--- regenerate: false --- {% capture cache %} {% comment %} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~/assets/themes/j1/adapter/js/lightbox.js # Liquid template to adapt Lightbox Core functions # # Product/Info: # https://jekyll.one # # Copyright (C) 2019 Juergen Adams # # J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License. # For details, see https://jekyll.one # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test data: # {{ liquid_var | debug }} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% comment %} Liquid procedures -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% comment %} Set global settings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% assign environment = site.environment %} {% assign template_version = site.version %} {% comment %} Process YML config data ================================================================================ {% endcomment %} {% comment %} Set config files -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% assign template_config = site.data.template_settings %} {% assign apps = site.data.apps %} {% comment %} Set config data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% assign lightbox_defaults = apps.defaults.lightbox.defaults %} {% assign lightbox_settings = apps.lightbox.settings %} {% comment %} Set config options -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% assign lightbox_options = lightbox_defaults | merge: lightbox_settings %} /* # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~/assets/themes/j1/adapter/js/lightbox.js # JS Adapter for J1 Lightbox # # Product/Info: # https://jekyll.one # https://github.com/lokesh/lightbox2/ # # Copyright (C) 2019 Juergen Adams # Copyright (C) 2007, 2018 Lokesh Dhakar # # J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License. # For details, see https://jekyll.one # Lightbox V2 is licensed under the MIT License. # For details, see https://github.com/lokesh/lightbox2/ # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Adapter generated: {{site.time}} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 'use strict'; {% comment %} Main --------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} // j1.Lightbox = (function (j1, window) { j1.adapter['lightbox'] = (function (j1, window) { {% comment %} Global variables ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {% endcomment %} var environment = '{{environment}}'; var state = 'unknown'; var moduleOptions = {}; var _this; var logger; var logText; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper functions // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main object // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- return { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initializer // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- init: function () { {% comment %} Set global variables -------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} _this = j1.adapter.lightbox; logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.adapter.lightbox'); state = 'started'; logger.info('state: ' + state); logger.info('Module is being initialized'); lightbox.option({ alwaysShowNavOnTouchDevices: {{ lightbox_options.alwaysShowNavOnTouchDevices | json }}, albumLabel: {{ lightbox_options.albumLabel | json }}, disableScrolling: {{ lightbox_options.disableScrolling | json }}, fadeDuration: {{ lightbox_options.fadeDuration | json }}, fitImagesInViewport: {{ lightbox_options.fitImagesInViewport | json }}, imageFadeDuration: {{ lightbox_options.imageFadeDuration | json }}, maxWidth: {{ lightbox_options.maxWidth | json }}, maxHeight: {{ lightbox_options.maxHeight | json }}, positionFromTop: {{ lightbox_options.positionFromTop | json }}, resizeDuration: {{ lightbox_options.resizeDuration | json }}, showImageNumberLabel: {{ lightbox_options.showImageNumberLabel | json }}, wrapAround: {{ lightbox_options.wrapAround | json }} }); state = 'finished'; logger.info('state: ' + state); logger.info('Module initialized successfully'); return true; }, // END init lightbox // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // messageHandler: MessageHandler for J1 CookieConsent module // Manage messages send from other J1 modules // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- messageHandler: function ( sender, message ) { var json_message = JSON.stringify(message, undefined, 2); logText = 'Received message from ' + sender + ': ' + json_message; logger.debug(logText); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Process commands|actions // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( message.type === 'command' && message.action === 'module_initialized' ) { _this.setState('finished'); logger.info(message.text); } // // Place handling of other command|action here // return true; }, // END messageHandler // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set the current (processing) state of the module // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- setState: function ( stat ) { state = stat; }, // END setState // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the current (processing) state of the module // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- getState: function () { return state; } // END state }; // END return })(j1, window); {% endcapture %} {{ cache | strip_empty_lines }} {% assign cache = nil %}