require 'uri/ni/version' require 'uri' require 'uri/generic' require 'digest' require 'base64' require 'stringio' class URI::NI < URI::Generic private # URI.rb has rfc2396 not 3986 so let's make an authority pattern AUTHORITY = "(#{URI::PATTERN::USERINFO}@)?(#{URI::PATTERN::HOST})?" \ "(?::(#{URI::PATTERN::PORT}))?".freeze AUTH_RE = /^#{AUTHORITY}$/o.freeze HOST_RE = /^#{URI::PATTERN::HOST}?$/o.freeze # this is slightly more relaxed than rfc 6920, allowing for an empty # value for the digest such that we can initialize ni:///algo and compute ALG_VAL = "([#{URI::PATTERN::UNRESERVED}]+)" \ "(?:;([#{URI::PATTERN::UNRESERVED}]*))?".freeze PATH = "/(?:#{ALG_VAL})?".freeze PATH_RE = /^(?:#{PATH})?$/o.freeze # put it together PATTERN = "^([NnIi])://#{AUTHORITY}/#{ALG_VAL}(?:\\?#{URI::PATTERN::QUERY})?$".freeze # and bake it REGEXP = # map these onto upstream properties COMPONENT = %i[scheme userinfo host port path query] DIGESTS = { "md5": Digest::MD5, "rmd-160": Digest::RMD160, "sha-1": Digest::SHA1, "sha-256": Digest::SHA256, "sha-384": Digest::SHA384, "sha-512": Digest::SHA512, } # resolve first against digest length and then class DIGEST_REV = { 64 => { Digest::SHA512 => :"sha-512", Digest::SHA2 => :"sha-512" }, 48 => { Digest::SHA384 => :"sha-384", Digest::SHA2 => :"sha-384" }, 32 => { Digest::SHA256 => :"sha-256", Digest::SHA2 => :"sha-256" }, 20 => { Digest::RMD160 => :"rmd-160", Digest::SHA1 => :"sha-1" }, 16 => { Digest::MD5 => :md5 }, } def algo_for ctx, algo = nil raise NotImplementedError, "Unknown digest type #{ctx.class}" unless d = DIGEST_REV[ctx.digest_length] and d[ctx.class] raise ArgumentError, "algorithm #{algo} does not match digest type #{ctx.class}" if algo and algo != d[ctx.class] d[ctx.class] end def raw_digest PATH_RE.match(path).captures[1] || '' end def assert_authority authority = nil authority ||= self.authority m = AUTH_RE.match(authority) or raise ArgumentError, "Invalid authority #{authority}" m.captures end def assert_path path = nil path ||= self.path m = PATH_RE.match(path) or raise ArgumentError, "Path #{path} does not match constraint" m.captures end protected # holy crap you can override these? # our host can be an empty string def check_host host !!HOST_RE.match(host) end # our path has constraints def check_path path !!PATH_RE.match(path) end # make sure the host is always set to the empty string def set_host v @host = v.to_s end public # Compute an RFC6920 URI from a data source. # @param data [#to_s, IO, Digest, nil] # @param algorithm [Symbol] See algorithms def self.compute data = nil, algorithm: :"sha-256", blocksize: 65536, authority: nil, query: nil, &block build({ scheme: 'ni' }).compute data, algorithm: algorithm, blocksize: blocksize, authority: authority, query: query, &block end def compute data = nil, algorithm: nil, blocksize: 65536, authority: nil, query: nil, &block # enforce block size raise ArgumentError, "Blocksize must be an integer >0, not #{blocksize}" unless blocksize.is_a? Integer and blocksize > 0 # special case for when the data is a digest ctx = nil if data.is_a? Digest::Instance algorithm ||= algo_for data, algorithm ctx = data data = nil # unset data else # make sure we're all on the same page hurr self.algorithm = algorithm ||= self.algorithm raise ArgumentError, "#{algorithm} is not a supported digest algorithm." unless ctx = DIGESTS[algorithm] ctx = end # deal with authority component if authm = AUTH_RE.match(authority.to_s) userinfo, host, port = authm.captures set_userinfo userinfo set_host host.to_s set_port port end # coerce data to something non-null data = data.to_s if (data.class.ancestors & [String, IO, NilClass]).empty? if data data = data unless data.is_a? IO # give us a default block block ||= -> x, y { x << y } # unless block_given? while buf = ctx, buf end elsif block ctx, nil end self.set_path("/#{algorithm};" + ctx.base64digest.gsub(/[+\/]/, ?+ => ?-, ?/ => ?_).gsub(/=/, '')) self end # Display the available algorithms. # # @return [Array] containing the symbols representing the available # digest algorithms. def self.algorithms DIGESTS.keys.sort end # Obtain the algorithm of the digest. May be nil. # # @return [Symbol, nil] def algorithm algo = assert_path.first return algo.to_sym if algo end # Set the algorithm of the digest. Will croak if the path is malformed. # # @return [Symbol, nil] the old algorithm def algorithm= algo a, b = assert_path self.path = "/#{algo}" self.digest = b if b a.to_sym if a end # Obtain the authority (userinfo@host:port) if present. # # @return [String, nil] the authority def authority out = userinfo ? "#{userinfo}@#{host}" : host out += "#{out}:#{port}" if port out end # Set