module Hobo module Model module Scopes module AutomaticScopes def create_automatic_scope(name, check_only=false), name).create_scope(check_only) rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid => e # Problem with the database? Don't try to create automatic # scopes if ActiveRecord::Base.logger ActiveRecord::Base.logger.warn "!! Database exception during hobo auto-scope creation -- continuing automatic scopes" ActiveRecord::Base.logger.warn "!! #{e.to_s}" end false end end # The methods on this module add scopes to the given class class ScopeBuilder def initialize(klass, name) @klass = klass @name = name.to_s end attr_reader :name def create_scope(check_only=false) matched_scope = true # --- Association Queries --- # # with_players(player1, player2) if name =~ /^with_(.*)/ && (refl = reflection($1)) return true if check_only def_scope do |*records| if records.empty? @klass.where exists_sql_condition(refl, true) else records = {|r| find_if_named(refl, r) } exists_sql = ([exists_sql_condition(refl)] * records.length).join(" AND ") @klass.where *([exists_sql] + records) end end # with_player(a_player) elsif name =~ /^with_(.*)/ && (refl = reflection($1.pluralize)) return true if check_only exists_sql = exists_sql_condition(refl) def_scope do |record| record = find_if_named(refl, record) @klass.where exists_sql, record end # any_of_players(player1, player2) elsif name =~ /^any_of_(.*)/ && (refl = reflection($1)) return true if check_only def_scope do |*records| if records.empty? @klass.where exists_sql_condition(refl, true) else records = {|r| find_if_named(refl, r) } exists_sql = ([exists_sql_condition(refl)] * records.length).join(" OR ") @klass.where *([exists_sql] + records) end end # without_players(player1, player2) elsif name =~ /^without_(.*)/ && (refl = reflection($1)) return true if check_only def_scope do |*records| if records.empty? @klass.where "NOT (#{exists_sql_condition(refl, true)})" else records = {|r| find_if_named(refl, r) } exists_sql = ([exists_sql_condition(refl)] * records.length).join(" AND ") @klass.where *(["NOT (#{exists_sql})"] + records) end end # without_player(a_player) elsif name =~ /^without_(.*)/ && (refl = reflection($1.pluralize)) return true if check_only exists_sql = exists_sql_condition(refl) def_scope do |record| record = find_if_named(refl, record) @klass.where "NOT #{exists_sql}", record end # team_is(a_team) elsif name =~ /^(.*)_is$/ && (refl = reflection($1)) &&[:has_one, :belongs_to]) return true if check_only if refl.options[:polymorphic] def_scope do |record| record = find_if_named(refl, record) @klass.where "#{foreign_key_column refl} = ? AND #{$1}_type = ?", record, end else def_scope do |record| record = find_if_named(refl, record) @klass.where "#{foreign_key_column refl} = ?", record end end # team_is_not(a_team) elsif name =~ /^(.*)_is_not$/ && (refl = reflection($1)) &&[:has_one, :belongs_to]) return true if check_only if refl.options[:polymorphic] def_scope do |record| record = find_if_named(refl, record) @klass.where "#{foreign_key_column refl} <> ? OR #{name}_type <> ?", record, end else def_scope do |record| record = find_if_named(refl, record) @klass.where "#{foreign_key_column refl} <> ?", record end end # --- Column Queries --- # # name_is(str) elsif name =~ /^(.*)_is$/ && (col = column($1)) return true if check_only def_scope do |str| @klass.where "#{column_sql(col)} = ?", str end # name_is_not(str) elsif name =~ /^(.*)_is_not$/ && (col = column($1)) return true if check_only def_scope do |str| @klass.where "#{column_sql(col)} <> ?", str end # name_contains(str) elsif name =~ /^(.*)_contains$/ && (col = column($1)) return true if check_only def_scope do |str| @klass.where "#{column_sql(col)} LIKE ?", "%#{str}%" end # name_does_not_contain elsif name =~ /^(.*)_does_not_contain$/ && (col = column($1)) return true if check_only def_scope do |str| @klass.where "#{column_sql(col)} NOT LIKE ?", "%#{str}%" end # name_starts(str) elsif name =~ /^(.*)_starts$/ && (col = column($1)) return true if check_only def_scope do |str| @klass.where "#{column_sql(col)} LIKE ?", "#{str}%" end # name_does_not_start elsif name =~ /^(.*)_does_not_start$/ && (col = column($1)) return true if check_only def_scope do |str| @klass.where "#{column_sql(col)} NOT LIKE ?", "#{str}%" end # name_ends(str) elsif name =~ /^(.*)_ends$/ && (col = column($1)) return true if check_only def_scope do |str| @klass.where "#{column_sql(col)} LIKE ?", "%#{str}" end # name_does_not_end(str) elsif name =~ /^(.*)_does_not_end$/ && (col = column($1)) return true if check_only def_scope do |str| @klass.where "#{column_sql(col)} NOT LIKE ?", "%#{str}" end # published (a boolean column) elsif (col = column(name)) && (col.type == :boolean) return true if check_only def_scope do @klass.where "#{column_sql(col)} = ?", true end # not_published elsif name =~ /^not_(.*)$/ && (col = column($1)) && (col.type == :boolean) return true if check_only def_scope do @klass.where "#{column_sql(col)} <> ?", true end # published_before(time) elsif name =~ /^(.*)_before$/ && (col = column("#{$1}_at") || column("#{$1}_date") || column("#{$1}_on")) &&[:date, :datetime, :time, :timestamp]) return true if check_only def_scope do |time| @klass.where "#{column_sql(col)} < ?", time end # published_after(time) elsif name =~ /^(.