module ChildProcess module Windows FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM = 0x00001000 FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY = 0x00002000 PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS = 0x1F0FFF PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION = 0x0400 PROCESS_VM_READ = 0x0010 PROCESS_STILL_ACTIVE = 259 INFINITE = 0xFFFFFFFF WIN_SIGINT = 2 WIN_SIGBREAK = 3 WIN_SIGKILL = 9 CTRL_C_EVENT = 0 CTRL_BREAK_EVENT = 1 DETACHED_PROCESS = 0x00000008 STARTF_USESTDHANDLES = 0x00000100 INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1 HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT = 0x00000001 DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS = 0x00000002 CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT = 0x00000400 module Lib enum :wait_status, [ :wait_object_0, 0, :wait_timeout, 0x102, :wait_abandoned, 0x80, :wait_failed, 0xFFFFFFFF ] # # BOOL WINAPI CreateProcess( # __in_opt LPCTSTR lpApplicationName, # __inout_opt LPTSTR lpCommandLine, # __in_opt LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes, # __in_opt LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, # __in BOOL bInheritHandles, # __in DWORD dwCreationFlags, # __in_opt LPVOID lpEnvironment, # __in_opt LPCTSTR lpCurrentDirectory, # __in LPSTARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo, # __out LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation # ); # attach_function :create_process, :CreateProcessA, [ :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :bool, :ulong, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :bool # # DWORD WINAPI GetLastError(void); # attach_function :get_last_error, :GetLastError, [], :ulong # # DWORD WINAPI FormatMessage( # __in DWORD dwFlags, # __in_opt LPCVOID lpSource, # __in DWORD dwMessageId, # __in DWORD dwLanguageId, # __out LPTSTR lpBuffer, # __in DWORD nSize, # __in_opt va_list *Arguments # ); # attach_function :format_message, :FormatMessageA, [ :ulong, :pointer, :ulong, :ulong, :pointer, :ulong, :pointer], :ulong attach_function :close_handle, :CloseHandle, [:pointer], :bool # # HANDLE WINAPI OpenProcess( # __in DWORD dwDesiredAccess, # __in BOOL bInheritHandle, # __in DWORD dwProcessId # ); # attach_function :open_process, :OpenProcess, [:ulong, :bool, :ulong], :pointer # # DWORD WINAPI WaitForSingleObject( # __in HANDLE hHandle, # __in DWORD dwMilliseconds # ); # attach_function :wait_for_single_object, :WaitForSingleObject, [:pointer, :ulong], :wait_status # # BOOL WINAPI GetExitCodeProcess( # __in HANDLE hProcess, # __out LPDWORD lpExitCode # ); # attach_function :get_exit_code, :GetExitCodeProcess, [:pointer, :pointer], :bool # # BOOL WINAPI GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent( # __in DWORD dwCtrlEvent, # __in DWORD dwProcessGroupId # ); # attach_function :generate_console_ctrl_event, :GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent, [:ulong, :ulong], :bool # # BOOL WINAPI TerminateProcess( # __in HANDLE hProcess, # __in UINT uExitCode # ); # attach_function :terminate_process, :TerminateProcess, [:pointer, :uint], :bool # # intptr_t _get_osfhandle( # int fd # ); # attach_function :get_osfhandle, :_get_osfhandle, [:int], :intptr_t # # int _open_osfhandle ( # intptr_t osfhandle, # int flags # ); # attach_function :open_osfhandle, :_open_osfhandle, [:pointer, :int], :int # BOOL WINAPI SetHandleInformation( # __in HANDLE hObject, # __in DWORD dwMask, # __in DWORD dwFlags # ); attach_function :set_handle_information, :SetHandleInformation, [:pointer, :ulong, :ulong], :bool # BOOL WINAPI GetHandleInformation( # __in HANDLE hObject, # __out LPDWORD lpdwFlags # ); attach_function :get_handle_information, :GetHandleInformation, [:pointer, :pointer], :bool # BOOL WINAPI CreatePipe( # __out PHANDLE hReadPipe, # __out PHANDLE hWritePipe, # __in_opt LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpPipeAttributes, # __in DWORD nSize # ); attach_function :create_pipe, :CreatePipe, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :ulong], :bool # # HANDLE WINAPI GetCurrentProcess(void); # attach_function :current_process, :GetCurrentProcess, [], :pointer # # BOOL WINAPI DuplicateHandle( # __in HANDLE hSourceProcessHandle, # __in HANDLE hSourceHandle, # __in HANDLE hTargetProcessHandle, # __out LPHANDLE lpTargetHandle, # __in DWORD dwDesiredAccess, # __in BOOL bInheritHandle, # __in DWORD dwOptions # ); # attach_function :_duplicate_handle, :DuplicateHandle, [ :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :ulong, :bool, :ulong ], :bool class << self def kill(signal, *pids) case signal when 'SIGINT', 'INT', :SIGINT, :INT signal = WIN_SIGINT when 'SIGBRK', 'BRK', :SIGBREAK, :BRK signal = WIN_SIGBREAK when 'SIGKILL', 'KILL', :SIGKILL, :KILL signal = WIN_SIGKILL when 0..9 # Do nothing else raise Error, "invalid signal #{signal.inspect}" end { |pid| pid if Lib.send_signal(signal, pid) }.compact end def waitpid(pid, flags = 0) wait_for_pid(pid, no_hang?(flags)) end def waitpid2(pid, flags = 0) code = wait_for_pid(pid, no_hang?(flags)) [pid, code] if code end def dont_inherit(file) unless file.respond_to?(:fileno) raise ArgumentError, "expected #{file.inspect} to respond to :fileno" end set_handle_inheritance(handle_for(file.fileno), false) end def last_error_message errnum = get_last_error buf = :char, 512 size = format_message( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, nil, errnum, 0, buf, buf.size, nil ) str = buf.read_string(size).strip if errnum == 0 "Unknown error (Windows says #{str.inspect}, but it did not.)" else "#{str} (#{errnum})" end end def handle_for(fd_or_io) if fd_or_io.kind_of?(IO) || fd_or_io.respond_to?(:fileno) if ChildProcess.jruby? handle = ChildProcess::JRuby.windows_handle_for(fd_or_io) else handle = get_osfhandle(fd_or_io.fileno) end elsif fd_or_io.kind_of?(Fixnum) handle = get_osfhandle(fd_or_io) elsif fd_or_io.respond_to?(:to_io) io = fd_or_io.to_io unless io.kind_of?(IO) raise TypeError, "expected #to_io to return an instance of IO" end handle = get_osfhandle(io.fileno) else raise TypeError, "invalid type: #{fd_or_io.inspect}" end if handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE raise Error, last_error_message end handle end def io_for(handle, flags = File::RDONLY) fd = open_osfhandle(handle, flags) if fd == -1 raise Error, last_error_message end FFI::IO.for_fd fd, flags end def duplicate_handle(handle) dup = proc = current_process ok = Lib._duplicate_handle( proc, handle, proc, dup, 0, false, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS ) check_error ok dup.read_pointer ensure close_handle proc end def set_handle_inheritance(handle, bool) status = set_handle_information( handle, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, bool ? HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT : 0 ) check_error status end def get_handle_inheritance(handle) flags = status = get_handle_information( handle, flags ) check_error status flags.read_uint end def check_error(bool) bool or raise Error, last_error_message end def no_hang?(flags) (flags & Process::WNOHANG) == Process::WNOHANG end def wait_for_pid(pid, no_hang) code = { |handle| handle.wait unless no_hang handle.exit_code } code if code != PROCESS_STILL_ACTIVE end end end # Lib end # Windows end # ChildProcess