###* @namespace scoping into the hquery namespace ### this.hQuery ||= {} # =require core.coffee ###* @class MedicationInformation @exports MedicationInformation as hQuery.MedicationInformation ### class hQuery.MedicationInformation constructor: (@json) -> ###* An array of hQuery.CodedValue describing the medication @returns {Array} #### codedProduct: -> hQuery.createCodedValues @json['codes'] freeTextProductName: -> @json['description'] codedBrandName: -> @json['codedBrandName'] freeTextBrandName: -> @json['brandName'] drugManufacturer: -> if(@json['drugManufacturer']) new hQuery.Organization(@json['drugManufacturer']) ###* @class AdministrationTiming - the @exports AdministrationTiming as hQuery.AdministrationTiming ### class hQuery.AdministrationTiming constructor: (@json) -> ###* Provides the period of medication administration as a Scalar. An example Scalar that would be returned would be with value = 8 and units = hours. This would mean that the medication should be taken every 8 hours. @returns {hQuery.Scalar} ### period: -> new hQuery.Scalar @json['period'] if @json['period'] ###* Indicates whether it is the interval (time between dosing), or frequency (number of doses in a time period) that is important. If instititutionSpecified is not present or is set to false, then the time between dosing is important (every 8 hours). If true, then the frequency of administration is important (e.g., 3 times per day). @returns {Boolean} ### institutionSpecified: -> @json['institutionSpecified'] ###* @class DoseRestriction - restrictions on the medications dose, represented by a upper and lower dose @exports DoseRestriction as hQuery.DoseRestriction ### class hQuery.DoseRestriction constructor: (@json) -> numerator: -> new hQuery.Scalar @json['numerator'] if @json['numerator'] denominator: -> new hQuery.Scalar @json['denominator'] if @json['denominator'] ###* @class Fulfillment - information about when and who fulfilled an order for the medication @exports Fulfillment as hQuery.Fullfilement ### class hQuery.Fulfillment constructor: (@json) -> dispenseDate: -> hQuery.dateFromUtcSeconds @json['dispenseDate'] dispensingPharmacyLocation: -> new hQuery.Address @json['dispensingPharmacyLocation'] if @json['dispensingPharmacyLocation'] quantityDispensed: -> new hQuery.Scalar @json['quantityDispensed'] if @json['quantityDispensed'] prescriptionNumber: -> @json['prescriptionNumber'] fillNumber: -> @json['fillNumber'] fillStatus: -> new hQuery.Status @json['fillStatus'] if @json['fillStatus'] ###* @class OrderInformation - information abour an order for a medication @exports OrderInformation as hQuery.OrderInformation ### class hQuery.OrderInformation constructor: (@json) -> orderNumber: -> @json['orderNumber'] fills: -> @json['fills'] quantityOrdered: -> new hQuery.Scalar @json['quantityOrdered'] if @json['quantityOrdered'] orderExpirationDateTime: -> hQuery.dateFromUtcSeconds @json['orderExpirationDateTime'] orderDateTime: -> hQuery.dateFromUtcSeconds @json['orderDateTime'] ###* TypeOfMedication as defined by value set 2.16.840.1.113883. which pulls two values from SNOMED to describe whether a medication is prescription or over the counter @class TypeOfMedication - describes whether a medication is prescription or over the counter @augments hQuery.CodedEntry @exports TypeOfMedication as hQuery.TypeOfMedication ### class hQuery.TypeOfMedication extends hQuery.CodedValue PRESECRIPTION = "73639000" # SNOMED code for preseciption medications OTC = "329505003" # SNOMED code for over the counter medications ###* @returns {Boolean} ### isPrescription: -> @c is PRESECRIPTION ###* @returns {Boolean} ### isOverTheCounter: -> @c is OTC ###* StatusOfMedication as defined by value set 2.16.840.1.113883. The terms come from SNOMED and are managed by HL7 @class StatusOfMedication - describes the status of the medication @augments hQuery.CodedEntry @exports StatusOfMedication as hQuery.StatusOfMedication ### class hQuery.StatusOfMedication extends hQuery.CodedValue ON_HOLD = "392521001" NO_LONGER_ACTIVE = "421139008" ACTIVE = "55561003" PRIOR_HISTORY = "73425007" ###* @returns {Boolean} ### isOnHold: -> @c is ON_HOLD ###* @returns {Boolean} ### isNoLongerActive: -> @c is NO_LONGER_ACTIVE ###* @returns {Boolean} ### isActive: -> @c is ACTIVE ###* @returns {Boolean} ### isPriorHistory: -> @c is PRIOR_HISTORY ###* @class represents a medication entry for a patient. @augments hQuery.CodedEntry @exports Medication as hQuery.Medication ### class hQuery.Medication extends hQuery.CodedEntry constructor: (@json) -> super(@json) ###* @returns {String} #### freeTextSig: -> @json['freeTextSig'] ###* The actual or intended start of a medication. Slight deviation from greenCDA for C32 since it combines this with medication stop @returns {Date} ### indicateMedicationStart: -> hQuery.dateFromUtcSeconds @json['start_time'] ###* The actual or intended stop of a medication. Slight