package com.l5m.!REPLACE_STYLE!.engine.servicer; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import com.l5m.common.bean.DataSourceBeanBase; import com.l5m.common.bean.GeneralAvailabilityModule; import com.l5m.common.util.dcnds.QHTCommonUtil; import com.l5m.customtags.beans.BaseServicerParaBean; import com.l5m.customtags.tags.utils.GenerateTagUtil; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.l5m.customtags.beans.annotation.ParseMethodType; import com.l5m.customtags.beans.annotation.RequestParse; import com.l5m.customtags.module.statebean.ExcelOptionStateBean; import com.l5m.!REPLACE_STYLE!.engine.worker.UserCompanyWorker; /** * make sure code as clear as possible. * don't make another one think. * if you can't do it, get away. * SortBeanListUtil can sort bean list. * GroupBeanListUtil can group a bean list to map, or ..... * Use DAO Util to retrieve data, update... utils. * don't write sql in servicer * * @author Ronghai * */ public class !REPLACE_ME_FILE!ServicerImpl extends BaseServicerParaBean.AbstractBaseServicer{ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public static enum PANEL implements com.l5m.customtags.beans.PanelTab{ REPORT("REPORT") , Help("Help"), DataAvailability("Data Availability") ; //Total Day/Prime * LSD/C3 private final String label; private boolean enable; PANEL(){ this.label =; this.enable = true; } PANEL(String label){ this.label = label; this.enable = true; } PANEL(String label,boolean enable){ this.label = label; this.enable = enable; } public String getLabel() { return label; } public boolean isEnable() { return enable; } public int panelIndex(){ return this.ordinal(); } @Override public int getPanelIndex() { return panelIndex(); } } @Override public void clearCache() { super.clearCache(); this.servicerParamBean.resetPanelIndex2Default(); System.gc(); } @Override public void handlePaginator(int panelIndex) { if(panelIndex == PANEL.DataAvailability.panelIndex() || panelIndex == PANEL.Help.panelIndex() ){ return ; } if (this.servicerParamBean.getPaginatorStateBean(panelIndex) == null) { this.servicerParamBean.setPaginatorStateBean(GenerateTagUtil.initPaginatorStateBean("PaginatorStateBeanTag"), panelIndex); this.servicerParamBean.getPaginatorStateBean(panelIndex).setRowsPerPage(1); } if(panelIndex == PANEL.DataAvailability.panelIndex() || panelIndex == PANEL.Help.panelIndex() ){ }else{ int size = 0; this.servicerParamBean.getPaginatorStateBean(panelIndex).setCollectionSize(size); } if (!this.servicerParamBean.getPaginatorStateBean(panelIndex).checkCurrentPageIndexIsLegal()) { this.servicerParamBean.getPaginatorStateBean(panelIndex).setCurrentPageIndex(0); } } @Override public void init( ) { super.init(); try { if(this.servicerParamBean == null){ this.servicerParamBean = new BaseServicerParaBean(); } this.servicerParamBean .init(this.dh, this.companyId, this.groupId , this.userId, this.userCompanyId, PANEL.values().length); this.servicerParamBean.initDisplayAndSortBy(); this.servicerParamBean.setDefaultPanelIndex(PANEL.REPORT.panelIndex()); try{ this.initTimeSpan(); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); this.servicerParamBean.initTimeSpan(); } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } //How many tabes.... init here this.servicerParamBean.initTabbedPanel("SOURCE"); /* String[] columns = new String[]{"COLUMNS"}; //decimal this.servicerParamBean.setReportDecimalControlList(GenerateTagUtil.initDecimal(columns, new int[]{3,3,0,0,0,0}), PANEL.REPORT.panelIndex()); //display this.servicerParamBean.setColumnsMap(QHTCommonUtil.array2Map(columns), PANEL.REPORT.panelIndex()); Set set = new HashSet(); for (String s : columns) { set.add(s); } this.servicerParamBean.setSelectedColumns(set, PANEL.REPORT.panelIndex()); this.servicerParamBean.setDisplayController( GenerateTagUtil.getSelectedValueBoolean( this.servicerParamBean.getColumnsMap( PANEL.REPORT.panelIndex() ) , set) , PANEL.REPORT.panelIndex()); //sort this.servicerParamBean.setSortingKeysModuleStateBean(GenerateTagUtil.initSortKeyModule(columns, "sortKey", new int[]{0}, new boolean[]{true}), PANEL.REPORT.panelIndex()); */ } public void initGeneralAvailabilityModule() { DataSourceBeanBase dataSourceBean = null; try { dataSourceBean = UserCompanyWorker.getDataSourceBean(dh, companyId); } catch (SQLException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } this.session.setAttribute(UserCompanyWorker.DATA_SOURCE_BEAN, dataSourceBean); boolean[] displaySetting = new boolean[GeneralAvailabilityModule.GROUP_COUNT]; if (dataSourceBean != null) { displaySetting[GeneralAvailabilityModule.GROUP_MP] = dataSourceBean.hasMP() ; displaySetting[GeneralAvailabilityModule.GROUP_TNS] = dataSourceBean.hasTNS() ; displaySetting[GeneralAvailabilityModule.GROUP_MIT] = true; displaySetting[GeneralAvailabilityModule.GROUP_ACM_MIT] = true; if (dataSourceBean.hasMXM()) { displaySetting[GeneralAvailabilityModule.GROUP_MXM] = true; } } try { this.generalAvailabilityModule = new GeneralAvailabilityModule(this.dh, this.groupId, companyId, dataSourceBean, displaySetting); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void initTimeSpan() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { this.servicerParamBean.initTimeSpan(); } public void retrieveData() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, CloneNotSupportedException { // don't write sql in this method, // when retrieve something from database, you can create a DAO Util. Use a better name to identifine it, and another programmer aslo can use the DAO Util. // all parameters passed into DAO Utill, should be wrapped in a parameterBean. if you add an additional parameter, you don't need modify/adjust the method. // you can add a new attribute in your parameter bean, and use it in DAOUtil // } @Override public void updateDisplay(){ // nothing to do, here, don't use this method to update display or something. // // for flat report, you can use FlatViewUtil to generate. // } @Override public void sort(int ...panelIndexes){ if( panelIndexes == null || panelIndexes .length == 0){ panelIndexes = new int[]{this.getPanelIndex() } ; } /*for( int p : panelIndexes){ this.servicerParamBean.sort (p); }*/ this.servicerParamBean.parseSort(panelIndexes); //use SortBeanListUtil to sort bean list. // Generelly application has two different data struct. bean list or dataTable. // every application can convert to bean list or dataTable. // don't use map to store result except map is better. } @Override public void processFilter() { } public ArrayList updateExportInformationBean(){ ArrayList footerList = new ArrayList(); //TODO if(this.getExportInformationBean() != null){ this.getExportInformationBean().setFooterList(footerList); } return footerList; } @RequestParse(parseType = ParseMethodType.StateBean, actions = "exportExcelAction") protected ExcelOptionStateBean excelOption; public ExcelOptionStateBean getExcelOption () { if (excelOption == null) { excelOption = new ExcelOptionStateBean(); excelOption.setId("excelOption"); } return excelOption; } }