opal_filter "Float" do fails "Float#% raises a ZeroDivisionError if other is zero" fails "Float#% returns -Infinity when modulus is -Infinity" fails "Float#** returns a complex number when negative and raised to a fractional power" fails "Float#<=> returns nil when either argument is NaN" fails "Float#CONSTANTS the DIG value is 15" fails "Float#CONSTANTS the MANT_DIG is 53" fails "Float#CONSTANTS the MAX_10_EXP is 308" fails "Float#CONSTANTS the MAX_EXP is 1024" fails "Float#CONSTANTS the MIN is 2.2250738585072e-308" fails "Float#CONSTANTS the MIN_10_EXP is -308" fails "Float#CONSTANTS the MIN_EXP is -1021" fails "Float#CONSTANTS the RADIX is 2" fails "Float#angle returns 0 if +0.0" fails "Float#angle returns 0 if +Infinity" fails "Float#angle returns 0 if positive" fails "Float#angle returns NaN if NaN" fails "Float#angle returns Pi if -0.0" fails "Float#angle returns Pi if -Infinity" fails "Float#angle returns Pi if negative" fails "Float#angle returns self if NaN" fails "Float#arg returns 0 if +0.0" fails "Float#arg returns 0 if +Infinity" fails "Float#arg returns 0 if positive" fails "Float#arg returns NaN if NaN" fails "Float#arg returns Pi if -0.0" fails "Float#arg returns Pi if -Infinity" fails "Float#arg returns Pi if negative" fails "Float#arg returns self if NaN" fails "Float#coerce returns [other, self] both as Floats" fails "Float#denominator converts self to a Rational and returns the denominator" fails "Float#denominator returns 1 for NaN and Infinity" fails "Float#denominator returns an Integer" fails "Float#divmod raises a FloatDomainError if other is NaN" fails "Float#divmod raises a FloatDomainError if self is Infinity" fails "Float#divmod raises a FloatDomainError if self is NaN" fails "Float#divmod raises a ZeroDivisionError if other is zero" fails "Float#divmod returns an [quotient, modulus] from dividing self by other" fails "Float#eql? returns false if other is not a Float" fails "Float#fdiv performs floating-point division between self and a Bignum" fails "Float#fdiv performs floating-point division between self and a Complex" fails "Float#fdiv performs floating-point division between self and a Rational" fails "Float#modulo raises a ZeroDivisionError if other is zero" fails "Float#modulo returns -Infinity when modulus is -Infinity" fails "Float#numerator converts self to a Rational object then returns its numerator" fails "Float#numerator returns -Infinity for -Infinity" fails "Float#numerator returns 0 for 0.0" fails "Float#numerator returns Infinity for Infinity" fails "Float#numerator returns NaN for NaN" fails "Float#phase returns 0 if +0.0" fails "Float#phase returns 0 if +Infinity" fails "Float#phase returns 0 if positive" fails "Float#phase returns NaN if NaN" fails "Float#phase returns Pi if -0.0" fails "Float#phase returns Pi if -Infinity" fails "Float#phase returns Pi if negative" fails "Float#phase returns self if NaN" fails "Float#quo performs floating-point division between self and a Bignum" fails "Float#quo performs floating-point division between self and a Complex" fails "Float#quo performs floating-point division between self and a Fixnum" fails "Float#quo performs floating-point division between self and a Float" fails "Float#quo performs floating-point division between self and a Rational" fails "Float#quo raises a TypeError when argument isn't numeric" fails "Float#quo raises an ArgumentError when passed multiple arguments" fails "Float#quo returns -0.0 when the argument is -Infinity" fails "Float#quo returns -Infinity when the argument is 0 and self is negative" fails "Float#quo returns -Infinity when the argument is 0.0 and self is negative" fails "Float#quo returns 0.0 when the argument is Infinity" fails "Float#quo returns Infinity when the argument is 0" fails "Float#quo returns Infinity when the argument is 0.0" fails "Float#quo returns NaN when the argument is NaN" fails "Float#rationalize raises ArgumentError when passed more than one argument" fails "Float#rationalize raises a FloatDomainError for Infinity" fails "Float#rationalize raises a FloatDomainError for NaN" fails "Float#rationalize returns self as a simplified Rational with no argument" fails "Float#rationalize simplifies self to the degree specified by a Float argument" fails "Float#rationalize simplifies self to the degree specified by a Rational argument" fails "Float#round raises FloatDomainError for exceptional values when passed a non-positive precision" fails "Float#round raises FloatDomainError for exceptional values" fails "Float#round raises RangeError for NAN when passed a non-positive precision" fails "Float#round raises a TypeError when its argument can not be converted to an Integer" fails "Float#round returns rounded values for big argument" fails "Float#round returns rounded values for big values" fails "Float#round returns the nearest Integer" fails "Float#round rounds self to an optionally given precision" fails "Float#round works for corner cases" fails "Float#to_i returns self truncated to an Integer" fails "Float#to_int returns self truncated to an Integer" fails "Float#to_s uses e format for a negative value with fractional part having 6 significant figures" fails "Float#to_s uses e format for a negative value with whole part having 18 significant figures" fails "Float#to_s uses e format for a positive value with fractional part having 6 significant figures" fails "Float#to_s uses e format for a positive value with whole part having 18 significant figures" fails "Float#to_s uses non-e format for a negative value with whole part having 15 significant figures" fails "Float#to_s uses non-e format for a negative value with whole part having 16 significant figures" fails "Float#to_s uses non-e format for a negative value with whole part having 17 significant figures" fails "Float#to_s uses non-e format for a positive value with whole part having 15 significant figures" fails "Float#to_s uses non-e format for a positive value with whole part having 16 significant figures" fails "Float#to_s uses non-e format for a positive value with whole part having 17 significant figures" fails "Float#truncate returns self truncated to an Integer" end