module OneMoreUDID class TestFlightAgent < ::Mechanize attr_accessor :username, :password def initialize(username, password) super() @username = username @password = password self end def get(uri, parameters = [], referer = nil, headers = {}) 3.times do SpinningCursor.start do banner 'Loading page...' action do super(uri, parameters, referer, headers) end message 'Loading page... '+'done'.color(:green) end return page unless page.respond_to?(:body) case page.body when /Login to TestFlight and FlightPath/ login! and next else return page end end raise UnsuccessfulAuthenticationError end def get_apps get('') apps ='tr.goapp') regex = /([0-9]+)/ apps.collect { |app| [(app['id'].match regex)[1],'h2 small').text.strip] } end def get_builds(app_id) get("{app_id}/builds/") builds ='tr.goversion') regex = /([0-9]+)/ builds.collect { |build| [(build['id'].match regex)[1],'td:first')[0].text] } end def upload(build_id, profile_name) get("{build_id}/") profile_file = get_profile_file(profile_name) form = page.form_with(:id => 'provision-form') upload = form.file_uploads.first upload.file_name = profile_file.path form.submit say_ok 'Submitted '+profile_file.path+"\n"+'Share link: '+page.link_with(:dom_class => 'bitly').text end def get_profile_file(profile_name) Dir.glob(::File.expand_path('~') + '/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/*.mobileprovision') do |file|, "r") do |_file| file_contents = if String.method_defined?(:encode) #file_contents.encode!('UTF-8', 'UTF-8', :invalid => :replace) file_contents.encode!('UTF-16', 'UTF-8', :invalid => :replace, :replace => '') file_contents.encode!('UTF-8', 'UTF-16') end matches = /Name<\/key>\s+([^<]+)<\/string>/.match file_contents if matches[1] == profile_name return _file end end end end private def login! form = page.forms[0] form.username = self.username form.password = self.password form.submit end end end