deviation from greenCDA for C32 since it combines this with medication start @returns {Date} ### indicateMedicationStop: -> hQuery.dateFromUtcSeconds @json['end_time'] ###* @returns {Date} ### activeDateTime: -> hQuery.dateFromUtcSeconds @json['active_datetime'] if @json['active_datetime'] ###* @returns {Date} ### signedDateTime: -> hQuery.dateFromUtcSeconds @json['signed_datetime'] if @json['signed_datetime'] administrationTiming: -> new hQuery.AdministrationTiming @json['administrationTiming'] if @json['administrationTiming'] ###* This is used for Medicaton, Order. It is the total number of times a dose of a particular medication can be administered. This, coupled with the administrationTiming will give the cumulative medication duration. E.g. allowedAdministrations = 90 doses administrationTiming = 1 dose / 12 hours cumulativeMedicationDuration = allowedAdministrations / administrationTiming * (time conversion) cumulativeMedicationDuration = (90 doses) * (12 hours)/(1 dose) * (1 day)/(24 hours) = 45 days Medication, Order can't use fulfillmentHistory because the fulfillment of the medication has not yet happened. This corresponds to 'repeatNumber' in the QRDA representation @returns {Integer} ### allowedAdministrations: -> @json['allowedAdministrations'] ###* @returns {CodedValue} Contains routeCode or adminstrationUnitCode information. Route code shall have a a value drawn from FDA route of administration, and indicates how the medication is received by the patient. See http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DevelopmentApprovalProcess/UCM070829 The administration unit code shall have a value drawn from the FDA dosage form, source NCI thesaurus and represents the physical form of the product as presented to the patient. See http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/InformationOnDrugs/ucm142454.htm ### route: -> hQuery.createCodedValue @json['route'] ###* @returns {Hash} with two keys: units and scalar ### dose: -> # In Bonnie, dose can be specified in two different contexts: CMD specification and as a field value; the # CMD version used 'unit' and 'value', while the field value version uses 'units' and 'scalar'; we want to # consolidate the versions, so here we convert everything to the field value style if @json.dose units: @json.dose.units || @json.dose.unit scalar: @json.dose.scalar || @json.dose.value ###* @returns {CodedValue} ### site: -> hQuery.createCodedValue @json['site'] if @json['site'] ###* @returns {CodedValue} ### anatomicalApproach: -> #backwards compatibility for older patient records if @json['anatomicalApproach'] then hQuery.createCodedValue @json['anatomicalApproach'] else @site() ###* @returns {hQuery.DoseRestriction} ### doseRestriction: -> new hQuery.DoseRestriction @json['doseRestriction'] if @json['doseRestriction'] ###* @returns {String} ### doseIndicator: -> @json['doseIndicator'] ###* @returns {String} ### fulfillmentInstructions: -> @json['fulfillmentInstructions'] ###* @returns {CodedValue} ### indication: -> hQuery.createCodedValue @json['indication'] ###* @returns {CodedValue} ### productForm: -> hQuery.createCodedValue @json['productForm'] ###* @returns {CodedValue} ### vehicle: -> hQuery.createCodedValue @json['vehicle'] ###* @returns {CodedValue} ### reaction: -> hQuery.createCodedValue @json['reaction'] ###* @returns {CodedValue} ### deliveryMethod: -> hQuery.createCodedValue @json['deliveryMethod'] ###* @returns {CodedValue} ### method: -> hQuery.createCodedValue @json['method'] ###* @returns {hQuery.MedicationInformation} ### medicationInformation: -> new hQuery.MedicationInformation @json ###* @returns {hQuery.TypeOfMedication} Indicates whether this is an over the counter or prescription medication ### typeOfMedication: -> new hQuery.TypeOfMedication @json['typeOfMedication']?['code'], @json['typeOfMedication']?['code_system'] ###* Values conform to value set 2.16.840.1.113883. - Medication Status Values may be: On Hold, No Longer Active, Active, Prior History @returns {hQuery.StatusOfMedication} Used to indicate the status of the medication. ### statusOfMedication: -> new hQuery.StatusOfMedication @json['statusOfMedication']?['code'], @json['statusOfMedication']?['code_system'] ###* @returns {String} free text instructions to the patient ### patientInstructions: -> @json['patientInstructions'] ###* The duration over which this medication has been active. For example, 5 days. @returns {Hash} with two keys: unit and scalar ### cumulativeMedicationDuration: -> @json['cumulativeMedicationDuration'] refills: -> @json['refills'] ###* @returns {Array} an array of {@link FulFillment} objects ### fulfillmentHistory: -> for order in @json['fulfillmentHistory'] new hQuery.Fulfillment order ###* @returns {Array} an array of {@link OrderInformation} objects ### orderInformation: -> for order in @json['orderInformation'] new hQuery.OrderInformation order