# frozen_string_literal: true module ROM module SQL module Postgres module Values Point = ::Struct.new(:x, :y) Line = ::Struct.new(:a, :b, :c) Circle = ::Struct.new(:center, :radius) Box = ::Struct.new(:upper_right, :lower_left) LineSegment = ::Struct.new(:begin, :end) Path = ::Struct.new(:points, :type) do def open? type == :open end def closed? type == :closed end def to_a points end end end # @api public module Types # The list of geometric data types supported by PostgreSQL # @see https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/datatype-geometric.html Point = Type('point') do SQL::Types.define(Values::Point) do input do |point| "(#{point.x},#{point.y})" end output do |point| x, y = point.to_s[1...-1].split(',', 2) Values::Point.new(Float(x), Float(y)) end end end Line = Type('line') do SQL::Types.define(Values::Line) do input do |line| "{#{line.a},#{line.b},#{line.c}}" end output do |line| a, b, c = line.to_s[1..-2].split(',', 3) Values::Line.new(Float(a), Float(b), Float(c)) end end end Circle = Type('circle') do SQL::Types.define(Values::Circle) do input do |circle| "<(#{circle.center.x},#{circle.center.y}),#{circle.radius}>" end output do |circle| x, y, r = circle.to_s.tr('()<>', '').split(',', 3) center = Values::Point.new(Float(x), Float(y)) Values::Circle.new(center, Float(r)) end end end Box = Type('box') do SQL::Types.define(Values::Box) do input do |box| "((#{box.upper_right.x},#{box.upper_right.y})," \ "(#{box.lower_left.x},#{box.lower_left.y}))" end output do |box| x_right, y_right, x_left, y_left = box.to_s.tr('()', '').split(',', 4) upper_right = Values::Point.new(Float(x_right), Float(y_right)) lower_left = Values::Point.new(Float(x_left), Float(y_left)) Values::Box.new(upper_right, lower_left) end end end LineSegment = Type('lseg') do SQL::Types.define(Values::LineSegment) do input do |segment| "[(#{segment.begin.x},#{segment.begin.y})," \ "(#{segment.end.x},#{segment.end.y})]" end output do |segment| x_begin, y_begin, x_end, y_end = segment.to_s.tr('()[]', '').split(',', 4) point_begin = Values::Point.new(Float(x_begin), Float(y_begin)) point_end = Values::Point.new(Float(x_end), Float(y_end)) Values::LineSegment.new(point_begin, point_end) end end end Polygon = Type('polygon') do SQL::Types.define(::Array) do input do |points| points_joined = points.map { |p| "(#{p.x},#{p.y})" }.join(',') "(#{points_joined})" end output do |polygon| coordinates = polygon.to_s.tr('()', '').split(',').each_slice(2) coordinates.map { |x, y| Values::Point.new(Float(x), Float(y)) } end end end Path = Type('path') do SQL::Types.define(Values::Path) do input do |path| points_joined = path.to_a.map { |p| "(#{p.x},#{p.y})" }.join(',') if path.open? "[#{points_joined}]" else "(#{points_joined})" end end output do |path| open = path.to_s.start_with?('[') && path.to_s.end_with?(']') coordinates = path.to_s.tr('()[]', '').split(',').each_slice(2) points = coordinates.map { |x, y| Values::Point.new(Float(x), Float(y)) } if open Values::Path.new(points, :open) else Values::Path.new(points, :closed) end end end end end end end end