg); $end: perspective($perspective) $rotation; } // Turn axis $origin: ''; @if $axis == edge { $origin: $from; } @else { $origin: center; } @include transition-start($dir) { @include transition-basics($duration, $timing, $delay); transition-property: transform, opacity; transform: $start; transform-origin: $origin; @if $fade { opacity: if($dir == in, 0, 1); } } @include transition-end($dir) { transform: $end; @if $fade { opacity: if($dir == in, 1, 0); } } } // SCALE @mixin scale( $dir: in, $from: 1.5, $to: 1, $fade: $motion-scale-and-fade, $duration: $motion-duration-default, $timing: $motion-timing-default, $delay: $motion-delay-default ) { @include transition-start($dir) { @include transition-basics($duration, $timing, $delay); transition-property: transform, property; transform: scale($from); @if $fade { opacity: if($dir == in, 0, 1) } } @include transition-end($dir) { transform: scale($to); @if $fade { opacity: if($dir == in, 1, 0) } } } // SPIN @mixin spin( $dir: in, $amount: 0.75turn, $ccw: false, $fade: $motion-spin-and-fade, $duration: $motion-duration-default, $timing: $motion-timing-default, $delay: $motion-delay-default ) { $amount: turn-to-deg($amount); $start: 0; $end: 0; @if $dir == in { $start: if($ccw, $amount, $amount * -1); $end: 0; } @else { $start: 0; $end: if($ccw, $amount * -1, $amount); } @include transition-start($dir) { @include transition-basics($duration, $timing, $delay); transition-property: transform, opacity; transform: rotate($start); @if $fade { opacity: if($dir == in, 0, 1); } } @include transition-end($dir) { transform: rotate($end); @if $fade { opacity: if($dir == in, 1, 0); } } } // 2. Base Animations // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // SHAKE @keyframes shake { 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% { transform: translateX(7%); } 5%, 15%, 25%, 35%, 45%, 55%, 65%, 75%, 85%, 95% { transform: translateX(-7%); } 100% { transform: translateX(0); } } // SPINNERS @keyframes spin-cw { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(360deg); } } @keyframes spin-ccw { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(-360deg); } } // WIGGLE @keyframes wiggle { 40%, 50%, 60% { transform: rotate(7deg); } 35%, 45%, 55%, 65% { transform: rotate(-7deg); } 0%, 30%, 70%, 100% { transform: rotate(0); } } @mixin animation( $animation, $duration: $motion-duration-default, $timing: $motion-timing-default, $delay: $motion-delay-default, $iterations: null ) { animation-name: $animation; animation-duration: $duration; animation-timing-function: $timing; backface-visibility: hidden; transform: translate3d(0,0,0); @if $delay != null { animation-delay: $delay; } @if $iterations != null { animation-iteration-count: $iterations; } @if $animation == null { @warn "Please include an animation name"; } } // 3. HTML Exports // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - @include exports(motion) { /* Transitions */ // Slide .slideInUp { @include slide($from: bottom); } .slideInRight { @include slide($from: left); } .slideInDown { @include slide($from: top); } .slideInLeft { @include slide($from: right); } .slideOutUp { @include slide($dir: out, $from: top); } .slideOutRight { @include slide($dir: out, $from: right); } .slideOutDown { @include slide($dir: out, $from: bottom); } .slideOutLeft { @include slide($dir: out, $from: left); } // Fade .fadeIn { @include fade(in, 0, 1); } .fadeOut { @include fade(out, 1, 0); } // Hinge .hingeInFromTop { @include hinge($dir: in, $from: top); } .hingeInFromRight { @include hinge($dir: in, $from: right); } .hingeInFromBottom { @include hinge($dir: in, $from: bottom); } .hingeInFromLeft { @include hinge($dir: in, $from: left); } .hingeInFromMiddleX { @include hinge($dir: in, $from: top, $axis: center); } .hingeInFromMiddleY { @include hinge($dir: in, $from: right, $axis: center); } .hingeOutFromTop { @include hinge($dir: out, $from: top); } .hingeOutFromRight { @include hinge($dir: out, $from: right); } .hingeOutFromBottom { @include hinge($dir: out, $from: bottom); } .hingeOutFromLeft { @include hinge($dir: out, $from: left); } .hingeOutFromMiddleX { @include hinge($dir: out, $from: top, $axis: center); } .hingeOutFromMiddleY { @include hinge($dir: out, $from: right, $axis: center); } // Scale .zoomIn { @include scale(in, 1.5, 1); } .zoomOut { @include scale(out, 0.5, 1); } // Spin .spinIn { @include spin(in, 0.75turn); } .spinOut { @include spin(out, 0.75turn); } .spinInCCW { @include spin(in, 0.75turn, true); } .spinOutCCW { @include spin(out, 0.75turn, true); } /* Transition modifiers */ // Duration .slow { transition-duration: $motion-duration-slow !important; } .fast { transition-duration: $motion-duration-fast !important; } // Easing @each $easing in map-keys($motion-timings) { .#{$easing} { transition-timing-function: map-get($motion-timings, $easing) !important; } } // Delay .delay { transition-delay: $motion-delay-short !important; } .long-delay { transition-delay: $motion-delay-long !important; } /* Animations */ .shake { @include animation(shake); } .spin-cw { @include animation(spin-cw); } .spin-ccw { @include animation(spin-ccw); } .wiggle { @include animation(wiggle); } /* Animation modifiers */ .shake, .spin-cw, .spin-ccw, .wiggle { // Repeat &.infinite { animation-iteration-count: infinite; } // Easing @each $timing in map-keys($motion-timings) { &.#{$timing} { animation-timing-function: map-get($motion-timings, $timing) !important; } } // Duration &.slow { animation-duration: $motion-duration-slow !important; } &.fast { animation-duration: $motion-duration-fast !important; } // Delay &.delay { animation-delay: $motion-delay-short !important; } &.long-delay { animation-delay: $motion-delay-long !important; } } .stagger { @include stagger($motion-stagger-duration-default); } .stort-stagger { @include stagger($motion-stagger-duration-default); } .long-stagger { @include stagger($motion-stagger-duration-default); } } // View animation classes // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // Applied to the immediate parent of the animating views .position-absolute { overflow: hidden; position: relative; } // Applied to the animating views [ui-view] { &.ng-enter-active, &.ng-leave-active { position: absolute !important; backface-visibility: hidden; -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; } }