# coding: utf-8
require 'redis'
require 'redis/namespace'
require 'stockpile/base'
class Stockpile
# A connection manager for Redis.
class Redis < Stockpile::Base
VERSION = '1.1' # :nodoc:
# Create a new Redis connection manager with the provided options.
# == Options
# +redis+:: Provides the Redis connection options.
# +namespace+:: Provides the Redis namespace to use, but only if
# redis-namespace is in use (detected with the existence of
# Redis::Namespace).
# The namespace can also be provided as a key in the +redis+
# options if it is missing from the main options. If there is
# no namespace key present in either +options+ or
# options[:redis], a namespace will be generated
# from one of the following: $REDIS_NAMESPACE,
# Rails.env (if in Rails), or $RACK_ENV.
def initialize(options = {})
@redis_options = (@options.delete(:redis) || {}).dup
@namespace = @options.fetch(:namespace) {
@redis_options.fetch(:namespace) {
(defined?(::Rails) && ::Rails.env) ||
# Connect to Redis, unless already connected. Additional client connections
# can be specified in the parameters as a shorthand for calls to
# #connection_for.
# If #narrow? is true, the same Redis connection will be used for all
# clients managed by this connection manager.
# manager.connect
# manager.connection_for(:redis)
# # This means the same as above.
# manager.connect(:redis)
# === Clients
# +clients+ may be provided in one of several ways:
# * A Hash object, mapping client names to client options.
# connect(redis: nil, rollout: { namespace: 'rollout' })
# # Transforms into:
# # connect(redis: {}, rollout: { namespace: 'rollout' })
# * An (implicit) array of client names, for connections with no options
# provided.
# connect(:redis, :resque, :rollout)
# # Transforms into:
# # connect(redis: {}, resque: {}, rollout: {})
# * An array of Hash objects, mapping client names to client options.
# connect({ redis: nil },
# { rollout: { namespace: 'rollout' } })
# # Transforms into:
# # connect(redis: {}, rollout: { namespace: 'rollout' })
# * A mix of client names and Hash objects:
# connect(:redis, { rollout: { namespace: 'rollout' } })
# # Transforms into:
# # connect(redis: {}, rollout: { namespace: 'rollout' })
# ==== Client Options
# Stockpile::Redis supports one option, +namespace+. The use of this with a
# client automatically wraps the client in the provided +namespace+. The
# namespace will be within the global namespace for the Stockpile::Redis
# instance, if one has been set.
# r = Stockpile::Redis.new(namespace: 'first')
# rr = r.client_for(other: { namespace: 'second' })
# rr.set 'found', true
# r.set 'found', true
# rr.keys # => [ 'found' ]
# r.keys # => [ 'found', 'second:found' ]
# r.connection.redis.keys # => [ 'first:found', 'first:second:found' ]
# :method: connect
# Returns a Redis client connection for a particular client. If the
# connection manager is using a narrow connection width, this returns the
# same as #connection.
# The +client_name+ of +:all+ will always return +nil+.
# If the requested client does not yet exist, the connection will be
# created with the provided options.
# Because Resque depends on Redis::Namespace, #connection_for will perform
# special Redis::Namespace handling for a connection with the name
# +:resque+.
# :method: connection_for
# Reconnect to Redis for some or all clients. The primary connection will
# always be reconnected; other clients will be reconnected based on the
# +clients+ provided. Only clients actively managed by previous calls to
# #connect or #connection_for will be reconnected.
# If #reconnect is called with the value +:all+, all currently managed
# clients will be reconnected. If #narrow? is true, the primary connection
# will be reconnected.
# :method: reconnect
# Disconnect from Redis for some or all clients. The primary connection
# will always be disconnected; other clients will be disconnected based on
# the +clients+ provided. Only clients actively managed by previous calls
# to #connect or #connection_for will be disconnected.
# If #disconnect is called with the value +:all+, all currently managed
# clients will be disconnected. If #narrow? is true, the primary connection
# will be disconnected.
# :method: disconnect
def client_connect(name = nil, options = {})
options = { namespace: options[:namespace] }
case name
when :resque
def client_reconnect(redis = connection())
redis.client.reconnect if redis
def client_disconnect(redis = connection())
redis.quit if redis
def connect_for_any(options)
r = if connection && narrow?
r = ::Redis.new(@redis_options.merge(options))
if @namespace
::Redis::Namespace.new(@namespace, redis: r)
if options[:namespace]
r = ::Redis::Namespace.new(options[:namespace], redis: r)
def connect_for_resque(options)
r = connect_for_any(options)
if r.instance_of?(::Redis::Namespace) && r.namespace.to_s !~ /:resque\z/
r = ::Redis::Namespace.new(:"#{r.namespace}:resque", redis: r.redis)
elsif r.instance_of?(::Redis)
r = ::Redis::Namespace.new("resque", redis: r)
# Enables module or class +mod+ to contain a Stockpile instance that defaults
# the created +cache+ method to using Stockpile::Redis as the key-value store
# connection manager.
# See Stockpile.inject!.
def self.inject_redis!(mod, options = {})
inject!(mod, options.merge(default_manager: Stockpile::Redis))