あ /a/pronounced "ah" as in father/short and clipped/ い /i/pronounced "ee" as in keep/short and clipped/ う /u/pronounced "oo" as in boot/short and clipped/ え /e/pronounced "ay" as in may/don't pronounced the "y" sound/ お /o/pronounced "o" as in tone/short and clipped/ か /ka/pronounced "kah"/ き /ki/pronounced "kee"/ く /ku/pronounced "koo"/ け /ke/pronounced "kay"/ こ /ko/pronounced "ko"/ さ /sa/pronounced "sah"/ し /si/shi/pronounced "shee"/ す /su/pronounced "soo"/ せ /se/pronounced "say"/ そ /so/pronounced "so"/ た /ta/pronounced "tah"/ ち /ti/chi/pronounced "chee"/ つ /tu/tsu/pronounced "tsoo"/ て /te/pronounced "tay"/ と /to/pronounced "toe"/ な /na/pronounced "nah"/ に /ni/pronounced "nee"/ ぬ /nu/pronounced "noo"/ ね /ne/pronounced "nay"/ の /no/pronounced "no"/ は /ha/pronounced "hah"/ ひ /hi/pronounced "hee"/ ふ /hu/fu/pronounced "fhoo" (the fh is a cross between f and h)/ へ /he/pronounced "hay"/ ほ /ho/pronounced "ho"/ ま /ma/pronounced "mah"/ み /mi/pronounced "mee"/ む /mu/pronounced "moo"/ め /me/pronounced "may"/ も /mo/pronounced "mo"/ ら /ra/pronounced "rah" (r is a cross between r and l)/ り /ri/pronounced "ree" (r is a cross between r and l)/ る /ru/pronounced "roo" (r is a cross between r and l)/ れ /re/pronounced "ray" (r is a cross between r and l)/ ろ /ro/pronounced "ro" (r is a cross between r and l)/ や /ya/pronounced "yah"/ ゆ /yu/pronounced "yoo"/ よ /yo/pronounced "yo"/ わ /wa/pronounced "wah"/ を /wo/pronounced "oh"/ ん /n/pronounced "n"/ が /ga/pronounced "gah"/ ぎ /gi/pronounced "gee"/ ぐ /gu/pronounced "goo"/ げ /ge/pronounced "gay"/ ご /go/pronounced "go"/ ざ /za/pronounced "zah"/ じ /ji/pronounced "gee"/ ず /zu/pronounced "zoo"/ ぜ /ze/pronounced "zay"/ ぞ /zo/pronounced "zo"/ だ /da/pronounced "dah"/ ぢ /di/dzi/pronounced "zee"/ づ /du/dzu/pronounced "zoo"/ で /de/pronounced "day"/ ど /do/pronounced "doh"/ ば /ba/pronounced "bah"/ び /bi/pronounced "bee"/ ぶ /bu/pronounced "boo"/ べ /be/pronounced "bay"/ ぼ /bo/pronounced "bo"/ ぱ /pa/pronounced "pah"/ ぴ /pi/pronounced "pee"/ ぷ /pu/pronounced "poo"/ ぺ /pe/pronounced "pay"/ ぽ /po/pronounced "po"/ ああ /aa/pronounced "ah", but twice as long/ いい /ii/pronounced "ee", but twice as long/ うう /uu/pronounced "oo", but twice as long/ ええ /ee/pronounced "ay", but twice as long/ おお /o0/pronounced "o", but twice as long/ あー [(any character followed by ー)] /a-/pronounced "ah", but twice as long/i.e., extend the vowel sound to be twice as long/ えい /ei/pronounced "ay", but twice as long/ おう [(and "o" sound followed by う)] /ou/oo/pronounced "o", but twice as long/ あっ [(any vowel followed by っ)] /a-/pronounced "ah", but cut it short/i.e., cut short the vowel sound/ っか [(っ in front of any consonant sound)] /kka/make a gutteral stop and then "kah"/i.e., datta (だった) would be pronounced "dah"-small silence-"tah"/ っさ [(っ in front of any "s" sound)] /ssa/lengthen the "s" sound in the "sah"/ っし /sshi/"s" sound followed by "shee"/ きゃ /kya/pronounced "kyah"/ きゅ /kyu/pronounced "kyoo"/ きょ /kyo/pronounced "kyo"/ ぎゃ /gya/pronounced "gyah"/ ぎゅ /gyu/pronounced "gyoo"/ ぎょ /gyo/pronounced "gyo"/ しゃ /sya/sha/pronounced "shah"/ しゅ /syu/shu/pronounced "shoo"/ しょ /syo/sho/pronounced "sho"/ じゃ /jya/ja/pronounced "jah"/ じゅ /jyu/ju/pronounced "joo"/ じょ /jyo/jo/pronounced "jo"/ ちゃ /tya/cha/pronounced "chah"/ ちゅ /tyu/chu/pronounced "choo"/ ちょ /tyo/cho/pronounced "cho"/ にゃ /nya/pronounced "nyah"/ にゅ /nyu/pronounced "nyoo"/ にょ /nyo/pronounced "nyo"/ りゅ /ryu/pronounced "ryoo"/ りょ /ryo/pronounced "ryo"/