require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/spec_helper") module Spectie class StoryExampleGroup include StoryExampleGroupMethods end describe StoryExampleGroup do track_example_run_state it "supports 'xScenario' method for disabling an example" do example_group = example_ran_as_scenario = false Kernel.expects(:warn).with { |message| message =~ /^Example disabled/ } example_group.xScenario "As a user, I want to make a series of requests for our mutual benefit" do example_ran_as_scenario = true end example_ran_as_scenario.should be_false end it "supports pending scenarios" do example_group = example_group.Scenario "As a user, I want to make a series of requests for our mutual benefit" @options.reporter.expects(:example_finished).with(anything, ::Spec::Example::ExamplePendingError) end it "supports 'scenario' method for creating an example" do example_group = example_ran_as_scenario = false example_group.Scenario "As a user, I want to make a series of requests for our mutual benefit" do example_ran_as_scenario = true end example_ran_as_scenario.should be_true end [:Given, :When, :Then, :And].each do |scenario_method| it "can use #{scenario_method} to call scenario statements from within the scenario" do example_group = do class << self attr_accessor :scenario_statement_was_executed end end example_group.Scenario "As a user, I want to make a series of requests for our mutual benefit" do send scenario_method, :i_am_executed end example_group.class_eval do def i_am_executed self.class.scenario_statement_was_executed = true end end example_group.scenario_statement_was_executed.should be_true end end it "has access to the scenario statements defined on a parent example group" do parent_example_group = do class << self attr_accessor :scenario_statement_was_executed end end parent_example_group.class_eval do def i_am_executed self.class.scenario_statement_was_executed = true end end example_group = example_group.Scenario "As a user, I want to make a series of requests for our mutual benefit" do Given :i_am_executed end example_group.scenario_statement_was_executed.should be_true end it "can override the definition of a scenario statement on a parent example group" do parent_example_group = do class << self attr_accessor :scenario_statement_was_executed end end parent_example_group.class_eval do def i_am_executed self.class.scenario_statement_was_executed = "parent" end end example_group = example_group.class_eval do def i_am_executed self.class.scenario_statement_was_executed = "child" end end example_group.Scenario "As a user, I want to make a series of requests for our mutual benefit" do Given :i_am_executed end example_group.scenario_statement_was_executed.should == "child" end it "supports scenario statement nesting" do example_group = example_group.class_eval do class << self attr_accessor :nested_statement_was_executed end end example_group.Scenario "As a tester, I want to be able to write nested dsl statements" do Given :this_statement_takes_a_block do Then :i_can_nest_a_statement end end example_group.class_eval do def this_statement_takes_a_block yield end def i_can_nest_a_statement self.class.nested_statement_was_executed = true end end example.should_not be_failed example_group.nested_statement_was_executed.should be_true end xit "handles scenario statements that start with 'should'" do # This example doesn't quite describe the issue. For some reason, # RSpec treates methods inside an example group that start with # 'should' differently, and counts them as examples. Need to # figure out why before going any futher w/this. example_group = example_group.class_eval do class << self attr_accessor :called_the_method end end example_group.Scenario "As a tester, I want to start a scenario statement with 'should'" do Given :this_statement_calls_a_method_starting_with_should end example_group.class_eval do def this_statement_calls_a_method_starting_with_should should_do_something end def should_do_something self.class.called_the_method = true 1.should == 1 end end example_group.called_the_method.should be_true example.should_not be_failed end it "shares state between the scenario and the scenario statements" do example_group = example_group.Scenario "As a user, I want to make a series of requests for our mutual benefit" do Given :the_example_has_state @state.should == 1 @state = 2 Then :the_state_is_shared end example_group.class_eval do def the_example_has_state @state = 1 end def the_state_is_shared @state.should == 2 end end example.should_not be_failed end it "can invoke any method defined in the example group as a scenario statement" do example_group = example_group.class_eval do class << self attr_accessor :normal_method_executed end def a_normal_method_defined_in_the_example_group self.class.normal_method_executed = true end end example_group.Scenario "As a user, I want to make a series of requests for our mutual benefit" do Given :a_normal_method_defined_in_the_example_group end example.should_not be_failed example_group.normal_method_executed.should be_true end end end