# Copyright 2011 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of
# the License is located at
# http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/
# or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is
# ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
# language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
require 'aws/record/validators/acceptance'
require 'aws/record/validators/block'
require 'aws/record/validators/confirmation'
require 'aws/record/validators/count'
require 'aws/record/validators/exclusion'
require 'aws/record/validators/format'
require 'aws/record/validators/inclusion'
require 'aws/record/validators/length'
require 'aws/record/validators/numericality'
require 'aws/record/validators/presence'
module AWS
module Record
# Validation methods to be used with subclasses of AWS::Record::Base.
# = General Usage
# All standard validation methods follow the same basic usage.
# Call the validation method followed by one more attribute names
# and then an optional hash of modifiers.
# class Book < AWS::Record::Base
# # ...
# validates_presence_of :title, :author
# validates_length_of :summary,
# :max => 500,
# :allow_nil => true
# end
# = Conditional Validations
# Sometimes you only want to validate an attribute under certain
# conditions. To make this simple, all validation methods accept the
# following 3 options:
# * +:on+
# * +:if+
# * +:unless+
# You may mix and match all 3 of the above options.
# === Validate on :create or :update
# By default validations are run on create and update, but you can
# specify them to run for only create (initial save) or updates.
# validates_presence_of :created_at, :on => :create
# validates_presence_of :updated_at, :on => :update
# === Validate :if or :unless
# Sometimes you have more complex requirements to determine if/when a
# validation should run. +:if+ and +:unless+: both accept either
# a method name or proc.
# class Person
# # ...
# validates_presence_of :job_title, :if => :employee?
# validates_presence_of :nickname, :if => lambda {|person|
# person.is_family? or person.is_friend? }
# end
# = Validating Virtual (Non-persisted) Attributes
# All of the validators can be used with configured attributes, but they
# can also be used with any attribute that has a setter and a getter.
# Class Book < AWS::Record::Base
# attr_accessor :title
# validates_presence_of :title
# end
module Validations
def self.extended base
base.send(:define_method, :validate) do
self.class.send(:validators).each do |validator|
base.send(:private, :validate)
# This validation method is primariliy intended for ensuring a form
# checkbox (like an EULA agreement or terms of service acknowledgement)
# is checked.
# class User < AWS::Record::Base
# boolean_attr :terms_of_service
# validates_acceptance_of :terms_of_service
# end
# === Virtual Attributes
# If you choose to validate the acceptance of a non-existant attribute
# then a setter and a getter will be added automtically for you.
# class User < AWS::Record::Base
# validates_acceptance_of :terms_of_service
# end
# user = User.new
# user.respond_to?(:terms_of_service) #=> true
# user.respond_to?(:terms_of_service=) #=> true
# === Accepted Values
# The default behavior for +validates_acceptance_of+ is to add
# an error when the value is '1' or +true+. Also note, this validation
# method defaults +:allow_nil+ to true.
# * +nil+ implies the field was omitted from the form and therefore
# should not be validated
# class User < AWS::Record::Base
# validates_acceptance_of :terms_of_service
# end
# u = User.new
# u.terms_of_service #=> nil
# u.valid? #=> true
# * '1' is the default value for most checkbox form helpers, and #
# therefore indicates an accepted value.
# * +true+ is how boolean attributes typecast '1'. This is helpful
# when you have your checkbox post its value to a +:boolean_attr+.
# === Multi-Valued Attributes
# This validator works only with single-valued attributes. If you need
# to validate that all of the values in a set are true, then use
# {#validates_inclusion_of}.
# @note Most validators default :allow_nil to false, this one defualts to true
# @note This validator should not be used with multi-valued attributes
# @overload validates_acceptance_of(*attributes, options = {}, &block)
# @param attributes A list of attribute names to validate.
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [mixed] :accpet Specify an additional accepted value.
