# roar-rails _Makes using Roar's representers in your Rails app fun._ Roar is a framework for parsing and rendering REST documents. For a better overview about representers please check the [roar repository](https://github.com/apotonick/roar#roar). ## Features * Rendering with responders * Parsing incoming documents * URL helpers in representers * Better tests * Autoloading ## Rendering with #respond_with roar-rails provides a number of baked-in rendering methods. ### Conventional Rendering Easily render resources using representers with the built-in responder. ```ruby class SingersController < ApplicationController include Roar::Rails::ControllerAdditions respond_to :json def show singer = Singer.find_by_id(params[:id]) respond_with singer end end ``` The representer name will be infered from the passed model class (e.g. a `Singer` instance gets the `SingerRepresenter`). If the passed model is a collection it will be extended using a representer. The representer name will be computed from the controller name (e.g. a `SingersController` uses the `SingersRepresenter`). Need to use a representer with a different name than your model? You may always pass it in using the `:represent_with` option: ```ruby respond_with singers, :represent_with => MusicianCollectionRepresenter end ``` ### Represents Configuration If you don't want to use conventions or pass representers you can configure them on the class level using `#represents`. This will also call `respond_to` for you. ```ruby class SingersController < ApplicationController represents :json, Musician ``` This will use the `MusicianRepresenter` for models and `MusiciansRepresenter` for representing collections. Note that `#represents` also allows fine-tuning. ```ruby class SingersController < ApplicationController represents :json, :entity => MusicianRepresenter, :collection => MusicianCollectionRepresenter ``` ### Old API Support If you don't want to write a dedicated representer for a collection of items (highly recommended, thou) but rather use a representer for each item, use the `:represent_items_with` option. ```ruby class SingersController < ApplicationController def index singers = Musician.find(:all) respond_with singers, :represent_items_with => SingerRepresenter end end ``` Goes great with [Jose Valim's responders gem][responders]! ```ruby class SingersController < ApplicationController respond_to :json responders Roar::Rails::Responder def show singer = Singer.find_by_id(params[:id]) respond_with singer end end ``` ## Parsing incoming documents In `#create` and `#update` actions it is often necessary to parse the incoming representation and map it to a model instance. Use the `#consume!` method for this. ```ruby class SingersController < ApplicationController respond_to :json def create singer = Singer.new consume!(singer) respond_with singer end end ``` The `consume!` call will roughly do the following. ```ruby singer. extend(SingerRepresenter) from_json(request.body) ``` So, `#consume!` helps you figuring out the representer module and reading the incoming document. Note that it respects settings from `#represents`. It uses the same mechanics known from `#respond_with` to choose a representer. ```ruby consume!(singer, :represent_with => MusicianRepresenter) ``` ## URL Helpers Any URL helpers from the Rails app are automatically available in representers. ```ruby module FruitRepresenter include Roar::Representer::JSON include Roar::Representer::Feature::Hypermedia link :self do fruit_url self end end ``` To get the hyperlinks up and running, please make sure to set the right _host name_ in your environment files (config/environments): ```ruby config.representer.default_url_options = {:host => ""} ``` ## Testing ## Autoloading Put your representers in `app/representers` and they will be autoloaded by Rails. Also, frequently used modules as media representers and features don't need to be required manually. ## Contributors * [Railslove](http://www.railslove.de) and especially Michael Bumann [bumi] have heavily supported development of roar-rails ("resource :singers"). [responders]: https://github.com/plataformatec/responders