use crate::component::func::{Lift, Lower, Memory, MemoryMut, Options}; use crate::component::types::{self, Type}; use crate::store::StoreOpaque; use crate::{AsContextMut, StoreContextMut, ValRaw}; use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Error, Result}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fmt; use std::iter; use std::mem::MaybeUninit; use std::ops::Deref; use wasmtime_component_util::{DiscriminantSize, FlagsSize}; use wasmtime_environ::component::VariantInfo; /// Represents runtime list values #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] pub struct List { ty: types::List, values: Box<[Val]>, } impl List { /// Instantiate the specified type with the specified `values`. pub fn new(ty: &types::List, values: Box<[Val]>) -> Result { let element_type = ty.ty(); for (index, value) in values.iter().enumerate() { element_type .check(value) .with_context(|| format!("type mismatch for element {index} of list"))?; } Ok(Self { ty: ty.clone(), values, }) } /// Returns the corresponding type of this list pub fn ty(&self) -> &types::List { &self.ty } } impl Deref for List { type Target = [Val]; fn deref(&self) -> &[Val] { &self.values } } impl fmt::Debug for List { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { let mut f = f.debug_list(); for val in self.iter() { f.entry(val); } f.finish() } } /// Represents runtime record values #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] pub struct Record { ty: types::Record, values: Box<[Val]>, } impl Record { /// Instantiate the specified type with the specified `values`. pub fn new<'a>( ty: &types::Record, values: impl IntoIterator, ) -> Result { let mut fields = ty.fields(); let expected_len = fields.len(); let mut iter = values.into_iter(); let mut values = Vec::with_capacity(expected_len); loop { match (, { (Some(field), Some((name, value))) => { if name == { field .ty .check(&value) .with_context(|| format!("type mismatch for field {name} of record"))?; values.push(value); } else { bail!("field name mismatch: expected {}; got {name}", } } (None, Some((_, value))) => values.push(value), _ => break, } } if values.len() != expected_len { bail!("expected {} value(s); got {}", expected_len, values.len()); } Ok(Self { ty: ty.clone(), values: values.into(), }) } /// Returns the corresponding type of this record. pub fn ty(&self) -> &types::Record { &self.ty } /// Gets the value of the specified field `name` from this record. pub fn fields(&self) -> impl Iterator { assert_eq!(self.values.len(), self.ty.fields().len()); self.ty .fields() .zip(self.values.iter()) .map(|(ty, val)| (, val)) } } impl fmt::Debug for Record { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { let mut f = f.debug_struct("Record"); for (name, val) in self.fields() { f.field(name, val); } f.finish() } } /// Represents runtime tuple values #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] pub struct Tuple { ty: types::Tuple, values: Box<[Val]>, } impl Tuple { /// Instantiate the specified type ith the specified `values`. pub fn new(ty: &types::Tuple, values: Box<[Val]>) -> Result { if values.len() != ty.types().len() { bail!( "expected {} value(s); got {}", ty.types().len(), values.len() ); } for (index, (value, ty)) in values.iter().zip(ty.types()).enumerate() { ty.check(value) .with_context(|| format!