# validates_acceptance_of :agree, :accept => 'yes'
# @option options [String] :message A custom error message. The defualt
# +:message+ is "must be accepted".
# @option options [Boolean] :allow_nil (true) Skip validation if the
# attribute value is +nil+.
# @option options [Symbol] :on (:save) When this validation is run.
# Valid values include:
# * +:save:+
# * +:create:+
# * +:update:+
# @option options [Symbol,String,Proc] :if Specifies a method or proc
# to call. The validation will only be run if the return value is
# of the method/proc is true (e.g. +:if => :name_changed?+ or
# +:if => lambda{|book| book.in_stock? }+).
# @option options [Symbol,String,Proc] :unless Specifies a method or
# proc to call. The validation will *not* be run if the return value
# is of the method/proc is false.
def validates_acceptance_of *args
validators << AcceptanceValidator.new(self, *args)
# Intended primarily for validating a form field was entered correctly
# by requiring it twice:
# Model:
# class User < AWS::Record::Base
# validates_confirmation_of :password, :if => :password_changed?
# end
# View:
# <%= password_field "user", "password" %>
# <%= password_field "user", "password_confirmation" %>
# === Confirmation Value Accessors
# If your model does not have accessors for the confirmation value
# then they will be automatically added. In the example above
# the user class would have an +attr_accessor+ for
# +:password_confirmation+.
# === Conditional Validation
# Mostly commonly you only need to validate confirmation of an
# attribute when it has changed. It is therefore suggested to
# pass an +:if+ condition reflecting this:
# validates_confirmation_of :password, :if => :password_changed?
# === Multi-Valued Attributes
# This validator works only with single-valued attributes.
# It should not be used on attributes that have array or set values.
# @note This validation method does not accept the +:allow_nil+ option.
# @overload validates_confirmation_of(*attributes, options = {}, &block)
# @param attributes A list of attribute names to validate.
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [String] :message A custom error message. The defualt
# +:message+ is "doesn't match confirmation".
# @option options [Symbol] :on (:save) When this validation is run.
# Valid values include:
# * +:save:+
# * +:create:+
# * +:update:+
# @option options [Symbol,String,Proc] :if Specifies a method or proc
# to call. The validation will only be run if the return value is
# of the method/proc is true (e.g. +:if => :name_changed?+ or
# +:if => lambda{|book| book.in_stock? }+).
# @option options [Symbol,String,Proc] :unless Specifies a method or
# proc to call. The validation will *not* be run if the return value
# is of the method/proc is false.
def validates_confirmation_of *args
validators << ConfirmationValidator.new(self, *args)
# Validates the number of values for a given attribute.
# === Length vs Count
# +validates_count_of+ validates the number of attribute values,
# whereas +validates_length_of: validates the length of each
# attribute value instead.
# If you need to ensure each attribute value is a given length see
# {#validates_length_of} instead.
# === Examples
# You can validate there are a certain number of values:
# validates_count_of :parents, :exactly => 2
# You can also specify a range:
# validates_count_of :tags, :within => (2..10)
# You can also specify min and max value seperately:
# validates_count_of :tags, :minimum => 2, :maximum => 10
# === +nil+ Values
# If you are validating an array or set that contains +nil+ values,
# the +nil+ values are counted normally as 1 each.
# If you are validating a non-enuemrable attribute that only
# contains a single nil or other scalar value, then nil is
# counted as 0.
# === Singular Attributes
# This validator is intended to for validating attributes that have
# an array or set of values. If used on an attribute that
# returns a scalar value (like +nil+ or a string), the count will
# always be 0 (for +nil+) or 1 (for everything else).
# It is therefore recomended to use +:validates_presence_of+ in
# place of +:validates_count_of+ when working with single-valued
# attributes.
# @overload validates_count_of(*attributes, options = {}, &block)
# @param attributes A list of attribute names to validate.
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [Integer] :exactly The exact number of values the
