( ( $ ) -> # TODO try optimize, excepting Edge and search in siblings for next cycle $.fn.nearestFind = (selector, extremeEdgeSelector = 'form, body') -> jEdge = @ jResult = jEdge.find selector until jResult.length or jEdge.is extremeEdgeSelector jEdge = jEdge.parent() jResult = jEdge.find selector jResult $.fn.closestEdge = (edgeSelector = '.input-line, .field, .field-line, tr, li, fieldset, .g-box, form') -> # TODO remove and extract edgeSelector, else undeprecate deprecate 'closestEdge', '$().closest(\'your selector\')' @closest edgeSelector # @param strongById: Boolean = false $.fn.closestLabel = ( strongById = false, passCache = false ) -> (if @is(':input') then @ else @find(':input')).filter(':not(input[type="hidden"])').map -> jInput = $ @ jLabel = jInput.data 'closestLabel' unless passCache unless jLabel if jLabel is false return null else jLabel = {length: 0} jEdge = jInput.closestEdge() # TODO may be need params inputId = jInput.attr 'id' if inputId # try search label by id linkage labelSelectorByFor = "label[for=\"#{inputId}\"]" # at first search in the edge area jLabel = jEdge.find labelSelectorByFor unless jLabel.length # try search in the closest form jLabel = jInput.closest('form').find labelSelectorByFor # trust only unique label on the form jLabel = {length: 0} if jLabel.length > 1 # try get first labet in the edge area jLabel = jEdge.find('label:first') unless jLabel.length # taken! if jLabel.length # oh, this label already linked if jLabel.data 'closestInput' jLabel = {length: 0} else jLabel.data 'closestInput', jInput jInput.data 'closestLabel', jLabel if jLabel.length if strongById and jLabel.attr('for') isnt jInput.attr('id') null else jLabel[0] else null $.linkedLabelsClick = -> jLabel = $ @ jInput = jLabel.data 'closestInput' unless jInput attrFor = jLabel.attr 'for' jInput = jLabel.nearestFind ":input##{attrFor}" jInput = jLabel.nearestFind ':input' unless jInput.length is 1 jLabel.data 'closestInput', jInput if jInput.length if jInput and jInput.length is 1 if jInput.is 'input:checkbox, input:radio' jInput.click() else if jInput.is 'select' # TODO try: jInput.click() в любом случае свести к универсальносит jInput.closest('.g-select').click() else jInput.focus() false # Cacheble bulletproof labels # example: $('body').linkedLabels(); $.fn.linkedLabels = (suspend = true, eventName = 'click.linked-labels') -> if @is 'label' jLabels = @filter 'label' jLabels.off eventName jLabels.on eventName, $.linkedLabelsClick if suspend else @off eventName, 'label' @on eventName, 'label', $.linkedLabelsClick if suspend @ # [ additionAttr: String = 'data-nested-addition' ] $.fn.setNestedAdditions = (additionAttr = 'data-nested-addition') -> @find(":input[#{additionAttr}]").each -> jInput = $ @ inputId = jInput.attr 'id' if inputId newId = "#{inputId}_#{jInput.attr additionAttr}" jInput.attr 'id', newId jLabel = jInput.closestLabel(true) jLabel.attr 'for', newId if jLabel.length jInput.removeAttr additionAttr @ # setNestedIndex(params = {nestedField: index || [index, old_index]}) # setNestedIndex(nestedField, index, [old_index]) $.fn.setNestedIndex = -> params = {} if arguments.length is 1 params = arguments[0] else params[arguments[0]] = (if arguments.length > 2 then [arguments[1], arguments[2]] else arguments[1]) replacers = name: [] id: [] for nestedField, index of params if $.isArray index [index, oldIndex] = index else oldIndex = '\\d*' replacers['id'].push [ (new RegExp "_#{nestedField}_#{oldIndex}"), "_#{nestedField}_#{index}" ] replacers['name'].push [ (new RegExp "\\[#{nestedField}\\]\\[#{oldIndex}\\]"), "[#{nestedField}][#{index}]" ] ( if @is(':input') then @filter('[name]') else @find(':input[name]') ).map -> jInput = $ @ for replacerAttr, replacerPairs of replacers # if extract attribute if attr = jInput.attr replacerAttr # dup attr newAttr = attr for pair in replacerPairs newAttr = newAttr.replace pair[0], pair[1] if newAttr isnt attr jInput.closestLabel(true).attr('for', newAttr) if replacerAttr is 'id' jInput.attr replacerAttr, newAttr @ $.fillTabIndexesCounter = 0 # TODO this may be .is 'input' $.fn.fillTabIndexes = (onlyVisible = false) -> if @length @find("input:not([readonly])#{if onlyVisible then ':visible' else ''}").each -> $(@).attr 'tabindex', ++$.fillTabIndexesCounter @ )( jQuery )