("type mismatch for field {index} of tuple"))?; } Ok(Self { ty: ty.clone(), values, }) } /// Returns the type of this tuple. pub fn ty(&self) -> &types::Tuple { &self.ty } /// Returns the list of values that this tuple contains. pub fn values(&self) -> &[Val] { &self.values } } impl fmt::Debug for Tuple { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { let mut tuple = f.debug_tuple(""); for val in self.values() { tuple.field(val); } tuple.finish() } } /// Represents runtime variant values #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] pub struct Variant { ty: types::Variant, discriminant: u32, value: Option>, } impl Variant { /// Instantiate the specified type with the specified case `name` and `value`. pub fn new(ty: &types::Variant, name: &str, value: Option) -> Result { let (discriminant, case_type) = ty .cases() .enumerate() .find_map(|(index, case)| { if == name { Some((index, case.ty)) } else { None } }) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("unknown variant case: {name}"))?; typecheck_payload(name, case_type.as_ref(), value.as_ref())?; Ok(Self { ty: ty.clone(), discriminant: u32::try_from(discriminant)?, value:, }) } /// Returns the type of this variant. pub fn ty(&self) -> &types::Variant { &self.ty } /// Returns name of the discriminant of this value within the variant type. pub fn discriminant(&self) -> &str { self.ty .cases() .nth(self.discriminant as usize) .unwrap() .name } /// Returns the payload value for this variant. pub fn payload(&self) -> Option<&Val> { self.value.as_deref() } } fn typecheck_payload(name: &str, case_type: Option<&Type>, value: Option<&Val>) -> Result<()> { match (case_type, value) { (Some(expected), Some(actual)) => expected .check(&actual) .with_context(|| format!("type mismatch for case {name} of variant")), (None, None) => Ok(()), (Some(_), None) => bail!("expected a payload for case `{name}`"), (None, Some(_)) => bail!("did not expect payload for case `{name}`"), } } impl fmt::Debug for Variant { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_tuple(self.discriminant()) .field(&self.payload()) .finish() } } /// Represents runtime enum values #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] pub struct Enum { ty: types::Enum, discriminant: u32, } impl Enum { /// Instantiate the specified type with the specified case `name`. pub fn new(ty: &types::Enum, name: &str) -> Result { let discriminant = u32::try_from( ty.names() .position(|n| n == name) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("unknown enum case: {name}"))?, )?; Ok(Self { ty: ty.clone(), discriminant, }) } /// Returns the type of this value. pub fn ty(&self) -> &types::Enum { &self.ty } /// Returns name of this enum value. pub fn discriminant(&self) -> &str { self.ty.names().nth(self.discriminant as usize).unwrap() } } impl fmt::Debug for Enum { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt::Display::fmt(&self.discriminant(), f) } } /// Represents runtime union values #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] pub struct Union { ty: types::Union, discriminant: u32, value: Option>, } impl Union { /// Instantiate the specified type with the specified `discriminant` and `value`. pub fn new(ty: &types::Union, discriminant: u32, value: Val) -> Result { if let Some(case_ty) = ty.types().nth(usize::try_from(discriminant)?) { case_ty .check(&value) .with_context(|| format!("type mismatch for case {discriminant} of union"))?; Ok(Self { ty: ty.clone(), discriminant, value: Some(Box::new(value)), }) } else { Err(anyhow!( "discriminant {discriminant} out of range: [0,{})", ty.types().len() )) } } /// Returns the type of this value. pub fn ty(&self) -> &types::Union { &self.ty } /// Returns name of the discriminant of this value within the union type. pub fn discriminant(&self) -> u32 { self.discriminant } /// Returns the payload value for this union. pub fn payload(&self) -> &Val { self.value.as_ref().unwrap() } } impl fmt::Debug for Union { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_tuple(&format!