module Fox class FXExtentd # Lower corner of this extent (an FXVec2d instance). attr_reader :lower # Upper corner of this extent (an FXVec2d instance). attr_reader :upper # Default constructor def initialize; end # Copy constructor def initialize(ext); end # Initialize from two vectors (where _lo_ and _hi_ are two # FXVec2d instances). def initialize(lo, hi); end # Initialize from four numbers def initialize(xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi); end # Indexing with 0..1 (returns an FXVec2d instance). def [](i); end # Return width of box def width; end # Return height of box def height; end # Return length of longest side def longest; end # Return length of shortest side def shortest; end # Return length of diagonal def diameter; end # Return radius of box def radius; end # Compute diagonal vector (returns an FXVec2d) def diagonal; end # Return center of box (as an FXVec2d) def center; end # Return +true+ if empty def empty?; end # Return +true+ if box contains point (_x_, _y_) def contains?(x, y); end # Return +true+ if box contains point _p_ (an FXVec2d instance) def contains?(p); end # Return +true+ if box properly contains another box (where _ext_ is # another FXExtentd instance). def contains?(ext); end # Include point (_x_, _y_) and return a reference to self. def include!(x, y); end # Include point _v_ (an FXVec2d instance) and return a reference to self. def include!(v); end # Include given range into extent (where _ext_ is another FXExtentd instance) # and return a reference to self. def include!(ext); end # Return +true+ if this extent's bounds overlap with _other_ extent's bounds. def overlap?(other); end # Return corner number 0, 1, 2 or 3 (as a FXVec2d instance). def corner(c); end # Return a new FXExtentd that is the union of this extent and _other_. def unite_with(other); end # Return a new FXExtentd that is the intersection of this extent and _other_. def intersect_with(other); end end end