module SmartTable module SmartTableHelper # Renders pagination controls (centered, usually below the table). Usage: # # <%= smart_table_paginate @records, @total_records_count, Record.model_name.human %> # # This method requires the loaded records for the current page and the total # record count (sum of all pages). It also requires the listed record's human # name, so it can generate a human sentence for the number of records shown. # # When the user clicks on one of the page size's links, a new request to the # index action is made, including a page number parameter available through # smart_table_params.limit and smart_table_params.offset. # # These values can be passed to ActiveRecord directly, e.g.: # # @records = Record. # limit(smart_table_params.limit). # offset(smart_table_params.offset) def smart_table_paginate(records, total_records_count, record_model_name) raise 'smart_table_params must be called on the controller, before using smart_table_paginate helper' unless get_cached_smart_table_params paginatable_array = Kaminari. paginate_array(records.to_a, total_count: total_records_count). page(get_cached_smart_table_params.page_number). per(get_cached_smart_table_params.page_size || 99999999) # kaminari needs a page size. If you pass nil it will use the default. So we use a very big number to represent no limit html_elements = [] # call to Kaminari view helper html_elements << paginate(paginatable_array, param_name: PAGE_PARAM, theme: 'smart_table', remote: get_cached_smart_table_params.remote ) html_elements << content_tag(:div, class: 'text-center') do # call to Kaminari view helper page_entries_info(paginatable_array, entry_name: record_model_name.pluralize.downcase) end html_elements.join.html_safe end SORT_ORDERS = ["asc", "desc"] # Renders table header with sortable feature. Usage: # # <%= smart_table_sortable("Header Text", :attribute_name) %> # # This will generate a link that will make a new request to your index page, # including a sort parameter that will be available through smart_table_params.sort. # You can simply pass this parameter to ActiveRecord: # # @records = Record.order(smart_table_params.sort) def smart_table_sortable(text, attribute) raise 'smart_table_params must be called on the controller, before using smart_table_sortable helper' unless get_cached_smart_table_params current_sort_state = get_cached_smart_table_params.sort attribute = attribute.to_s current_sort_attribute, current_sort_order = if current_sort_state.present? current_sort_state.downcase.split else nil end next_sort_order = if current_sort_attribute == attribute SORT_ORDERS[(SORT_ORDERS.index(current_sort_order) + 1) % SORT_ORDERS.size] else SORT_ORDERS.first end link_url = current_request_url_with_merged_query_params(SORT_PARAM => "#{attribute} #{next_sort_order}") link_to link_url, class: 'smart-table-link', data: {smart_table_remote_link: (true if get_cached_smart_table_params.remote)} do text.html_safe + ' ' + ( if current_sort_attribute == attribute && current_sort_order == 'asc' "".html_safe elsif current_sort_attribute == attribute && current_sort_order == 'desc' "".html_safe else "".html_safe end ) end end # Renders table page size selector (centered, usually below the table). Usage: # # <%= smart_table_page_size_selector @total_records_count, Record.model_name.human %> # # This method requires the total number of records, so it can prune the list # of available page size to only the ones that make sense for a certain # number of records. It also requires the listed record's human name, so # it can generate a human sentence for the number of records shown. # # When the user clicks on one of the page size's links, a new request to the # index action is made, including a page size parameter available through # smart_table_params.limit and smart_table_params.offset. # # These values can be passed to ActiveRecord directly, e.g.: # # @records = Record. # limit(smart_table_params.limit). # offset(smart_table_params.offset) def smart_table_page_size_selector(total_records_count, record_model_name) raise 'smart_table_params must be called on the controller, before using smart_table_page_size_selector helper' unless get_cached_smart_table_params page_sizes = PAGE_SIZES.dup page_sizes << get_cached_smart_table_params.page_size.to_i if get_cached_smart_table_params.page_size page_sizes.uniq! page_sizes.sort! if page_sizes.last >= total_records_count page_sizes.reject! {|size| size > total_records_count} end page_sizes << SHOW_ALL content_tag(:div, class: 'text-center') do ( record_model_name.pluralize + ' ' + I18n.t('smart_table.per_page') + ': ' + do |page_size| human_page_size = (page_size == SHOW_ALL ? I18n.t('smart_table.show_all') : page_size.to_s) if page_size == get_cached_smart_table_params.page_size || page_size == SHOW_ALL && get_cached_smart_table_params.page_size.nil? human_page_size else link_to( human_page_size, current_request_url_with_merged_query_params(PAGE_SIZE_PARAM => page_size, PAGE_PARAM => 1), class: 'smart-table-link', data: {smart_table_remote_link: (true if get_cached_smart_table_params.remote)} ) end end.join(' ') ).html_safe end end # Renders search field (right-aligned, usually above the table). Usage: # #
# <%= smart_table_search %> #
# # # # ... # # When the user types something on the search field and focuses out (or # presses ENTER), a new request is made to the index action, including a # search parameter available through # # You are responsible for using the search parameter to build a query in your # own way e.g.: # # @records = Record. # where( # 'column1 LIKE ? OR column2 LIKE ?', # *, "%#{ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize_sql_like(}%") # ) def smart_table_search raise 'smart_table_params must be called on the controller, before using smart_table_search helper' unless get_cached_smart_table_params text_field_tag( SEARCH_PARAM,, type: 'search', placeholder: I18n.t(''), class: 'smart_table_search' ) end # Creates section for extra table filters. Usage: # # <%= smart_table_extra_filters do %> # <%= check_box_tag 'somekey', 'value', params['somekey'] %> # <%= select_tag "credit_card", options_for_select({"VISA" => 'visa', "MasterCard" => 'master_card'}, params['credit_card']) %> # <%= text_field_tag "somefield", params['somefield'] %> # <%= radio_button_tag("category", "", !params["category"].present?) %> # <%= radio_button_tag("category", "rails", params["category"] == 'rails') %> # <%= radio_button_tag("category", "java", params["category"] == 'java') %> # <% end %> # # Everytime the user changes any of the fields inside this section, the page # will be refreshed and the field value will be included to the request params. # # You are responsible for using the parameters by yourself when loading the # records. def smart_table_extra_filters(&block) raise 'smart_table_params must be called on the controller, before using smart_table_extra_filters helper' unless get_cached_smart_table_params content = capture(&block) content_tag(:div, content, id: 'smart_table_extra_filters', class: 'smart_table_extra_filters' ) end # Delimits part of the page to me replaced via AJAX requests when smart_table # is configured with option 'remote: true'. Usage: # # In controller: # smart_table_params = smart_table_params( # remote: true, # ... # ) # # In views # <%= smart_table_remote_updatable_content do %> # ... # <% end %> # # smart_table will automatically replace the content within this block with # the content of the corresponding block within the response of the AJAX request def smart_table_remote_updatable_content(&block) raise 'smart_table_params must be called on the controller, before using smart_table_remote_updatable_content helper' unless get_cached_smart_table_params content = capture(&block) # only encloses content in span if remote update is enabled if get_cached_smart_table_params.remote content_tag(:span, content, class: 'smart_table_remote_updatable_content' ) else content end end private # generates url merging parameters to the current url def current_request_url_with_merged_query_params(params) request_url = URI::parse(request.url) link_query_params = URI::decode_www_form(request_url.query || '').to_h.merge(params.stringify_keys) link_url = request_url.dup link_url.query = URI::encode_www_form(link_query_params) link_url.to_s end end end