the authority of the URI. # # @return [String, nil] the old authority def authority= authority old = self.authority u, h, p = assert_authority authority unless authority.nil? set_userinfo u set_host h set_port p old end # Return the digest in the hash. Optionally takes a +radix:+ # argument to specify binary, base64, base32, or hexadecimal # representations. Another optional flag will return alternative # representations for each: base64url (vanilla base64 is canonical), # base32 in lowercase (uppercase is canonical), hexadecimal in # uppercase (lowercase is canonical). The binary representation # naturally has no alternative form. Base64/base32 values will be # appropriately padded. # # @param radix [256, 64, 32, 16] The radix of the representation # @param alt [false, true] Return the alternative representation # @return [String] The digest of the URI in the given representation # def digest radix: 256, alt: false case radix when 256 # XXX do not use urlsafe_decode64; it will complain if the # thingies aren't aligned Base64.decode64('-_', '+/')) when 64 b64digest alt: alt when 32 b32digest alt: alt when 16 hexdigest alt: alt else raise ArgumentError, "Radix must be 16, 32, 64, 256, not #{radix}" end end # Set the digest to the data. Data may either be a # +Digest::Instance+ or a base64 string. String representations will # be normalized to { # RFC 3548} base64url, i.e. +\+/+ will be replaced with +-_+ and # padding (+=+) will be removed. +Digest::Instance+ objects will # just be run through #compute, with all that entails. def digest= data a = assert_path.first case data when Digest::Instance compute data when String raise ArgumentError, "Data #{data} is not in base64" unless /^[0-9A-Za-z+\/_-]*=*$/.match(data) data ='+/', '-_').tr('=', '') self.path = a ? "/#{a};#{data}" : "/;#{data}" when nil self.path = a ? "/#{a}" : ?/ else raise ArgumentError, "Data must be a string or Digest::Instance, not #{data.class}" end data end # Return the digest in its hexadecimal notation. Optionally give # +alt:+ a truthy value to return an alternate (uppercase) # representation. # # @param alt [false, true] Return the alternative representation # @return [String] The hexadecimal digest # def hexdigest alt: false str = digest.unpack('H*').first return str.upcase if alt str end # Return the digest in its base32 notation. Optionally give # +alt:+ a truthy value to return an alternate (lowercase) # representation. Note this method requires # # @param alt [false, true] Return the alternative representation # @return [String] The base32 digest # def b32digest alt: false require 'base32' ret = Base32.encode(digest).gsub(/=+/, '') return ret.downcase if alt ret.upcase end # Return the digest in its base64 notation. Optionally give # +alt:+ a truthy value to return an alternate (URL-safe) # representation. # # @param alt [false, true] Return the alternative representation # @return [String] The base64 digest # def b64digest alt: false ret = raw_digest return ret.gsub(/[-_]/, ?- => ?+, ?_ => ?/) unless alt ret end # Returns a +/.well-known/...+, either HTTPS or HTTP URL, given the # contents of the +ni:+ URI. # # @param authority [#to_s, URI] Override the authority part of the URI # @param https [true, false] whether the URL is to be HTTPS. # @return [URI::HTTPS, URI::HTTP] # def to_www https: true, authority: nil a, d = assert_path components = { scheme: "http#{https ? ?s : ''}", userinfo: userinfo, host: host, port: port, path: "/.well-known/ni/#{a}/#{d}", query: query, fragment: fragment, } if authority uhp = [] if authority.is_a? URI raise ArgumentError, "Bad authority #{authority}" unless %i[userinfo host port].all? {|c| authority.respond_to? c } uhp = [authority.userinfo,, authority.port] uhp[2] = nil if authority.port == authority.class::DEFAULT_PORT else authority = authority.to_s uhp = AUTH_RE.match(authority) or raise ArgumentError, "Invalid authority #{authority}" uhp = uhp.captures end components[:userinfo] = uhp[0] components[:host] = uhp[1] components[:port] = uhp[2] end # pick the class cls = https ? URI::HTTPS : URI::HTTP # `normalize` should do this but doesn't components[:port] = nil if components[:port] and components[:port] == cls::DEFAULT_PORT end # Unconditionally returns an HTTPS URL. # # @param authority [#to_s, URI] Override the authority part of the URI # @return [URI::HTTPS] # def to_https authority: nil # note we don't simply alias this to_www authority: authority end # Unconditionally returns an HTTP URL. # # @param authority [#to_s, URI] Override the authority part of the URI # @return [URI::HTTP] # def to_http authority: nil to_www https: false, authority: authority end end