Version 3.1.8 - 2013-02-05 16:29:43 +0100

Hrvoje Šimić (5):
      don't call id on nil - fixes #177
      move our middleware right after exception middleware (#178)
      implement tests for #178
      be nice to older rails versions

Version 3.1.7 - 2013-01-28 13:35:10 +0100

Adam Duke (1):
      fix an error if not using ActionController::Base

Ben Arent (2):
      Update to
      2013! woot.

Cory Kaufman-Schofield (1):
      Use https for rake airbrake:test if force_ssl set to true (fixes #145)

Dmitry Medvinsky (1):
      Fix notifier API URL as per Airbrake docs

George Ogata (1):
      Ignore ActionController::UnknownHttpMethod by default.

Hrvoje Šimić (59):
      move dependencies from Gemfile
      CI test only for 3.0.0 for now
      use appraisal
      use aruba instead of home-grown terminal
      fix *ALL* the tests!
      remove bundler version
      support all major rails versions for now
      add bundler dependency
      destroy rvmrc
      update appraisals
      add task for bundling bundler
      remove gemfile locks
      update appraisals
      clean up README
      logo is not needed in README
      update the integration tests
      update testing instructions
      use CircleCI for continuous integration
      update rake default task
      mark heroku tests as wip for now
      Clean up the rake task
      stop cluttering STDOUT with trace of rake tasks
      update supported rails versions
      send framework info
      use specific version of builder
      update appraisals
      revert "use specific version of builder"
      remove hard dependency on girl_friday
      update thoughtbot logo
      update test suite to newer Rails versions
      unfreezing version
      More description about development environments
      make sure we don't set env["airbrake.error_id"] for async notices
      stop extending Object, use ActiveSupport instead
      blank? instead of nil? || empty?
      move XSD schema to resources
      enable sending to new JSON API (#163)
      define headers in Sender
      ignore gemfile.locks
      make sending to new JSON API disabled by default (#163)
      don't use named groups in regexes, they are ruby 1.9 only (#162)
      make sure we close the body even if exception occurs (closes #153)
      Rails::Application::Configuration.force_ssl is undefined for Rails 3.0.x
      update the test suite
      update the default rake task
      add the ability to pass a single feature to rake test task
      tests support Rack::BodyProxy now
      use rails 4 compatible routes in tests
      remove unnecessary local variables
      stop with monkeypatchig of Rails exception middleware
      style fixes
      require the new middleware in tests
      better handler for adding Heroku deploy hooks (#167)
      support multiple apps in Heroku deploy hooks task (#166)
      read every available parameter for deploy hook from ENV (#168)
      fallback to reading API key from ENV for deploy hooks
      freshen up Heroku readme
      set username and revision from Heroku variables (#168)
      automatically get remote origin for deploy hooks (#168)

Joel Friedlaender (1):
      configuring development environments

Jon Evans (1):
      Use "get" instead of "match" for verify route

Josh Goebel (1):
      clean_rack_request_data should also filter out "action_dispatch.secret_token" to prevent passing a Rails applications secret token

Kyle Wilkinson (1):
      Fix broken gemspec with missing file names.  MIT-LICENSE is now just called LICENSE and there is no

Manuel Meurer (1):
      Use Airbrake.notify_or_ignore instead of just Airbrake.notify in notify_airbrake controller method

Marko Šiftar (3):
      better Sinatra handling
      fix typo
      add framework info for Sinatra and Rack

Morgan Mikel McDaris (3):
      fixed the heroku airbrake.rb generation
      fixed the heroku airbrake.rb generation
      made supported versions into a link

Pedro Nascimento (1):
      Allow virtual attributes to be used in user data instead of just attributes.

Ryan Souza (1):
      Prettier rake exception actions

cielavenir (1):
      airbrake_javascript_notifier_options should be externalized

Version 3.1.6 - 2012-10-23 21:15:50 +0200

Hrvoje Šimić (9):
      load api key from file and env if not provided for executable
      get a list of your projects from command line
      create projects from command line
      fix cli client host
      creating deploys from command line
      don't override extension methods
      update heroku plan in readme
      another fix for heroku readme
      don't pollute global namespace with blank?