# attribute should have. If this validation option fails the
# error message specified by +:wrong_number+ will be added.
# @option options [Range] :within An range of number of values to
# accept. If the attribute has a number of values outside this range
# then the +:too_many+ or +:too_few+ error message will be added.
# @option options [Integer] :minimum The minimum number of values
# the attribute should have. If it has fewer, the +:too_few+ error
# message will be added.
# @option options [Integer] :maximum The maximum number of values
# the attribute should have. If it has more, the +:too_many+ error
# message will be added.
# @option options [String] :too_many An error message added
# when the attribute has too many values. Defaults to
# "has too many values (maximum is %{maximum})"
# @option options [String] :too_few An error message added
# when the attribute has too few values. Defaults to
# "has too few values (minimum is %{minimum})"
# @option options [String] :wrong_number An error message
# added when the number of attribute values does not match
# the +:exactly+ option. Defaults to "has the wrong
# number of values (should have exactly %{exactly}"
# @option options [Symbol] :on (:save) When this validation is run.
# Valid values include:
# * +:save:+
# * +:create:+
# * +:update:+
# @option options [Symbol,String,Proc] :if Specifies a method or proc
# to call. The validation will only be run if the return value is
# of the method/proc is true (e.g. +:if => :name_changed?+ or
# +:if => lambda{|book| book.in_stock? }+).
# @option options [Symbol,String,Proc] :unless Specifies a method or
# proc to call. The validation will *not* be run if the return value
# is of the method/proc is false.
def validates_count_of *args
validators << CountValidator.new(self, *args)
# Adds a block validator that is called during record validation.
# class ExampleClass < AWS::Record::Base
# string_attr :name
# validates_each(:name) do |record, attribute_name, value|
# if value == 'John Doe'
# record.errors.add(attr_name, 'may not be an alias')
# end
# end
# end
# @overload validates_each(*attributes, options = {}, &block)
# @param attributes A list of attribute names to validate.
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [Boolean] :allow_nil (false) Skip validation if the
# attribute value is +nil+.
# @option options [Symbol] :on (:save) When this validation is run.
# Valid values include:
# * +:save:+
# * +:create:+
# * +:update:+
# @option options [Symbol,String,Proc] :if Specifies a method or proc
# to call. The validation will only be run if the return value is
# of the method/proc is true (e.g. +:if => :name_changed?+ or
# +:if => lambda{|book| book.in_stock? }+).
# @option options [Symbol,String,Proc] :unless Specifies a method or
# proc to call. The validation will *not* be run if the return value
# is of the method/proc is false.
def validates_each *attributes, &block
unless block_given?
raise ArgumentError, 'missing required block for validates_each'
validators << BlockValidator.new(self, *attributes, &block)
# Validates that the attribute value is not included in the given
# enumerable.
# validates_exlusion_of :username, :in => %w(admin administrator)
# === Multi-Valued Attributes
# You may use this with multi-valued attributes the same way you use it
# with single-valued attributes:
# class Product < AWS::Record::Base
# string_attr :tags, :set => true
# validates_exlusion_of :tags, :in => four_letter_words
# end
# @overload validates_exclusion_of(*attributes, options = {}, &block)
# @param attributes A list of attribute names to validate.
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [required, Enumerable] :in An enumerable object to
# ensure the value is not in.
# @option options [String] :message A custom error message. The defualt
# +:message+ is "is reserved".
# @option options [Boolean] :allow_nil (false) Skip validation if the
# attribute value is +nil+.
# @option options [Symbol] :on (:save) When this validation is run.
# Valid values include:
# * +:save:+
# * +:create:+
# * +:update:+
# @option options [Symbol,String,Proc] :if Specifies a method or proc
# to call. The validation will only be run if the return value is
# of the method/proc is true (e.g. +:if => :name_changed?+ or
# +:if => lambda{|book| book.in_stock? }+).
# @option options [Symbol,String,Proc] :unless Specifies a method or
# proc to call. The validation will *not* be run if the return value
# is of the method/proc is false.
def validates_exclusion_of *args
validators << ExclusionValidator.new(self, *args)
