# Gowalla Ruby wrapper for the [Gowalla API](http://gowalla.com/api/docs). ## Installation sudo gem install gowalla ## Get your API key Be sure and get your API key: [http://gowalla.com/api/keys](http://gowalla.com/api/keys) ## Usage ### Instantiate a client (Basic Auth) gowalla = Gowalla::Client.new(:username => 'pengwynn', :password => 'somepassword', :api_key => 'your_api_key') ### or configure once Gowalla.configure do |config| config.api_key = 'your_api_key' config.username = 'pengwynn' config.password = 'somepassword' end gowalla = Gowalla::Client.new ### Instantiate a client (OAuth2) For OAuth2, you'll need to specify a callback URL when you [set up your app and get your API keys](http://gowalla.com/api/keys). Let's create the client in a protected method in our controller: protected def client Gowalla::Client.new ( :api_key => "your_api_key", :api_secret => "your_api_secret", :access_token => session[:access_token] ) end We need to get an access token. Perhaps in an a before filter where you need to access Gowalla: redirect(@client.web_server.authorize_url(:redirect_uri => redirect_uri, :state => 1)) or if you need read-write access: redirect(@client.web_server.authorize_url(:redirect_uri => redirect_uri, :state => 1, :scope => 'read-write)) You'll need a callback route to catch the code coming back from Gowalla after a user grants you access and this must match what you specified when you created your app on Gowalla: get '/auth/gowalla/callback' do session[:access_token] = client.web_server.get_access_token(params[:code], :redirect_uri => redirect_uri).token if session[:access_token] redirect '/auth/gowalla/test' else "Error retrieving access token." end end Now that we have an access token we can use the client to make calls, just like we would with Basic Auth. You can checkout a basic [Sinatra example](http://gist.github.com/454283). #### Examples gowalla.user('pengwynn') => <#Hashie::Mash accept_url="/friendships/accept?user_id=1707" activity_url="/users/1707/events" bio="Web designer and Ruby developer." events_url="/users/1707/events" fb_id=605681706 first_name="Wynn" friends_count=27 friends_only=false friends_url="/users/1707/friends" hometown="Aubrey, TX" image_url="http://s3.amazonaws.com/static.gowalla.com/users/1707-standard.jpg?1262011383" is_friend=false items_count=5 items_url="/users/1707/items" last_name="Netherland" last_visit=<#Hashie::Mash comment="Closing every account I have " created_at="2010/01/26 15:31:46 +0000" spot=<#Hashie::Mash image_url="http://static.gowalla.com/categories/186-standard.png" name="Bank Of America" small_image_url="http://static.gowalla.com/categories/186-small-standard.png" url="/spots/164052"name="Wynn Netherland" pins_count=3 pins_url="/users/1707/pins" reject_url="/friendships/reject?user_id=1707" request_url="/friendships/request?user_id=1707" stamps_count=15 stamps_url="/users/1707/stamps" top_spots_url="/users/1707/top_spots" twitter_username="pengwynn" url="/users/1707" username="pengwynn" vaulted_kinds_count=0 visited_spots_count=15 website="http://wynnnetherland.com"> Details for the current user gowalla.user Details for another user gowalla.user('bradleyjoyce') gowalla.user(1707) ## Note on Patches/Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull) * Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2010 Wynn Netherland. See LICENSE for details.