module Facter module Util module Processor ## # aix_processor_list is intended to generate a list of values for the # processorX facts. The behavior is as follows from # [#11609]( # # 1. Take a list of all the processor identifiers for the platform, # represented as system-native identifiers in strings. # 2. Sort the list # 3. Assign an incrementing from 0 integer index to each identifier. # 4. Store the value of the system identifier in the processorX fact where X # is the incrementing index. # # Returns an Array, sorted, containing the values for the facts. def self.aix_processor_list return_value = [] aix_proc_id_list = [] if output = lsdev then output.split("\n").each do |line| if match = line.match(/proc\d+/) aix_proc_id_list << match[0] end end end # Generalized alphanumeric sort to put "proc12" behind "proc4" padding = 8 aix_proc_id_list = aix_proc_id_list.sort do |a,b| a,b = [a,b].map do |s| s.gsub(/\d+/) { |m| "0"*(padding - m.size) + m } end a<=>b end aix_proc_id_list.each do |proc_id| if output = lsattr("lsattr -El #{proc_id} -a type") if match = output.match(/type\s+([^\s]+)\s+Processor/i) return_value << match[1] end end end return_value end ## # lsdev is intended to directly delegate to Facter::Core::Execution.exec in an # effort to make the processorX facts easier to test by stubbing only the # behaviors we need to stub to get the output of the system command. def self.lsdev(command="lsdev -Cc processor") Facter::Core::Execution.exec(command) end ## # lsattr is intended to directly delegate to Facter::Core::Execution.exec in # an effort to make the processorX facts easier to test. See also the # {lsdev} method. def self.lsattr(command="lsattr -El proc0 -a type") Facter::Core::Execution.exec(command) end ## # kernel_fact_value is intended to directly delegate to Facter.value(:kernel) # to make it easier to stub the kernel fact without affecting the entire # system. def self.kernel_fact_value Facter.value(:kernel) end ## # hpux_processor_list is intended to generate a list of values for the # processorX facts. def self.hpux_processor_list return_value = [] hpux_proc_id_list = [] cpu = "" ## # first, try parsing machinfo output. if output = machinfo then output.split("\n").each do |line| if line.match(/processor model:\s+\d+\s+(.*)/) then cpu = $1.to_s elsif line.match(/\d+\s+((?:PA-RISC|Intel).*processors.*)/) then cpu = $1.to_s cpu.sub!(/processors/, "processor") elsif line.match(/\s+(Intel.*Processor.*)/) then cpu = $1.to_s end end end ## # if that fails, try looking using model command and cross referencing against # sched.models, which could be in three places. This file only catered for # PA-RISC. Unfortunately, the file is not up to date sometimes. if cpu.empty? then m = model m.sub!(/\s+$/, "") m.sub!(/.*\//, "") m.sub!(/.*\s+/, "") if sched_models_lines = read_sched_models sched_models_lines.each do |l| if l.match(m) and l.match(/^\S+\s+\d+\.\d+\s+(\S+)/) then cpu = "PA-RISC " + $1.to_s.sub!(/^PA/, "") + " processor" break # we assume first match is the only match. end end end end ## # if that also fails, report the CPU version based on unistd.h and chip type based on getconf. if cpu.empty? then cpu_version = getconf_cpu_version cpu_chip_type = getconf_cpu_chip_type cpu_string = "" if lines = read_unistd_h("/usr/include/sys/unistd.h") then lines.each do |l| if l.match(/define.*0x#{cpu_version.to_i.to_s(16)}.*\/\*\s+(.