Sam Umbach (1):
      Send deploy notification on deploy:cold

Version 3.1.5 - 2012-10-05 17:32:23 +0200

Hrvoje Šimić (3):
      make collected user attributes customizable
      enable filtering of env vars for rake handler
      add a simple executable

Morgan Mikel McDaris (1):
      rake section added

Zachary Anker (2):
      Add the ability to pass XML directly to send_to_airbrake
      Remove active_support require since it's no longer necessary

Version 3.1.4 - 2012-09-11 04:31:51 +0200

Ben Arent (1):
      Update to MIT license to reflect new ownership.

Hrvoje Šimić (4):
      remove activesupport from runtime dependencies
      use different logger for async notices
      Merge pull request #118 from exviva/load_initializer_conditionally
      symbolize user's keys

Olek Janiszewski (1):
      Fallback to loading whole environment if initializer does not exist

Version 3.1.3 - 2012-09-05 18:58:27 +0200

Ben Arent (1):
      Removed old mailing list.

Dylan Smith (1):
      Use debug log level for verbose log messages.

Hrvoje Šimić (21):
      add a note for testing against different frameworks
      add a scenario to make sure 404s are ignored by default
      failing scenario for #100
      remove unnecessary bundler/setup requirement
      move dependencies from Gemfile to gemspec
      send info about the current logged in user
      add async notifications
      use async? instead of asnyc
      add info about logger
      prefer provided error message over original exception message
      don't load entire environment for deploy task
      safely handle render exception
      remove unnecessary AirbrakeError
      update XML schema
      test fixes
      clean whitespace
      print the failed notice details
      update supported rails versions
      update scenarios
      stop converting notice to xml before passing it to sender
      remove logger from rack handler
      update supported rails versions

John Pignata (1):
      Cherry-pick Object#blank? extension

Joshua Wood (2):
      rbenv support
      Fixes outdated rake feature.

Matt Colyer (1):
      Fix Airbrake so it actually reports data.

Morgan Mikel McDaris (1):
      changed notify to notify_or_ignore

Sergii Boiko (2):
      Refactor config.async to provide custom asynchronous delivery way
      Simplify config.async to use only notice param

grosser (2):
      fix exceeded available parameter key space breaks notification, fixes #99
      make all tests runnable via ruby test_file.rb by loading the helper absolutely

Version 3.1.2 - 2012-06-23 02:27:01 +0200

Hrvoje Šimić (5):
      routing errors ignored by default, for #92
      use simplecov for test coverage
      fix features for javascript
      ignore user agents in rack, closes #61
      error out if controller is undefined

Version 3.1.1 - 2012-06-06 20:35:00 -0700

Hrvoje Šimić (10):
      minor fixes for Rakefile
      change color of user informer tests
      remove unnecessary shim
      use shim instead of server response in tests
      add a note about informing the user
      fix typo in Rakefile
      valid mock responses
      add a failing scenario for #92
      404s reporting fixed, closes #92
      update mocks for rack and sinatra

Jonathan Siegel (1):
      Updated copyright/trademarks

Version 3.1.0 - 2012-05-28 02:25:09 +0200

Andre Arko (1):
      stop using deprecated RAILS_ROOT

Benjamin Oakes (5):
      notify_airbrake: filter params on Rails 3.1 (and maybe 3.0 also)
      `params` is the (eventual) intent, but `hash` is clearer in context
      One-liner, per @shime
      Exception safety: worst case scenario, report the unfiltered hash
      (m) Summarize the cases for future maintainers

Blake Watters (1):
      Modify Rake handler to use Airbrake.notify_or_ignore rather than Airbrake.notify

Chris Griego (1):
      Fix allowing airbrake_env/TO being different from rails_env/RAILS_ENV in deployment notifications.

