module Ratch # FIXME: This module needs major work. Methods #ftp_files and # ftp_stage_transfer need to either be generalized and moved to # Shell or Script, or removed. # module FTPUtils def self.included(base) require 'net/ftp' require 'net/sftp' end def self.extended(base) included(base) end # Use ftp to upload files. # def ftp(keys) keys = upload_parameters(keys) # set transfer rules if keys.stage trans = ftp_stage_transfer(keys.stage) else ftp_files(keys.dir, keys.copy).each do |from| trans << [from,from] end end # append location of publication dir to from dir = keys.dir trans.collect!{ |from,to| [File.join(dir,from), to] } if keys.dryrun puts "ftp open #{keys.user}@#{}:#{keys.root}/" keys.trans.each do |f, t| puts "ftp put #{f} #{t}" end else do |ftp| ftp.login(keys.user) #password? ftp.chdir(keys.root) keys.trans.each do |f, t| puts "ftp #{f} #{t}" unless keys.quiet ftp.putbinaryfile( f, t, 1024 ) end end end end # Use sftp to upload files. # def sftp( keys ) keys = upload_parameters(keys) # set transfer rules if keys.stage trans = ftp_stage_transfer(keys.stage) else ftp_files(keys.dir, keys.copy).each do |from| trans << [from,from] end end # append location of publication dir to from dir = keys.dir trans.collect!{ |from,to| [File.join(dir,from), to] } if keys.dryrun puts "sftp open #{keys.user}@#{}:#{keys.root}/" keys.trans.each do |f,t| puts "sftp put #{f} #{t}" end else Net::SFTP.start(, keys.user, keys.pass) do |sftp| #sftp.login( user ) sftp.chdir(keys.root) keys.trans.each do |f,t| puts "sftp #{f} #{t}" unless keys.quiet sftp.put_file(f,t) #, 1024 ) end end end end # Put together the list of files to copy. def ftp_files( dir, copy ) Dir.chdir(dir) do del, add = copy.partition{ |f| /^[-]/ =~ f } # remove - and + prefixes del.collect!{ |f| f.sub(/^[-]/,'') } add.collect!{ |f| f.sub(/^[+]/,'') } #del.concat(must_exclude) ftp_files = [] add.each{ |g| files += Dir.glob(g) } del.each{ |g| files -= Dir.glob(g) } files.collect!{ |f| f.sub(/^\//,'') } return files end end # Combine three part stage list into a two part from->to list. # # Using the stage list of three space separated fields. # # fromdir file todir # # This is used to generate a from -> to list of the form: # # fromdir/file todir/file # def ftp_stage_transfer( list ) trans = [] list.each do |line| trans << Shellwords.shellwords(line) end trans.collect! do |from, base, to| file = File.join(from,base) to = File.join(to,base) [from, to] end end end end