("U{}", self.discriminant())) .field(self.payload()) .finish() } } /// Represents runtime option values #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] pub struct OptionVal { ty: types::OptionType, discriminant: u32, value: Option>, } impl OptionVal { /// Instantiate the specified type with the specified `value`. pub fn new(ty: &types::OptionType, value: Option) -> Result { let value = value .map(|value| { ty.ty().check(&value).context("type mismatch for option")?; Ok::<_, Error>(value) }) .transpose()?; Ok(Self { ty: ty.clone(), discriminant: if value.is_none() { 0 } else { 1 }, value:, }) } /// Returns the type of this value. pub fn ty(&self) -> &types::OptionType { &self.ty } /// Returns the optional value contained within. pub fn value(&self) -> Option<&Val> { self.value.as_deref() } } impl fmt::Debug for OptionVal { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { self.value().fmt(f) } } /// Represents runtime result values #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] pub struct ResultVal { ty: types::ResultType, discriminant: u32, value: Option>, } impl ResultVal { /// Instantiate the specified type with the specified `value`. pub fn new(ty: &types::ResultType, value: Result, Option>) -> Result { Ok(Self { ty: ty.clone(), discriminant: if value.is_ok() { 0 } else { 1 }, value: match value { Ok(value) => { typecheck_payload("ok", ty.ok().as_ref(), value.as_ref())?; } Err(value) => { typecheck_payload("err", ty.err().as_ref(), value.as_ref())?; } }, }) } /// Returns the type of this value. pub fn ty(&self) -> &types::ResultType { &self.ty } /// Returns the result value contained within. pub fn value(&self) -> Result, Option<&Val>> { if self.discriminant == 0 { Ok(self.value.as_deref()) } else { Err(self.value.as_deref()) } } } impl fmt::Debug for ResultVal { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { self.value().fmt(f) } } /// Represents runtime flag values #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] pub struct Flags { ty: types::Flags, count: u32, value: Box<[u32]>, } impl Flags { /// Instantiate the specified type with the specified flag `names`. pub fn new(ty: &types::Flags, names: &[&str]) -> Result { let map = ty .names() .enumerate() .map(|(index, name)| (name, index)) .collect::>(); let count = usize::from(ty.canonical_abi().flat_count.unwrap()); let mut values = vec![0_u32; count]; for name in names { let index = map .get(name) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("unknown flag: {name}"))?; values[index / 32] |= 1 << (index % 32); } Ok(Self { ty: ty.clone(), count: u32::try_from(map.len())?, value: values.into(), }) } /// Returns the type of this value. pub fn ty(&self) -> &types::Flags { &self.ty } /// Returns an iterator over the set of names that this flags set contains. pub fn flags(&self) -> impl Iterator { (0..self.count).filter_map(|i| { let (idx, bit) = ((i / 32) as usize, i % 32); if self.value[idx] & (1 << bit) != 0 { Some(self.ty.names().nth(i as usize).unwrap()) } else { None } }) } } impl fmt::Debug for Flags { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { let mut set = f.debug_set(); for flag in self.flags() { set.entry(&flag); } set.finish() } } /// Represents possible runtime values which a component function can either consume or produce #[derive(Debug, Clone)] #[allow(missing_docs)] pub enum Val { Bool(bool), S8(i8), U8(u8), S16(i16), U16(u16), S32(i32), U32(u32), S64(i64), U64(u64), Float32(f32), Float64(f64), Char(char), String(Box), List(List), Record(Record), Tuple(Tuple), Variant(Variant), Enum(Enum), Union(Union), Option(OptionVal), Result(ResultVal), Flags(Flags), } impl Val { /// Retrieve the [`Type`] of this value. pub fn ty(&self) -> Type { match self { Val::Bool(_) => Type::Bool, Val::S8(_) => Type::S8, Val::U8(_) => Type::U8, Val::S16(_) => Type::S16, Val::U16(_) => Type::U16, Val::S32(_) => Type::S32, Val::U32(_) => Type::U32, Val::S64(_) => Type::S64, Val::U64(_) => Type::U64, Val::Float32(_) => Type::Float32, Val::Float64(_) => Type::Float64, Val::Char(_) => Type::Char, Val::String(_) => Type::String, Val::List(List { ty, .. }) => Type::List(ty.clone()), Val::Record(Record { ty, .. }) => Type::Record(ty.clone()), Val::Tuple(Tuple { ty, .. }) => Type::Tuple(ty.clone()), Val::Variant(Variant { ty, .. }) => Type::Variant(ty.clone()), Val::Enum(Enum { ty, .. }) => Type::Enum(ty.clone()), Val::Union(Union { ty, .. }) => Type::Union(ty.clone()), Val::Option(OptionVal { ty, .. }) => Type::Option(ty.clone()), Val::Result(ResultVal { ty, .. }) => Type::Result(ty.clone()), Val::Flags(Flags { ty, .. }) => Type::Flags(ty.clone()), } } /// Deserialize a value of this type from core Wasm stack values. pub(crate) fn lift<'a>( ty: &Type, store: &StoreOpaque, options: &Options, src: &mut std::slice::Iter<'_, ValRaw>, ) -> Result { Ok(match ty { Type::Bool => Val::Bool(bool::lift(store, options, next(src))?), Type::S8 => Val::S8(i8::lift(store, options, next(src))?), Type::U8 => Val::U8(u8::lift(store, options, next(src))?), Type::S16 => Val::S16(i16::lift(store, options, next(src))?), Type::U16 => Val::U16(u16::lift(store, options, next(src))?), Type::S32 => Val::S32(i32::lift(store, options, next(src))?), Type::U32 => Val::U32(u32::lift(store, options, next(src))?), Type::S64 => Val::S64(i64::lift(store, options, next(src))?), Type::U64 => Val::U64(u64::lift(store, options, next(src))?), Type::Float32 => Val::Float32(f32::lift(store, options, next(src))?), Type::Float64 => Val::Float64(f64::lift(store, options, next(src))?), Type::Char => Val::Char(char::lift(store, options, next(src))?), Type::String => { Val::String(Box::::lift(store, options, &[*next(src), *next(src)])?) } Type::List(handle) => { // FIXME: needs memory64 treatment let ptr = u32::lift(store, options, next(src))? as usize; let len = u32::lift(store, options, next(src))? as usize; load_list(handle, &Memory::new(store, options), ptr, len)? } Type::Record(handle) => Val::Record(Record { ty: handle.clone(), values: handle .fields() .map(|field| Self::lift(&field.ty, store, options, src)) .collect::>()?, }), Type::Tuple(handle) => Val::Tuple(Tuple { ty: handle.clone(), values: handle .types() .map(|ty| Self::lift(&ty, store, options, src)) .collect::>()?, }), Type::Variant(handle) => { let (discriminant, value) = lift_variant( handle.canonical_abi().flat_count(usize::MAX).unwrap(), handle.cases().map(|case| case.ty), store, options, src, )?; Val::Variant(Variant { ty: handle.clone(), discriminant, value, }) } Type::Enum(handle) => { let (discriminant, _) = lift_variant( handle.canonical_abi().flat_count(usize::MAX).unwrap(), handle.names().map(|_| None), store, options, src, )?; Val::Enum(Enum { ty: handle.clone(), discriminant, }) } Type::Union(handle) => { let (discriminant, value) = lift_variant( handle.canonical_abi().flat_count(usize::MAX).unwrap(), handle.types().map(Some), store, options, src, )?; Val::Union(Union { ty: handle.clone(), discriminant, value, }) } Type::Option(handle) => { let (discriminant, value) = lift_variant( handle.canonical_abi().flat_count(usize::MAX).unwrap(), [None, Some(handle.ty())].into_iter(), store, options, src, )?; Val::Option(OptionVal { ty: handle.clone(), discriminant, value, }) } Type::Result(handle) => { let (discriminant, value) = lift_variant( handle.canonical_abi().flat_count(usize::MAX).unwrap(), [handle.ok(), handle.err()].into_iter(), store, options, src, )?; Val::Result(ResultVal { ty: handle.clone(), discriminant, value, }) } Type::Flags(handle) => { let count = u32::try_from(handle.names().len()).unwrap(); let u32_count = handle.canonical_abi().flat_count(usize::MAX).unwrap(); let value = iter::repeat_with(|| u32::lift(store, options, next(src))) .take(u32_count) .collect::>()?; Val::Flags(Flags { ty: handle.clone(), count, value, }) } }) } /// Deserialize a value of this type from the heap. pub(crate) fn load(ty: &Type, mem: &Memory, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result { Ok(match ty { Type::Bool => Val::Bool(bool::load(mem, bytes)?), Type::S8 => Val::S8(i8::load(mem, bytes)?), Type::U8 => Val::U8(u8::load(mem, bytes)?), Type::S16 => Val::S16(i16::load(mem, bytes)?), Type::U16 => Val::U16(u16::load(mem, bytes)?), Type::S32 => Val::S32(i32::load(mem, bytes)?), Type::U32 => Val::U32(u32::load(mem, bytes)?), Type::S64 => Val::S64(i64::load(mem, bytes)?), Type::U64 => Val::U64(u64::load(mem, bytes)?), Type::Float32 => Val::Float32(f32::load(mem, bytes)?), Type::Float64 => Val::Float64(f64::load(mem, bytes)?), Type::Char => Val::Char(char::load(mem, bytes)?), Type::String => Val::String(Box::::load(mem, bytes)?), Type::List(handle) => { // FIXME: needs memory64 treatment let ptr = u32::from_le_bytes(bytes[..4].try_into().unwrap()) as usize; let len = u32::from_le_bytes(bytes[4..].try_into().unwrap()) as usize; load_list(handle, mem, ptr, len)? } Type::Record(handle) => Val::Record(Record { ty: handle.clone(), values: load_record(handle.fields().map(|field| field.ty), mem, bytes)?, }), Type::Tuple(handle) => Val::Tuple(Tuple { ty: handle.clone(), values: load_record(handle.types(), mem, bytes)?, }), Type::Variant(handle) => { let (discriminant, value) = load_variant( handle.variant_info(), handle.cases().map(|case| case.ty), mem, bytes, )?; Val::Variant(Variant { ty: handle.clone(), discriminant, value, }) } Type::Enum(handle) => { let (discriminant, _) = load_variant( handle.variant_info(), handle.names().map(|_| None), mem, bytes, )?; Val::Enum(Enum { ty: handle.clone(), discriminant, }) } Type::Union(handle) => { let (discriminant, value) = load_variant(handle.variant_info(), handle.types().map(Some), mem, bytes)?; Val::Union(Union { ty: handle.clone(), discriminant, value, }) } Type::Option(handle) => { let (discriminant, value) = load_variant( handle.variant_info(), [None, Some(handle.ty())].into_iter(), mem, bytes, )?; Val::Option(OptionVal { ty: handle.clone(), discriminant, value, }) } Type::Result(handle) => { let (discriminant, value) = load_variant( handle.variant_info(), [handle.ok(), handle.err()].into_iter(), mem, bytes, )?; Val::Result(ResultVal { ty: handle.clone(), discriminant, value, }) } Type::Flags(handle) => Val::Flags(Flags { ty: handle.clone(), count: u32::try_from(handle.names().len())?, value: match FlagsSize::from_count(handle.names().len()) { FlagsSize::Size0 => Box::new([]), FlagsSize::Size1 => iter::once(u8::load(mem, bytes)? as u32).collect(), FlagsSize::Size2 => iter::once(u16::load(mem, bytes)? as u32).collect(), FlagsSize::Size4Plus(n) => (0..n) .map(|index| u32::load(mem, &bytes[usize::from(index) * 