David (10):
      Merge pull request #33 from cgriego/patch-1
      Merge pull request #51 from unnu/master
      Merge pull request #56 from GateGuru/rake_handler_fix
      Merge pull request #60 from DaPulse/master
      Merge pull request #71 from sgonyea/patch-1
      Merge pull request #75 from blackhacker/master
      Merge pull request #81 from brainopia/patch-1
      Merge pull request #82 from ghurrell/fix-readme-stubbing-example
      Merge pull request #80 from yanowitz/patch-1
      Merge pull request #86 from Playhem/master

David Palm (5):
      Set VERIFY_PEER in rake task
      More idiomatic inject
      Not quite ready yet. Revert "Heroku references now are to Airbrake."
      Adds `pry` to the gems available in test env
      Works outside Rails

Eran Kampf (2):
      Fix for apps behind a local proxy (EY App Master)
      Changed if statement to one liner

Erik Ostrom (1):
      Updated Heroku README to use Airbrake's new name.

Gary Rafferty (1):
      Fix typo in airbrake.gemspec

Greg Hurrell (1):
      Update stubbing example in README to match method signature

Hrvoje Šimić (47):
      Merge pull request #59 from benjaminoakes/master
      Merge pull request #62 from sleparc/master
      Merge pull request #63 from benjaminoakes/master
      improved readability
      added new middleware catcher, fixes #73
      Merge pull request #72 from 'jdel/lazyload'
      Merge pull request #87 from gary-rafferty/master
      Stop using include? to filter parameters
      renaming so it's easier to understand
      Merge pull request #90 from samoli/patch-1
      Merge pull request #68 from cylence/master
      read ENV variables from heroku config, fixes #89
      check for airbrake_api_key on heroku
      Merge pull request #91 from mikz/patch-1
      ignore user agents in rails 3.0+
      Merge branch 'master' of
      Merge pull request #79 from morgoth/fix-passing-api-key-as-param-to-rake-task
      minor test fix
      let's catch errors that happen early in the stack
      remove deprecated step definitions
      update url in a test
      fix required files in gemspec
      use top-level namespace
      fix requirements
      add rvmrc
      update server response in scenarios
      update heroku mock
      remove unnecessary space
      prefer the latest stable ruby version
      update steps for newer rails versions
      support rails 3.2.x with the test suite
      update exception catcher
      monkeypatch the old rails versions in tests
      remove fake exception from env
      add sanity to rescue_action_in_public_without_airbrake call
      remove note for rails 1.2.x users, we don't support it
      support the latest rails versions
      add 3.0.11 and 3.0.12 to supported versions
      update rack synopsis
      log messages for sinatra and rack
      make rack and sinatra tests green
      update rack example in readme
      Update ignored exceptions by default in readme
      update explanation how we catch errors in readme
      fix formatting
      add all supported frameworks to rake test task
      make metal tests green

Jason Yanowitz (2):
      remove git dependency from generating gemspec file.  causes errors when vendoring this gem in other projects
      updated gemspec files specification based on feedback

Jean-Michel Garnier (1):

Jonathan Siegel (5):
      Heroku references now are to Airbrake.
      Merge branch 'master' of
      Added beta support fer cedar.
      Added beta support fer cedar.
      Migrated to new endpoint.

Jonathan del Strother (1):
      Lazily-load actioncontroller

Leonid Shevtsov (3):
      Feature: use a separate API key for Javascript notifications
      cleaned up configuration
      Merge branch 'master' of git://

Michal Cichra (1):
      Use id to lookup error instead of error-id.

Nathan Broadbent (1):
      Added Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound to default IGNORED exceptions (same as ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, for Mongoid.)

Ravil Bayramgalin (1):
      Update lib/airbrake/user_informer.rb

Ryan L. Cross (1):
      Added unix style param for url in the deployhook rake task.

Sam Oliver (1):
      Update hoptoad=>aibrake in rake task example

Scott Gonyea (1):
      Document proxy parameters; namely, that the proxy_host does not require "http://" as a prefix. Ideally, config.proxy= could be given a URI.

