= Swift == Public API Public API minus the optional stuff like Pool, IdentityMap, Migrations etc. Swift .setup #=> Adapter .db #=> Adapter .schema #=> [Scheme, ...] .trace # Abstract. Adapter .new #=> Adapter #all #=> Result #begin #=> Adapter #commit #create #=> Scheme #destroy #=> Result #execute #=> Result #first #=> Scheme #get #=> Scheme #prepare #=> Statement #rollback #transaction #=> Adapter #update #=> Result #reconnect #delete #=> Result # TODO: DBI < Adapter # returning? #=> true or false # Concrete. DB Mysql < Adapter # TODO: Adapter::DBI? Postgres < Adapter # TODO: Adapter::DBI? Sqlite3 < Adapter # TODO: Adapter::DBI? # Enumerable collection of Scheme or Hash tuples. Result .new #=> Result #insert_id #=> Numeric #fields #=> [Symbol, ...] # Field names identical to .first.keys if rows > 0 Statement .new #=> Statement #execute #=> Result Scheme .all #=> Result .attribute #=> Type .create #=> Scheme .first #=> Scheme .get #=> Scheme .header #=> Header .load #=> Scheme .new #=> Scheme .scheme #=> Alias for self.class .store #=> Symbol #destroy #=> Result #tuple #=> Hash #update #=> Result # Enumerable collection of Types for Scheme Header .new #=> Header #all #=> [Type, ...] #insertable #=> [Type, ...] #keys #=> [Symbol, ...] #new_tuple #=> Hash #push #=> Type #serial #=> Symbol or nil. #updatable #=> [Type, ...] # Abstract. Attribute .new #=> Attribute #name #=> Symbol #field #=> Symbol #key #=> true or false #serial #=> Symbol or nil #default #=> Object #define_scheme_methods # Concrete Type BigDecimal < Attribute Boolean < Attribute Float < Attribute Integer < Attribute IO < Attribute String < Attribute Time < Attribute # Soon to be DateTime?