$:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w[.. lib]) require 'rubygems' require 'funkr' require 'funkr/types' require 'funkr/extensions' include Funkr::Types m = Maybe.just(5) puts "\n> All different ?" puts([1,2,3].all_different?) puts([1,2,2,3].all_different?) puts "\n> Maybe" puts(m.match do |on| on.nothing{ Maybe.nothing } on.just{|v| Maybe.just(v + 1) } end.to_s) puts(m.map{|v| v+1 }) n = Maybe.nothing puts(n.match do |on| on.nothing{ Maybe.nothing } on.just{|v| Maybe.just(v + 1) } end.to_s) puts "\n> Curry lift" f = Maybe.curry_lift_proc{|x,y| x + y} puts f.apply(m).apply(m) puts f.apply(m).apply(n) puts f.apply(m).apply(n.or_else{Maybe.just(10)}) puts "\n> Full lift" f = Maybe.full_lift_proc{|x,y| x + y} puts f.call(m,m) puts f.call(m,n) puts "\n> Lift with" puts Maybe.lift_with(m,m){|x,y| x + y} puts "\n> mconcat" puts Maybe.mconcat([Maybe.just(10), Maybe.just(20), Maybe.nothing, Maybe.just(30)]) puts "\n> Comparisons" puts(m <=> m) puts(m <=> (m.map{|v| v+1})) puts(m < (m.map{|v| v+1})) puts(m <=> n) puts "\n> Boxing and unboxing" puts m.unbox.inspect puts n.unbox.inspect puts (Maybe.box(12)).unbox.inspect puts (Maybe.box(nil)).unbox.inspect a = [1,2,3] b = [10,20,30] puts "\n> Array full lift" f = Array.full_lift_proc{|x,y| x + y} puts f.call(a,b).inspect puts f.call(a,[]).inspect puts "\n> Array monad" puts(a.bind do |x| b.bind do |y| Array.unit(x + y) end end.inspect) puts "\n> span" puts([1,2,4,5,7,5,8,2,10].span{|x| x < 5}.inspect) puts "\n> group_seq_by" puts([1,2,4,5,7,5,8,2,10].group_seq_by{|x| x % 2}.inspect) puts "\n> groups_of" puts([1,2,4,5,7,5,8,2,10].groups_of(4).inspect) puts "\n> sliding_groups_of" puts((1..10).to_a.sliding_groups_of(3).inspect) puts "\n> seq_index (30)" puts((0..100).to_a.seq_index([30,31,32])) puts "\n> diff_with" a = [ {:v => 1}, {:v => 2}, {:v => 3}, {:v => 2}, {:v => 3} ] b = [ {:v => 2}, {:v => 3}, {:v => 4}, {:v => 3}, {:v => 4} ] puts(a.diff_with(b){|x,y| x[:v] == y[:v]}.inspect) puts "\n> make_uniq_by" a = [ {:v => 1}, {:v => 2}, {:v => 3}, {:v => 2}, {:v => 3}, {:v => 1} ] puts(a.make_uniq_by{|x,y| x[:v] == y[:v]}.inspect) puts "\n> SimpleRecords" r = SimpleRecord.new(name: "Paul", age: 27, city: "Rennes") puts r.to_s name, age, city = r puts format("%s is %s and lives in %s", name, age, city) name, age, city = r.with(age: 28, city: "Trouville") puts format("%s is now %s and lives in %s", name, age, city) puts format("%s is back to %s and really lives in %s", r.name, r.age, r.city) r.name = "Paul R" puts r.to_s