Simon Le Parc (1):
      Shouldn't test the native dup method

Stuart Chaney (1):
      Updating README gem instructions for Rails 2.3 with bundler.

Wojciech Wnętrzak (1):
      fixed passing api_key param to Airbrake deploy task

blackhacker (1):
      more detailed error message

unnu (1):
      Fixed TaggedLogging bug in Rails 3 rake test task

usiegj00 (3):
      Merge pull request #46 from eostrom/master
      Merge pull request #47 from 21croissants/master
      Merge pull request #38 from ndbroadbent/ignore_mongoid_notfound

Version 3.0.9 - Thu Dec 15 23:51:38 +0100 2011

David Palm (2):
      Merge pull request #45 from spagalloco/patch-1
      Pulls in ideas from BUT
        - moves #ca_bundle_path to Airbrake::Configuration
        - moves #local_cert_path to Airbrake::Configuration
        - adds #use_system_ssl_cert_chain? alias to Airbrake::Configuration
        - makes Airbrake.configure return the created sender (in addition to yielding)
        - stops airbrake deploy tasks duplicate code form the configuration class
        - cleanup unused expectations from tests

Version 3.0.8 - Sun Dec 11 22:14:18 +0100 2011

David Palm (1):
      Use OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE to connect only if configured to by setting use_system_ssl_cert_chain to true

Version 3.0.7 - Sun Dec 11 21:04:08 +0100 2011

David Palm (1):
      Adds a :use_system_ssl_cert_chain configuration option to allow use of the system default SSL chain (as opposed to the CAs bundled with Airbrake) - defaults to false

Version 3.0.6 - Mon Dec 05 16:41:39 +0100 2011

Benjamin Quorning (1):
      README updated to reflect name change from Hoptoad to Airbrake

Darcy Laycock (1):
      Explicitly scope calls to Rails.env and such to prevent loading issues when manually requiring parts of airbrake.

David (1):
      Merge pull request #42 from Playhem/fix-issue-34-cherrypicked

David Czarnecki (6):
      Using the Capistrano logger for great justice
      Using the Capistrano logger for great justice
      Re-organized capistrano task to allow for testing
      Fixing conflict
      Fixed the name of the capistrano task in the test to be correct. Updated the cucumber feature to look for the right task name.
      Change airbrake:notify to airbrake:deploy to be more clear that it is a deploy notification

David Palm (8):
      Removes support for Rails v2.3.12
      Documentation glitch
      Documenting workaround for issue #39
      Using guard&spork for testing
      Adding Guardfile
      Moves #assert_logged to test helper
      Moves http setup code to own method
      Not sporking yet

Florent Guilleux (1):
      Change Hoptoad references to Airbrake.

Gabe Berke-Williams (1):
      Merge pull request #10 from Florent2/patch-1

Harold Giménez (10):
      Heroku is still using HOPTOAD_API_KEY, so expect that for now
      Bumping to version 3.0
      Bumping to version 3.0.1
      Fix bug in defining the Airbrake javascript object
      Bumping to version 3.0.2
      Ensure a valid configuration object is always available on Airbrake.configuration
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'agoragames/master'
      Bumping to version 3.0.3
      Minor fix to Gemfile instructions on README
      Bumping to version 3.0.4

Jonathan Siegel (16):
      Removed class-level caching per jkraemer: Hi,
      Integrated pulls and updated tests.
      Corrected test.
      Consistent operation.
      Consistent callout during test generation.
      Fixed typo.
      Refreshed supported.
      Now running airbrake deploy notifications on the REMOTE machine.
      Added first rev of PEER cert resolution.
      Bumped 3.0.5
      Updated README, fixed JS rescue template missed HT reference.
      Crosslinked docs...
      Fixes for tests.
      Bumping to version 3.0.5

Leonid Shevtsov (3):
      fixed rake handler failing when exception happens before Airbrake has been configured (for example, when running an unknown Rake task)
      fix issue #34 'undefined method to_backtrace for Hash'
      test case for issue #34

Matt Fawcett (1):
      Call #close on the old body after building the new body to prevent thread joining errors

Roman Shterenzon (1):
      Use either Airbrake or Hoptoad object.