# Validates the attribute's value matches the given regular exression.
# validates_format_of :year, :with => /^\d{4}$/
# You can also perform a not-match using +:without+ instead of +:with+.
# validates_format_of :username, :without => /\d/
# === Multi-Valued Attributes
# You may use this with multi-valued attributes the same way you use it
# with single-valued attributes:
# class Product < AWS::Record::Base
# string_attr :tags, :set => true
# validates_format_of :tags, :with => /^\w{2,10}$/
# end
# @overload validates_format_of(*attributes, options = {}, &block)
# @param attributes A list of attribute names to validate.
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [Regexp] :with If the value matches the given
# regex, an error will not be added.
# @option options [Regexp] :without If the value matches the given
# regex, an error will be added.
# must match, or an error is added.
# @option options [String] :message A custom error message. The defualt
# +:message+ is "is reserved".
# @option options [Boolean] :allow_nil (false) Skip validation if the
# attribute value is +nil+.
# @option options [Symbol] :on (:save) When this validation is run.
# Valid values include:
# * +:save:+
# * +:create:+
# * +:update:+
# @option options [Symbol,String,Proc] :if Specifies a method or proc
# to call. The validation will only be run if the return value is
# of the method/proc is true (e.g. +:if => :name_changed?+ or
# +:if => lambda{|book| book.in_stock? }+).
# @option options [Symbol,String,Proc] :unless Specifies a method or
# proc to call. The validation will *not* be run if the return value
# is of the method/proc is false.
def validates_format_of *args
validators << FormatValidator.new(self, *args)
# Validates that the attribute value is included in the given enumerable
# object.
# class MultipleChoiceAnswer < AWS::Record::Base
# validates_inclusion_of :letter, :in => %w(a b c d e)
# end
# === Multi-Valued Attributes
# You may use this with multi-valued attributes the same way you use it
# with single-valued attributes.
# @overload validates_inclusion_of(*attributes, options = {}, &block)
# @param attributes A list of attribute names to validate.
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [required, Enumerable] :in An enumerable object to
# check for the value in.
# @option options [String] :message A custom error message. The defualt
# +:message+ is "is not included in the list".
# @option options [Boolean] :allow_nil (false) Skip validation if the
# attribute value is +nil+.
# @option options [Symbol] :on (:save) When this validation is run.
# Valid values include:
# * +:save:+
# * +:create:+
# * +:update:+
# @option options [Symbol,String,Proc] :if Specifies a method or proc
# to call. The validation will only be run if the return value is
# of the method/proc is true (e.g. +:if => :name_changed?+ or
# +:if => lambda{|book| book.in_stock? }+).
# @option options [Symbol,String,Proc] :unless Specifies a method or
# proc to call. The validation will *not* be run if the return value
# is of the method/proc is false.
def validates_inclusion_of *attributes
validators << InclusionValidator.new(self, *attributes)
# Validates the attribute values are of a specified length.
# validates_lenth_of :username, :within => 3..25
# === Length vs Count
# +validates_length_of+ validates the length of individual attribute
# values, whereas +validates_count_of: validates the number of
# attribute values.
# If you need to ensure there are certain number of values see
# {#validates_count_of} instead.
# @overload validates_length_of(*attributes, options = {}, &block)
# @param attributes A list of attribute names to validate.
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [Enumerable] :within An enumerable object to
