# $Id: coderay_filter.rb 27 2007-09-18 18:09:25Z tim_pease $
require 'enumerator'
require 'hpricot'
try_require 'coderay'
module Webby
# The CodeRayFilter applies syntax highlighting to source code embedded in a
# webpage. The CodeRay highlighting engine is used for the HTML markup of
# the source code. A set of ... tags is used to denote
# which sections of the page should be highlighted.
# Options can be passed to the CodeRay engine via attributes in the
# tag.
# # Initializer for the class.
# def initialize( string )
# @str = stirng
# end
# The supported CodeRay options are the following:
# lang : the language to highlight (ruby, c, html, ...)
# line_numbers : include line nubers in 'table', 'inline',
# or 'list'
# line_number_start : where to start with line number counting
# bold_every : make every n-th number appear bold
# tab_width : convert tab characters to n spaces
class CodeRayFilter
# call-seq:
# CodeRayFilter.new( string )
# Creates a new CodeRay filter that will operate on the given _string_.
def initialize( str )
@str = str
# call-seq:
# to_html => string
# Process the original text string passed to the filter when it was
# created and output HTML formatted text. Any text between
# ... tags will have syntax highlighting applied to the
# text via the CodeRay gem.
def to_html
doc = Hpricot(@str)
doc.search('//coderay') do |cr|
text = cr.inner_html.strip
lang = (cr['lang'] || 'ruby').to_sym
opts = {}
%w(line_numbers to_sym
line_number_start to_i
bold_every to_i
tab_width to_i).each_slice(2) do |key,convert|
next if cr[key].nil?
opts[key.to_sym] = cr[key].send(convert)
#cr.swap(CodeRay.scan(text, lang).html(opts).div)
out = "
out << CodeRay.scan(text, lang).html(opts)
out << "\n
cr.swap out
end # class CodeRayFilter
end # module Webby