Stuart Chaney (1):
      point towards

Thomas Jachmann (1):
      handles exceptions with #to_hash properly

usiegj00 (4):
      Merge pull request #21 from mattfawcett/master
      Merge pull request #12 from leonid-shevtsov/master
      Merge pull request #14 from thomasjachmann/master
      Merge pull request #28 from Sutto/patch-1

Version 3.0.5 - 2011-11-08 23:02:07 -0800

Benjamin Quorning (1):
      README updated to reflect name change from Hoptoad to Airbrake

Darcy Laycock (1):
      Explicitly scope calls to Rails.env and such to prevent loading issues when manually requiring parts of airbrake.

David Czarnecki (6):
      Using the Capistrano logger for great justice
      Using the Capistrano logger for great justice
      Re-organized capistrano task to allow for testing
      Fixing conflict
      Fixed the name of the capistrano task in the test to be correct. Updated the cucumber feature to look for the right task name.
      Change airbrake:notify to airbrake:deploy to be more clear that it is a deploy notification

Florent Guilleux (1):
      Change Hoptoad references to Airbrake.

Gabe Berke-Williams (1):
      Merge pull request #10 from Florent2/patch-1

Harold Giménez (10):
      Heroku is still using HOPTOAD_API_KEY, so expect that for now
      Bumping to version 3.0
      Bumping to version 3.0.1
      Fix bug in defining the Airbrake javascript object
      Bumping to version 3.0.2
      Ensure a valid configuration object is always available on Airbrake.configuration
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'agoragames/master'
      Bumping to version 3.0.3
      Minor fix to Gemfile instructions on README
      Bumping to version 3.0.4

Jonathan Siegel (15):
      Removed class-level caching per jkraemer: Hi,
      Integrated pulls and updated tests.
      Corrected test.
      Consistent operation.
      Consistent callout during test generation.
      Fixed typo.
      Refreshed supported.
      Now running airbrake deploy notifications on the REMOTE machine.
      Added first rev of PEER cert resolution.
      Bumped 3.0.5
      Updated README, fixed JS rescue template missed HT reference.
      Crosslinked docs...
      Fixes for tests.

Leonid Shevtsov (1):
      fixed rake handler failing when exception happens before Airbrake has been configured (for example, when running an unknown Rake task)

Matt Fawcett (1):
      Call #close on the old body after building the new body to prevent thread joining errors

Roman Shterenzon (1):
      Use either Airbrake or Hoptoad object.

Stuart Chaney (1):
      point towards

Thomas Jachmann (1):
      handles exceptions with #to_hash properly

usiegj00 (4):
      Merge pull request #21 from mattfawcett/master
      Merge pull request #12 from leonid-shevtsov/master
      Merge pull request #14 from thomasjachmann/master
      Merge pull request #28 from Sutto/patch-1

Version 3.0.4 - Mon Sep 12 08:25:04 -0400 2011
David Czarnecki(1):
    Change deploy task back to airbrake:deploy
Harold Gimenez(1):
    README updates

Version 3.0.3 - Sat Sep 03 13:18:26 -0400 2011
David Czarnecki(1):
    Use capistrano's logger, improve tests around capistrano deploy.
Florent Guilleux(1):
    README updates

Version 3.0.2 - Mon Aug 29 10:32:04 -0400 2011
Harold Gimenez(1)
    Fix bug on the Hoptoad to Airbrake fallback code on the javascript notifier.

Version 3.0.1 - Mon Aug 29 08:37:24 -0400 2011
Roman Shterenzon(1):
    Use either Airbrake or Hoptoad object on javascript notifier

Version 3.0 - Fri Aug 26 08:55:47 -0400 2011
Harold Gimenez:
    Continue to use HOPTOAD_API_KEY for heroku users' API key env variable

Version 3.0.rc2 - Wed Aug 24 15:03:46 -0400 2011

Harold Gimenez:
    Revert broken commit around exceptions that respond to #to_hash
    Support latest versions of Rails.