*)_after$/ && (col = column("#{$1}_at") || column("#{$1}_date") || column("#{$1}_on")) &&[:date, :datetime, :time, :timestamp]) return true if check_only def_scope do |time| @klass.where "#{column_sql(col)} > ?", time end # published_between(time1, time2) elsif name =~ /^(.*)_between$/ && (col = column("#{$1}_at") || column("#{$1}_date") || column("#{$1}_on")) &&[:date, :datetime, :time, :timestamp]) return true if check_only def_scope do |time1, time2| @klass.where "#{column_sql(col)} >= ? AND #{column_sql(col)} <= ?", time1, time2 end # active (a lifecycle state) elsif @klass.has_lifecycle? && return true if check_only if @klass::Lifecycle.state_names.length == 1 # nothing to check for - create a dummy scope def_scope { @klass.where '' } true else def_scope do @klass.where "#{@klass.table_name}.#{@klass::Lifecycle.state_field} = ?", name end end # self is / is not elsif name == "is" return true if check_only def_scope do |record| @klass.where "#{@klass.table_name}.#{@klass.primary_key} = ?", record end elsif name == "is_not" return true if check_only def_scope do |record| @klass.where "#{@klass.table_name}.#{@klass.primary_key} <> ?", record end else case name when "by_most_recent" return true if check_only def_scope do @klass.order "#{@klass.table_name}.created_at DESC" end when "recent" return true if check_only if "created_at".in?(@klass.columns.*.name) def_scope do |*args| count = args.first || 6 @klass.order("#{@klass.table_name}.created_at DESC").limit(count) end else def_scope do |*args| count = args.first || 6 limit(count) end end when "order_by" return true if check_only klass = @klass def_scope do |*args| field, asc = args type = klass.attr_type(field) if type.nil? #a virtual attribute from an SQL alias, e.g., 'total' from 'COUNT(*) AS total' colspec = "#{field}" # don't prepend the table name elsif type.respond_to?(:name_attribute) && (name = type.name_attribute) include = field colspec = "#{type.table_name}.#{name}" else colspec = "#{klass.table_name}.#{field}" end @klass.includes(include).order("#{colspec} #{asc._?.upcase}") end when "include" return true if check_only def_scope do |inclusions| @klass.includes(inclusions) end when "search" return true if check_only def_scope do |query, *fields| match_keyword = ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name == "PostgreSQL" ? "ILIKE" : "LIKE" words = query.split args = [] word_queries = do |word| field_query = '(' + { |field| "(#{@klass.table_name}.#{field} #{match_keyword} ?)" }.join(" OR ") + ')' args += ["%#{word}%"] * fields.length field_query end @klass.where *([word_queries.join(" AND ")] + args) end else matched_scope = false end end matched_scope end def column_sql(column) "#{@klass.table_name}.#{}" end def exists_sql_condition(reflection, any=false) owner = @klass owner_primary_key = "#{owner.table_name}.#{owner.primary_key}" if reflection.options[:through] join_table = reflection.through_reflection.klass.table_name owner_fkey = reflection.through_reflection.primary_key_name conditions = reflection.options[:conditions].blank? ? '' : " AND #{reflection.through_reflection.klass.send(:sanitize_sql_for_conditions, reflection.options[:conditions])}" if any "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #{join_table} WHERE #{join_table}.#{owner_fkey} = #{owner_primary_key}#{conditions})" else source_fkey = reflection.source_reflection.primary_key_name "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #{join_table} " + "WHERE #{join_table}.#{source_fkey} = ? AND #{join_table}.#{owner_fkey} = #{owner_primary_key}#{conditions})" end else foreign_key = reflection.primary_key_name related = reflection.klass conditions = reflection.options[:conditions].blank? ? '' : " AND #{reflection.klass.send(:sanitize_sql_for_conditions, reflection.options[:conditions])}" if any "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #{related.table_name} " + "WHERE #{related.table_name}.#{foreign_key} = #{owner_primary_key}#{conditions})" else "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #{related.table_name} " + "WHERE #{related.table_name}.#{foreign_key} = #{owner_primary_key} AND " + "#{related.table_name}.#{related.primary_key} = ?#{conditions})" end end end def find_if_named(reflection, string_or_record) if string_or_record.is_a?(String) name = string_or_record reflection.klass.named(name) else string_or_record # a record end end def column(name) @klass.column(name) end def reflection(name) @klass.reflections[name.to_sym] end def def_scope(&block) _name = name.to_sym @klass.scope _name, (lambda &block) # this is tricky; ordinarily, we'd worry about subclasses that haven't yet been loaded. # HOWEVER, they will pick up the scope setting via read_inheritable_attribute when they do # load, so only the currently existing subclasses need to be fixed up. _scope = @klass.scopes[_name] @klass.send(:descendants).each do |k| k.scopes[_name] = _scope end end def primary_key_column(refl) "#{refl.klass.table_name}.#{refl.klass.primary_key}" end def foreign_key_column(refl) "#{@klass.table_name}.#{refl.primary_key_name}" end end end end end