4..][..4])) .collect::>()?, }, }), }) } /// Serialize this value as core Wasm stack values. pub(crate) fn lower( &self, store: &mut StoreContextMut, options: &Options, dst: &mut std::slice::IterMut<'_, MaybeUninit>, ) -> Result<()> { match self { Val::Bool(value) => value.lower(store, options, next_mut(dst))?, Val::S8(value) => value.lower(store, options, next_mut(dst))?, Val::U8(value) => value.lower(store, options, next_mut(dst))?, Val::S16(value) => value.lower(store, options, next_mut(dst))?, Val::U16(value) => value.lower(store, options, next_mut(dst))?, Val::S32(value) => value.lower(store, options, next_mut(dst))?, Val::U32(value) => value.lower(store, options, next_mut(dst))?, Val::S64(value) => value.lower(store, options, next_mut(dst))?, Val::U64(value) => value.lower(store, options, next_mut(dst))?, Val::Float32(value) => value.lower(store, options, next_mut(dst))?, Val::Float64(value) => value.lower(store, options, next_mut(dst))?, Val::Char(value) => value.lower(store, options, next_mut(dst))?, Val::String(value) => { let my_dst = &mut MaybeUninit::<[ValRaw; 2]>::uninit(); value.lower(store, options, my_dst)?; let my_dst = unsafe { my_dst.assume_init() }; next_mut(dst).write(my_dst[0]); next_mut(dst).write(my_dst[1]); } Val::List(List { values, ty }) => { let (ptr, len) = lower_list( &ty.ty(), &mut MemoryMut::new(store.as_context_mut(), options), values, )?; next_mut(dst).write(ValRaw::i64(ptr as i64)); next_mut(dst).write(ValRaw::i64(len as i64)); } Val::Record(Record { values, .. }) | Val::Tuple(Tuple { values, .. }) => { for value in values.deref() { value.lower(store, options, dst)?; } } Val::Variant(Variant { discriminant, value, .. }) | Val::Union(Union { discriminant, value, .. }) | Val::Option(OptionVal { discriminant, value, .. }) | Val::Result(ResultVal { discriminant, value, .. }) => { next_mut(dst).write(ValRaw::u32(*discriminant)); // For the remaining lowered representation of this variant that // the payload didn't write we write out zeros here to ensure // the entire variant is written. let value_flat = match value { Some(value) => { value.lower(store, options, dst)?; value.ty().canonical_abi().flat_count(usize::MAX).unwrap() } None => 0, }; let variant_flat = self.ty().canonical_abi().flat_count(usize::MAX).unwrap(); for _ in (1 + value_flat)..variant_flat { next_mut(dst).write(ValRaw::u64(0)); } } Val::Enum(Enum { discriminant, .. }) => { next_mut(dst).write(ValRaw::u32(*discriminant)); } Val::Flags(Flags { value, .. }) => { for value in value.deref() { next_mut(dst).write(ValRaw::u32(*value)); } } } Ok(()) } /// Serialize this value to the heap at the specified memory location. pub(crate) fn store(&self, mem: &mut MemoryMut<'_, T>, offset: usize) -> Result<()> { debug_assert!(offset % usize::try_from(self.ty().canonical_abi().align32)? == 0); match self { Val::Bool(value) =>, offset)?, Val::S8(value) =>, offset)?, Val::U8(value) =>, offset)?, Val::S16(value) =>, offset)?, Val::U16(value) =>, offset)?, Val::S32(value) =>, offset)?, Val::U32(value) =>, offset)?, Val::S64(value) =>, offset)?, Val::U64(value) =>, offset)?, Val::Float32(value) =>, offset)?, Val::Float64(value) =>, offset)?, Val::Char(value) =>, offset)?, Val::String(value) =>, offset)?, Val::List(List { values, ty }) => { let (ptr, len) = lower_list(&ty.ty(), mem, values)?; // FIXME: needs memory64 handling *mem.get(offset + 0) = (ptr as i32).to_le_bytes(); *mem.get(offset + 4) = (len as i32).to_le_bytes(); } Val::Record(Record { values, .. }) | Val::Tuple(Tuple { values, .. }) => { let mut offset = offset; for value