Version 3.0.rc1 - Fri Aug 19 08:51:53 -0400 2011

Jonathan Yurek and Harold Gimenez
      Rename to Airbrake

Version 2.4.9 - Wed Mar 30 09:04:53 -0400 2011

Jonathan Yurek(1):
      The User Informer should adhere to only the Rack spec.

Version 2.4.8 - Mon Mar 21 11:11:16 -0400 2011

Jonathan Yurek(1):
      Prevent infinite loops from recursive data structures.

Version 2.4.7 - Thu Mar 10 16:21:31 -0500 2011

Jonathan Yurek(1):
      Rails generator requires './config/boot' for 1.9.2 compatibility.

Version 2.4.6 - Tue Feb 15 15:51:17 -0500 2011

Jonathan Yurek(1):
      Modify the error page's body in-place.

Version 2.4.5 - Wed Feb 02 13:24:29 -0500 2011

Jonathan Yurek (1):
      Don't require Rack::Lock's presence in the middleware for UserInformer

Version 2.4.4 - Fri Jan 28 13:50:10 -0500 2011

Matt Jankowski (1):
      Change the javascript notifier from a config option to a helper method

Jonathan Yurek (1):
      Show the javascript notifier prevents XSS attempts from request.url

Version 2.4.3 - Wed Jan 26 11:35:15 -0500 2011

Jon Yurek (1):
      Allow the application to present the Hoptoad error number to the user

Version 2.4.2 - Sun Jan 09 09:37:31 -0500 2011

Matt Jankowski (1):
      fix issue where the gsub to replace the html head with javascript was removing the head element entirely

Version 2.4.1 - Sat Jan 08 12:17:15 -0500 2011

Matt Jankowski (1):
      restore method which may have been accidentally removed?

Version 2.4.0 - Thu Jan 06 15:03:58 -0500 2011

Jason Morrison (1):
      Remove official support for very old Rails version going forward

Version 2.3.14 - Wed Jan 05 14:06:12 -0500 2011

Jason Morrison (1):
      Fix 'require' path

Version 2.3.13 - Mon Jan 03 15:56:20 -0500 2011

Dan Croak (1):
      including twiddle wakka in install instructions

Emma Lindsay (5):
      Sends more javascript information back to hoptaod
      Merge branch 'js_notifier_default_fields'
      Bumping to version 2.3.10
      Updated jferris-mocha to bourne
      Update readme to show quotes around error names in ignores

Jason Morrison (8):
      wip: Supply default url, component, action for JS notifier
      gracefully fall back to require 'activesupport' if require 'active_support' fails
      Add non-capistrano deploy instructions
      Add instructions for heroku gem to Heroku addon README
      Add AbstractController::ActionNotFound to default ignore list
      Bumping to version 2.3.12
      Bugfix: JS Notifier will now insert itself even when <head> tag has attributes
      Add Heroku deploy notification

Jon Yurek (11):
      Require bourne, run right cucumber task
      Get the API key from Heroku
      Bumped version: 2.3.11
      Getting green cucumber stories
      Fakes out the heroku command for cucumber.
      Mount the metal endpoint in Rails 3 tests.
      Metal test mounts at /metal
      Supported versions: 2.3.9, 2.3.10, and 3.0.1
      Return non-zero on cucumber failure.
      Controller info for older Rails-es is different.
      Remove Rails 2.0.2 from official support. Added 3.0.2+3

Trevor Turk (1):
      Fix default ignores in the README

Version 2.3.12 - Wed Nov 03 13:53:18 -0400 2010

In general: Update gems, improve testing, improve documentation, improve
javascript notifier.

