class Bj class Runner class Background def self.for(*a, &b) new(*a, &b) end attribute "command" attribute "thread" attribute "pid" def initialize command @command = command @thread = new_thread end def inspect { "command" => command, "pid" => pid, }.inspect end # TODO - auto start runner? def new_thread this = self do Thread.current.abort_on_exception = true loop do cleanup = lambda{} IO.popen command, "r+" do |pipe| = pid = cleanup = lambda do cleanup = lambda{} begin; Process.kill(Runner.kill_signal, pid); rescue Exception; 42; end end at_exit &cleanup Process.wait end Bj.logger.error{ "#{ command } failed with #{ $?.inspect }" } unless [0, 42].include?($?.exitstatus) sleep 42 end end end end module ClassMethods attribute("thread"){ Thread.current } attribute("hup_signal"){ Signal.list.keys.index("HUP") ? "HUP" : "ABRT" } attribute("hup_signaled"){ false } attribute("kill_signal"){ "TERM" } attribute("kill_signaled"){ false } def tickle return nil if Bj.config[Runner.no_tickle_key] ping or start end def ping begin pid = nil uri = nil process = nil Bj.transaction do pid = Bj.config[Runner.key(] || Bj.config[Runner.key] uri = Bj.config["#{ pid }.uri"] process = if uri require "drb" # DRb.start_service "druby://localhost:0", uri) else Process end end return nil unless pid pid = Integer pid begin process.kill Runner.hup_signal, pid pid rescue Exception => e false end rescue Exception => e false end end def key ppid = 0 ppid ||= 0 #"#{ Bj.rails_env }.#{ ppid }.pid" "runner.#{ ppid }.pid" end def no_tickle_key # "#{ Bj.rails_env }.no_tickle" "no_tickle" end def start options = {} options.to_options! background.delete Bj.rails_env if options[:force] background[Bj.rails_env] ||= Background.for(command) end def background @background ||= end def background= value @background ||= value end def command "#{ Bj.ruby } " + %W[ #{ Bj.script } run --forever --redirect=#{ log } --ppid=#{ } --rails_env=#{ Bj.rails_env } --rails_root=#{ Bj.rails_root } ].map{|word| word.inspect}.join(" ") end def log File.join logdir, "bj.#{ Bj.hostname }.#{ Bj.rails_env }.log" end def logdir File.join File.expand_path(Bj.rails_root), 'log' end def run options = {}, &block new(options, &block).run end end send :extend, ClassMethods module Instance_Methods attribute "options" attribute "block" def initialize options = {}, &block options.to_options! @options, @block = options, block end def run wait = options[:wait] || 42 limit = options[:limit] forever = options[:forever] limit = false if forever wait = Integer wait loopno = 0 Runner.thread = Thread.current Bj.chroot register or exit!(EXIT::WARNING){ "STARTED" } at_exit{{ "STOPPED" } } fill_morgue install_signal_handlers loop do ping_parent loopno += 1 break if(limit and loopno > limit) archive_jobs catch :no_jobs do loop do job = thread = stdout = stderr = nil Bj.transaction(options) do now = job = Bj::Table::Job.find :first, :conditions => ["state = ? and submitted_at <= ?", "pending", now], :order => "priority DESC, submitted_at ASC", :limit => 1, :lock => true throw :no_jobs unless job{ "#{ job.title } - started" } command = job.command env = job.env ? YAML.load(job.env) : {} stdin = job.stdin || '' stdout = job.stdout || '' stderr = job.stderr || '' started_at = thread = Util.start command, :cwd=>Bj.rails_root, :env=>env, :stdin=>stdin, :stdout=>stdout, :stderr=>stderr job.state = "running" job.runner = Bj.hostname = job.started_at = started_at! job.reload end exit_status = thread.value finished_at = Bj.transaction(options) do job = Bj::Table::Job.find break unless job job.state = "finished" job.finished_at = finished_at job.stdout = stdout job.stderr = stderr job.exit_status = exit_status! job.reload{ "#{ job.title } - exit_status=#{ job.exit_status }" } end end end Runner.hup_signaled false wait.times do break if Runner.hup_signaled? break if Runner.kill_signaled? sleep 1 end break unless(limit or limit == false) break if Runner.kill_signaled? end end def ping_parent ppid = options[:ppid] return unless ppid begin Process.kill 0, Integer(ppid) rescue Errno::ESRCH Kernel.exit 42 rescue Exception 42 end end def install_signal_handlers Runner.hup_signaled false hup_handler = nil hup_handler = trap Runner.hup_signal do |*a| begin Runner.hup_signaled true rescue Exception => e Bj.logger.error{ e } rescue nil end *a rescue nil end Runner.kill_signaled false kill_handler = nil kill_handler = trap Runner.kill_signal do |*a| begin Runner.kill_signaled true rescue Exception => e Bj.logger.error{ e } rescue nil end *a rescue nil end begin trap("INT"){ exit } rescue Exception end end def fill_morgue Bj.transaction do now = jobs = Bj::Table::Job.find :all, :conditions => ["state = 'running' and runner = ?", Bj.hostname] jobs.each do |job| if job.is_restartable?{ "#{ job.title } - found dead and bloated but resubmitted" } %w[ runner pid started_at finished_at stdout stderr exit_status ].each do |column| job[column] = nil end job.state = 'pending' else{ "#{ job.title } - found dead and bloated" } job.state = 'dead' job.finished_at = now end! end end end def archive_jobs Bj.transaction do now = too_old = now - Bj.ttl jobs = Bj::Table::Job.find :all, :conditions => ["(state = 'finished' or state = 'dead') and submitted_at < ?", too_old] jobs.each do |job|{ "#{ job.title } - archived" } hash = job.to_hash.update(:archived_at => now) Bj::Table::JobArchive.create! hash job.destroy end end end def register Bj.transaction do pid = Bj.config[key] return false if Util.alive?(pid) Bj.config[key] = unless Bj.util.ipc_signals_supported? # not winblows require "drb" DRb.start_service "druby://localhost:0", Process Bj.config["#{ }.uri"] = DRb.uri end end at_exit{ unregister } true rescue Exception false end def unregister Bj.transaction do Bj.config.delete key end true rescue Exception false end def key @key ||= ( options[:ppid] ? Runner.key(options[:ppid]) : Runner.key ) end end send :include, Instance_Methods end end