in values.deref() { mem, value.ty().canonical_abi().next_field32_size(&mut offset), )?; } } Val::Variant(Variant { discriminant, value, ty, }) => self.store_variant( *discriminant, value.as_deref(), ty.variant_info(), mem, offset, )?, Val::Enum(Enum { discriminant, ty }) => { self.store_variant(*discriminant, None, ty.variant_info(), mem, offset)? } Val::Union(Union { discriminant, value, ty, }) => self.store_variant( *discriminant, value.as_deref(), ty.variant_info(), mem, offset, )?, Val::Option(OptionVal { discriminant, value, ty, }) => self.store_variant( *discriminant, value.as_deref(), ty.variant_info(), mem, offset, )?, Val::Result(ResultVal { discriminant, value, ty, }) => self.store_variant( *discriminant, value.as_deref(), ty.variant_info(), mem, offset, )?, Val::Flags(Flags { count, value, .. }) => { match FlagsSize::from_count(*count as usize) { FlagsSize::Size0 => {} FlagsSize::Size1 => u8::try_from(value[0]).unwrap().store(mem, offset)?, FlagsSize::Size2 => u16::try_from(value[0]).unwrap().store(mem, offset)?, FlagsSize::Size4Plus(_) => { let mut offset = offset; for value in value.deref() {, offset)?; offset += 4; } } } } } Ok(()) } fn store_variant( &self, discriminant: u32, value: Option<&Val>, info: &VariantInfo, mem: &mut MemoryMut<'_, T>, offset: usize, ) -> Result<()> { match info.size { DiscriminantSize::Size1 => u8::try_from(discriminant).unwrap().store(mem, offset)?, DiscriminantSize::Size2 => u16::try_from(discriminant).unwrap().store(mem, offset)?, DiscriminantSize::Size4 =>, offset)?, } if let Some(value) = value { let offset = offset + usize::try_from(info.payload_offset32).unwrap();, offset)?; } Ok(()) } } impl PartialEq for Val { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { match (self, other) { // IEEE 754 equality considers NaN inequal to NaN and negative zero // equal to positive zero, however we do the opposite here, because // this logic is used by testing and fuzzing, which want to know // whether two values are semantically the same, rather than // numerically equal. (Self::Float32(l), Self::Float32(r)) => { (*l != 0.0 && l == r) || (*l == 0.0 && l.to_bits() == r.to_bits()) || (l.is_nan() && r.is_nan()) } (Self::Float32(_), _) => false, (Self::Float64(l), Self::Float64(r)) => { (*l != 0.0 && l == r) || (*l == 0.0 && l.to_bits() == r.to_bits()) || (l.is_nan() && r.is_nan()) } (Self::Float64(_), _) => false, (Self::Bool(l), Self::Bool(r)) => l == r, (Self::Bool(_), _) => false, (Self::S8(l), Self::S8(r)) => l == r, (Self::S8(_), _) => false, (Self::U8(l), Self::U8(r)) => l == r, (Self::U8(_), _) => false, (Self::S16(l), Self::S16(r)) => l == r, (Self::S16(_), _) => false, (Self::U16(l), Self::U16(r)) => l == r, (Self::U16(_), _) => false, (Self::S32(l), Self::S32(r)) => l == r, (Self::S32(_), _) => false, (Self::U32(l), Self::U32(r)) => l == r, (Self::U32(_), _) => false, (Self::S64(l), Self::S64(r)) => l == r, (Self::S64(_), _) => false, (Self::U64(l), Self::U64(r)) => l == r, (Self::U64(_), _) => false, (Self::Char(l), Self::Char(r)) => l == r, (Self::Char(_), _) => false, (Self::String(l), Self::String(r)) => l == r, (Self::String(_), _) => false, (Self::List(l), Self::List(r)) => l == r, (Self::List(_), _) => false, (Self::Record(l), Self::Record(r)) => l == r, (Self::Record(_), _) => false, (Self::Tuple(l), Self::Tuple(r)) => l == r, (Self::Tuple(_), _) => false, (Self::Variant(l), Self::Variant(r)) => l == r, (Self::Variant(_), _) => false, (Self::Enum(l), Self::Enum(r)) => l == r, (Self::Enum(_), _) => false, (Self::Union(l), Self::Union(r)) => l == r, (Self::Union(_), _) => false, (Self::Option(l), Self::Option(r)) => l == r, (Self::Option(_), _) => false, (Self::Result(l), Self::Result(r)) => l == r, (Self::Result(_), _) => false, (Self::Flags(l), Self::Flags(r)) => l == r, (Self::Flags(_), _) => false, } } } impl Eq for Val {} fn load_list(handle: &types::List, mem: &Memory, ptr: usize, len: usize) -> Result { let element_type = handle.ty(); let abi = element_type.canonical_abi(); let element_size = usize::try_from(abi.size32).unwrap(); let element_alignment = abi.align32; match len .checked_mul(element_size) .and_then(|len| ptr.checked_add(len)) { Some(n) if n <= mem.as_slice().len() => {} _ => bail!("list pointer/length out of bounds of memory"), } if ptr % usize::try_from(element_alignment)? != 0 { bail!("list pointer is not aligned") } Ok(Val::List(List { ty: handle.clone(), values: (0..len) .map(|index| { Val::load( &element_type, mem, &mem.as_slice()[ptr + (index * element_size)..][..element_size], ) }) .collect::>()?, })) } fn load_record( types: impl Iterator, mem: &Memory, bytes: &[u8], ) -> Result> { let mut offset = 0; types .map(|ty| { let abi = ty.canonical_abi(); let offset = abi.next_field32(&mut offset); let offset = usize::try_from(offset).unwrap(); let size = usize::try_from(abi.size32).unwrap(); Val::load(&ty, mem, &bytes[offset..][..size]) }) .collect() } fn load_variant( info: &VariantInfo, mut types: impl ExactSizeIterator>, mem: &Memory, bytes: &[u8], ) -> Result<(u32, Option>)> { let discriminant = match info.size { DiscriminantSize::Size1 => u32::from(u8::load(mem, &bytes[..1])?), DiscriminantSize::Size2 => u32::from(u16::load(mem, &bytes[..2])?), DiscriminantSize::Size4 => u32::load(mem, &bytes[..4])?, }; let case_ty = types.nth(discriminant as usize).ok_or_else(|| { anyhow!( "discriminant {} out of range [0..{})", discriminant, types.len() ) })?; let value = match case_ty { Some(case_ty) => { let payload_offset = usize::try_from(info.payload_offset32).unwrap(); let case_size = usize::try_from(case_ty.canonical_abi().size32).unwrap(); Some(Box::new(Val::load( &case_ty, mem, &bytes[payload_offset..][..case_size], )?)) } None => None, }; Ok((discriminant, value)) } fn lift_variant<'a>( flatten_count: usize, mut types: impl ExactSizeIterator>, store: &StoreOpaque, options: &Options, src: &mut std::slice::Iter<'_, ValRaw>, ) -> Result<(u32, Option>)> { let len = types.len(); let discriminant = next(src).get_u32(); let ty = types .nth(discriminant as usize) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("discriminant {} out of range [0..{})", discriminant, len))?; let (value, value_flat) = match ty { Some(ty) => ( Some(Box::new(Val::lift(&ty, store, options, src)?)), ty.canonical_abi().flat_count(usize::MAX).unwrap(), ), None => (None, 0), }; for _ in (1 + value_flat)..flatten_count { next(src); } Ok((discriminant, value)) } /// Lower a list with the specified element type and values. fn lower_list( element_type: &Type, mem: &mut MemoryMut<'_, T>, items: &[Val], ) -> Result<(usize, usize)> { let abi = element_type.canonical_abi(); let elt_size = usize::try_from(abi.size32)?; let elt_align = abi.align32; let size = items .len() .checked_mul(elt_size) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("size overflow copying a list"))?; let ptr = mem.realloc(0, 0, elt_align, size)?; let mut element_ptr = ptr; for item in items {, element_ptr)?; element_ptr += elt_size; } Ok((ptr, items.len())) } fn next<'a>(src: &mut std::slice::Iter<'a, ValRaw>) -> &'a ValRaw { } fn next_mut<'a>( dst: &mut std::slice::IterMut<'a, MaybeUninit>, ) -> &'a mut MaybeUninit { }