Emma Lindsay (4):
      Sends more javascript information back to hoptaod
      Merge branch 'js_notifier_default_fields'
      Bumping to version 2.3.10
      Updated jferris-mocha to bourne

Jason Morrison (5):
      wip: Supply default url, component, action for JS notifier
      gracefully fall back to require 'activesupport' if require 'active_support' fails
      Add non-capistrano deploy instructions
      Add instructions for heroku gem to Heroku addon README
      Add AbstractController::ActionNotFound to default ignore list

Jon Yurek (9):
      Require bourne, run right cucumber task
      Get the API key from Heroku
      Bumped version: 2.3.11
      Getting green cucumber stories
      Fakes out the heroku command for cucumber.
      Mount the metal endpoint in Rails 3 tests.
      Metal test mounts at /metal
      Supported versions: 2.3.9, 2.3.10, and 3.0.1
      Return non-zero on cucumber failure.

Version 2.3.10 - Mon Oct 18 17:07:56 -0400 2010

Emma Lindsay (2):
      Sends more javascript information back to hoptaod
      Merge branch 'js_notifier_default_fields'

Jason Morrison (2):
      wip: Supply default url, component, action for JS notifier
      gracefully fall back to require 'activesupport' if require 'active_support' fails

Version 2.3.9 - 2010-10-18

This patch release contains a handful of bugfixes, and ensures:
      If is completely unreachable by HTTP, your app is not affected.
      Controller method #notify_hoptoad is available in Rails 3.  Thanks contributor Kyle Crum!

Chad Pytel (1):
      also handle Errno::ECONNREFUSED and other http errors

Jason Morrison (4):
      Add gem versions to test suite
      Revert "Revert "attempt to debug mail sending on staging""
      Adding Heroku notifier readme
      gracefully fall back to require 'activesupport' if require 'active_support' fails

Jon Yurek (2):
      Bumping version to 2.3.8
      Adds builder to the gemspec

Kyle Crum (3):
      notify_hoptoad now works in rails 3 controllers
      more sane way of testing for rails 3 controller methods
      added a scenario for using the notify_hoptoad method within a controller

Version 2.3.7 - 2010-09-15

Jason Morrison (5):
      Add ./ prefix to require for 1.9.2
      More helpful message for testing without ENV['RAILS_VERSION']
      Support Rails 3.0.0, not 3.0.0.rc
      This wasn't actually a fix (it regressed tests): Revert "Fix modifying params_filters"
      Correct the #also_use_rack_params_filters method

Joshua Clayton (1):
      Fix modifying params_filters

Nick Quaranto (2):
      s/RSpec/Spec for matchers
      use Sinatra::Default instead of Sinatra::Base

Version 2.3.6 - 2010-08-30

Daniel Barron (1):
      Initializer configuration overrides Railtie configuration if set

Joshua Clayton (1):
      Remove rack.request.form_vars

Tristan Dunn (1):
      Move Rails JS scenarios into separate feature and correctly support HTTPS when secure is enabled on the notifier.

Version 2.3.5 - 2010-08-13

Alexey Palazhchenko (1):
      Actually call #to_hash.

Joshua Clayton (1):
      Trace hoptoad:test task when running generator for anything before Rails3

Version 2.3.4 - 2010-08-10

Tristan Dunn (1):
      Only include the JS notifier in public environments.

Version 2.3.3 - 2010-08-04

Tristan Dunn (1):
      Initial injection of JS notifier.

Version 2.3.2 - 2010-07-06

Josh Clayton(1):
      Handle instances when Rack's action_dispach.parameter_filter is nil

Version 2.3.1 - 2010-07-02

Jason Morrison (2):
      Use the Rails 3 params filters when available
      Filter session hash using Hoptoad config.params_filters, in addition to params

Version 2.3.0 - 2010-06-24

Jason Morrison (5):
      Add integration test for rails 3.0.0.beta4
      Added feature: Support the Heroku addon in the generator
      Add --heroku flag to generator to support ENV['HOPTOAD_API_KEY']
      Reflect a copy change in rails.feature for --heroku generator flag
      Support the proxy configuration options when notifying Hoptoad of a deploy (hat tip @gudleik)

Version 2.2.6 - 2010-06-02

Jason Morrison (1):
      For Rails 3, just use the Rack middleware instead of specifying a location to insert_after

