# encoding: utf-8 require 'acceptance_helper' describe 'On the page /many_grids_on_page with multiple girds on the page WiceGrid', type: :request, js: true do before :each do visit '/many_grids_on_page' end it 'allows to sort independantly' do within 'div#g1.wice-grid-container table.wice-grid thead' do click_on 'Title' end within 'div#g1.wice-grid-container table.wice-grid tbody tr:first-child td.sorted' do expect(page).to have_content('ab') end within 'div#g2.wice-grid-container table.wice-grid thead' do click_on 'Description' end within 'div#g1.wice-grid-container table.wice-grid thead th.sorted a.asc' do expect(page).to have_content('Title') end within 'div#g2.wice-grid-container table.wice-grid thead th.sorted a.asc' do expect(page).to have_content('Description') end within 'div#g1.wice-grid-container table.wice-grid tbody tr:first-child td.sorted' do expect(page).to have_content('ab') end within 'div#g2.wice-grid-container table.wice-grid tbody tr:first-child td.sorted' do expect(page).to have_content('Accusamus voluptas sunt deleniti iusto dolorem repudiandae.') end end it 'allows to paginate independantly' do within '#g1 ul.pagination' do click_link '2' end expect(page).to have_selector('#g1 ul.pagination li.active', text: '2') within '#g2 ul.pagination' do click_link '3' end expect(page).to have_selector('#g2 ul.pagination li.active', text: '3') end it 'allows to show all records independantly for the two grids' do within '#g1' do click_on 'show all' end within 'div#g1.wice-grid-container table.wice-grid' do expect(page).to have_selector('a.wg-back-to-pagination-link') end within '#g1 .pagination_status' do expect(page).to have_content('1-50 / 50') end within '#g2 .pagination_status' do expect(page).to have_content('1-20 / 50') end end it 'allows to filter independantly' do fill_in('g1_f_description', with: 've') find(:css, '#g1_submit_grid_icon').click within '#g1 .pagination_status' do expect(page).to have_content('1-12 / 12') end within 'div#g1.wice-grid-container table.wice-grid tbody tr:first-child td.active-filter' do expect(page).to have_content('Velit atque sapiente aspernatur sint fuga.') end fill_in('g2_f_description', with: 'voluptas') find(:css, '#g2_submit_grid_icon').click within '#g2 .pagination_status' do expect(page).to have_content('1-1 / 1') end within 'div#g2.wice-grid-container table.wice-grid tbody tr:first-child td.active-filter' do expect(page).to have_content('Accusamus voluptas sunt deleniti iusto dolorem repudiandae.') end within '#g1 .pagination_status' do expect(page).to have_content('1-12 / 12') end within 'div#g1.wice-grid-container table.wice-grid tbody tr:first-child td.active-filter' do expect(page).to have_content('Velit atque sapiente aspernatur sint fuga.') end end end