# Load the plugin architecture source "$ZSH/vendor/antigen/antigen.zsh" # Set up the plugin architecture antigen-lib # Bare Oh My ZSH plugins antigen-bundle cap # Local modifications to OMZ plugins antigen-bundle $HOME/.dots lib/plugins/bundler antigen-bundle $HOME/.dots lib/plugins/git antigen-bundle $HOME/.dots lib/plugins/git-process antigen-bundle $HOME/.dots lib/plugins/knife antigen-bundle $HOME/.dots lib/plugins/osx antigen-bundle $HOME/.dots lib/plugins/rails3 antigen-bundle $HOME/.dots lib/plugins/ruby antigen-bundle kennethreitz/autoenv # From alternative sources antigen-bundle zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting #antigen-bundle kennethreitz/autoenv # Apply loaded plugins to the environment antigen-apply