Version 2.2.5 - 2010-06-02

Jason Morrison (1):
      Add documentation for Rails 3.x installation

Version 2.2.4 - 2010-06-02

Jason Morrison (1):
      Add a note to README about removing the explicit Catcher #include in ApplicationController

Version 2.2.3 - 2010-06-02

Summary: Fixed a variety of issues for Rails 3.0.0.beta3,
         Fixed a bug when using Vlad to deploy instead of Capistrano
         Give better error output when gem is not installed

Chad Pytel (2):
      revise gem unpack instructions step
      Merge branch 'master' of

Dan Lawless (1):
      don't append capistrano details to config.deploy.rb when target app uses Vlad

Jason Morrison (7):
      LH-556 Clarify sending ENV environment variables
      Starting to add features for Rails 3
      Make rails rake tasks depend on gem-making tasks
      Start to get Rails 3 features to pass
      require fileutils to reflect rubygems 1.3.6 change
      Support ENV['CUCUMBER_FORMAT'] in rails cucumber tasks for testing
      Fix the initializer syntax in the Rails 3 Railtie

Joe Ferris (11):
      Got the generator running and a request dispatched to the test endpoint
      Fixed logging in hoptoad:test rake task
      Separated Rails 2 and 3 entry
      Support bundler
      Rails 3 generator works with an existing api key
      Extract request info from rack env
      Detect presence of the plugin
      Added a capistrano hook for Rails 3
      Fixed rack/sinatra being broken without active_support
      Fixes for earlier versions of Rails
      Fixed Rails 3 generator not to append cap hooks for vlad deploys

Josh Kalderimis (7):
      updated railtie to work with the new rails 3 middleware api
      railtie_name is deprecated
      updated app_middleware call to use string version as to make sure constant is loaded
      moved generator using the new rails 3 convention
      update path to template for Rails 3 generator
      correction to referencing of the rails application in rails3_tasks
      add environment_name and project_root back to rails 3 railtie

Joshua Nichols (1):
      Handle gem not being installed more gracefully.

Version 2.2.2 - 2010-03-10

Chad Pytel (1):
      document proxy support

Joe Ferris (8):
      Added upgrade instructions to the README
      Give a clearer error message when generating a Rails app fails
      Fail loudly when a gem can't be vendored
      Debugging rubygems issues
      Explicitly specify the gem paths
      Less noisy
      Restore gem path after vendoring
      Fixed a typo

Jon Yurek (1):
      Added notice about removing hoptoad rake tasks to upgrade gem

Mike Burns (1):
      Remove stray file with notes in it

Version 2.2.1 - 2010-03-10

Jason Morrison (3):
      LH-629 Ensure notifier is not considered a framework gem
      Removing things-the-generator-must-do file
      Add rake cucumber:wip:rails* tasks for work-in-progress features

Version 2.2.0 - 2010-02-18

Bumping the version from 2.1.4 to 2.2.0 since adding Rack support warrants a minor version.

Jason Morrison (1):
      Stringify array elements when making assertions about Notice XML for 1.9 compatibility

Version 2.1.4 - 2010-02-12

Chad Pytel (2):
      add more info to README for 1.2.6
      fix gem unpack line for 1.2.6

Jason Morrison (2):
      Adding additional instructions for Rails 1.2.6
      Typesetting in README.rdoc

Joe Ferris (11):
      Separating Rails functionality out more
      Initial Rack middleware
      Extract request info from rack env
      Added integration tests for rescuing
      Fixed reporting of Rails version
      Small refactoring
      Automatically add Rack middleware for Rails apps that support it (catches exceptions from Metal)
      Added an integration test and docs for rack apps
      Added integration/readme coverage of Sinatra apps
      Added docs to HoptoadNotifier::Rack
      Require rack in tests for older versions of Rails; use active_support instead of activesupport

Nick Quaranto (3):
      Fixing the capistrano hook bit in the readme
      Adding changeling:minor and changeling:patch to automate notifier releases
      Adding rake changeling:push