import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"; import { EDITOR_JS_RESOURCES, EDITOR_JS_CSS } from "panda/cms/editor/editor_js_config"; import { ResourceLoader } from "panda/cms/editor/resource_loader"; export default class extends Controller { static targets = ["editorContainer", "hiddenField"]; static values = { editorId: String, }; connect() { this.loadEditorResources(); } async loadEditorResources() { try { // First load EditorJS core const editorCore = EDITOR_JS_RESOURCES[0]; await ResourceLoader.loadScript(document, document.head, editorCore); // Load CSS await ResourceLoader.embedCSS(document, document.head, EDITOR_JS_CSS); // Then load all tools sequentially for (const resource of EDITOR_JS_RESOURCES.slice(1)) { await ResourceLoader.loadScript(document, document.head, resource); } await this.initializeEditor(); } catch (error) { console.error("[Panda CMS] Failed to load editor resources:", error); } } async initializeEditor() { if (this.editor) return; try { const holderId = this.editorIdValue + "_holder" || `editor-${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 9)}`; let holderDiv = document.createElement("div"); = holderId; holderDiv.className = "codex-editor"; this.editorContainerTarget.innerHTML = ""; this.editorContainerTarget.appendChild(holderDiv); const { getEditorConfig } = await import( "panda/cms/editor/editor_js_config" ); // Get initial content before creating config const initialContent = this.getInitialContent(); console.debug("[Panda CMS] Using initial content:", initialContent); const config = { ...getEditorConfig(holderId, initialContent), holder: holderId, data: initialContent, autofocus: false, minHeight: 1, logLevel: "ERROR", onChange: () => { if (!this.editor) return; => { outputData.source = "editorJS"; const jsonString = JSON.stringify(outputData); // Store both base64 and regular JSON this.editorContainerTarget.dataset.editablePreviousData = btoa(jsonString); this.editorContainerTarget.dataset.editableContent = jsonString; this.hiddenFieldTarget.value = jsonString; }); }, onReady: () => { console.debug("[Panda CMS] Editor ready with content:", initialContent); this.editorContainerTarget.dataset.editorInitialized = "true"; holderDiv.dataset.editorInitialized = "true"; // Add a class to indicate the editor is ready holderDiv.classList.add("editor-ready"); // Dispatch an event when editor is ready this.editorContainerTarget.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("editor:ready")); }, tools: { paragraph: { class: window.Paragraph, inlineToolbar: true }, header: { class: window.Header, inlineToolbar: true }, list: { class: window.NestedList, inlineToolbar: true, config: { defaultStyle: 'unordered', enableLineBreaks: true } }, quote: { class: window.Quote, inlineToolbar: true }, table: { class: window.Table, inlineToolbar: true } } }; // Ensure EditorJS is available const EditorJS = window.EditorJS; if (!EditorJS) { throw new Error("EditorJS not loaded"); } this.editor = new EditorJS(config); // Wait for editor to be ready await this.editor.isReady; console.debug("[Panda CMS] Editor initialized successfully"); this.editorContainerTarget.dataset.editorInitialized = "true"; holderDiv.dataset.editorInitialized = "true"; // Add a class to indicate the editor is ready holderDiv.classList.add("editor-ready"); // Dispatch an event when editor is ready this.editorContainerTarget.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("editor:ready")); } catch (error) { console.error("[Panda CMS] Editor setup failed:", error); this.editorContainerTarget.dataset.editorInitialized = "false"; if (holderDiv) { holderDiv.dataset.editorInitialized = "false"; holderDiv.classList.remove("editor-ready"); } } } getInitialContent() { try { const initialContent = this.hiddenFieldTarget.getAttribute("data-initial-content"); if (initialContent && initialContent !== "{}") { try { // First try to decode as base64 try { const decodedData = atob(initialContent); const data = JSON.parse(decodedData); if (data.blocks) return data; } catch (e) { // If base64 decode fails, try direct JSON parse const data = JSON.parse(initialContent); if (data.blocks) return data; } } catch (e) { console.error("[Panda CMS] Failed to parse content:", e); } } // Try to get content from the editor container's data attributes const previousData = this.editorContainerTarget.dataset.editablePreviousData; const editorContent = this.editorContainerTarget.dataset.editableContent; if (previousData) { try { const decodedData = atob(previousData); const data = JSON.parse(decodedData); if (data.blocks) return data; } catch (e) { console.debug("[Panda CMS] Failed to parse base64 data:", e); } } if (editorContent && editorContent !== "{}") { try { const data = JSON.parse(editorContent); if (data.blocks) return data; } catch (e) { console.debug("[Panda CMS] Failed to parse editor content:", e); } } } catch (e) { console.warn("[Panda CMS] Could not parse initial content:", e); } // Return default content if nothing else works return { time:, blocks: [{ type: "paragraph", data: { text: "" } }], version: "2.28.2", source: "editorJS", }; } disconnect() { if (this.editor) { this.editor.destroy(); this.editor = null; } } }