require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), "spec_helper") describe "arbtirary servers" do before do @db = Sequel.mock(:servers=>{}) @db.extension :arbitrary_servers end it "should allow arbitrary server options using a hash" do @db.synchronize(:host=>'host1', :database=>'db1') do |c| c.opts[:host].must_equal 'host1' c.opts[:database].must_equal 'db1' end end it "should not cache connections to arbitrary servers" do x = nil @db.synchronize(:host=>'host1', :database=>'db1') do |c| x = c end @db.synchronize(:host=>'host1', :database=>'db1') do |c2| c2.wont_be_same_as(x) end end it "should yield same connection correctly when nesting" do @db.synchronize(:host=>'host1', :database=>'db1') do |c| @db.synchronize(:host=>'host1', :database=>'db1') do |c2| c2.must_be_same_as(c) end end end it "should disconnect when connection is finished" do x, x1 = nil, nil @db.meta_def(:disconnect_connection){|c| x = c} @db.synchronize(:host=>'host1', :database=>'db1') do |c| x1 = c @db.synchronize(:host=>'host1', :database=>'db1') do |c2| c2.must_be_same_as(c) end x.must_be_same_as(nil) end x.must_be_same_as(x1) end it "should yield different connection correctly when nesting" do @db.synchronize(:host=>'host1', :database=>'db1') do |c| c.opts[:host].must_equal 'host1' @db.synchronize(:host=>'host2', :database=>'db1') do |c2| c2.opts[:host].must_equal 'host2' c2.wont_be_same_as(c) end end end it "should respect multithreaded access" do @db.synchronize(:host=>'host1', :database=>'db1') do |c| do @db.synchronize(:host=>'host1', :database=>'db1') do |c2| _(c2).wont_be_same_as(c) end end.join end end it "should work correctly with server_block plugin" do @db.extension :server_block @db.with_server(:host=>'host1', :database=>'db1') do @db.synchronize do |c| c.opts[:host].must_equal 'host1' c.opts[:database].must_equal 'db1' @db.synchronize do |c2| c2.must_be_same_as(c) end end end end it "should respect multithreaded access with server block plugin" do @db.extension :server_block q, q1 =, t = nil @db[:t].all @db.with_server(:host=>'a') do @db[:t].all t = do @db[:t].all @db.with_server(:host=>'c') do @db[:t].all @db.with_server(:host=>'d'){@db[:t].all} q.push nil q1.pop @db[:t].all end @db[:t].all end q.pop @db.with_server(:host=>'b'){@db[:t].all} @db[:t].all end @db[:t].all q1.push nil t.join @db.sqls.must_equal ['SELECT * FROM t', 'SELECT * FROM t -- {:host=>"a"}', 'SELECT * FROM t', 'SELECT * FROM t -- {:host=>"c"}', 'SELECT * FROM t -- {:host=>"d"}', 'SELECT * FROM t -- {:host=>"b"}', 'SELECT * FROM t -- {:host=>"a"}', 'SELECT * FROM t', 'SELECT * FROM t -- {:host=>"c"}', 'SELECT * FROM t'] end end