# ensure the length of the value falls within.
# @option options [Integer] :exactly The exact length a value must be.
# If this validation fails the error message specified by
# +:wrong_length+ will be added.
# @option options [Range] :within An enumerable object which must
# include the length of the attribute, or an error will be added.
# If the attribute has a length outside the range then the
# +:too_long+ or +:too_short+ error message will be added.
# @option options [Integer] :minimum The minimum length an attribute
# value should be. If it is shorter, the +:too_short+ error
# message will be added.
# @option options [Integer] :maximum The maximum length an attribute
# value should be. If it is longer, the +:too_long+ error
# message will be added.
# @option options [String] :too_long An error message added
# when the attribute value is too long. Defaults to
# "is too long (maximum is %{maximum}
# characters)"
# @option options [String] :too_short An error message added
# when the attribute value is too short. Defaults to
# "is too short (minimum is %{minimum}
# characters)"
# @option options [String] :wrong_length An error message
# added when the attribute has the incorrect length (as
# specified by +:exactly+). Defaults to "is the wrong
# length (should be %{exactly} characters"
# @option options [Boolean] :allow_nil (false) Skip validation if the
# attribute value is +nil+.
# @option options [Symbol] :on (:save) When this validation is run.
# Valid values include:
# * +:save:+
# * +:create:+
# * +:update:+
# @option options [Symbol,String,Proc] :if Specifies a method or proc
# to call. The validation will only be run if the return value is
# of the method/proc is true (e.g. +:if => :name_changed?+ or
# +:if => lambda{|book| book.in_stock? }+).
# @option options [Symbol,String,Proc] :unless Specifies a method or
# proc to call. The validation will *not* be run if the return value
# is of the method/proc is false.
def validates_length_of *args
validators << LengthValidator.new(self, *args)
# Validates the attribute has a numeric value.
# validates_numericality_of :age, :only_integer => true
# === Multi-Valued Attributes
# You can validate multi-valued attributes using this the same way you
# validate single-valued attributes. Each value will be validated
# individually.
# @overload validates_numericality_of(*attributes, options = {}, &block)
# @param attributes A list of attribute names to validate.
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [Boolean] :only_integer (false) Adds an error
# when valiating and the value is numeric, but it not a whole number.
# @option options [Integer] :equal_to When set the value must equal
# the given value exactly. May not be used with the greater/less
# options.
# @option options [Numeric] :greater_than Ensures the attribute
# is greater than the given number.
# @option options [Integer] :greater_than_or_equal_to Ensures the
# attribute is greater than or equal to the given number.
# @option options [Numeric] :less_than Ensures the attribute is less
# than the given value.
# @option options [Integer] :less_than_or_equal_to Ensures the value is
# less than or equal to the given number.
# @option options [Numeric] :even If true, the value may only be
# an even integer. This forces the +:only_integer+ to +true+.
# @option options [Numeric] :odd If true, the value may only be
# an odd integer. This forces the +:only_integer+ to +true+.
# @option options [String] :message A custom error message. The defualt
# +:message+ is "is not a number".
# @option options [Boolean] :allow_nil (false) Skip validation if the
# attribute value is +nil+.
# @option options [Symbol] :on (:save) When this validation is run.
# Valid values include:
# * +:save:+
# * +:create:+
# * +:update:+
# @option options [Symbol,String,Proc] :if Specifies a method or proc
# to call. The validation will only be run if the return value is
# of the method/proc is true (e.g. +:if => :name_changed?+ or
# +:if => lambda{|book| book.in_stock? }+).
# @option options [Symbol,String,Proc] :unless Specifies a method or
# proc to call. The validation will *not* be run if the return value
# is of the method/proc is false.
def validates_numericality_of *args
validators << NumericalityValidator.new(self, *args)
# Validates the named attributes are not blank. For validation
# purposes, blank values include:
# * +nil+
# * empty string
# * anything that responds to #empty? with true
# * anything that responds to #blank? with true
# @overload validates_presence_of(*attributes, options = {}, &block)
# @param attributes A list of attribute names to validate.
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [String] :message A custom error message. The defualt
# +:message+ is "may not be blank".
# @option options [Symbol] :on (:save) When this validation is run.
# Valid values include:
# * +:save:+
# * +:create:+
# * +:update:+
# @option options [Boolean] :allow_nil (false) Skip validation if the
# attribute value is +nil+.
# @option options [Symbol,String,Proc] :if Specifies a method or proc
# to call. The validation will only be run if the return value is
# of the method/proc is true (e.g. +:if => :name_changed?+ or
# +:if => lambda{|book| book.in_stock? }+).
# @option options [Symbol,String,Proc] :unless Specifies a method or
# proc to call. The validation will *not* be run if the return value
# is of the method/proc is false.
def validates_presence_of *args
validators << PresenceValidator.new(self, *args)
# @private
def validators
@validators ||= []