*)\s+\*\//) then cpu_string = $1.to_s break end end end if cpu_string.empty? then cpu_string = "CPU v" + cpu_version end cpu = cpu_string + " CHIP TYPE #" + cpu_chip_type end ## # now count (logical) CPUs using ioscan. We set processorX for X in 0..processorcount # to cpu as worked out above. HP-UX does not support more than one installed CPU # model. if output = ioscan then output.split("\n").each do |line| if line.match(/processor/) then hpux_proc_id_list << cpu end end end hpux_proc_id_list end ## # read_sched_models is intended to be stubbed instead of File.readlines # @return [Array] of strings containing the lines of the file or nil if the # sched.models file could not be located. def self.read_sched_models path = if File.exists?("/usr/lib/sched.models") "/usr/lib/sched.models" elsif File.exists?("/usr/sam/lib/mo/sched.models") "/usr/sam/lib/mo/sched.models" elsif File.exists?("/opt/langtools/lib/sched.models") "/opt/langtools/lib/sched.models" end if path File.readlines(path) end end private_class_method :read_sched_models ## # read_unistd_h is intended to be stubbed instead of File.readlines # @return [Array] of Strings or nil if the file does not exist. def self.read_unistd_h(path) if File.exists?(path) then File.readlines(path) end end private_class_method :read_unistd_h ## # machinfo delegates directly to Facter::Core::Execution.exec, as with lsdev # above. def self.machinfo(command="/usr/contrib/bin/machinfo") Facter::Core::Execution.exec(command) end ## # model delegates directly to Facter::Core::Execution.exec. def self.model(command="model") Facter::Core::Execution.exec(command) end ## # ioscan delegates directly to Facter::Core::Execution.exec. def self.ioscan(command="ioscan -fknCprocessor") Facter::Core::Execution.exec(command) end ## # getconf_cpu_version delegates directly to Facter::Core::Execution.exec. def self.getconf_cpu_version(command="getconf CPU_VERSION") Facter::Core::Execution.exec(command) end ## # getconf_cpu_chip_type delegates directly to Facter::Core::Execution.exec. def self.getconf_cpu_chip_type(command="getconf CPU_CHIP_TYPE") Facter::Core::Execution.exec(command) end def self.enum_cpuinfo processor_num = -1 processor_list = [] cpuinfo = "/proc/cpuinfo" if File.exists?(cpuinfo) model = Facter.value(:architecture) case model when "x86_64", "amd64", "i386", "x86", /parisc/, "hppa", "ia64" File.readlines(cpuinfo).each do |l| if l =~ /processor\s+:\s+(\d+)/ processor_num = $1.to_i elsif l =~ /model name\s+:\s+(.*)\s*$/ processor_list[processor_num] = $1 unless processor_num == -1 processor_num = -1 elsif l =~ /processor\s+(\d+):\s+(.*)/ processor_num = $1.to_i processor_list[processor_num] = $2 unless processor_num == -1 end end when "ppc64" File.readlines(cpuinfo).each do |l| if l =~ /processor\s+:\s+(\d+)/ processor_num = $1.to_i elsif l =~ /cpu\s+:\s+(.*)\s*$/ processor_list[processor_num] = $1 unless processor_num == -1 processor_num = -1 end end when /arm/ File.readlines(cpuinfo).each do |l| if l =~ /Processor\s+:\s+(.+)/ processor_num += 1 processor_list[processor_num] = $1.chomp elsif l =~ /processor\s+:\s+(\d+)\s*$/ proc_num = $1.to_i if proc_num != 0 processor_num += 1 processor_list[processor_num] = processor_list[processor_num-1] end end end when /sparc/ File.readlines(cpuinfo).each do |l| if l =~ /cpu\s+:\s+(.*)\s*$/ processor_num += 1 processor_list[processor_num] = $1 end end end end processor_list end def self.enum_kstat processor_num = -1 processor_list = [] Thread::exclusive do kstat = Facter::Core::Execution.exec('/usr/bin/kstat cpu_info') if kstat kstat.each_line do |l| if l =~ /cpu_info(\d+)/ processor_num = $1.to_i elsif l =~ /brand\s+(.*)\s*$/ processor_list[processor_num] = $1 unless processor_num == -1 processor_num = -1 end end end end processor_list end end end end